
Culture and cultivation management methods of Fulukao

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The hydrangea flowers are in full bloom and the summer flowers are in full bloom to welcome the autumn, which is the charm of the peach blossom season cultivated in the courtyard in our country. It is a perennial perennial herbaceous flower, so it is also called perennial root Fluke. The height of the plant is about 50ml / 80cm and the diameter of the floret is about 2.

"Hydrangea blossoms are in full bloom, and summer flowers are in full bloom in autumn." this is the charm of the blooming season of "peach red" Fu Lu, which is cultivated in the courtyard of our country. It is a perennial perennial herbaceous flower, so it is also called perennial root Fluke. The height of the plant is about 50ml / 80cm and the diameter of the floret is about 2. 5 centimeters, but many flowers gather into large panicles, so it is also known as "Fulu examination of conical flowers". The main florescence is from July to September; there are many cultivated varieties, such as pink, pink purple, blue purple, Corydalis and white; some varieties have deep red and purple halos at the base of their petals. Fu Lukao belongs to twistbread: family, native to North America; hardy, like mild and moist climate. Flowers and leaves flourish on a fertile soil with plenty of sunshine and good drainage. Root, bud or stem cuttings can be used for propagation, and they can also be propagated separately, but the growth vigor of plants planted separately is not as vigorous as that of cuttings. When the root is inserted, the stout root is cut into 3 cm long root segments, and placed flat in the coarse sand. The sand is buried about 1 cm, keeping 22 Mel 25 degrees. After fully watering, it is covered with plastic film or glass, and new buds can grow in about a month.

When the buds were inserted, the 8cm-long new buds sprouted at the root neck of the old plant were cut from the base and inserted into plain sand. Under the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, 2Mel took root for 3 weeks. If the stem is inserted, the full branches after flowering are selected in the middle and late October, each branch is cut into cuttings with a length of 6ml / 8cm, the lower leaves are removed and inserted into the sunny soil bed in the open field. 3Murray 0. Peat particles with a diameter of 5 cm are the best, which are watered thoroughly after insertion and covered with plastic film; in the severe winter season, they are covered with grass curtains at night; they take root and sprout from March to April of the following year and grow into new plants. The culture and cultivation management method of Fulukao is "Hydrangea blossoms are in full bloom, summer flowers are in full bloom to welcome autumn", which is the charm of "peach red" Fulu Kao blooming season cultivated in the courtyard of our country. It is a perennial perennial herbaceous flower, so it is also called perennial root Fluke. The height of the plant is about 50ml / 80cm and the diameter of the floret is about 2. 5 centimeters, but many flowers gather into large panicles, so it is also known as "Fulu examination of conical flowers". The main florescence is from July to September; there are many cultivated varieties, such as pink, pink purple, blue purple, Corydalis and white; some varieties have deep red and purple halos at the base of their petals. Fu Lukao belongs to twistbread: family, native to North America; hardy, like mild and moist climate. Flowers and leaves flourish on a fertile soil with plenty of sunshine and good drainage. Root, bud or stem cuttings can be used for propagation, and they can also be propagated separately, but the growth vigor of plants planted separately is not as vigorous as that of cuttings. When the root is inserted, the stout root is cut into 3 cm long root segments, and placed flat in the coarse sand. The sand is buried about 1 cm, keeping 22 Mel 25 degrees. After fully watering, it is covered with plastic film or glass, and new buds can grow in about a month. When the buds were inserted, the 8cm-long new buds sprouted at the root neck of the old plant were cut from the base and inserted into plain sand. Under the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, 2 Mel took root for 3 weeks. If the stem is inserted, the full branches after flowering are selected in the middle and late October, each branch is cut into cuttings with a length of 6ml / 8cm, the lower leaves are removed and inserted into the sunny soil bed in the open field. 3Murray 0. Peat particles with a diameter of 5 cm are the best, which are watered thoroughly after insertion and covered with plastic film; in the severe winter season, they are covered with grass curtains at night; they take root and sprout from March to April of the following year and grow into new plants. Ramet propagation can be carried out after defoliation in autumn or before and after germination in early spring. Some varieties can occasionally bear seeds, which should be sown in autumn after harvest. If sown in spring, the seeds should be stored in sand to survive the winter. The suitable temperature for germination is 24 degrees 18m / m, and about 3m / m for 4 weeks. In cultivation, the ramet is carried out every other year for renewal, otherwise it is easy to senescence and should be planted in another place after the split. Potted plants should be changed into fresh and fertile potted soil every spring, and the pot bottom should be padded with an appropriate amount of mature base fertilizer, and the original plant should be divided into 5 plants, each with 3 buds and replanted. In summer, it is especially necessary to inert watering and ventilation, otherwise it is very easy to suffer from leaf spot disease, light will make the foot leaves fall off, lose the beauty of the plant shape, heavy, the whole plant will die, and more attention should be paid to waterlogging prevention in the rainy season. During the growth period, topdressing was applied every half a month. After full flowering, cut off the residual flower branches in the unripe parts of the branches, combined with proper fertilizer and water, about 20 days later, germinate new branches and continue to blossom to Frosts Descent. The flowering period of the well-managed Fulukao can be extended from late June to October 1. Fu Lukao is the most suitable for cloth garden flower beds, flower borders, but also suitable for potted plants; in full bloom, cut flower branches to make cut flowers, decorate the interior, and receive the interest of "flowers in clusters, wealth and splendor". Another kind of annual flower which is similar to Fu Lukao and is widely cultivated is Fu Lukao. The plant is 30ml 40cm high with a variety of flower colors; it is native to North America; it likes a cool environment during its growing period; it is suitable for biennial flowers in areas with short springs and hot summers. Beijing area should sow seeds on the first exposed ground in autumn in September and move to the warmer part of the northern part of the sunny border in the middle of October. When it is cold, it is necessary to cover double mats at night, pay attention to cold prevention and overwintering, growth and flowering is better than spring sowing, but the cold tolerance is poor; flowering from May to July. Sowing in spring, sowing in warm places from February to March, flowering from June to July, later and shorter than autumn, hot weather, the whole plant died. The most suitable temperature for seed germination is 1819 degrees, about 10 days, and it is better to germinate in dark than in light. The stem is sturdy and erect, about 50 cm high, leaves alternately opposite or 3-leaf whorled, long oval, inflorescence dense, conical, terminal, small Corolla high-legged dish-shaped; flowers are rich in colors, such as red, purple, white and orange, open from June to September, flowers are more robust, suitable for cut flowers, potted flowers, layout of flower beds and so on.

Fu Lukao is native to North America, has strong adaptability and likes warmth; likes sunny environment, can also grow in semi-shade, is cold-resistant and drought-resistant, and is not strict with soil, so it is more suitable for its growth and development in fertile and moist calcareous soil. The breeding of Fu Lukao. The methods of ramet, cutting and sowing can be used, and the ramet can be germinated in spring, once every 2-3 years, and the cuttings can be cut by stem and root. Root cuttings should also be entered in spring, first dig up the underground roots and cut them into segments, sprinkle and sow them, and then they can emerge seedlings; stem cuttings are 5-8 long during the growing period, and the cuttings are buried in the soil, paying attention to moisturizing, rooting in about 10 days, and flowering in the same year; sowing seeds with picking and sowing after ripening, transplanting when there are 2-3 true leaves, and removing the top tip when the seedling height is more than 10 cm, in order to promote its branch shaping. When potted, it is appropriate to use a larger flowerpot, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of compost and 1 part of rice chaff ash. Seedlings or ramet seedlings can be put on the pot directly. If they are transplanted in the growing season, they should bring soil balls to ensure survival. Keep the pot soil moist during the peak growing season, but do not water it too much, use manure or cake fertilizer, and water every 10-15 days. When the seedlings grow high, you should pay attention to the head, so as to control the height and make it blossom as scheduled. If 15% paclobutrazol of 4000PPM is applied once, the overhigh growth of the plant can also be restrained. After the first batch of flowers, the residual flowers should be removed in time, the topdressing should be strengthened, and the new shoots sprouting between the axils of the side leaves should be promoted to bloom again. The aboveground part withered in winter, so you only need to keep the basin soil a little wetter to survive the winter.