
How to raise yew, yew breeding methods and precautions/avoid strong light waterlogging

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We know that the efficacy and role of yew is very many, and it is also a very valuable potted plant, if the cultivation techniques are not appropriate, it is easy to cause the plant to wither and die, but also may bring economic losses to flower friends.

We know that the efficacy and role of yew is very many, and it is still a very expensive potted plant, if the cultivation techniques are not appropriate, it is not only easy to cause the plant to wither and die, but also may bring economic losses to the flower friends, so how to raise yew? Today we will learn more about the cultivation methods and precautions of yew.

Growth Habits of Taxus chinensis

Before we know how to raise the yew, we can familiarize ourselves with its growth habits. Taxus is a shade-loving plant, it needs a certain amount of light, but not too strong. The ability to withstand drought is relatively strong, so you don't need to water too often. At the same time, it has outstanding cold resistance, so it can also be planted in the north.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus mairei

First, how to raise the yew

1. Soil requirements

The yew's requirements for soil are loose, fertile, breathable and well drained, so clay should not be used in breeding, because its air permeability is relatively poor, and the most suitable soil is a mixture of peat soil, perlite, loam and so on. Garden soil, peat and sand can also be configured in the proportion of 50%, 25% and 25%, in which 1% mature organic fertilizer is best added.

2. Lighting conditions

Taxus is a shade-loving plant, but it can not grow without light, otherwise it will grow slowly and have few leaves. The correct light should be enough light for 4 hours a day, shade protection should be done in summer, and light time can be increased appropriately in spring and autumn, but avoid being exposed to direct sunlight when the sun is strong at noon.

3. Suitable temperature

The cold tolerance of Taxus chinensis is very strong, it can survive in the low temperature of 15 ℃, and it can also grow in the environment of 32 degrees, but the most suitable temperature is 20-30 ℃, so it may be in the slow growth stage for half a year every year, and the suitable growth period is from March to November, of which April to October is the most vigorous period.

4. Watering skills

In the yew culture methods and matters needing attention, watering is a very important link, because the yew is resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, so watering can neither be too much nor too little. Generally, water can be watered once every 3 days in spring and once in the morning and evening in summer. Watering can be done with a spray can with fine holes, which can not only wash leaves but also increase humidity.

The frequency of watering in autumn is usually once every 3-4 days. When the temperature is low in winter, you should reduce watering, spray some water to the leaves every 15 days or so, and let the excess water flow into the moist soil in the flowerpot. If it is in the rainy season, it is necessary to postpone watering and do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention.

5. Fertilization method

Before planting, base fertilizer can be applied to the soil, which can be replaced by rotten organic fertilizer or rotten livestock manure. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer needs to be applied during the growing period, the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is 100-200 grams per plant, and timely watering is needed after fertilization, which can make the fertilizer concentration reach an appropriate range and help the yew to absorb nutrients.

Matters needing attention in cultivating Taxus chinensis

1. Don't apply too much fertilizer.

Taxus is a plant whose life is very inflated but grows slowly, so fertilizer should mainly be slow, and the concentration and use of fertilizer must not be too much, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer damage, which will lead to yellowing and curling of leaves, which is harmful to the health of Taxus chinensis.

2. Avoid stagnant water in watering

Under normal circumstances, it is suitable to give the yew good and even dark water quality, preferably Rain Water, followed by groundwater, river, and so on, so we can take some Rain Water for backup when it rains, and if we use tap water to irrigate, then it is best if some alum fertilizer water is used, it can control the pH of the soil and avoid affecting the growth of the yew because the soil alkalinity is too high.

3. Timely pruning

Although the growth of the yew is not fast, it still needs pruning in time in order to ensure its beauty. Some flower friends often say that pruning is easy to be ignored in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the yew. In fact, pruning can promote the germination of new branches. It is also conducive to the growth of yew, which is a very useful conservation technique.

The branches should be cut off from the base when pruning. After seeing, it is best to use charcoal, plant ash to smear the wound to play the role of sterilization, to avoid wound decay. During extensive pruning in summer, some carbendazim can be sprayed to prevent wound infection and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

4. Scientific reproduction

In general, when breeding yew, sowing and cutting will be used. Sowing can choose autumn sowing in October or spring sowing in March. Cutting can be carried out in May. After breeding, attention should be paid to moist soil, semi-shady ventilation of the environment, and correct maintenance in order to improve the success rate of reproduction.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted Taxus mairei

Potted yew is an ornamental plant favored by many people at home. It has beautiful tree shape, green leaves and high ornamental value. This kind of plant is known as a national treasure in the plant world and belongs to a national first-class protected plant. It is necessary to know his breeding method in advance when potted and cultivated at home, and what should be paid attention to when potted yew is cultivated.

Culture methods of potted Taxus mairei

1. Preparation of basin soil

The preparation of potted yew pot soil is very important, it likes the slightly acidic soil with high content of loose organic matter, and the soil has strong water and fertilizer conservation and excellent air permeability. it is best to choose garden soil, peat and river sand to prepare basin soil, and apply sufficient bottom fertilizer before planting.

2. Culture environment

Taxus, this kind of plant, likes a warm and humid environment, and it is a strong negative slow-growing tree species. It is usually made into a potted plant and raised stone at home, so it can be put indoors and away from the bright light. And when its external temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees, it grows fastest, and its low temperature tolerance is relatively poor. It should be placed in an environment above ten degrees in winter.

Matters needing attention in breeding

1. Fertilizer selection

Potted yew often needs to be fertilized because it is a fertilizer-loving plant, but we must pay more attention to it when choosing fertilizer for the yew. Thin cakes and water should be used during the peak growing season. After entering the autumn, the base fertilizer can be used once, and the fertilizer can choose livestock manure, while in spring, the yew needs to apply sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, as well as sufficient calcium phosphate.

2. Moisture control

Want to raise a good pot yew, water control is very important, yew this plant, although he likes the humid environment, but he is afraid of waterlogging, usually during the breeding period every 2 to 3 days watering can enter the summer, high temperature weather can be watered every morning, the weather becomes cool after entering autumn, the growth of yew slows down, the need for water will become smaller, at this time can be watered every 4 to 5 days. And watering must not allow stagnant water in the flowerpot, otherwise the root of the yew will rot, seriously, the yew will die.

Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) D.Don Luohan pine photo: how to raise Luohan pine / how to breed Luohan pine business card Luohan pine Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) D.Don introduction of Luohan pine is a kind of pine, also known as Luohanshan, evergreen, Taxodium, Sequoia, Xianbai, Luohanbai, Jiangnanbai, is an evergreen tree, can be up to 18 meters high, usually pruned to keep low Leaves alternate, arranged in a spiral shape, also divided into male and female, species are larger than seeds, mature red, plus green seeds, like bald monks wearing red robes, hence the name Luo Han Song. Luo Hansong is common in South China, including Hong Kong. Because potted Siraitia grosvenorii is available for viewing, and its wood is used for construction, medicine and carving, so its value is very high. As a result, there have been a number of cases in which Hong Kong Luohansong has been illegally felled by illegal immigrants from the mainland. Morphological characteristics of Pinus elliottii. The crown is broadly ovoid. Leaves striate-lanceolate, apex pointed, base cuneate, ribs raised on both sides, dark green on the surface, gray-green on the back, sometimes powdery, closely arranged, spirally alternate. Dioecious or occasionally monoecious. The seed is ovate, with a black aril, born on a fleshy and inflated receptacle, deep red, sweet and edible. The flowering period is May and the seed maturity is October. The common cultivated varieties are narrow leaves, narrow leaves, apex narrowing and growing tip; columnar crown Siraitia grossedentata, leaves small, apex pure or round; leaflet Siraitia grosvenorii, leaves dense at the top of branchlets, spirally inserted, narrower, apex obtusely round; short-pointed leaves of Siraitia grosvenorii, leaves very short; variegated leaves with white spots. According to the morphological characteristics, it can be concluded that Luohansong belongs to Cunninghamia lanceolata. Luohan pine is a second-class protected plant in the country, but the national protection is the wild Pinus elliottii germplasm in the primitive forest, and the Luohan pine in the city is basically the offspring of artificial cultivation, which has little biological significance. Like Metasequoia glyptostroboides and Ginkgo biloba, artificially cultivated offspring are no longer under protection. Of course, they still play an ecological role as greening trees, and they cannot be cut down at will. Luohansong has no illegal tendency to transplant as a scenic tree. The ecological habits of Luohan pine are produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces, and are cultivated in all provinces south of the Yangtze River. It is also distributed in Japan. Now it is mainly used for potted ornamental plants in the north and south. Sexual preference is sunny and slightly shady. It requires mild and humid climatic conditions, no hot and humid heat in summer and no frost in winter. If there is a light frost, the young leaves and autumn shoots will all wither and yellow. Therefore, except in the subtropical areas of South China and Southwest China, it is not resistant to severe cold, so it can only be potted in North China. The slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose, fertile and well drained is required to yellowing leaves, slow growth and long life in alkaline soil, which can reach hundreds of years, or even more than a thousand years. Semi-positive tree species. It grows well in semi-overcast environment. Like warm, humid and fertile sandy loam, can also grow in coastal plains. It can't stand the cold, so it can only be potted in North China. It has a long life. The cultivation techniques of Luohansong prefer warm, humid and semi-shady environment, slightly poor cold tolerance, fear of waterlogging and strong light, and require fertile sandy loam with good drainage. It is best to transplant from March to April in spring, small seedlings need to carry soil, large seedlings with soil balls, can also be potted. Water thoroughly after planting. Keep the soil moist during the growing period. It needs to be maintained in a semi-shady place in the high temperature season in midsummer. Fertilize once every two months. Potted plants should be protected against cold in winter, pots can be buried in the soil and watering can be reduced. Management points 1. Pinus elliottii is a neutral and partial negative tree species, which can not only accept strong light, but also grow in shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Because of the tender tissue, the seedlings of Luohan pine should not be exposed to strong light for a long time, so it is suggested that they should be preserved in the shade. Second, watering Luohan pine is not a plant of Pinaceae and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. Shunde area should pay attention to regular watering when it is sunny in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well. Rain Water is usually more in summer. Luo Hansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water for a long time. Third, fertilization Luohansong like fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting into alum fertilizer water. During the growing period, fertilization can be applied once every two months, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1). Siraitia grosvenorii planted in a large area can be applied in a semi-orchard ditch with 300 grams of fast-soluble compound fertilizer each time. Potted plants can be sprayed with 0.5% water fertilizer or 1.0% water fertilizer or thin cake liquid water fertilizer each time. Fourth, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests of Luohan pine is less, but attention should be paid to the control of red spiders in summer high temperature and dry season. Red spiders are clustered with adult mites, nymph mites and young mites to absorb juice near the leaf veins, leaf edges and twigs of the leaves of Luohan pine. The injured leaves show a lot of pink-green on the front, then turn gray-white spots, lose their inherent luster, and in severe cases, the whole leaves are gray-white. The control method is to spray some insecticides for the treatment of red spiders, such as daben, thiazox, phenylbutyltin, etc., in the high incidence period of red spiders (May to September), once every 10 days. The purpose of Luo Hansong's artistic modeling is "tree modeling" and "acting in accordance with their aptitude", using the artistic expression of Gao Luohansong Chao to dig out the highest artistic realm from the ordinary tree shape and maximize the ornamental value. The commonly used modeling techniques are cutting, binding, pressing, binding, hanging and so on. The pruning and modeling is relatively simple, and the modeling techniques such as binding, pressing, binding and hanging are more difficult, and there are higher requirements for the stylist's artistic imagination, operation skills and the stem and branch condition of the tree body. in the modeling process, artistic processing must be carried out according to the natural beauty of the seedling itself, that is, it must be based on tree conditions, beauty and beauty, so that the shape is strong and clear. 1. Scissors: we can make various shapes, such as spherical shape, conical shape, multi-layer spherical shape, etc., by making use of the characteristics of anti-pruning and small leaf shape of Luohansong, which can be trimmed according to the graphics designed in advance. For example, when trimming the three-layer sphere, first choose a tree seedling with obvious trunk and better upright shape. If the trimming design is a three-layer sphere with a total height of 2 meters, the height of the lower layer is about 50 cm, the middle layer is about 40 cm, and the top layer is 30 cm high. all branches between the first and second layers of 45 cm and the second and third layers of 35 cm need to be cut off, and then trim three spheres. The above three balls are getting bigger and bigger, in order to coordinate the proportion to have a better ornamental, generally, the new branch should be pruned when the tip is 20cm to 30cm, which needs to be trimmed many times to make each layer round and compact. 2. Binding: strong bamboo sticks and strong hemp ropes can be selected for modeling, the bamboo sticks and branches can be fastened and fastened with hemp ropes, and then one end of the bamboo stick can be fixed on the trunk, thus by adjusting the direction of the bamboo stick, so that the branches grow in a specific direction according to the wishes of the stylist to achieve the purpose of modeling. It should be noted that the Zafa modeling is suitable for the younger tree, while the older one is difficult and ineffective because of its stout branches. 3. Pressure: pressure modeling is mainly through the method of bending and tilting the trunk, so that the tree body on the slope presents a completely different artistic aesthetic feeling from the vertical plane. Because the branches of Luo Hansong are like human arms, and the clusters of hemispherical leaves grow on the top of the branches like the palms of human hands, coupled with bent trees, it is as if a usher is bending his arms to welcome the guests, which is very vivid. It should be noted that after bending the tree, the inclined end must be supported with a stake to prevent the tree from tilting excessively and falling down, and a moderately thick straw should be padded between the stake and the contact surface of the tree to avoid tree injury. although the Luohan pine originated in China, but due to historical reasons, the number of large-scale Luohan pine old enough is very few, and the number of large-size green seedlings of Luohan pine is also very limited. As a slow-growing tree species, Luohan pine itself can not be copied quickly, and the existing quantity is far from enough to meet the needs of courtyard greening and high-end residential landscape, especially the large size and beautiful shape of Luohan pine is difficult to obtain. It is understood that engineering seedlings with a breast diameter of more than 10 cm on the market mainly rely on imports. Guangdong, China is dominated by household consumption. it is understood that in Guangdong, families become the main force of Luohansong consumption, with a purchase proportion of about 30%, preferring to choose middle and high-end products, followed by landscaping units of about 20%. Enterprises and institutions account for about 20%, collectors account for about 15%, and other uses are about 15%. According to the analysis of people in the industry, the proportion of household consumption will become larger and larger, and price consumption will become more rational. With the economic development of the Pearl River Delta region, having a leisure garden in the reinforced concrete "forest" of the city is no longer the privilege of the top class of the pyramid, and more and more private gardens are quietly emerging. Luo Hansong is elegant and upright, with a strong and vigorous momentum, coupled with the implication of "longevity" and "auspiciousness" in Chinese culture, owners who pursue high-grade courtyard beautification often like to plant one or two trees of Luo Han pine, adding a masterpiece to create their own "garden-style tale". Gradually open up other provincial markets, the market in northern China is dominated by government consumption, municipal key greening projects and road projects pull engineering seedlings obviously, and there is a great demand for landscape seedlings and engineering seedlings. Guangdong Luohansong operating enterprises seize this business opportunity to open up provincial markets. But generally speaking, the Pearl River Delta market still has great potential for development. " Lohan pine sold to other provinces in Longyan horticulture accounted for 90% of the company's total sales in 2012, and the situation is roughly the same for other companies that operate it. The propagation methods of Pinus elliottii are commonly used in sowing and cutting propagation. Sow seeds, sow after seed collection in August, and germinate about 10 days later. Cuttings are carried out in spring and autumn, dormant branches are selected in spring, semi-woody twigs are selected in autumn, 12-15 cm, inserted into the seedbed of sand and soil, and take root in about 50-60 days. The main disease control of Luohan pine is leaf spot and anthracnose, which is sprayed with 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 500 times. Pests are harmful to shell insects, red spiders and coir moths, which can be sprayed with 1500 times omethoate EC. Variety classification of Luohansong 1. Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.) Sweet. Var. Maki Siev. & Zucc.), also known as Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii, Cunninghamia lanceolata, shrub-like, short and dense leaves, mostly born at the top of branchlets, with white powder on the back. 2. Short-leaf Luohansong (Podocarpus brevifolius.), alias Pinus elliottii and Taxodium cuspidata, is often shrubby, the leaves are arranged in spiral clusters, the single leaf is short banded lanceolate, the apex is obtuse, the base is round or cuneate, the leaf is leathery, the leaf is dark green, the midvein is obvious and the petiole is very short. It is cultivated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and potted plants are the best. 3. Narrow leaves of Pinus elliottii (Podocarpus macrophyllus var.angustitolius B1.), leaves strip-shaped and slender, usually 5-9 cm long and 3-6 mm wide, apex narrowing and growing tip, base cuneate. Sichuan, Guizhou and Jiangxi are produced. 4. Podocarpus forrestii in Dali, shrubby, with large leaves. Produced in Cangshan, Dali, Yunnan, Kunming is used for garden viewing and can be used as bonsai. 5. Hainan Luohansong (Podocarpus annamiensis NEGray), leaves spirally arranged, radiate scattered, 4-10.5cm long, 5-10mm wide, apex rounded or obtuse. Seeds subglobose or ovoid, bilaterally symmetrical, receptacle ellipsoid longer than or as long as seeds. Scattered in the south of Hainan. 6. Lanyu Luohan pine (Podocarpus costalis) leaf branch end, lanceolate, apex round-obtuse, hard leathery, dark green and shiny. Native to Taiwan Orchid Island, Orchid Island Luohan pine leaves, evergreen, elegant, young plants can be potted, adult trees for garden beautification of advanced tree species, can also be adjusted to form a round, conical or advanced bonsai. Luohansong is distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces, and is cultivated in all provinces south of the Yangtze River. It is also distributed in Japan. At present, the largest Luohansong base in China is located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. It is the main planting base of valuable tree species in Fujian Zhaobao Ecological Farm in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. It covers an area of more than 2000 mu, has different gestures and is worth billions of yuan. It is currently the largest cultivation base of Luohansong in the country. Luo Han Song's Cultural background Greening News at the end of July and early August 2010, Zhuhai spent 8 million yuan to plant 31 Luo Han pine trees along two roads. When Luohan pine land, some citizens asked the officials of the relevant departments to give an explanation. The head of the Zhuhai Municipal Garden and Forestry Bureau said that cities such as Shenzhen and Zhongshan have spent huge amounts of money to build urban green landscape avenues, and Zhuhai is not the first to plant Luohan pine. The responsible person said that the "big tree greeting spring" project belonging to planting Luohansong has gone through the project approval and public bidding procedures of the development and reform department. The opinions of the National people's Congress and the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference were solicited before implementation. The introduction of Luo Hansong this time is also controlled in the approved budget estimate of the development and reform department. It is understood that 31 Luohan pine averages 260000 yuan each, and the relevant departments will carry out GPS positioning for these valuable trees to prevent theft. Mysterious legend 1. There is a Luo Han pine in the primary school campus of Shiqiutou Village, Tiepu Town, Chaoan County, which is loved by the villagers. Several times in history, construction plans have changed course due to the protection of Luohansong, and flower and tree buyers have come to the door many times and promised to buy this tree with a lot of money, but they were eventually turned away. Referring to the unimpressive Luo Hansong, the old people in the village said it was their "treasure of the town and village". This lohan pine is about 6 meters high and its crown is small. It looks like a banana fan sticking out from afar. The appearance of the tree is a little unique, bent to one side, the outer layer of the bark is severely peeled off, and there are signs of termites eating, fortunately, the leaves are still green and dense. This Luohan pine was transplanted from Kaiyuan Temple in 1851, 154 years ago. At that time, in order to encourage students to study hard and become talents, the school got this tree with the help of a monk in Kaiyuan Temple. It used to be called the auspicious tree, meaning that the students were lucky and the school was running better and better. In fact, the reason why this Luohan pine is regarded as a village treasure is not only because of the tree's age and beautiful name, but more importantly, since the Luohan tree was planted, there have been a large number of talents in both the former school and the later school, which makes the local people proud. According to Chen Senlan, a 75-year-old retired president, after planting this tree in the first year of Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty, 30 people of ten families in the village were promoted; during the period of the Republic of China, more than 50 college students were admitted to the Naval Academy, Huangpu military Academy, and Tsinghua University in Beijing; after liberation, more than 360 people in Shiqiutou Village, with a population of 2,000 to 3,000, were admitted to the university. The old man said that although the theory of tree planting and imperial examination prosperity could not be believed, it was true that the village had made great efforts to worship culture and education since the planting of Luohansong, which may be the original intention of the ancestors to plant trees. 2. To the west of Lujiazhou Village, less than 500 meters away from the village is the ancient waterway wharf, the ancient camphor forest, green overcast several mu. In the meantime stands a vigorous, tall and leafy Luohan pine. According to the investigation of landscape scholars, the tree has a height of 28 meters, a circumference of 5.20 meters and an age of more than 1500 years. According to legend, when Lujiazu opened the village, he split the branches and leaves of Han pine and found a thick red blood-like pulp flowing from the knife wound. He thought that the tree was as bloody as a human being, and regarded it as a human fairy tree. He was in awe of it and was called the "old sacred tree." The descendants of Lu in all previous dynasties took great care of the old god tree and looked like a god. According to legend, the "old god tree" is protected by a god snake, which has a thick bowl mouth, more than a foot long, and has a fiery red "chicken crown" on its head. whenever there is wind, rain, lightning and thunder, the god snake will dance around the sky to protect the pine from being hurt by lightning. Two old people in their 70s in the village claimed that they had seen the serpent with their own eyes. The difference is that one of the old people has been seriously ill for three years, while the other has a son in his old age. They themselves say that this is the "flame" of each person, and the misfortune and misfortune are unpredictable. Luo Hansong pictures