
How to raise kapok? the breeding methods and precautions / water of kapok should be watered in large quantities.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kapok, a very beautiful flower, has red flowers but not vulgar flowers, and its torso is strong and heroic, so people also call it the Hero Tree. In life, many people want to raise kapok, how to raise kapok? The following are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of kapok carefully arranged by the editor, which are very detailed.

Kapok, a very beautiful flower, has red flowers but not vulgar flowers, and its torso is strong and heroic, so people also call it the Hero Tree. In life, many people want to raise kapok, how to raise kapok? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of kapok carefully arranged by the editor, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise must have a look at them.

First, how to raise kapok and understand its habits

Kapok likes high temperature and dry and has strong adaptability, so it is not good to be curious about the soil when potted, so it is best to put it in a place with sufficient sunshine, ventilation and good drainage. Therefore, how to raise kapok, as long as we meet its growth needs. Specifically, we are asked to move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of kapok

1. Soil

How to raise potted kapok, the first thing is to choose soil. However, it has strong adaptability and low requirements for soil, either sandy soil or clayey soil. But if you want kapok to grow well, you'd better prepare acidic soil with medium fertility and high phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

2. Lighting

In the kapok breeding methods and matters needing attention, light is naturally indispensable, but also a link that should be paid attention to. In demand, kapok likes light, requires wide light, and can grow well in all-day or semi-shady places; on matters needing attention, kapok is exposed to the scorching sun, so we should give it proper shading in the summer sun.

3. Temperature

The growth of plants is closely related to the environmental temperature. Because kapok is a specialty of the south, it is not cold-resistant, so in the process of winter maintenance, we should pay attention to keep warm, the temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃.

4. Watering

How to raise kapok, watering can not be less. Because kapok likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, we have to pour a lot of water on it during its growth, but it should be noted that watering is not too difficult, and everyone must understand that things go to extremes.

Note: in order to meet the characteristics of kapok like humid environment, we must choose good drainage in the choice of soil, otherwise it is easy to make the root rot. Or directly into the watertight basin, you can avoid the trouble of watering every day.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's take a look at fertilization, it is also indispensable in the kapok culture method. If the soil is fertile enough, you can apply a mixture of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer every 40 days; if the soil is general or barren, you can apply fertilizer every 20 days to ensure that kapok grows more beautiful at the same time.

6. Pruning

The efficacy of kapok, in addition to its strong medicinal value, but also valued by flower friends is its ornamental. The kapok plant is larger, in order to look more beautiful, proper pruning is very important. We should remove the residual branches and flowers in time, control the growth of the overgrown branches by picking the heart, and promote the new branches, so as to make the plant perfect and have a good crown.

7. Change the basin

In the process of breeding kapok, we should also change the basin once a year. As for the time to change the pot, when the root system of the plant begins to grow again (usually in spring), it can begin. Replace it with acidic soil with good drainage, medium fertility and high phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After changing the basin, change the basin in a cool place for a week, suspend watering, and carry out normal maintenance after a week.

8. Disease and pest control

In the growth process of kapok, due to a variety of reasons, it will inevitably be attacked by diseases and pests, such as alder leaf beetle, Pistacia chinensis larvae, etc., once it appears, it will seriously affect the plant growth, resulting in the decline of kapok ornamental. In this regard, we should be inside the prevention and control, specific measures in the kapok pest control, those who are interested can take a look.

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow? how often do you water the rich tree?

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow? How often is the rich tree watered? Today wed114 Marriage Network brings you a way to grow rich trees. The rich tree, also known as melon chestnut, is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family. Suitable for growing in a warm, moist and ventilated environment, like Yang, but also slightly resistant to shade, and grow best in loose, fertile and well-drained soil!

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

The rich tree has split petals, red, white or light yellow flowers and bright colors. It usually blossoms from April to May and bears fruit from September to October. The rich tree likes the climate of high temperature and humidity, and its cold tolerance is poor. It is generally frostbitten at a low temperature of 5-6 ℃, and the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃. Rich trees like fertile loose soil and acidic soil, are very sensitive to alkaline soil, and teach resistance to water and moisture.

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

The leaves are yellowing

First, water yellow: caused by excessive watering, which is characterized by no obvious change in old leaves and yellowing of young leaves, which should be controlled immediately.

Second, dry yellow: caused by lack of water, drought, its characteristic is from bottom to top old leaves first yellow, if the lack of water for a little longer, it will be the whole plant yellow leaves, or even death, should be timely watering.

Third, fat yellow: caused by excessive fertilization or high concentration; characterized by thick, shiny and uneven young leaves; fertilizer, ploughing and watering should be controlled.

Fourth, hungry yellow: caused by insufficient fertilizer, low fertilization concentration, and long interval of fertilization; it is characterized by yellow young leaves and tender stems, and if it is not fertilized in time after seeing this phenomenon, it will also cause yellow leaves and even death of the whole plant; for flowers that lack fertilizer, do not apply a large amount of thick fertilizer at one time, so as not to cause root burning.

Fifth, iron deficiency yellow leaves. Due to the great change of soil fertility conditions, the phenomenon of yellow leaves often appears in the greenhouse, which is characterized by obvious young leaves, light old leaves, yellow mesophyll, green veins and a typical network, which can be solved by using ferrous sulfate solution. the method is as follows: 7 parts of cake fertilizer, 5 parts of ferrous sulfate and 200 parts of water.

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

Because the fortune tree is the fengshui thing of the home, therefore, many people choose it as the home decoration, however, how to place it to better reflect the home style?

1. Put it in the living room and study, reflecting the quiet Chinese style.

Chinese ornamental plants pay attention to "watching its leaves and appreciating its shape". It is suitable to place soil-attached potted plants at home, put a pot of golden billiard tree stakes with roots in the screen partition, or place a cold plum at the porch, all of which can spread the Chinese style to the extreme. Chinese people pay attention to being square and stable, and the rich tree just embodies this charm.

2. Put it in the bedroom, reflecting the master's dream of striving towards the goal. Get rich tree has the meaning of getting rich, and a person in a day, the most time is spent in the bedroom, facing the things in the bedroom, just imagine, a person has a long time every day to see the wealth tree, you say, how much does he want to realize his wish to get rich? I guess I don't want to!

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

There are several points that must be paid attention to in the cultivation of rich trees:

1. Moisture: when the temperature is high, the growth of the rich tree needs to have sufficient water. However, because the rich tree has strong drought tolerance, it will not hurt the plants if it is not watered for many days.

2. Temperature: the rich tree is in the growing period and likes the hot weather very much. When the winter temperature is lower than 16-18 ℃, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off, and the temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise the plant will die.

3. Lighting: the rich tree is a positive plant with strong negative tolerance, so it can be placed in a place with weak indoor light for 2 to 4 weeks, and then put back to a place with strong light, the plant will not be damaged.

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

Make a fortune tree, give us the biggest impression is the meaning of getting rich, in fact, it also plays a great role in the environment of the home.

1. Make a fortune tree to create a low-carbon home life. Low carbon has become the hottest topic of environmental protection at present. from advocating environmental protection to reducing carbon emissions, low-carbon lifestyle is being pursued by more and more Chinese. Home life is an important part of low-carbon life. Using green plants as the best household decoration items can not only become home furnishings, but also absorb excess carbon dioxide and purify the air. As long as a little change in daily life, can lay a good foundation for "low-carbon" life, low-carbon life and fashion style is not contradictory, different styles of accessories with different styles of clothes the same, plants also need to match with the style of the home, in order to make the small home icing on the cake.

2. The rich tree can beautify the home. The rich tree is an evergreen tree with large flowers, split petals, red, white or light yellow flowers, bright colors, green leaves on a plant, good things for the eyes, flowers, and a good choice for appreciation. There is no doubt that you can put it at home and add a little beauty to your home.

3. The wealth tree is particularly effective in purifying indoor air. Even in the case of weak light or high concentration of carbon dioxide, the tree can efficiently carry out photosynthesis and effectively eliminate carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide pollution in the air. In addition, the transpiration of the rich tree is very strong, which can not only effectively adjust the indoor temperature and humidity, but also resist the harmful gases produced by cigarettes. If the rich tree and Luohansong are combined, the effect will be even more, it can be described as a combination of two swords, and the world is invincible.

The culture method of Oncidium and the appreciation of Oncidium pictures

The color of Oncidium flowers is very gorgeous, and many of them are a combination of colors, especially the leopard-print Oncidium, which is particularly beautiful. The petals are dotted with spots like leopard print, which is a cool kind of flower. Enjoy the pictures of Oncidium and see the beauty of Oncidium.

Oncidium culture method, Oncidium picture appreciation-

[plant archives]-

English name: Oncidium

Scientific name: Oncidium

Alias: dance orchid, golden butterfly orchid, tumor petal orchid, dancing girl orchid

Family: Orchid Orchidaceae

Genus: Oncidium Oncidium

Distribution of origin: the original species is native to tropical America, with the largest species distribution in Brazil, the United States, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. But its distribution area is wide, including tropical zone, warm zone, alpine temperate zone and cold zone.

Morphological features: the shape changes greatly, some species have only 1-2 flowers on a flower stem, and some species can reach hundreds. Oncidium is mainly yellow and brown in color, as well as green, white, red and magenta, etc., some of which are as small as mini-Oncidium, some are very large, and the diameter of flowers can reach more than 12cm.

The culture method of Oncidium-

● growth habits: prefer humid and semi-shady environment, original leaf type (or hard leaf type) prefer warm and hot environment, while thin leaf type (or soft leaf type) and sword leaf type prefer cool climate. Hard-leaf varieties have strong drought tolerance.

● propagation method: the propagation methods of Oncidium include tissue culture and ramet propagation.

● cultivation substrate: Oncidium requires ventilation, ventilation and diuresis. The commonly used substrates are bark, fern root, water moss, charcoal and so on.

● temperature management: slow seedling stage, daytime temperature 25-28 ℃, night 23-25 ℃. The flowering period of Oncidium is relatively short. In order to prolong the flowering period, the temperature can be lowered appropriately. The suitable temperature for the growth of Oncidium is 12-33 ℃, and photosynthesis stops when it is lower than 12. If the low temperature is more than 6-8 hours, the freezing injury will occur, and the growth and development will be hindered when the temperature is higher than 33 ℃.

● humidity management: the relative humidity should be controlled at 60-80%, and the humidity of newly planted seedlings should be about 80%. Should pay special attention to, do not pour a lot of water into the basin to increase humidity, otherwise it is very easy to cause rotten roots, humidity changes should not be too great, otherwise not only not conducive to growth, but also easy to cause bud drop phenomenon.

● water and fertilizer management: the general watering principle is the alternation of dry and wet, each watering should be thoroughly watered, and the next time the substrate should be slightly dry. There is less watering when the plants are just divided in spring, and the plants grow vigorously and evaporate quickly in summer, so they should be watered more. The type and quantity of fertilization are adjusted according to plant growth, generally once fertilizer and one water or two fertilizers and one water.

● pest control: Oncidium common pests are snails, shell insects, whitefly, etc., keep the cultivation environment clean and hygienic, check and remove yellow leaf diseased plants in time to prevent them from becoming a source of infection, spraying pesticides should not leave dead corners, especially the back of leaves, the corners of the greenhouse and the ground should be fully sprayed, and the greenhouse should be disinfected once a month.

[more Encyclopedia of plants]

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