
How does the Silver Queen water? watering varies greatly in the four seasons.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Silver Queen is a plant native to South America. Nowadays, it is quite common in the world, and it can be seen in many places in our country. However, if you want to keep it well, it is an indispensable part of daily watering. So how does the Silver Queen water? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

The Silver Queen is a plant native to South America. Nowadays, it is quite common in the world, and it can be seen in many places in our country. However, if you want to keep it well, it is an indispensable part of daily watering. So how does the Silver Queen water? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, the Silver Queen how to water, avoid extreme water

The Silver Queen prefers the humid environment. When we water it, we should water the soil along the edge of the flowerpot until the soil has a certain amount of moisture. When the weather is relatively dry, we also often use spray bottles to spray water on the leaves to keep them moist. But when we water it, we should remember that it can be watered thoroughly, and do not cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause rotting roots.

Second, the watering method of the Silver Queen.

1. Water in spring, once a day or two.

Spring is the golden period for the growth of the Silver Queen, the demand for water is very high, to keep the soil moist, basically every two days, once a day in good weather can be watered, so that the Silver Queen can grow stronger and healthier. But one thing to remember is not to water too much to cause water in the flowerpot.

two。 Water in summer, twice a day

Summer is the hottest season of the year, and water evaporates very quickly, so we basically need to water the Silver Queen every morning and evening to keep the basin soil moist. When watering in summer, it must not be at noon, because there is a big difference between water temperature and soil temperature at this time, and watering at this time will affect the growth of the Silver Queen.

3. Water in autumn, once every two days

When we water the Silver Queen in autumn, the frequency is about the same as in spring, just once every two days, because the climate of these two seasons is similar, but spring is its growth forget. so the watering frequency is still a little higher than that in autumn.

4. Watering in winter, once every 7-10 days

Winter is the coldest season of the year. In this season, we should reduce watering to avoid frostbite caused by too much watering. In winter, the frequency of watering the Silver Queen can be controlled at 7-10 days, and the amount of water is less than usual. Keep this in mind.

How does the Silver Queen reproduce? the common propagation methods / cuttings / ramets of the Silver Queen

Silver queen is a kind of plant of the genus Aristolochia in Guangdong, which is often used in pot culture. There are many people who breed in our country. With more people breeding, people are more concerned about its reproduction. So how does the Silver Queen breed? What are the common breeding methods of the Silver Queen? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how does the Silver Queen reproduce, cuttings / ramets

When it comes to the silver queen how to reproduce, in fact, mainly by cutting propagation, in addition, you can also carry out ramet reproduction, in fact, the survival rate of the two breeding methods is very high, the premise is that you master the right operation methods, so how to operate the two breeding methods? Let's move on.

Second, the common breeding methods of the Silver Queen

Cuttage propagation

1. Matrix selection

The common propagation method of Queen Silver is mainly based on cutting propagation, and we should first select the substrate before cutting. It prefers fertile humus soil because of its good drainage and air permeability, which allows the Silver Queen to better absorb nutrients and is less prone to stagnant water.

two。 Matrix disinfection

After selecting the substrate, we can not immediately propagate the Silver Queen, but also need to disinfect it so as not to infect the plant with diseases and insect pests. During disinfection, we can break it up and expose it to the sun for disinfection, or we can put it into a pan and stir-fry, so that even if there are pests, they will be scalded to death.

3. Cuttings selection

After choosing a good substrate, we also need to choose cuttings, the quality of cuttings will directly affect the survival rate of cutting propagation, so we must be cautious. Generally speaking, it is best to choose the silver queen branch with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, so that the survival rate will be greatly improved. if you choose the branch that looks very small, then you can basically declare the cutting failure.

4. Cutting method

When we cuttage the Silver Queen, it is best to choose to do it in late spring and early summer, and then cut the cuttings into small segments with 2 stem nodes on each segment, which will be planted in the sterilized soil. Pay attention to the bud head up, or vertical, must not be cut down, otherwise it is difficult to survive, about 20-25 days after the completion of the cutting can take root.

5. Subsequent management

After the success of the cuttage, we can carry out follow-up maintenance of the Silver Queen, and there are many things that need to be paid attention to during maintenance, such as watering, fertilization, lighting and so on. If you don't know how to raise it, you can refer to the Silver Queen's breeding method, which contains detailed teaching.

Ramet propagation

In addition to cutting propagation, the silver queen can also carry out ramet propagation, although this method is not very commonly used, but the survival rate is not low, the silver queen's ramet way is some different from other plants, not every plant can be divided, observe whether there are buds at the base of the silver queen, if so, it can be sowed and replanted.

Does the Silver Queen Flower _ Silver Queen Price _ Silver Queen role

Does the Silver Queen blossom? how much is the Silver Queen per pot? what are the roles of the Silver Queen? These are all questions that silver queen enthusiasts want to know, especially the silver queen blossoms? Next, Xiaoqi will answer for you one by one.

Does the Silver Queen blossom?

With regard to this problem, Xiaoqi can tell you for sure that the Silver Queen will blossom. The Silver Queen is a plant of the family Araceae. Like other plants of the family Araceae, the silver queen can blossom and blossom like a flame, which is very similar to the flowers of Guanyin in the same family. The silver queen flower has no petals, but consists of a yellow-green bract and a yellow-white spike of flesh. The flower of the Silver Queen is not very ornamental and the flowering cycle is very long.

Picture of the Silver Queen blooming

How to raise the Silver Queen to blossom

The Silver Queen is easy to maintain, as long as you are careful not to bask in the sun, not to be too dark, and to increase humidity as much as possible, but do not accumulate water and keep the Silver Queen well if the temperature is not too low in winter. The reason why the Silver Queen can not raise well, mostly because the humidity is too small, many flower friends in order to pursue humidity alone, watering every day, resulting in stagnant water rotten roots in the basin. In winter, water should be controlled according to the actual situation, such as in the south, while in the north, because of heating, more water can be properly watered, mainly depending on the dry and wet condition of the basin soil.

How much is the Silver Queen per pot

Silver queen is a common household plant, many people have breeding at home, the market demand is more, the silver queen price is generally between 20 yuan and 50 yuan, the silver queen's variety and size are different, the silver queen price will also be different. Of course, different regions will also lead to differences in the price of the Silver Queen.

IV. The role of the Silver Queen

1. Purify the air: what we know most is its air purification ability, which can effectively remove nicotine, formaldehyde and other toxic gases, so that people can have a good air environment.

two。 Ornamental function: the leaves of the Silver Queen are beautiful and shade-tolerant, so they are suitable for indoor potted plants. And its effect is remarkable, giving people a sense of bright and comfortable.

3. Fengshui effect: the leaves of the Silver Queen are large, like a thick palm stretching out, with the intention of attracting good luck, and many friends choose it for more reasons because of other meanings.