
How to raise evergreen, breeding methods and matters needing attention / water foot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For evergreen flowers and leaves, flower friends should be no stranger, its broad leaves, green seasons, elegant and beautiful, the spots above bright colors, is currently one of the most respected indoor foliage plants. In life, many people want to grow evergreen flowers and leaves, so how to raise them?

For evergreen flowers and leaves, flower friends should be no stranger, its broad leaves, green seasons, elegant and beautiful, the spots above bright colors, is currently one of the most respected indoor foliage plants. In life, many people want to raise evergreen flowers and leaves, so how to raise them? Let's go with the editor to take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen flowers and leaves. It's very comprehensive and can't be missed.

First, how to raise evergreen flowers and leaves and understand their habits

Because the country of origin is South America and Brazil, flowers and leaves have developed the habit of being warm, moist and semi-shady for thousands of years, which makes it very suitable for keeping indoors. However, evergreen flowers and leaves are not cold-resistant, afraid of drought, and avoid strong light exposure, so they should be watered frequently when breeding, and do a good job of keeping warm in winter. Therefore, how to raise evergreen flowers and leaves, to meet its growth needs, specific requirements for us to move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

1. Soil

How to raise indoor evergreen flowers and leaves, first of all, it is natural to choose a suitable soil for its growth, after all, the potted plant bought back, the potted soil inside is very cheap. According to the growth habits of evergreen flowers and leaves, we should choose loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam.

Soil recommendation: 2 rotten leaf soil, 1 garden soil and 1 river sand, plus a small amount of mature base fertilizer, mix them as the culture soil of evergreen flowers and leaves.

2. Lighting

Light is needed for the growth of plants, and it is extremely important for the growth of evergreen flowers and leaves. Ye Wannianqing likes a semi-overcast environment, so while giving it sufficient light, it should also be shaded in strong light. Therefore, in addition to receiving soft sunlight in winter, evergreen flowers and leaves should be placed in a bright place in other seasons.

Note: flowers and leaves evergreen bogey direct sunlight, in spring and autumn noon and summer sun is strong, must be shaded, lest leaves burn or whitening, thus affecting the ornamental; but not too shady, this will cause flowers and leaves evergreen leaves yellowing, leaves turn green or withered yellow.

3. Temperature

In the breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen flowers and leaves, the temperature is what we should pay attention to. Evergreen flowers and leaves like to be warm, and the optimum growth temperature is 25-30 ℃, which can be maintained at this room temperature under certain conditions, which can make the plant grow better.

Note: evergreen leaves are not cold-resistant and are prone to frostbite when the temperature is low, so if there are conditions, the room temperature can be controlled at 18-30 ℃ from February to September and 13-18 ℃ from September to February of the following year.

4. Watering

How to raise evergreen flowers and leaves, watering is naturally indispensable. It is understood that evergreen flowers and leaves like a humid environment, and in the process of breeding, we should ensure that it has sufficient moisture, and in the growing season, we should do a good job of watering water rather than dry; after autumn, we can control moisture and keep the basin soil moist.

Note: in winter, the temperature is low, water evaporation is slow, at this time we have to ensure that the flowers and leaves evergreen pot soil is dry, not too wet, otherwise it will cause fallen leaves.

5. Humidity

Flowers and leaves are always wet and afraid of dryness, in addition to watering, humidity is also something that we need to pay attention to. During the growing period, water should be sprayed around the plant. If it is not sprayed for a long time, the leaf surface will be rough and lose its luster. Humidity requirements: maintain air humidity 60% Murray 70% in summer and about 40% in winter.

6. Fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, its breeding methods and matters needing attention in evergreen flowers and leaves are also very important. Evergreen flowers and leaves have a strong ability to tolerate fertilizer, and adequate nutrients can make it grow rapidly. In general, rarefied liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied twice a month in the growing season, and stop fertilizing in winter.

Note: although evergreen flowers and leaves like fertilizer, we should not fertilize it too much, especially too much nitrogen fertilizer, so it is easy to make the leaf markings not clear, so we should have the right amount.

7. Change the basin

According to the habit of evergreen flowers and leaves in fertile soil, in the process of breeding, we should change the basin at the right time, usually once a year in October. When changing the basin, cut off the aging roots and persistent dead leaves and replace them with fresh culture soil. After watering thoroughly, put it in a shaded place, raise it for a few days, and move it into the greenhouse or indoors.

8. Diseases and insect pests

In the process of the growth of evergreen flowers and leaves, due to a variety of reasons, the plant will inevitably cause disease and insect damage. The main diseases are: leaf spot, brown spot, anthracnose, root rot and stem rot; insect pests are: shell insects, brown soft scale and so on, once found, we should immediately spray control. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the pest control of evergreen flowers and leaves, so I won't say much here.

The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

Do you know how to raise evergreen flowers and leaves? do you know how to raise them? Next, the editor will introduce to you in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen, to help you better plant evergreen.

Culture methods and points for attention of evergreen flowers and leaves

1. Key points and matters needing attention for potted soil cultivation:

1. Soil: evergreen is not strict with basin soil, but it is often prepared with peat soil or rotten leaf soil with a small amount of coarse sand and organic fertilizer.

2. Fat and water: evergreen flowers and leaves are strong. As long as the temperature is controlled between 20 and 30 degrees, the evergreen flowers and leaves will grow quickly and take shape easily. Liquid fertilizer can be forced to be applied once a month from spring to autumn to keep the basin soil dry and wet.

3, display: evergreen flowers and leaves are shady, it is appropriate to put them in the indoor light, but they can also be placed in a darker place indoors. In winter, indoor astigmatism can pass the winter safely.

4. Change the basin: the flower leaf evergreen needs to change the basin once in October. When changing the basin, the senescent rhizome and persistent withered leaves should be removed and planted with 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand. After watering thoroughly, keep it in the shade for a few days and move it into the greenhouse or indoors.

5. Pest control: if you raise evergreen flowers and leaves in winter, you should also do a good job in pest control. The main diseases of mosaic evergreen are leaf spot and anthracnose. In addition to paying attention to ventilation and light transmission and the basin soil should not be too wet, it can be sprayed with 0.5 to 1500 Bordeaux solution or 70% topiramate solution. The pest is mainly brown soft scale, which can be controlled by scraping or 1000 times of omethoate EC.

II. Key points and matters needing attention of water training

Evergreen is a kind of aquatic herb, which is very suitable for hydroponic culture. Can wash the root water culture, can also be cultivated with nutrient solution, that is, cut and leave the branches with leaves and insert them in the water. If you want to cultivate evergreen in water, you generally have to do the following:

1. Wannianqing likes high humidity and should often spray water on stems and leaves during growth.

2. The water temperature of evergreen leaves is kept at about 20 ℃, and it can take root in more than 10 days.

3. The pH value of the hydroponic nutrient solution is 6.0 to 7.0, and the new nutrient solution is changed once or twice a week.

4. Other key points of conservation of evergreen, such as placement, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, etc., can refer to soil culture methods.

[tip] the sap in the stems and leaves of the genus Chenopodium is poisonous, so special attention should be paid to prevent children from touching it during conservation and reproduction.

How to raise the evergreen of flowers and leaves the methods and matters needing attention in the cultivation of evergreen

If any plant does not follow the law of plant growth, there will be only one final result, that is, previous efforts will be in vain. Evergreen is a relatively easy to raise plants, but there are still many technical means and growth laws that we need to follow in planting evergreen.

How to raise evergreen flowers and leaves

Evergreen flowers and leaves are native to South America and Brazil. Like warm, moist and semi-overcast environment. Not resistant to cold, afraid of drought, avoid strong light exposure.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of evergreen flowers and leaves

1. Change the pots of evergreen flowers and leaves

Changing the basin at the right time usually needs to be changed once in October. When changing the basin, the senescent rhizome and persistent withered leaves should be removed and planted with 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand. After watering thoroughly, keep it in the shade for a few days and move it into the greenhouse or indoors.

2. Watering of evergreen flowers and leaves

Scientifically watered flowers and leaves are always in a high-humidity environment, and the pot soil overwintering in winter should be dry and wet, not too dry. If the basin soil is too dry, the leaf tip will be yellow and scorched, withered, and even the whole plant will wither. The main reason is that the root system can not absorb water. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the air moist and the basin soil moist in winter. Generally, it is appropriate to water once a week, and it is necessary to wash the leaves with warm water to keep the leaves bright.

3. Temperature and light of evergreen flowers and leaves

The flowers and leaves are always hot and afraid of cold, and they will move indoors for the winter in October. The temperature should be kept at about 15 ℃. Adequate light and good ventilation are required. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃ or too wet, the leaves often fall, or even the top of the stem fades; too weak light will cause the leaves to fade. Usually use a soft cloth to scrub the leaves to remove dust and increase ornamental.

4. Fertilization method of evergreen.

Fertilization is usually applied once a month during the growing period of evergreen leaves, especially nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote its rapid growth. Fertilizer and water are applied every two weeks from March to August, and fertilization is reduced after autumn.

5. Disease and pest control of evergreen flowers and leaves

To raise evergreen flowers and leaves in winter, we should also do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The main diseases are leaf spot and anthracnose. In addition to paying attention to ventilation and light transmission and the basin soil should not be too wet, it can be sprayed with 0.5 to 1% Bordeaux solution or 70% topiramate 1500 times solution.

The pest is mainly brown soft scale, which can be controlled by scraping or spraying with 1000 times omethoate EC.

The method of ramet propagation of evergreen

The reproduction method of flower and leaf evergreen includes ramet propagation, using the germination and tillering at the base of the plant for ramet, which is usually in spring, combined with changing pots. When operating, remove the plant from the inside of the basin, cut off the rhizome of its stem, apply plant ash to prevent decay, put it in a cool and ventilated place, wait for the wound to dry and heal before transplanting, water thoroughly after planting, but should not water too much afterwards. The growth can be restored in about 10 days.

What if the leaves of evergreen flowers and leaves are soft?

I. drought

The first reason for the softening of this plant is drought, which is also a common problem in other plants. The most prominent feature is that the softening starts from the top, accompanied by withering and yellowing. This kind of treatment is the simplest, which is to replenish water in time and sprinkle water on leaves at the same time, which will have a better effect. However, when the temperature is too high, using too cold water can be counterproductive.

2. Dampness

Some people may say that I watered, and watered a lot, why this is still the case, in fact, the problem is very simple, is too much watering. Everything has a suitable amount, neither less nor more, because with more watering, there is not much air in the soil, and the roots of the plants will be hurt. In this case, first of all, loosen the soil and breathe, and replace part of the wet soil. After this treatment, it won't take long, and your plant will recover in about a week.

III. Infiltration

If you think it is caused by too little fertilization, you must be careful, on the contrary, you fertilize too much. Because when there is too much fertilizer in the soil, the infiltration will increase, and the plants will be short of water. First of all, you can wash the basin soil with a lot of water and discharge it in time, or remove part of the soil and add some normal soil. In order to save plants in time, we should also spray water to the leaves and replenish them with a certain amount of water in time, so as to ensure the normal growth of evergreen.

Generally speaking, we manage plants according to the right way of conservation and then closely monitor the growth of plants, and often we receive generous returns from plants. The same is true of planting evergreen. If you master the techniques and methods of planting, you can basically ensure the normal growth of evergreen.