
How to trim the green orchid, the pruning method of the green orchid / out-of-basin 20cm half-and-half pruning

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As a common indoor plant, green orchid must be familiar with, its beautiful appearance, strong efficacy, very suitable for breeding at home. However, the green orchid grows very fast, in order to ensure its beautiful appearance, proper pruning is very important, then how to trim it? Pruning is not difficult for veterans.

As a common indoor plant, green radish spider orchid must be familiar to everyone, it has beautiful appearance and strong efficacy, which is very suitable for breeding at home. However, the green radish spider plant grows very fast. To ensure its beautiful appearance, proper pruning is very important. How to trim the green radish spider plant? For veterans, pruning is not difficult, but if you are a novice, you must master the pruning method of green radish, and then go with Xiaobian to understand and see.

How to trim green roses, time/method

When it comes to pruning green orchids, there is no fixed standard, pruning is just to create a shape to make it look more beautiful. So how to trim the green orchid, just trim it according to your own ideas, but not everyone can cut as much as you like, or cut the plant to death.

Therefore, to trim the green orchid, it is best to cut off the extra part of it, just like a haircut, to create a good shape. In addition, with the increase of age, the branches and leaves at the bottom of the orchid will gradually age and turn yellow. If you are not pruned in time, I am afraid your plant will look very ugly. So flower friends who do not know how to prune can follow the following pruning method of green orchid.

2. Pruning methods of green orchid (1) pruning time and method

If you want to trim green orchids, you must first know when to cut them. In this regard, the pruning methods of green orchid can be divided into two cases: Brown column and non-brown column, as follows:

1. Green orchid without brown column

① when the green orchid grows very long, it can cut off the branches about 20 centimeters away from the basin soil, allowing it to sprout new branches and leaves.

② when the new branches and leaves are 20 cm, then cut off other old leaves, so that all the branches and leaves can be replaced, so that the green orchid looks more beautiful.

2. Green orchid with brown column

Timing: when the stem of the green orchid crawls all over the brown column and grows more than 20 centimeters, it should be trimmed.

Method: directly prune half of the stem and leaf, first cut off about 40 cm of the stem and leaf, wait for this part to grow new leaves, then cut the other half.

Note: in winter, due to environmental reasons caused by poor growth, can appropriately shorten the pruning length, respectively, cut off the plant's 1pm 2, 2max 3 stem. After this pruning, the new leaves of the green orchid will soon grow and cover the whole brown column.

(2) pruning matters needing attention

1. Cuttage propagation

Green orchid grows fast and is not easy to send lateral branches, so pruning can not solve the problem of growing height. In addition, with the increase of age, the yellowing of green orchid leaves at the bottom is inevitable, so in order to always enjoy the beautiful green orchid, we should develop the habit of cutting and breeding green orchid. And the green orchid cutting method, there is a detailed introduction, interested flower friends can go to have a look.

2. Maintenance after pruning

Green orchid should be maintained after pruning branches and leaves, which is beneficial to the growth of the plant, otherwise it will affect the beauty. In addition, to the green orchid pruning can not be too heavy, because the pruning is too serious, not only affect the beauty, but also have a certain impact on plants.

Flower pruning is necessary, so help you reduce the burden of flowers and plants in hot summer.

Every hot season, I want to cut off my thick hair to keep it cool. Sometimes, flowers and plants with a variety of branches and leaves will also make them "uncomfortable". Some plants do not grow very well, especially when they are not well raised and become half-dead, as well as when they are badly hurt by diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to prune them properly. Today, the editor is here to tell you how to trim some common flowers.

Hanging orchid

The hanging orchids in some friends' homes are too luxuriant, and the leaves hang too long and need pruning. When pruning, cut off the outer withered branches and yellow leaves, and cut off the scorched parts on the tip of the leaves. In order to make the vertical leaves of the orchid more natural, do not cut flat to oblique cut, it is best to cut one knife on each side. Usually see the part of yellow leaves can be trimmed at any time, turn the basin once a year in March, cut off the old root, rotten root and excess fibrous root.

Green pineapple

The hanging green apple has no brown column, and the pruning is based on the pot soil. Generally, the branches and leaves 20 centimeters away from the basin soil will be cut off, and after the new leaves of the same length are grown, the old leaves at the bottom will be cut off. To prune, make sure that all the branches and leaves are updated. Potted green apples usually have brown columns again, and when the stems of green apples are covered with brown columns and grow more than 20 centimeters, they should be trimmed. When pruning, you should pay attention to cut half of the green radish stems and leaves in half, cut off about 40 centimeters of the green radish stems and leaves, and then cut the other half after this part grows new leaves.

Make a fortune tree

If the branches and leaves of a rich tree turn yellow and wither, but the root system is still intact, it can also be pruned to regenerate it. Cut off all the branches of the rich tree with scissors, leaving appropriate nodes on the branches to promote the re-growth of the plant.

Asparagus asparagus

The growth rate of asparagus is very fast. In order to make the whole plant grow well and have a beautiful appearance, it is also necessary to cut off the overdense, withered yellow branches and delicate stems to facilitate ventilation and light transmission, promote growth and facilitate ornamental. When the seedlings are raised from childhood, the tender green branches grow to a certain height, the top can be removed, the plant is short and strong, and branches are promoted. When the adult asparagus enters the growing period, the growth of the top leaves of the branches is not ideal because of the different conservation environment. When the top leaves are missing, the main branches can be truncated. Pay attention to the lateral buds on the branches and don't cut them off at will.

A Guide to Family Flower cultivation in February

February is the last month of winter and the cold period of the year, second only to January, with monthly average temperatures ranging from-2.5 ℃ (Beijing) to 4.7 ℃ (Shanghai). The potted ornamental plants that can be displayed in the courtyard in the north must be quite cold-tolerant species. Among them, woody ornamental plants are: White bark pine, Pinus elliottii, Pinus armandii, Pinus elliottii, Platycladus orientalis, juniper, dragon cypress, fire thorn, wax plum, plum blossom, ginkgo, Budi coconut, European dwarf palm, Chilean wine coconut, Washington palm, broad-leaf ten merit, hammer elm, triangular maple, crape myrtle, etc. The southern region can display banyan tree, canary jujube, long-spike brown, silver jujube, brown bamboo, silver bauhinia, silver birch, ten meritorious works, star anise gold plate, Luohan pine, bamboo and cypress, Sakuran peach leaf coral, Ruo brown, southern bamboo, cycad, Jinshan brown and so on. In the less cold south of the Yangtze River, some grass flowers can also be displayed, such as kale, daisy, pansy, calendula, auspicious grass, one-leaf orchid, Ophiopogon japonicus and so on. The display of ornamental plants in the courtyard this month should take a variety of frostbite-proof plant roots or frost-cracked flowerpots.

Propagation of flowers in the courtyard

1. Sowing: in the double-layer plastic greenhouse with good thermal insulation performance in the courtyard, the feasible types of grass flowers are: calendula, cyclamen, dwarf sunflower, asparagus, big rock tree, bulb begonia, cornflower, chrysanthemum, wheat stem chrysanthemum, marigold, thousand-day red, peacock grass, petunia, florid grass, Fulu test, Puccinia, goldfish grass, golden lotus, pansy and so on. Attention should be paid to keeping the temperature in the greenhouse not lower than the minimum temperature for seed germination of different species of grass and flowers. In addition, the seed balls of Evening Xiangyu and Zhu Dinghong can also be planted in the greenhouse at the end of February.

At the end of this month, as long as the nursery is not frozen in the south, the woody ornamental plants that can be sown in the courtyard are Magnolia, Michelia, Photinia, Photinia, Maple, Begonia, as well as peony, Luan tree, safflower oil tea, seven-leaf tree, camphor, privet, trouble-free, lobular privet, du ying, palm, green tong, fire thorn, sweet-scented osmanthus and so on. Wisteria, clove, Chimonanthus chinensis, Chimonanthus chinensis and Liriodendron chinense can also be sowed at the end of February. The seeds of Chimonanthus chinensis, Chimonanthus chinensis and Liriodendron chinense with thick shell should be soaked in cold water for 24 to 36 hours before sowing.

two。 Cutting: ornamental plants that can be cut in the courtyard or covered with plastic film this month are: plum blossom (annual branches of varieties such as palace powder, green calyx, etc.), Phyllostachys pubescens, hibiscus (south), fragrance, pomegranate, golden bell, welcome spring, Jasminum, June snow, hibiscus, golden plum (peach), rust line chrysanthemum, ten great efforts, yellow poplar, oil hemp stalk, wax plum (heel), red leaf plum, rose (Elizabeth, abundant flower, golden plum (heel) Vines, miniature, etc.), thick skin incense, silver bud willow, spray snow, gardenia (south) Golden leaf privet, purple leaf Berberis, figs and so on. The cutting substrate can be either general sandy soil or the mixture of vermiculite and river sand.

This month, simple or double-layer plastic greenhouses with good thermal insulation can maintain a temperature of not less than 5 ℃ to 7 ℃. The following ornamental plants can be propagated by cutting: Jasmine, pearl orchid, geranium, inverted golden bell, Belgian rhododendron, Fusang, tricolor plum, five-colored plum, gem flower, jade tree, jade leaf, bergamot, stone lotus, county flower, arrow lotus, cold water flower, shrimp grass, golden lotus, longevity flower, dragon spitting pearl, dragon boat flower, silver maodan (Brazilian glorious tree), goose palm wood, pocket coconut, rubber tree, four seasons begonia, bamboo crabapple, bamboo crabapple Grey thistle (commonly known as African jasmine), banyan, golden peach leaf coral, red back cinnamon, a string of red, Rieger begonia, Guangdong evergreen, dreamy plantain, green apple and so on. The cutting substrate can be mixed with mud or rice chaff ash and fine sand.

3. Grafting: at the end of this month, one-year-old black pine seedlings were used as rootstocks, Japanese five-needle pine, Osaka pine, Jinsong pine and so on were grafted indoors, covered with film to keep moisture and heat preservation, and the survival rate was higher; the annual seedlings of apricot and hairy peach were used as rootstocks to cut purple leaf plum, plum blossom, green peach, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, purple leaf peach, etc. In the south of the Yangtze River, when the leaf buds on the rootstocks of 2-year-old Chimonanthus chinensis seedlings grow to the size of wheat grains, it is feasible to cut and breed excellent varieties of "Suxin", "Xinkou" and "Tiger's hoof" Chimonanthus chinensis; fully bagging and moisturizing measures are adopted, and the survival rate is high; in the indoor, using 1-2-year-old Magnolia magnolia as rootstock, cutting Michelia, planting on the ground and covering with plastic film to keep moisture and heat preservation, the survival rate is also relatively high. With Elizabeth or wild rose as rootstock, cut or split superior varieties of rose, the effect is also very good; with 1-2-year-old green maple seedlings as rootstocks, inflatable bags grafting red maple, feather maple, etc.; in the south, if the greenhouse temperature can be maintained above 20 ℃, Camellia oleifera and Camellia oleifera can be used as rootstocks to cut off dry single bud spikes and peel and stick camellia, plus plastic bags for heat preservation, the survival effect is particularly good.

4. Striping: the ornamental plants that can be propagated at low pressure this month are: plum blossom, wax plum, pedicel crabapple, weeping silk begonia, Xifu begonia, purple magnolia, gardenia, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, brocade flower, Luohan pine, cypress, snowball, Qionghua, welcome spring, Admiralty, hypericum, eight immortal flowers, true cypress, hemp leaf hydrangea, spray snow, red maple, smile, etc. The feasible types of high-pressure propagation are: red maple, camellia, elephant bark tree, Magnolia, Milan and so on, but the latter three can only be carried out in the greenhouse with higher room temperature.

5. Ramets: this month's feasible woody ornamental plant species are: Phyllostachys pubescens, hibiscus, Hypericum, Ten Gonglao, eight Immortals, Begonia, Jiexiang, Yingchun, Golden Bell, Golden Finch, Snow spray, Safflower Spiraea, Jasmine, Pearl Orchid, Tiger thorn, Purple Magnolia, four Seasons Cinnamon, Phoenix tail Bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, Palm Bamboo, Yu Li, Gardenia, sisal, French holly, Iron Tree and so on.

The herbaceous ornamental plants that can be divided and propagated this month are: onion orchid, Ophiopogon japonicus, crab grass, auspicious grass, hairpin, purple calyx, Magnolia, spring orchid, Cymbidium, Cymbidium, sorrel, one-leaf orchid, iris, pineapple, tiger orchid, gentleman orchid, golden money tree, bamboo taro, little angel, Anthurium, tortoise back bamboo, vine green velvet, kidney fern, Dutch peony, hanging orchid, crane orchid, aloe, banana, banana. Guanyinlian and so on. Note that the less cold-resistant species should be carried out in the shed with better thermal insulation performance to avoid cold injury or freezing injury.

Management of flowers planted in courtyard

1. Transplanting: most flowering shrubs and courtyard greening trees this month can be transplanted, such as hibiscus, pomegranate, bauhinia, begonia, ginkgo, maple, wax plum, plum blossom, magnolia, magnolia, disease-free, Koelreuteria, acacia, seven-leaf plum, red-leaf plum, purple leaf cherry, cherry blossom, green peach, crape myrtle, wisteria, Lingxiao, Linden, Liriodendron, tallow, elm leaf plum, incense, rose, rhododendron plum, dragon locust claw and so on.

Because the weather is still quite cold this month, some evergreen courtyard trees, such as camphor, French holly, privet, du ying, Guang Yulan, sweet-scented osmanthus, etc., can be transplanted by conventional methods in the south of the Yangtze River. Between the Yangtze and Huaihe River, intensity shearing, large soil balls, cross-section wax sealing, trunk rope or baling areas or southward trees should be moved northward, which had better be postponed to the middle and late March.

The species of grass flowers that can be transplanted and planted in the south of the Yangtze River this month are: Carnation, kale, calendula, daisies, and so on; in the colder areas of the north, carnation, primroses, calendula, marigold, pansy, daisies and other plants can be planted in the pot first, put them in the greenhouse, and then take off the pot and plant them in the courtyard when the air is warm in spring.

Bonsai lovers can combine forestry with afforestation and land preparation in winter to collect wild tree stumps, such as Acer truncatum, wolfberry holly, nut elm, sparrow plum, wisteria, Elaeagnus angustifolia, oak, Yingshan red, bauhinia, weathered spear, Chinan, southern bamboo, etc., after strength shearing, shallow buried high culture, covered with grass curtain to protect against cold and moisture, can be cultivated into a good pile embryo.

two。 Pruning: for hedges, balls, and flowering shrubs that have not yet been pruned in January, we should continue to seize the favorable opportunity for trees to sprout and shoot in a comprehensive pruning. Hedges, green walls, courtyard color blocks, etc., shall be pruned according to the requirements of straight lines, flat faces and angular angles; the pruning of balls and other geometric plants shall be pruned according to the requirements of round curved surface and straight plane; for flowers and shrubs planted on the ground, it is required to cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests and disordered branches, so that the plant tends to be beautiful in appearance and transparent in the chamber. The cut branches and leaves should be concentrated on burning, which can reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the same year.

3. Watering: special attention should be paid to watering management of ornamental plants such as flowers and shrubs transplanted in the courtyard at the end of the mid-autumn. If the roots are cultivated and dried, they should be watered in time; if more dust is attached to the leaves, they can spray water on the branches and leaves at noon in fine weather to prevent frosting or freezing on the leaves in the early morning of the next day. For a small number of trees transplanted in the courtyard, after watering through, straw or film can be covered within a radius of 1 to 1.5 meters near the tree canopy, which can not only keep warm and wet, but also help to protect the roots.

4. Fertilization: for ground-planted shrubs in the courtyard that have not yet completed winter fertilization, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, plum, wintersweet, rose, crape myrtle, bauhinia, pomegranate, begonia, Michelia, magnolia, spring, Admiralty, hypericum, broad-leaf ten meritorious fruits, Phyllostachys pubescens, pyracantha, etc., we should make no time to dig ring grooves around their roots in the first ten days of this month, burying an appropriate amount of cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer, generally 1 jin per plant. In order to meet the needs of sustained growth in that year. In the south of the Yangtze River, grass flowers transplanted in late autumn and early winter, such as carnation, cherry cherry, Fu Lukao, pansy, marigold, hollyhock, mallow and so on, can be added at the end of the month to promote their normal vegetative growth.

5. Pest control: lose no time to clean up the fallen leaves of weeds in the courtyard and burn them centrally, which can significantly reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the same year; check the trunks of flowers and trees in the courtyard, find eggs, pupae, etc., scrape and destroy them in time; check plants and find branches and leaves infected with diseases and pests, they should be cut off and burned in time; plant ash or tobacco dust can be applied to remove aphids found on plants.

6. Turning over the land: at the beginning of this month, we should seize the time to dig the plots in the courtyard that are going to be used for cutting, sowing or planting in the same year, and at the same time apply cake fertilizer, pond mud, barnyard manure, etc. (except for cutting land), and then draw ditches to make beds after freezing to March, which can significantly reduce the harm of underground pests to seedlings in that year. In addition, the vacant plots under the courtyard trees should also be dug, which can not only reduce diseases and insect pests, but also conducive to the growth of flowers and trees in that year.

7. Fertilizer preparation: at the beginning of this month, vegetable cakes, bean cakes, tea cakes, chicken droppings and pigeon droppings were put into the tank and watered and fermented, which can be used to irrigate trees and potted plants in spring and summer. Pig manure, chicken manure, cake fertilizer and so on are mixed with pond mud and garden soil, and then sealed and composted, which can be used to prepare culture soil and topdressing of flowers and trees. The litter, leaves and weeds cleared from the courtyard are dried and burned with the garden soil, and the burnt soil can be used not only for sowing and covering soil, but also for the preparation of culture soil.

8. Seed collection: there are not many seeds that can be harvested in February, only those flowers and trees whose fruits can persist on branches for a long time, such as pyracantha, Baogui seed, Phyllostachys pubescens, holly, lobular privet, privet, red maple, chicken claw pepper, etc.; after harvest, they should be treated in time and germinated in sand in order to sow seeds from the end of March to the beginning of April. In the shed, asparagus, winter coral, brown bamboo, precious coconut, gentleman orchid and other seeds can also be harvested.

9. Check: the seeds stored in sand should be checked frequently this month, such as magnolia, Michelia, magnolia, heather, winter table, privet, sweet-scented osmanthus, to see if the seeds are moldy, and if the seeds are mildew, rinse the seeds in time and replace the wet sand for re-storage; if the seeds are dry, you can give appropriate spray humidification; if the seeds are white, sow them in time and cover them with plastic film for heat preservation and moisturization. In addition, should also check the sand hidden in the indoor Dahlia root, beauty coke kind of underground stem, to prevent mildew.

Management of potted flowers in courtyard

1. Watering: some cold-resistant pot ornamental plant species placed in the courtyard, such as pine and cypress, wax plum, plum blossom, crape myrtle, bauhinia, green peach, vertical silk begonia, etc., can be watered every half month around noon to keep the potted soil moist without freezing. For plum blossom, camellia, tea plum, Ruixiang, begonia, Belgian rhododendron, etc., which are placed in the greenhouse, as their buds are in the expansion or early blooming stage, besides keeping the basin soil moist, they should also often absorb water to the branches so as to create a humid environment for them. For the foliage plants placed in the greenhouse, watering should be controlled, and the plants can be sprayed once a week around noon. The water temperature should be basically the same as the temperature in the greenhouse, and the leaves of the plants should not be stagnant at night, so as not to damage the roots and leaves.

two。 Fertilization: the vast majority of potted flowers and trees in the courtyard this month are still dormant and do not need to be fertilized, but if some tall potted plants do not plan to change pots in spring, they can cut a ring groove around the pot soil. bury a small amount of retted cake fertilizer or multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles For plum blossom, peach blossom, peony, camellia, camellia, Belgian rhododendron, Ruixiang, begonia, etc., if the greenhouse temperature is more than 10 ℃, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be applied. For pineapple, cymbidium, cyclamen, cymbidium, cymbidium, hyacinth, crab claw orchid, calla lily, crane orchid, etc., as long as the temperature is not lower than 15 ℃, you can continue to apply low concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution; foliage plants shelved in the greenhouse, if the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, their roots are still dormant, all forms of topdressing should be stopped.

3. Pruning: this month is the last month of winter. Potted ornamental plants placed in the courtyard that have not yet been pruned should be pruned as soon as possible; potted plants that have been modeled for more than a year but have not yet been given to bang should be removed first, and the branches that have not yet been suspended in place should be re-changed their angles and parts for separate hanging and traction, so as not to cause the branches to die caused by binding for too long. For potted foliage plants shelved in the greenhouse, the orange branches and yellow leaves on the plant should be cut off in time.

4. Cold protection: for potted flowers shelved in the greenhouse, if the temperature drops greatly in the event of a particularly cold wave to the south, one or two far-infrared electric heating films can be added in the greenhouse, which can increase the temperature of the greenhouse by 2 ℃ to 3 ℃. Large stump potted plants shelved in the courtyard can be covered with sawdust, straw, gunny bags, film and other heat preservation in especially cold weather.

5. Pest control: for potted ornamental plants shelved in the greenhouse, special attention should be paid to the control of aphids, shell insects and whitefly; for the shed with high humidity, ventilation should be given when the temperature is high around noon to prevent the emergence of a large area of gray mold, such as Rieger Begonia, bulbous begonia, Fusang and so on. For potted plants that suffered from diseases and insect pests last year, the litter and potted weeds around them should be cleaned up and burned together; for some large stakes with partially exposed xylem, stone-sulfur mixture should be smeared on their exposed parts to prevent stem rot or moth eating.

6. Soil preparation: the cultivation soil should be prepared as soon as possible in the first ten days of this month. 5 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaves, 1 part of river sand, 2 parts of retted sawdust or tobacco dust, plus 5% rotten cake fertilizer and 3% multi-element compound fertilizer should be fully mixed and piled up, covered with plastic film for use in spring.

Balcony flower arrangement

Bonsai suitable for balcony display

The weather is cold this month, and it is not suitable to put potted ornamental plants on the open balcony north of the Huaihe River, except for some species that are very cold-resistant, dry-resistant and wind-resistant, such as Platycladus orientalis, Sabina vulgaris, juniper, pomegranate, ginkgo and so on. The open balcony south of the Huaihe River can display plant species that have adapted to exercise for a long time, have strong resistance and are quite cold-resistant, such as black pine, triangular maple, hammer elm, Finch plum, bayberry, wax plum, plum blossom, spring welcome, Admiralty weeping spear, etc., but the basin soil should also be prevented from freezing. In the south, if the temperature on the balcony is not less than 5 ℃, you can display cycads, peach leaf corals, ten broad leaves, Budi coconuts, palm bamboo, European dwarf brown, Jinshan brown, white wax, wolfbone holly, weeping begonia, sticking begonia and so on.

Propagation of balcony flowers

1. Sowing: in the closed balcony, in a large flowerpot filled with cultivation soil, sowing cycad, brown bamboo, asparagus, gentleman orchid, Luohan pine, bamboo cypress, sweet-scented osmanthus, Michelia, cinnabar root, ginkgo and so on, can emerge in spring.

two。 Cutting: in the closed balcony, with Guangkou flowerpot as the container, vermiculite or peat plus 1 peat and 5 river sand mixed cutting medium, fully closed moisturizing cutting, maintaining the temperature of not less than 5 ℃, cutting bergamot, mulberry, goose palm wood, rubber tree, five-color plum, geranium, jasmine, pearl orchid, peach leaf coral, longevity flower, jade tree, jade leaf, county flower, arrow lotus flower and so on.

Management of potted flowers on balcony

1. Watering: for those plant species that bloom before and after the Spring Festival on the fully enclosed balcony, such as melon and leaf chrysanthemum, primrose, longevity flowers, camellia, tea plum, Belgian rhododendron, calendula, etc., fruit ornamental plants such as firethorn, bamboo, daidai, bergamot, kumquat, precious seeds, winter coral, etc., should not only keep the pot soil moist, but also spray water on leaves, buds and fruits. Only in this way can the leaves be green, the flower buds expand rapidly and the fruit be colorful. Buy back the big flower cymbidium and poinsettia cultivated in the greenhouse, because the temperature and humidity in the original environment is very different from that in the family, if you do not spray water on the leaves often, it will often cause the leaves to shrink and dry up. For all kinds of wind pears, if the room temperature is less than 10 ℃ to 15 ℃, not only watering should be controlled, but also too much water should not be injected into the vane to prevent heart rot. For the potted ornamental plants that continue to be placed on the balcony in the south, it is appropriate to keep the potted soil moist.

two。 Fertilization: on the potted ornamental plants shelved in the closed balcony, such as camellia, tea plum, Belgian rhododendron, Ruixiang, gentleman orchid, plum blossom, cyclamen, calla lily, Cymbidium, cymbidium, pineapple, bungee flower, melon leaf chrysanthemum, cymbidium, primrose, hyacinth, tulip, etc., as long as the room temperature is not less than 15 ℃, you can continue to apply low concentration potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. For the stump bonsai and potted foliage plants that have entered a dormant state, all forms of topdressing should be stopped.

3. Pruning: for potted ornamental plants placed in a fully enclosed balcony, the withered branches and yellow leaves and the branches and leaves infected with diseases and insect pests should be cut off and destroyed For the tree stump bonsai placed on the balcony, such as sparrow plum, hammer elm, mosquito mother, triangle maple in the north, Fujian tea, Jiuli incense, banyan tree, small accumulation stone, triangle plum, pepper wood, fragrant wood in the south, etc., we should seize the time to carry out a comprehensive pruning, so that its crown shape is beautiful and hierarchical. For those plants that have been modeled for 2 years, the banging material should be removed first. if the expected fixed modeling effect has not been achieved, the angle and position can be changed again, and then flat ligation treatment should be carried out.

4. Cold protection: determine the potted plants shelved on the balcony according to the lower temperature tolerated by different ornamental plant species, or move them into the general indoor to avoid the cold, or put them in the air-conditioned room for maintenance, or build a double-layer plastic shed directly on the balcony to prevent the cold. The potted plants placed on the balcony in the south had better be covered up and tied up around the potted surface and flowerpots with gunny bags at night.

5. Pest control: the exposed xylem on the trunk and branches of the stump bonsai should be smeared with stone-sulfur mixture to prevent mildew and moth. Shell insects and whitefly on potted plants should be wiped off with a wet cloth in time, while aphids on potted plants can be killed with tobacco (shredded) soaking water.