
How to raise peacock arrowroot, peacock arrowroot cultivation methods and precautions/water to be sufficient

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peacock arrowroot, one of many arrowroot varieties, looks especially beautiful with its fresh leaf color. Whether at home or in public places, peacock arrowroot can play a very good role in beautification. How can peacock arrowroot be raised? The following small series carefully arranged peacock arrowroot breeding methods and precautions

Peacock bamboo taro, one of the many varieties of bamboo taro, its fresh leaf color looks particularly beautiful. Whether at home or in public places, peacock bamboo taro can play a very good role in beautification, so how to raise peacock bamboo taro? The following Xiaobian carefully sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peacock taro, very comprehensive, friends who want to raise come in and have a look!

First, how to raise peacocks and taro and understand their habits

Peacock bamboo taro likes a warm, humid, semi-shady environment, and it avoids strong light, so when breeding indoors, we should water frequently to keep the basin soil moist, and we should also take measures to keep warm in winter. So how to raise peacock taro, we just need to meet its growth habits, specific requirements, let's move on.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of peacock bamboo taro

1. Basin soil

How to raise potted peacock bamboo taro, the first thing is to choose potted soil. Although to the florist to buy peacock bamboo taro, there are existing pots and soil, but in order to raise it well, it is necessary to re-choose flowerpots and soil.

Flowerpot: because the root of peacock bamboo taro is shallow, it is best to choose a shallow flowerpot with a large mouth when breeding, so that the growth of the root will not be affected, and the leaves will not be top-heavy during the day.

Soil: according to the growth habits of peacock taro, we can choose loose and fertile, good drainage, humus-rich slightly acidic loam. In this regard, the editor recommends that we use 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of peat or sawdust, 1 part of sand, and add a small amount of bean cake as base fertilizer.

2. Lighting

In the breeding method of peacock bamboo taro, light is indispensable. Peacock bamboo taro is fond of semi-shade. During the May-September growing season, we should place it in a shady or semi-shady place to maintain a light transmittance of 40%, 60%, and avoid direct sunlight. When the light is not strong, you can bask in the sun outside.

Note: Peacock taro avoid strong light, once in the sun, or the air is too dry, it is easy to cause leaf edge leaf tip scorch; but if placed in the dark room for a long time, peacock taro will also appear poor growth symptoms.

3. Moisture

Water is needed for plant growth, and peacock taro likes a humid environment, so flower friends need to water frequently to keep the soil moist. In addition, when the air is dry, we should often spray water on the leaves to cool down and moisturize.

Note: Peacock bamboo taro has higher requirements for air humidity, and it is best to reach 70%, 80%. Once the air is too dry, the leaves at the base of the plant are yellow and scorched, affecting its ornamental value.

4. Fertilization

After talking about water, let's talk about fertilization, which is also very important in the breeding method of peacock taro. During the growing period of peacock taro, dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied every 20 days, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be 2 ∶ 1 ∶ 1, which can make the leaves glossy.

Note: peacock taro is very sensitive to high concentration fertilizer, so don't apply too much fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to burn leaves. In addition, when the temperature is low, we should control the amount of fertilizer irrigated, otherwise the leaves of peacock taro will have scorched edges.

5. Temperature

Peacock bamboo taro likes warmth and is not resistant to cold, so how to raise taro and adjust the temperature is very important. The most suitable temperature for the growth of peacock taro is about 12-29 ℃, and the winter temperature should be maintained at 16-18 ℃. When we breed it indoors, if we want it to grow well, it is best to maintain this room temperature.

Note: in winter, when the room temperature is lower than 15 ℃, we should take good measures to keep warm. If you do not pay attention to the degree regulation, it will make the peacock taro stop growing and die when it is serious.

6. Change the basin

Changing pots is also an indispensable link in the growth process of peacock taro. Flower friends should change pots every 1 to 2 years during the spring ramet. When changing the basin, new culture soil should be added, and the residual roots and leaves should be cut off and replanted to facilitate growth.

7. Diseases and insect pests

Peacock bamboo taro is rarely disturbed by diseases and insect pests, but in indoor culture, if the ventilation is poor, the air is dry, the plant will also be damaged by shell insects. At this time, we should timely spray control, medicine can choose a series of imidacloprid drugs.

Generally speaking, peacock taro is quite easy to raise, but if you want to make it look good, we need to pay more attention and maintain it in accordance with the above requirements, so that peacock taro can grow attractive. With regard to the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peacock bamboo taro, this is the end of the editor's introduction. Flower friends who are excited might as well raise and see.

How to raise Peacock Bamboo Taro Culture methods and matters needing attention

Peacock bamboo taro is the most common fengshui plant. So, how to raise peacocks and taros? Next, we will share with you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peacock bamboo taro.

Culture methods of peacock bamboo taro:

1. Reproduction

Peacock bamboo taro is mostly propagated by individual plants, which is combined with pot change and soil change from April to May in spring. The ramet is too early, the temperature is too low, the wound heals slowly, it is easy to cause rot and reduce the survival rate. When ramet, deduct the mother plant from the basin, remove the persistent soil, use a sharp knife to cut into 1 plant every 3 to 4 buds, apply charcoal powder to prevent corrosion, immediately put on the basin after cutting, pour water thoroughly, slow down the seedlings in the semi-shaded place, and transfer to normal management after 5 days. When dividing plants, it is better to plant 3-5 plants in one pot. If only one plant is planted in each pot, it is necessary to retain more than 5 leaves and bring more roots, otherwise it will affect the survival and growth and development of the plant.

2. Selection of basin

Peacock taro is a shallow root plant, and the cultivation container should choose a large mouth and shallow basin, which is beneficial to the elongation of the root system. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and well drained. It can be mixed with 6 parts of peat soil (or rotten leaf soil), 2 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sandy soil. It can also be prepared with soilless matrix, such as perlite and vermiculite. Generally, the basin is changed every two years, which can be combined with ramet propagation at the turn of spring and summer.

3. Lighting

Peacock bamboo taro is more shade-resistant, and the illumination should be 30% to 40%. In spring and autumn, it can be placed in a bright indoor light, and in summer, it should be kept in a semi-shady place. Excessive light will make the leaves yellow and scorched, affecting its ornamental value. Winter light intensity decreases, and then move the flowerpot to the south window near the culture, at this time the growth environment should not be too shady. If placed in dim light for a long time, the leaves will lose their unique luster.

4. Temperature

The optimum growth temperature of peacock bamboo taro is about 22 ℃. If the summer temperature is higher than 35 ℃, not only the plant growth is stagnant, but also the leaf color turns yellow and loses its ornamental value. When the winter temperature is lower than 15 ℃, the plant grows slowly, the leaves below 10 ℃ are easy to curl, and below 5 ℃ are susceptible to cold injury, which will lead to the death of the whole plant. Therefore, we must pay attention to cold protection and heat preservation in winter, and the room temperature should be kept above 13 ℃.

5. Humidity

Peacock taro likes to be moist, the air humidity is 70%-75%, and the humidity requirement is higher when sending new leaves, so the growing season should be fully watered to keep the soil moist, but not stagnant water. In summer, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves for 2 or 3 times a day, and sprinkle water to the surrounding ground to humidify and cool down to facilitate its growth. Watering should be controlled in winter and the basin soil can be slightly wet. The indoor air in northern winter is dry, except that the foliage can be sprayed with water similar to room temperature around noon during the day, it is best to put on a plastic film cover to keep warm and moisturizing at night. Those who have the conditions can use humidifiers to improve indoor humidity. In order to keep the leaf color fresh and tidy, shining, you should also gently scrub the leaves with clean water every half a month or so.

6. Fertilization

Dilute liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month in the peak growing season of peacock bamboo taro. Attention should be paid not to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise there will be some bad growth phenomena, such as leaf speckle fading, leaf thickening, petiole softness and so on. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1, which can make the leaves beautiful in color and luster. Soilless cultivation can also be used to irrigate the inorganic nutrient solution of all elements once or twice a month during the growth period.

7. Pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests in peacock bamboo taro, but if the ventilation is poor and the air is dry, shell insects will also occur. Attention should be paid to ventilation and imidacloprid series of drugs should be used for spray control.

Points for attention in peacock bamboo taro culture:

Peacock bamboo taro likes high temperature and humid air, and grows fastest when it is more than 20 ℃. In the low temperature season from October to April of the following year, the north should move into the greenhouse to overwinter, and the winter overwintering temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃, otherwise the leaves are dark, the leaves curl and the leaf tips are yellow. if the freezing is slight, the environmental conditions can be changed in time, and new leaves can still be sent out in the coming spring. If the leaves are severely frozen, they die one after another, or even the whole plant dies.

Plant peacock taro if the indoor temperature difference between day and night can be covered with plastic film or insulated and moisturized with a glass box, and wash the leaves with warm water once a month to maintain the color of the leaves. Every spring, when the temperature rises steadily to 20 ℃, the pot can be changed once. When changing the pot, new culture soil should be added, and the residual roots and leaves should be cut off and replanted to facilitate growth.

More information on how to raise peacock taro, breeding methods and matters needing attention of peacock taro

Peacock taro, native to the islands of tropical America and the Indian Ocean, is very beautiful and can purify the air and beautify the environment at home. How to raise peacocks and taros? This paper introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peacock bamboo taro.

Culture method of Peacock Bamboo Taro

Peacock bamboo taro prefers semi-shade, is not resistant to direct sunlight, and adapts to growing in a warm and humid environment. The cultivation should be shaded to a certain extent, and the temperature should be kept at about 12 ℃, and the temperature in winter should be maintained at 16 ℃. The growth is exuberant in spring and summer, which requires higher air humidity and can be sprayed. The soil is not very strict, but it is required to keep moderately moist. In the growing season, fertilizer is applied once every two weeks, while the soil can be slightly dry and cool in winter, and the number of fertilization is reduced. The method of root separation is often used in reproduction. In the early summer season, cutting can also be used; the main pests are pink fleas, red spiders, aphids, shell insects and so on.

Soil: pot cultivation of peacock bamboo taro should use loose, fertile, well-drained, humus-rich slightly acidic loam, generally can be mixed with 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of peat or sawdust, 1 part of sand, and add a small amount of bean cake as base fertilizer, avoid heavy and sticky garden soil. When putting on the basin, the bottom of the basin is padded with 3 cm thick coarse sand as a drainage layer to facilitate drainage.

Moisture: Peacock taro should be given sufficient water during the growing period, especially in summer and autumn, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, it is also necessary to spray water to the leaves to cool and moisturize; it requires a higher air humidity, preferably up to 70% to 80%; avoid dry air and dry basin soil, but do not accumulate water. Moisture should be controlled after the end of autumn in order to resist cold and survive the winter. Keep the dry environment in winter, if it is too wet, the basal leaves will be yellow and scorched, which will affect its ornamental value.

Sunshine: Peacock taro should be placed in a shady or semi-shaded place during the May-September growing season, maintaining a light transmittance of 40%, 60%, so as to avoid direct sunlight. Excessive light or dry air can easily cause leaf edge tip scorch and leaf markings to be dull and dull; but the light should not be too weak, if placed in a dark room for a long time, the temperature is low and the light is insufficient, it will also grow weak, become unfavorable leaf color and lose the unique metallic luster of the leaf surface. Direct sunlight through glass is acceptable in winter.

Fertilizer: when the peacock taro is short of fertilizer, the plant is obviously short, the leaf color is dim, and the golden luster is not bright. During the growth period, dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied every 20 days, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be 2 ∶ 1 ∶ 1, which can make the leaves glossy, and the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer should not be too large. If 0.2% liquid fertilizer is sprayed directly on the leaf surface every 10 days, it is very beneficial to sprouting and growth. Stop spinning fertilizer in winter and summer.

Matters needing attention for diseases and insect pests of peacock bamboo taro

There are few diseases and insect pests in peacock bamboo taro, but if the ventilation is poor and the air is dry, shell insects will also occur. A series of imidacloprid drugs are used to control them.

The leaf spot of peacock bamboo taro is yellowish brown, and at the initial stage of the disease, small yellow spots are formed near the edge of the leaf or in the center of the leaf, and gradually expand, the color deepens and turns to yellowish brown, and there is an obvious halo on the periphery of the disease spot. With the expansion of the disease spot, the leaves gradually withered and shrunk, so that they fell off and died. The pathogen is the sporulation of the half-known fungus Deutschia.

The causes of the disease are high temperature and humidity, poor air circulation, over-dense arrangement of plants, too many weeds and rotten leaves in the cultivation environment, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, and overgrowth of plants. Young tissue is easy to get sick.

The control method is to strengthen fertilizer and water management, properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply less nitrogen fertilizer to promote plant growth and enhance its resistance. Timely removal of diseased leaves and weeds to reduce the source of infection. Plant placement is not easy to be too dense, properly ventilated and transparent, reduce the humidity of the environment, can reduce the disease. Spray protection in the event of illness.

The medications are: 50% carbendazim 600 times to 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 600 times to 800 times, 50% mancozeb 500 times to 600 times, every 7 to 10 days. All kinds of drugs should act alternately to prevent bacteria from developing drug resistance.