
What about the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow? pay attention to the yellowing at 6 o'clock.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cash cow, just listen to the name makes people like, coupled with its own good-looking, so many people keep at home. However, indoor farming is not as good as outdoor breeding, especially for beginners, they often cause leaves to turn yellow because of improper maintenance. So, what if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow? To this

Cash cow, just listen to the name makes people like, coupled with its own good-looking, so many people keep at home. However, indoor farming is not as good as outdoor breeding, especially for beginners, they often cause leaves to turn yellow because of improper maintenance. So, what if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up six reasons for the yellowing of leaves, let's go and have a look.

First, the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow, look for the cause

In fact, it is not difficult to raise a cash cow indoors. You just need to follow the method of raising a cash cow step by step. But many flower friends did not do this, the result is the cash cow leaves turn yellow, what should be done at this time? In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of six kinds of cash cow, and attached a solution, we went on to read on.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow.

1. Environmental mutation

Generally speaking, there are many reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow. First of all, we should consider whether there is something wrong with the environment. Many flower friends buy cash trees online, which may be far apart. After the money trees are bought back, because the growing environment has changed a lot, the leaves that keep them turn yellow.

The solution: if you are not in a hurry, you can continue to take care of it, and it will slowly return to health. If you want to recover quickly, you can communicate with the shop owner and understand the growth environment before the cash cow. However, we adjust accordingly at home and strive to keep the environment unchanged. It will recover soon.

2. Light discomfort

Light is a very important part of the growth process of the cash cow, which can make the plant grow more vigorously. However, for beginners, it is difficult to control the intensity of light, resulting in the emergence of leaf yellow, there are two specific situations: too strong light and lack of light.

The ① cash cow is not sun-resistant. Once it is exposed to the sun for too long, it is easy to get sunburn, causing the leaves to scorch. Solution: move the cash cow to a ventilated semi-shade and water it properly. The yellowing leaves will slowly fall off and new buds will grow.

② money tree likes light, if it is in a dark state for a long time, its branches will become thin and withered, affecting its normal growth, which will lead to yellow leaves. Solution: first move half of the plant to a sunny place, and then slowly move the whole plant to the light to give it the light it needs to grow, and soon the leaves will gradually return to green.

3. Improper Wendu

In addition to light, temperature is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of cash cow leaves. The temperature here is also divided into two situations: one is too high, the other is too low.

① cash cow needs a warm environment to grow. If the temperature is too high, it will burn the leaves and turn yellow slowly. Solution: the plant will be transferred to cool ventilation, and properly watered to cool, careful maintenance for a period of time can be restored.

② cash cow is not resistant to cold. Once the temperature is too low, it is easy to get frostbite, resulting in yellowing leaves. Solution: first cut off the frostbitten branches and leaves, and then move the cash cow indoors, and increase the temperature, it is best to keep within 20-32 ℃, a period of time can be restored.

4. Improper watering

Improper watering is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of cash cow leaves, too much watering will lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellowing leaves; while too little watering, the leaves can not absorb water, but also easy to yellow leaves.

Solution: when you water too much, stop watering and put it in a ventilated place to allow the water to evaporate quickly; when there are rotten roots, cut them off and replant them with soil. When watering too little, replenish water in time, and spray to the leaf surface to improve humidity.

5. Improper fertilization

When it comes to watering and fertilization, it is also one of the reasons why the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow. It can also be divided into two situations: one is excessive fertilization, the other is insufficient fertilization.

① fertilizing too much or too thick, it is easy to burn roots to form yellow leaves, and even plant death. Its performance is as follows: the new leaves are brown and the old leaves are scorched and scattered. Solution: irrigate the root with flood in time, wash away the excess fertility, and change the soil to wash the root and replant it when it is serious.

When ② is deficient in fertilizer, the nutrients in the soil can not keep up, and the leaves will lack chlorophyll, which will also lead to signs of leaf yellowing. Solution: fertilize properly to ensure adequate nutrition in the soil.

6. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above, diseases and insect pests are also one of the reasons for the yellowing of cash cow leaves. When the cash cow is attacked by aphids and shell insects, or when it suffers from scorched tips, the leaves will also turn yellow. At this time, we should first determine which kind of diseases and insect pests, and then for the solution, as for what medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of cash cow diseases and insect pests.

As a kind of foliage plant, cash cow is loved by the majority of flower friends because of its beautiful leaves and beautiful meaning. But want to appreciate the beauty of the cash cow, we should pay attention to the above 6 points, only in this way, your cash cow will not appear leaf yellow symptoms. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow, this is the end of the editor's introduction, hoping to bring help to everyone.

What about the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow? the causes and prevention methods of the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow.

Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb, is a very ornamental foliage plant, is a very popular potted plant. What if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow? Let's take a look at the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of the cash cow and the methods of prevention and treatment.

Reason 1: too much watering

If the cash cow is watered too much, it will make the basin soil too wet, it will accumulate water, and it will lead to rotten roots over time, and the symptoms of rotting roots will cause the leaves of the cash cow to turn yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

As long as you control the amount of water, dig the cash tree out of the basin, be careful not to hurt the root, check whether the root is rotten, if it is rotten, bury it in the sand, do not water, just spray water around, wait for the root to return to normal, and then take it out.

Reason 2: lack of light

If in the growth process, because the environment is not taken care of, has been in a dark state to make the leaves grow, the branches become weak and withered, the leaves will become smaller, affecting their normal growth, which will lead to leaves yellowing.

Prevention and cure measures

To let the plant gradually see the sun, you can first move half of the plant to a sunny place, and then slowly move the whole plant to the light, giving it the light it needs to grow, so that the leaves gradually return to green, but be careful not to shine for a long time, or strong light.

Reason 3: temperature discomfort

The growth of cash cow needs a warm environment, if the temperature is too high, it will burn the leaves and slowly turn yellow.

If the temperature is too low, and the basin soil is wet, it will cause rotten roots, which in turn affect the growth of leaves and turn yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

When the temperature is too high, appropriate shading, do not light for too long, will make the temperature rise, so irradiation for a period of time, it is necessary to move to a cool place to lower the temperature.

When the temperature is low, pay attention to the cold, you can wrap the plant with plastic film, do a good cold prevention measures.

Reason 4: damage to diseases and insect pests

If the ventilation is not diligent and the light is dim, the leaves of the cash tree will be pierced by shell insects.

Affect the growth of the plant, spread to the top of the leaves, will make the leaves yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

The way to treat insect pests is: first of all, you can use transparent tape to remove the bugs, or you can wipe off the fire worms with a wet cloth. The direct way is to spray with medicine: you can spray 1000 times of 20% propofol wettable powder to get rid of the insect source directly.

The leaves of the cash cow turn yellow, what should I do?

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of cash cow and its prevention and control: overwatering

If the cash cow is watered too much, it will make the basin soil too wet, it will accumulate water, and it will lead to rotten roots over time, and the symptoms of rotting roots will cause the leaves of the cash cow to turn yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

As long as you control the amount of water, dig the cash tree out of the basin, be careful not to hurt the root, check whether the root is rotten, if it is rotten, bury it in the sand, do not water, just spray water around, wait for the root to return to normal, and then take it out.

Reason 2: lack of light

If in the growth process, because the environment is not taken care of, has been in a dark state to make the leaves grow, the branches become weak and withered, the leaves will become smaller, affecting their normal growth, which will lead to leaves yellowing.

Prevention and cure measures

To let the plant gradually see the sun, you can first move half of the plant to a sunny place, and then slowly move the whole plant to the light, giving it the light it needs to grow, so that the leaves gradually return to green, but be careful not to shine for a long time, or strong light.

Reason 3: temperature discomfort

The growth of cash cow needs a warm environment, if the temperature is too high, it will burn the leaves and slowly turn yellow.

If the temperature is too low, and the basin soil is wet, it will cause rotten roots, which in turn affect the growth of leaves and turn yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

When the temperature is too high, appropriate shading, do not light for too long, will make the temperature rise, so irradiation for a period of time, it is necessary to move to a cool place to lower the temperature.

When the temperature is low, pay attention to the cold, you can wrap the plant with plastic film, do a good cold prevention measures.

Reason 4: damage to diseases and insect pests

If the ventilation is not diligent and the light is dim, the leaves of the cash tree will be pierced by shell insects.

Affect the growth of the plant, spread to the top of the leaves, will make the leaves yellow.

Prevention and cure measures

The way to treat insect pests is: first of all, you can use transparent tape to remove the bugs, or you can wipe off the fire worms with a wet cloth. The direct way is to spray with medicine: you can spray 1000 times of 20% propofol wettable powder to get rid of the insect source directly.