
Cultivation and Culture of Rose and Rose

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rose, also known as Catharanthus roseus, also known as the four Seasons Rose, because it blossoms throughout the year, and Rose is a close relative. The cultivation of rose in China has a long history. In ancient times, there is only a flower without ten days of red, this flower has no day without spring breeze to praise the flowering characteristics of the four seasons. But it refers to the Chinese rose, that is, monthly red or iron red.

Rose, also known as Catharanthus roseus, also known as the four Seasons Rose, because it blossoms throughout the year, and Rose is a close relative. The cultivation of rose in China has a long history. In ancient times, there is a poem of "only flowers without ten days of red, this flower without a day without spring breeze" to praise the flowering characteristics of the four seasons of rose. But it refers to the Chinese rose, that is, the red moon or iron red, while the history of modern rose is not long, only about 200 years old. In the 18th century, Chinese roses were hybridized with European roses in France, and the first batch of large flower roses were bred. Later, breeders crossed them with Chinese perfume roses and other kinds of roses to produce different colors.

Varieties of different flower shapes and other forms are widely cultivated all over the world. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 varieties in the world, and enthusiasts are still breeding new varieties. Rose is the national flower of the United Kingdom. China's Tianjin, Changzhou and other cities are also designated as city flowers, Beijing, Tianjin, Changzhou and other places have also set up rose associations, Britain and the United States have national associations.

There are many varieties of rose, but according to its plant shape, it can be divided into trailing type, the branches are creeping and creeping, and the main varieties are attached to the support to grow. the main varieties are Jinguang, pink, Huang Heping, etc.; erect, branches erect, mostly blossom at the top of the stem, the main varieties are golden back red, French white, peace, ink red, old red, blue Lulu, imperial concubine drunk and so on. The dwarf type, the plant is short, the branch is many branchlets, the main variety has the little sister, the sky star and so on; in addition, according to the flower color can also be divided into white flower, yellow flower, safflower, purple, green and mixed color sprinkle gold and so on. The cultivation and cultivation method of rose rose is colorful, pleasant aroma and covered with thorns, so rose, also known as thorn rose, is not only a famous raw material for flavor, but also a raw material for fragrance tea, wine and food. the value of its essential oil is very high, which is often lower than the price of gold in the international market. It is an upright prickly shrub. Rose and rose are sisters of Rosaceae, they look like twins, but the leaves of rose are wrinkled and white on the back with small thorns, while the leaves of rose are spreading, the original flower is single, and the round red fruit is also very beautiful after flowering. It also contains vitamin c, which is an important natural vitamin raw material. The ornamental rose, which is now widely cultivated, is a double variety. Fruiting and flowering are widely cultivated, almost in Asia, Europe and North America. Roses are native to dry regions of Asia and Europe. It is distributed in the mountainous areas of North, Northwest and Southwest of China, as well as in Japan and Korea. Sex likes places where the air is dry, fertile and well drained, and it is not easy to blossom in the shade. Miaofeng Mountain in Beijing, Kushui Township in Yongdeng, Gansu Province, and Pingyin County in Shandong Province all have a lot of cultivation, specializing in the production of roses. Gardens and families around the country are often cultivated. For the reproduction of roses, single available seeds should be sowed immediately after harvest in autumn, otherwise it is not easy to germinate in the second year, and it will take another year for seedlings to emerge. Double flower variety, because the stamens have become petals, so there is no harvest, can not be sown and propagated. In the past, the split or striping method was often used. In the south, the air humidity is high in spring, and the cuttage is easy to survive; in the north, the softwood cuttage can only be carried out with the glass frame bed in summer, and the survival rate is difficult to be guaranteed. A large number of tender wood cuttings can be carried out under the film cover, but the relative humidity must be above 80% and the temperature is about 25% in the film. Cultivation methods of Chinese rose

Cultivation methods of Chinese rose

Flower profile: rose, alias month red, Douxuehong, thin guest, Catharanthus roseus, is an evergreen or deciduous shrub of Rosaceae.

Rose flowers: waiting for hopeful hope, happiness, glory, beauty is always new.

Place of growth: rose originated in China, distributed in Hubei, Sichuan, Gansu and other provinces and mountains; now it has been planted all over the world except tropical and cold zones.

Flower cultivation is beneficial: unique shape, noble and elegant, with high ornamental value; flowers can extract spices; roots, leaves, flowers can be human medicine, with the effect of promoting blood circulation, detumescence, anti-inflammation and detoxification; rose can absorb hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, ether, phenol and other harmful gases.

Flower appearance: pinnate compound leaf, broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, leaf margin serrated, both sides smooth; flowers clustered, multiple petals, umbels, flowers with red, yellow, purple, pink, orange, pink, crimson, rose purple, light green, etc., known as the "queen of flowers".

Variety selection: baby black and red, a bead, colorful baby, jade exquisite, tapestry and other varieties of small plants, not suitable for potted plants; Elizabeth, golden giant and other giant roses are not suitable for potted plants; Bell of Freedom, Golden Phoenix and other branches are sparse and tall, not easy to plastic surgery, not suitable for potted plants.

Plant selection: plants with stout branches, fat dark green leaves, large flowering stems, colorful flowers and fragrant plants.

The choice of flowerpot: it is best to use tile pot to cultivate rose, and purple sand pot is also better. Small pots with a caliber of about 20 cm can be used to cultivate seedlings.

Preparation of culture soil: rose likes soil with good water retention, aeration, good fertilizer retention, loose and weakly acidic or neutral soil. Rose culture soil can be prepared with a variety of materials. For example, organic matter and soil can be used to make fermented nutritious soil and field soil, rice chaff ash and so on.

Preparation method 1: pastoral soil, legume straw compost soil and rice chaff ash were mixed at 2:4:4 and dried in the sun.

Preparation method 2: humus soil (peat, rotten leaves, etc.), organic fertilizer (dung leached heap manure, dry manure, etc.): field sandy loam, bone powder (or oil residue, plant ash, etc.) were mixed according to the ratio of 3, 2, 4 and 1.

Preparation method 3: garden soil, cinder and compost were mixed at 3:2:2, and then 50m 100g rotten cake fertilizer was added as base fertilizer.

Flower cultivation: the time of potting can be carried out in spring, autumn and winter, and it is generally in cloudy days or evening in spring and autumn. Pots, nutritious soil and seedlings should be prepared before potting. Clean the basin, spread a layer of broken tiles on the bottom of the basin, then put a layer of coarse sand, then put part of the nutritive soil, put the seedling roots on the nutritious soil, then fill in the nutritious soil, gently pat the edge of the basin while putting it, and finally gently compact the soil. The soil for the basin should be kept wet. That is, a grab into a tuo, a rub will be scattered, after the basin, pour water, put into the semi-shady place, slow the seedling for a week, into the normal management.

Fertilization: rose like fertilizer, fertilization times should be more and timely, but each time to apply less, light fertilizer.

If it is found that the leaves of rose plants are thin, small and green, and the new branches of axillary buds grow thin, it means that there is a lack of fertilizer and it is necessary to apply fertilizer quickly; if it is found that the leaves of rose plants are hypertrophic and thick, the color is dark green and shiny, it shows that the fertilizer is sufficient and can be applied less or not for the time being. Fertilizing too much, too thick or too fast will result in waste of fertilizer and easy to damage the roots.

It is best to use oil residue, cake fertilizer, plant ash and chemical fertilizer. Do not let the fertilizer come into direct contact with the root when burying fertilizer.

Before the rose begins to sprout and spread its leaves in March, a small amount of dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied to make the branches strong and leaves luxuriant.

When the rose grows vigorously from April to June and from September to October, topdressing should be applied every 10 days, and the rotten fermented fish juice and vegetable leaf juice can be mixed with 3% fertilizer and 7% water.

From July to August, the weather is hot, especially when the temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius, the rose is close to semi-dormancy, and its metabolism slows down, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer or less fertilizer at this time.

Fertilization should be stopped at the end of autumn to avoid causing autumn shoots to suffer frost damage in winter.

Winter can apply a larger concentration of cake fertilizer, can also use mature barnyard manure, compost, etc., the whole winter dormancy period no longer topdressing.

Warm reminder: pay attention to when sprouting and releasing leaves of rose, it is not suitable to be fat. Its roots are growing new roots. if you encounter thick fertilizer, it is easy to cause the new roots to atrophy, and the leaves on the new branches will become scorched, wrinkled or ossified, seriously affecting normal growth, or even withering the whole plant.

The degree of thin application here is generally controlled at the level of 7% water and 3% fertilizer.

Rose should apply more organic fertilizer, and it must be fully mature before it can be used.

The time of fertilization should choose a sunny day, and finally loosen the soil before fertilization, and then carry out when the basin soil is slightly dry in the evening, so that the absorption effect is good.

Water should be watered the next day after fertilization to prevent fertilizer damage.

Be careful not to let the fertilizer touch the stems and leaves when fertilizing, and it can be sent along the edge of the basin.

Watering: potted rose watering principle is "see dry see wet", see the soil white, should be timely watering, rose is most afraid of water.

The general watering rule is that in spring and autumn, sunny weather should be watered every morning, summer should be watered in the morning and evening, and winter can be watered every few days at noon. Of course, the amount of water should be adjusted according to the needs of different stages of growth and development. At the time of sprouting and spreading leaves and branches, the amount of water should be gradually increased. During its flowering period, it should be watered less to prevent the flowers from dying. The original amount of water can be restored after the flowers fade. Plants should be watered less when they enter the dormant period. Of course, the amount of water should be adjusted according to the needs of different stages of growth and development. At the time of sprouting and spreading leaves and branches, the amount of water should be gradually increased. During its flowering period, it should be watered less to prevent the flowers from dying. The original amount of water can be restored after the flowers fade. Plants should be watered less when they enter the dormant period.

Warm reminder: rose leaves yellowing is thought to be lack of water, in fact, not necessarily, only the lower part of the leaves gradually dry yellow shedding upward, and the new leaves and the center of the normal phenomenon, shows that the plant is lack of water.

Pruning: rose pruning should be carried out all the year round, and the purpose of pruning is to improve its lighting and ventilation conditions. Pruning should be carried out flexibly according to the age, season and growth of the plant.

Under the same circumstances, the rose sprouting in early spring should be treated with bud thinning to ensure concentrated nutrients, symmetrical plant type and abundant flowering. You can first peel off the thin endophytic buds and overlapping buds from the base, and remove the buds again when the remaining buds grow to about 7 centimeters. According to the size and shape of the plant, leave an appropriate number of strong buds as appropriate, so that they can develop into branches and bloom.

After the end of the first batch of flowering, moderate pruning should be carried out, and the principles of pruning after strong branches, cutting short branches and weak branches first and high cutting should be mastered. If the branches are short and the leaves have few nodes, only the first single or compound leaf under the flower needs to be cut off. Long branches should be pruned as much as possible, but not more than 2CP5 of the whole branch; the first batch of unflowering top branches should be trimmed together. After pruning, buds should be thinned. Generally, there are two buds on the strong branches and one bud on the weak branches. After pruning, water properly, wait until the new buds branch and spread leaves, and then put water to top fertilizer.

When the second batch of flowers continue to bloom, it is in the hot summer, and most varieties are semi-dormant. During this period, it is not suitable for strong pruning. The overlapping branches and clustered branches can be trimmed, and the buds can be removed if necessary.

Autumn pruning, mainly based on the subsequent branches of the first batch of flowers, was cut from the lower part of the plant.

Depending on the growth period of the plant, it can also be pruned as follows:

For seedling pruning, some seedlings bud when the branches are very short, but the flowers are not formed. In order to prevent them from wasting too much nutrients, the young buds should be plucked together with the first leaf at the same time; when the new shoots without buds grow to 7-8 leaves, they should be coring to promote the growth and firmness of the new branches. The second branch is continued at the top, and the rest of the lateral buds are erased at any time. Summer and autumn can not be forced pruning, lest the growth is not full, wait until the winter and then strong pruning, the next spring can flourish.

For rose pruning, which has been growing for two years, pruning is generally carried out when the temperature drops below after winter. The pruning objects are withered branches, diseased branches, cross branches, thin and weak branches, old main branches and native branches growing in late autumn.

For the normal growth, vigorous growth of the flowering rose, mini rose should be weak pruning, about cut off the whole plant 1 to 3, this kind of rose should also leave more branches, which is conducive to the plant showing a luxuriant appearance.

Light and temperature management: the rose likes light, and the sunshine must be long. Sufficient light is very beneficial to the growth and flowering of the rose, so the rose should be placed in a place where you can get sunshine for more than half a day.

In spring and autumn, plants need 8 hours of light a day in order for stems and leaves to grow healthily and bloom brightly. If the light is not enough, the branches will grow thin, the leaves will be bright yellow, the flowers will become smaller, and the color of the flowers will be dim and dull.

However, the rose should not be exposed to strong light during the flowering period, so the buds will be stunted, the petals will scorch easily, and the viewing period will be shortened, so it should be properly shaded to protect the flowers and leaves fresh.

Rose is naturally heat-repellent, and the optimum temperature of most varieties is between 15 degrees Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius during the day and 10 degrees Celsius to 15 degrees Celsius at night. The plant grows best when the temperature is between 20 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius, but it is difficult to grow when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius.

Rose is more hardy, winter temperature is less than 5 degrees Celsius to enter dormancy, the general variety can withstand the low temperature of-15 degrees Celsius.

Management of flowering and fruiting period: the natural flowering period of rose is from May to November, during which the flowering is continuous. If we strengthen the management before flowering, watering more and fertilizing frequently, we can make the buds of rose grow strong and strong, and can pour some calcium superphosphate solution as topdressing. But stop fertilizing when you see the color of the bud. Watering should be more timely during flowering. After the flowers fade, the residual flowers and leaves should be trimmed in time, and fertilizer should be applied.

If some flower lovers want to make the flowers bloom at a specific time, they should control the flowering period.

The flowering period can be controlled by pruning. There are two types of buds on the flower branches of the rose: under the flowers (5 leaves), the upper buds of the branches are pointed, and the flower branches are shorter, with about 6-9 leaves, which is early, usually at 15-18 days, and the flowering is small.

The bud in the middle of the branch, that is, the 6-9 leaves under the flower, the bud is round, the flower branch from the round bud is long, about 13-16 leaves, the budding time is longer, usually about 25 days, flowering is large.

The bud eye at the base of the branch is flat, the activity is low, the branch is slow, it is easy to become a long branch, and the budding time of the flower branch is longer, usually more than 30 days. According to these, we can prune reasonably and control the flowering period.

In general, it takes about 45 days for rose to sprout to blossom. Therefore, potted rose and cut rose can be fully pruned about 45 days before flowering.

When the plant is pruned and the new generation of buds do not germinate, 0.2% urea can be sprayed on the leaves every 5 to 6 days to promote its germination; if the plant grows too fast and the new branches grow rapidly, beyond the planned range, its growth can be inhibited by controlling water supply. To control the water, you should control the grip, and spray water immediately after you find that the branches and leaves wilt. If the budding of new shoots is found to be later than planned, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaves every 5 to 6 days, so that the buds will grow rapidly.

Some flower lovers hope that it will blossom during the Spring Festival. It is generally a strong plant for 2 years, and it is suitable for varieties with strong growth, such as Sudan Gold and so on.

If it wants to blossom in winter, it should be strongly pruned in mid-October to concentrate its nutrients. Wait until the minimum temperature drops to-8 degrees Celsius in late November. Then slowly thaw it in a low temperature place, pour or change the basin, and finally pour water through it.

Move the pot to a place of about 10t, wait until the plant germinates and then move to a sunny place indoors, with at least 4 hours of direct light every day, and the temperature should be about 20 degrees Celsius to keep the air fresh and moist. After its budding, it can promote or inhibit its growth as appropriate, so that it can blossom regularly.

Warm reminder: winter rose most avoid high temperature and dark, which can easily lead to tender and weak growth of branches and leaves, but do not blossom.

Change the basin: generally after one or two years of growth, the potted rose has grown taller, and the roots may grow close to the basin wall, and the nutrition of the basin soil can no longer meet the needs of plant growth. at this time, it is necessary to change the basin, and the time to change the basin is usually in winter every year. When changing the basin, take out the rose from the basin, and then cut off the old root and diseased root of the plant.

Then first use tiles to support the basin hole and cushion the drainage layer, cover it with a layer of culture soil, and then put 30cm 50g hooves according to the depth of the basin, which can be evenly dispersed as base fertilizer, or organic fertilizer such as retting rotten bones and fur scraps can be used as base fertilizer, and then cover a layer of soil. Then the fibrous root of the plant is slightly loosened and straightened out, then compacted, watered once, and placed in a semi-shady place.

Propagation: there are many propagation methods of rose, including cutting, grafting, split, striping, sowing and tissue culture.

Cutting propagation can be carried out all the year round. Spring usually takes place from late April to early May. Summer cutting is generally from mid-June to early July, autumn cutting is generally carried out from late August to early October, and winter is carried out after November.

Cuttings to choose robust growth of branches, generally cut off 8 cm to 10 cm. Before insertion, it can be dipped in 0.5%-1% earthworm noise butyric acid solution to promote its rooting. The matrix can be made of materials such as river sand, rice bran ash or vermiculite.

Generally, cuttings in spring and summer can take root in about 15 days; in autumn, cuttings should take root in 30 days, and the room temperature should be kept at 20 degrees Celsius ~ 25 degrees Celsius when cutting, and the humidity should be maintained by proper spray.

Can also be inserted with water, in the early summer and autumn temperature of 20 degrees Celsius ~ 25 degrees Celsius conditions, the cuttings of 1 big 3 immersed in water, about 20 days later can take root.

Grafting propagation can be carried out all the year round. There are bud grafting and tender shoot grafting, and rootstocks usually choose multi-flowered rose and pink rose.

The buds selected for grafting are usually strong, newly germinated axillary buds after anthesis and peeled off. Cross-cut the stock with a knife, which is 1 cm long, and then cut longitudinally to make it T-shaped with the transverse cut, with a length of 1.5 cm. Pry open the branch bark with a grafting knife, insert the peeled bud into the human interface, and then wrap the interface with a cm-wide plastic film to expose the petiole and bud point. Generally, it can be untied 15 days after grafting, and the bud can sprout and survive after 30 days.

The method of branch grafting is to cut the rootstock to a depth of 2 cm, select the tender shoots that have not yet unfolded leaves as the scion, the scion had better be the same thickness as the rootstock, and then fasten it with plastic film to heal in about 10 days.

Ramet propagation when the month is growing in a secondary state, you can dig up the surrounding soil, cut the plant with scissors, and plant in a pot. At the same time, prune the aboveground part in order to reduce the water evaporation of the plant and improve the survival rate of transplanting. Striping propagation can be used for some rattan or semi-rattan roses. Bend the branches into the pit, cut the branches into the pit with a sharp knife, press them, then press the soil, and keep the soil moist. After 25 to 30 days, the new roots will grow, and in about 40 days, they can be cut off from the mother plant and become seedlings independently.

In general, the seeds of rose can be harvested from October to November, and the seeds can be stored in wet sand. The seeds can be sown indoors from December to February of the following year. The temperature of 22 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius is the most suitable for plant germination, and the seedlings will emerge in about 30 days.

Tissue culture propagation is often used for terminal buds or tender stems as explants, then sterilized, and then inoculated on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 0.1 mg / L naphthoacetic acid. After 5 weeks, 25% of the terminal buds developed into new seedlings, and then transferred to 1/2MS medium with 3 mg / L naphthylacetic acid, 68% of the new seedlings took root in about 3 weeks.

Overwintering: potted rose is generally hardy and can be moved indoors when the temperature reaches-8 ^ in late November. Generally low temperature cold storage, make it dormant, spring growth and development is exuberant. Indoor temperature around the most suitable, the temperature is not too high, otherwise it can not dormancy normally.

After the Beginning of Winter sees the freeze, the branches of the potted rose can be truncated, poured enough water, and then put into a hole dug on the ground to cover with soil, or it can be placed in the shade of the balcony with a plastic film cover to leave a vent for storage.

There is basically no management throughout the winter, but when the basin soil is dry, appropriate watering can be used to prevent the branches from drying up. Pest control: rose is often affected by gray mold, black spot, mosaic, wrinkle, powdery mildew, aphid

Infestation by insects, shell insects, etc.

Botrytis cinerea rose infected with the leaf edge and leaf tip will appear water-stained light brown spots, smooth slightly sunken, and then gradually expand the decay area. When the flower is infected, the petals turn brown and wrinkle and rot. The disease is most likely to occur in warm and humid environments.

To prevent and cure this disease, it is necessary to remove the disease department in time, cut off the source of infection, maintain indoor ventilation and keep constant temperature and dryness.


In the early stage of the disease, one hundred times Bordeaux solution can be sprayed, once every two weeks. Or spray with 2000 times of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 50% isobarbazide wettable powder (000x 1500 times), or 50% thiophanate methyl wettable powder, or 50% carbendazim 500 times, once every 7 to 10 days, for 2 times in a row.

After the black spot rose was infected with the disease, the disease spots on the leaves were purple-brown or brown spots at first, and then expanded into small round spots, black or dark brown, and the edges were ciliate. In general, the disease is serious in the rainy season and typhoon season, and the disease spreads slowly in the hot and dry season in summer. Plants are susceptible to disease when they are weak.

In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to clean the fallen leaves and pick the diseased leaves in time. Potted plants should not be placed too dense, nor should they be placed directly on the ground to prevent the flowerpots from getting too wet when the ground is flooded. When watering, do not water at night, lest the water can not dry quickly, so that germs can take advantage of it.

When the new leaves just grow in summer, they can be sprayed with chlorothalonil, carbendazim, Dysen zinc, methyl topiramate and other medicament control.

In the early stage of powdery mildew infected plants, chlorotic macula appeared on the leaves, and then gradually expanded, resulting in a layer of white powder, and in severe cases, the whole leaf was covered with a layer of powdery mildew. The peak period of the disease is from May to June and from September to October.

In order to effectively prevent and cure the disease, it is necessary to prune and destroy the susceptible branches in time to reduce the source of infection. The plants should be properly ventilated and the humidity should be reduced. Avoid excessive M fertilizer and appropriately increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

The initial stage of the disease can be sprayed with 1500 times of the wettable powder or 2000 times of the EC, generally sprayed every 7 to 10 days, 2 times for 3 times.

At the initial stage of flower rot disease, the spot was in the base of the outer petals, and the flowers were covered by brown spots after expansion, and finally yellowish brown withered and black particles appeared. The disease is easy to occur when the plant growth is weak and the environmental humidity is high.

In order to prevent and cure this disease, we should pay attention to keep the plant ventilated and transparent, and we can also spray stone-sulfur mixture, carbendazim, carbendazim and other agents.

Whitefly whitefly occurs in the peak period from May to October, causing leaf yellowing and living on the back of the leaf.

It can be controlled by crystal trichlorfon, omethoate, dichlorvos, fenitrothion and so on.

Aphids and shell aphids begin to damage in the middle of March every year, and the damage is the most serious in April and May. Plants with poor ventilation and light transmittance are easy to induce scale insects.

In order to control this pest, the ovate branches should be cut off in time, and the winged aphid can be induced by yellow viscose board. It was found that the eggs could be controlled by permethrin, insecticide and so on.

The whistling leaves of the caterpillar moth caused a gap in the leaves, which affected the ornamental. The damage is more serious from July to August every year.

This pest can be controlled by light trapping, artificial cocoon removal, or diflubenzuron, diflubenzuron, enemy killing and other chemicals.

Leaf wasps eat harmful leaves and affect plant photosynthesis and ornamental. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of trichlorfon or 3000 times of trichlorfon.

The best location: can be used as bonsai or cut flowers, flower baskets, bouquets, etc., placed in the living room, corridor or cabinet.