
How to water fragrant snow orchid, how to water fragrant snow orchid / see dry and wet once a week

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a common indoor potted plant, Xiangxue orchid is farmed by many people. Its color is as white as snow, and its flower fragrance is as faint as orchid. It is very likable. However, if you want fragrant snow orchid to look good, it is very important to water it properly. How to water fragrant snow orchid? Watering is a technical activity.

As a common indoor potted plant, Xiangxue orchid is farmed by many people. Its color is as white as snow, and its flower fragrance is as faint as orchid. It is very likable. However, if you want fragrant snow orchid to look good, it is very important to water it properly. How to water fragrant snow orchid? Watering is a technical job, so let's go with the editor to have a look at Xiang Xuelan's watering method.

How to water Xiangxue orchid, time / method

In the cultivation method of fragrant snow orchid, watering is an indispensable part. However, for beginners, watering is troublesome, because if it is not watered properly, it will cause vanilla leaves to turn yellow. How do you water Xiangxue orchid? In this regard, the editor will introduce Xiang Xuelan's watering method in detail.

Second, the watering method of fragrant snow orchid

Xiangxue orchid does not have a high requirement for moisture, but there are many places that need to be paid attention to, and the watering interval is different in different periods. Let's talk about how to water it in different periods:

1. Watering in the basin

When Xiangxue orchid is just put on the pot, it doesn't need too much moisture, and it just keeps the basin soil slightly moist.

2. Daily watering

In addition to special periods, we only need to master the principle of "dry and wet" for Xiangxue orchid every day, and we can water it about once a week.

3. Watering during the growing period

During the growing period of Xiangxue orchid, although it requires more water than usual, too much watering can easily cause root rot, so the best thing to do is to continue watering once a week.

4. Watering at budding stage

In the budding stage of fragrant snow orchid, it works in February, so we should pay attention to watering. At this time, the environment will be very dry, to water Xiangxue orchid more, but the watering interval does not change, keep once a week, just increase the amount of water to keep the basin soil moist.

5. Watering after blooming

Attention should be paid to watering during the flowering period of vanilla, especially when the flowers bloom for a month, the amount of water must be reduced. The reason for this is that it is near summer and the environment is muggy. If you water more at this time, it will cause the rot of the seed ball.

Generally speaking, Xiangxue orchid is easy to raise, but attention must be paid to watering: keep watering once a week, control the amount of water, and keep the basin soil moist. Watering is a technical job, flower friends can not be in a hurry, raise for a period of time to slowly learn. With regard to Xiang Xuelan's watering method, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to bring help to everyone.

How to water fragrant snow orchid

To raise fragrant snow orchid, watering is a very important link, so how to water fragrant snow orchid, the following arrangement fragrant snow orchid watering methods and matters.

How to water Xiangxue orchid 1. Daily watering

When watering Xiangxue orchid every day, flower friends only need to follow the method of watering dry and wet. Generally, watering once a week can basically satisfy the growth of Xiangxue orchid.

2. Watering during the growing period

After the seedlings of Xiangxue orchid come out, we need to control watering, preferring dry to wet, as long as the basin soil is not dry, do not water, if the light environment is not ideal, then slowly, when the surface is dry, there is no need to worry, you can wait until the plant is slightly wilted.

After fertilizing during the growing period, the water is usually watered again the next day, and then the soil is watered again when the soil is dry, so repeatedly.

3. Planting and watering

For newly planted sweet cherry, watering requires one-time watering, and after watering, it is placed in a shady place to wait for seedlings to emerge. Keep the soil moist before emergence, and seedlings can generally emerge in 15 days.

4. Watering during flowering

Xiangxue orchid can not be fertilized during flowering, so it is necessary to properly control the water, so as to prolong its flowering period, when the stems and leaves wither after the flowers fade, stop watering in May and June of the next year, and dig out the vanilla bulbs and store them at a low temperature after drying.

5. Watering after flowering

When the fragrant cherry flowers are in full bloom for a month, the flowers need to slowly control the amount of water, when it is approaching summer, the summer temperature is higher, and the environment is muggy, if it is watered too much, it will cause the ball to rot.

How to raise fragrant snow orchid, the breeding methods and precautions of fragrant snow orchid / keep warm in winter

Xiangxue orchid, flower friends should be no stranger, it is very effective, not only good-looking, but also medicinal treatment, is a popular flower. In life, many people want to raise sweet cherry, then how to raise fragrant snow orchid? The following are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Xiangxue orchid carefully arranged by the editor, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise them must take a look at them.

First, how to raise fragrant snow orchids and understand their habits

Xiangxue orchid prefers cool, moist and well-lit environment. When breeding indoors, besides putting it in ventilated light, it should also be watered frequently to keep the basin soil moist. However, Xiangxue orchid has poor cold resistance, so it should be kept at room temperature above 3 ℃ in winter. Therefore, how to raise Xiangxue orchid, we just need to meet its growth needs, and let's move on to the details.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Xiangxue orchid

1. Basin soil

How to raise potted cherry, first of all, it is natural to choose a good flowerpot and soil suitable for its growth. After all, the potted plant bought outside is not good. The requirements of basin soil are as follows:

Flowerpot: planting fragrant snow orchid flowerpot, generally to tile pot is the most suitable, if not, you can use a better breathable flowerpot spring.

Soil: according to the growth habits of Xiangxue orchid, we should choose sandy soil with loose, good drainage and strong water retention. The editor recommends: / 3 peat soil plus 1 hammer 3 fine sand to prepare nutritious soil.

2. Lighting

The growth of plants is inseparable from light, so light is very important in the cultivation of fragrant orchid. It is understood that fragrant snow orchid likes light, but is afraid of strong light, so it can receive enough sunlight in spring, autumn and winter, but it should be prevented from being exposed to sunlight in summer.

Note: if Xiangxue orchid wants to grow well, sufficient light is necessary, so many flower friends will keep it on the balcony. But we must be careful not to let it receive too strong light, otherwise it is easy to cause vanilla leaves to turn yellow, go into dormancy in summer and stop growing.

3. Temperature

In the growth process of fragrant snow orchid, the regulation of temperature is also very important. According to the breeding experience of Huada people, the editor learned that the most suitable temperature for the growth of sweet cherry is 15-25 ℃, and the temperature is controlled at about 20 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night.

Note: because Xiangxue is afraid of both hot and cold, the temperature should be kept above 7 ℃ in winter and no more than 30 ℃ in summer, otherwise cooling measures should be taken.

4. Watering

In the culture method of fragrant snow orchid, watering is indispensable. Xiangxue orchid just after potting, generally watered once a week or so, the growing period needs to be watered too much, but not too much, just keep the soil moist.

Note: Xiangxue orchid should keep the soil moist after transplanting to before budding; gradually increase or decrease the amount of water after budding, keep the soil dry as far as possible, reduce air humidity, reduce diseases and insect pests; if it is flowering stems, be sure to ensure adequate water supply.

5. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which plays a vital role in the growth of Xiangxue orchid. It is understood that sweet cherry like fertilizer, in the flower bud differentiation period, should start to fertilize, every 10-15 days into the bean cake water, can also be replaced by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

Note: do not apply fertilizer when budding, so as not to cause excessive leaf growth and affect flowering, so excessive fertilization is also one of the reasons why fragrant cherries do not bloom. When flowering, potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied as foliar fertilizer to promote flowering.

6. Pull the net

In the breeding method of fragrant snow orchid, there is one thing we should pay attention to, that is to pull the net. Because the branches of fragrant snow orchids are soft, when there are more flowers, the flowers will droop and lodge. So for Xiangxue orchid to grow healthily, it will look good, and when it grows 3-4 leaves, it can pull the net.

Net method: about 25 cm from the ground, set the first layer net, with the growth of fragrant snow orchid, set 2-3 layer net. The specification of the network is 10cm × 10cm or 10cm × 15cm.