
How to raise metasequoia bonsai, culture methods and precautions of metasequoia bonsai / avoid bright light

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a highly ornamental plant, it can be potted or planted in a large area, but if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to. So how to grow metasequoia bonsai? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of metasequoia bonsai? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a highly ornamental plant, it can be potted or planted in a large area, but if you want to raise it well, there are many things you need to pay attention to. So how to grow metasequoia bonsai? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of metasequoia bonsai? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to cultivate metasequoia bonsai and understand the habits

If you want to know how to grow metasequoia bonsai, we must first understand its growth habits. It likes a warm and humid environment, so it should keep the soil moist when raising. In addition, lighting, fertilization and other methods also need to be paid attention to. Details are described in detail below, let's take a look at it.

2. culture methods and matters needing attention of Metasequoia bonsai

1. Soil is required to be permeable.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides are mostly born in places with gentle terrain, deep soil, moist or slightly stagnant water. If it is to cultivate metasequoia bonsai, we can choose acidic mountain yellow soil or purple soil, mixed peat soil and other breathable substrates for cultivation. In this way, the soil drainage and air permeability will be very good.

two。 Fertilization requirements, thin fertilizer and frequent application

Before we plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides, we first need to apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer in the basin soil, and after entering the growing period, we also need regular fertilization, so that it can thrive, and we should maintain the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently when fertilizing it. We need to dilute the plant with water before fertilization, otherwise it is easy to burn the plant.

3. Watering requirements, control of watering quantity

In the growth process of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, the demand for water is very high, so we should water frequently, keep the soil moist, and water thoroughly at one time, but remember not to cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause its roots to rot. We should pay attention to this.

4. Lighting requirements, pay attention to shade in summer

Metasequoia prefers light, but is afraid of strong light. in spring and autumn, the light is more suitable, and we can let it receive light all day, but when the summer light is too strong, we'd better move it to indoor semi-shade for breeding. in order to avoid the phenomenon of yellowing leaves due to strong light.

5. Pruning requirements, regular pruning

In order to maintain the ventilation and light transmittance of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, we need regular pruning during its growth, and we can prune it in humidity, which can not only maintain the plant type, but also promote branching and make it grow.

6. Do not procrastinate on timely treatment of diseases and insect pests

In the growth process of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests enter. This kind of problem does great harm to the plant, so we must deal with it in time when we find it, and do not delay it, because the longer it takes, the more difficult it is to deal with it. Specific treatment methods in the metasequoia disease and pest control article, you can understand.

Basic conditions for material selection of tree stump bonsai

China has a vast territory and is rich in resources. as far as trees are concerned, among the more than 30,000 species of higher plants in the world, there are more than 7,500 species of trees and shrubs in China, including ginkgo biloba, sequoia, metasequoia, Pinus elliottii and so on, which are called "living fossils". Even the same kind of trees will form different shapes due to the differences in growth years and environmental conditions, which are dizzying. It provides a basis for bonsai creation. Not only trees, but also their branches and leaves are full of beauty, all of which are pursued, imitated and captured by the creation and research of bonsai modeling, so nature provides a wide range of materials for bonsai. When selecting materials according to the needs of creation, first, pay attention to the conditions of appearance, such as intertwined, clumsy and vigorous; second, pay attention to the inner meaning, such as the pride of pines and cypresses, the nobility of bamboo and plum. In this way, the finished work will give people great inspiration and healthy impetus.

(1) external conditions of the material

Tree stump bonsai materials are mainly woody ornamental plants, including trees, shrubs and vines. Trees should grow slowly, have small leaves, and can control growth and dwarfing; shrubs should be easy to shape, have a "look" of trees, and have a long life and resistance to pruning. The specific conditions are: ① leaves: the leaves of bonsai plants are one of the ornamental contents, and the changes of the four seasons can be appreciated from the leaves. The differences in leaf shape, depth and temperament reflected inside, such as healthy color, changing season color, luxuriant and sturdy, etc., the most ideal is that the plant leaves are evergreen, small (fine) and beautiful in color; in addition, the life span of trees should be long, adapt to the environment, and germinate strongly. In addition, in addition to selecting leaves, it is appropriate to choose tree varieties that are easy to reproduce, bend and control growth, such as five-needle pine, Luohan pine, cypress, pearl yellow poplar, golden pine, hammer elm, sparrow plum, oak wood, fire thorn, June snow, concave leaf Suzuki, mahogany, Berberis, rhododendron, Japanese pomegranate, begonia, plum, Shouxing peach, golden rooster, mountain plant, wisteria, welcome spring, lobular gardenia, tiger thorn, golden bean, shade wood and so on. ② root: as another viewing content of bonsai, it is an aspect that shows the year, reflects the strength, determines the starting trend of modeling and the difference between the front and back. It is better to choose those who circle and crisscross, naked and ancient. Materials include broom root (main root is long and soft), yellow poplar root, pine root, cypress root, sparrow plum root and so on. ③ trunk: is another important ornamental part of bonsai, is the overall skeleton of the middle body, the shape of the trunk is restricted by the overall shape changes, it also determines the stump shape form, generally short and strong, strong and vigorous, the bottom thick to thin, the transition is natural and powerful. In addition to the shape of the trunk also requires changes in the epidermis, the older the tree, the older the cortex, the better, the two cooperate with each other to give a lasting appeal.

The trunk epidermis of bonsai trees will form an old and mottled appearance only after a certain number of years, which is incomparable to young trees. Of course, you can also carve, corrosion, burning and other man-made stimulation to cause injury, strengthen the age mark of the work, and add "strength". However, it must be handled properly, leaving no artificial traces, let alone forcibly killing the tree stump.

The trunk epidermis requires aging and rugged spirit, such as the scales of pine bark, the twisting of cypress bark, the grey of elm bark, the crack of golden pine, the moistening of crape myrtle, and so on. In addition, the epidermis has the characteristics of "joint", "withered", "spot", "color", "rhyme" and so on. Cang, refers to the vigorous and powerful, old age, has experienced the state of the mulberry, the skin is old, the color is simple, there are cracks, born for the old tree, can not be copied, such as sparrow plum, elm, pomegranate and so on. Scale, finger cortex shows the shape of scale nail cracking, vigorous and vigorous, strange and vivid, such as five-needle pine, black pine and so on.

Split, refers to the cortex cracking deep concave, solemn and simple, strange and interesting, unique for the appreciation of the cortex, is man-made can not be shaped, such as Pinus elliottii cortex is unique to the trunk cortex. Twist, refers to the cortical bend and twist, the strength in the strength, such as Hercules tendon, but also like ten thousand rattan winding. Ancient cypress, Luo Han pine and other old trees have this situation. Many tree species can also achieve the effect of twisting from the young stage.

Festival, for the old cadre scar pimple, mainly caused by trauma, old strange, have experienced hardships; man-made stimulation can be promoted, but pay attention to nature and aura, such as ginkgo, elm, plum and so on. Withered, for the ancient wood insect erosion, lightning fire caused hollow decay of the trunk, sprouting new shoots on the branches, representing the meaning of dead wood every spring, spring back to the earth, such as pomegranate, elm, cypress and other old trees will cause this spectacle, bonsai stump after technical processing can also be authentic. Run, is the skin smooth and uncracked, moisturizing shows strength, smooth and transparent strength, unique to some tree species, such as boxwood, crape myrtle and other tree stumps. Spot, for the epidermis mottled with different markings, or with obvious bud eye ring stomata, give people guess, give people reverie, such as Pinus elliottii, broom, spotted bamboo and other epidermis have this characteristic. Color, there are obvious colors for some tree cadres, such as red branches of red maple, green branches such as green maple and spring, brownish red of apricot branches, pink green of bamboo, etc. There are also bamboo gold embedded Jasper, Jasper embedded gold and other highly ornamental varieties. Rhyme is the charm generated by the interest of the outside world, such as rain playing plantain, pine waves, bamboo shadow whirling, spring breeze willow and other scenes.

④ branch: mainly refers to the first and second grade branches, as the auxiliary trunk to form the form. The arrangement, distribution, length and thickness of branches should be carefully selected to meet the basic requirements of modeling. A certain kind of modeling is necessary to select the branch conditions suitable for this shape, that is, the original form of branches and stems is suitable for a certain form, which is the basic requirement, otherwise, although it can also be modeled, it is always unsatisfactory. Branches should be evenly distributed, but do not represent average, within the high and low should be dispersed, sparse and dense; reasonable thickness, both contrast and coordinated echo; moderate length, generally long above short, the length is primary and secondary clear. In the case of determining the front of the shape, the conditions of each branch meet the modeling requirements, the top branch should not be thin and weak, and the upper and lower branches should be balanced.

In the bonsai modeling, the vertical drooping of the branches represents lightness, elegance and chic; the horizontal branches represent gentle and peaceful; and the inclined branches represent movement. In the production, we should also consider the differences in leaf shape, such as the sharpness of the pine needle, the thorn angle of the Chinese wolfbone, the split of the maple tree, the fan shape of ginkgo, and even the third-grade twigs have their own personalities, such as the firmness of the sparrow plum, the softness of the willow, and so on.

Non-ideal bonsai branches (1) whorled branches (2) opposite branches (3) detached (4) branches over

Branch distribution (1) average branch distribution (2) inclined branch (3) transverse branch

The choice of ⑤ material size: the selection of tree stump bonsai material should be considered according to the creative requirements, basin size and other factors, and should be decided according to the specific situation.

The big tree stump should be painted in ancient times, and this kind of material is only made of natural visible ones, especially the trunk and first-class main branches of the trees are already very hard, and the Lignification is very high, so it is difficult to change, so there is very little man-made reprocessing, only small twigs and other shapable ones for climbing and styling. Some tree species with a strong germination rate can be strongly pruned, truncate the trunk, cut off or truncate the branches, and many new branches will germinate in the future to choose to cultivate the shape again, which will become an ideal pile scene, such as sparrow plum, elm, and so on, although it will take several years to produce, but the effect after success cannot be found in the wild. If you can choose the natural tangible has become old-fashioned better, only a few changes can be cultivated into high-grade, but this material is difficult to select. However, not all ancient, old and large tree stumps are beautiful, such as they cannot be rebuilt after being dug up blindly, leaving a pity that they are useless and abandoned. Therefore, when digging in the mountains, we must first strictly screen, not carpet-like barbaric excavation, which is bound to destroy the local vegetation and endanger the ecological balance, on the other hand, a waste of human and material resources and land resources. In addition, although the old pile has many advantages in shape and momentum, it has a wide range of root expansion, which will cause damage when digging. In addition, considering the requirement of implantation into the basin in the future, the smaller the root nest, the better, the main root and hard root will be shortened, destroying the fibrous root, affecting healing and survival. In addition, the physiological function of the old pile declines, the growth slows down, and it recovers slowly after excavation, even forming a half-dead shape. Therefore, the excavation technology treatment and maintenance of the big pile should be particularly serious.

The condition requirements of small and micro stumps: small stumps, miniature stumps, rich sources, sufficient room for selection, relatively good materials, and strong plasticity of small things, and can change flexibly according to the author's intention and material conditions. and after directional cultivation, and finally achieve the purpose of creation, many excellent works are cultivated from childhood. In addition, the small stump has active physiological function, strong germination rate, resistance to pruning and strong adaptability, so the selection of materials is not as demanding as the old pile, and can make up for the deficiency by means of grafting, which makes the small material go beyond the original limits.

The selection of small and micro stakes can never be required by the standard of picking old stakes, but we can consider and move closer to the possibility of the development of the old stakes, such as the symmetry and sturdiness of the trunk, the exposed roots and the coordination of the proportion of various parts.

The choice of the material of the medium-sized stump is between the above two, it has the disadvantageous side close to the old stump, such as the trunk and branches are stiff, brittle and easy to break; there are also some aspects better than the old stump, such as some branches and stems can be cultivated step by step and in stages, its growth potential and germination rate are also superior to the old stump, especially the tree age and ancient appearance have the characteristics of the old stump, and its charm is far less than that of small materials.

The selected materials introduced above are based on large, medium and small.

(micro) it should be emphasized and different, and it should be selected according to the form of creation, but it has something in common, such as the trunk is short and strong, the connection between thick and fine is natural, the branches are reasonable, the roots are dense, the roots are protruding, there is no hindrance to the old roots, the growth momentum is exuberant, and there are no diseases and insect pests.

(2) sources of materials

Digging in the ① mountains: in addition to many advantages such as good shape, antiquity, short stature and so on, pile leaders are more suitable for bonsai cultivation if they survive in a very poor environment. In addition, the character pursued by the artistic conception of bonsai, while the wild pile can persist for a long time in a harsh environment, and its ethos is pursued by lovers and cannot be imitated in the short term, so it is respected.

In the wild, the tree pocket within the range of human and animal activities, due to various reasons of damage, coupled with the harsh growth conditions caused by injuries, rigidity, deformity, coupled with the wind, snow, thunder, flood, rolling stone and other external forces, promote further morphological changes, such as dwarfing, old, many trees are also affected by genetic factors to show more Qiu qu, these materials are the objects we hunt, and it is a quick way to obtain the ideal stump. It is convenient to reflect the landscape and charm in bonsai. In order to protect resources and ecology, it is strictly forbidden to dig wild piles in scenic spots and protected areas. in addition, excavation should be arranged in a planned and step-by-step manner, and the source of materials and ecological balance of future generations must not be cut off.

In addition to wild piles can be found in mountains, river valleys, roadsides, under old trees, ruins of ancient temples, and old walls, old piles can also be used as bonsai materials after aging and elimination of fruit trees. Wild piles are Finch plum, ginkgo, bamboo, elm, tiger thorn, June snow, wolfberry, gardenia, yellow poplar, maple, rice leaf holly, firethorn, wisteria, canary, wood, Hawthorn, Liudaomu and so on.

According to the physiological characteristics of the variety and the regional ecological environment, the excavation time can be arranged from autumn defoliation in the producing area to the beginning of the spring next year, and the specific time should be set according to the local climatic conditions and equipment, and the excavation should be placed in the dormant period of trees. in this way, it is easy to recover even if it hurts the vitality, in order to ensure survival, the arrangement of the season is very important. If the quantity of excavation is large and the overwintering facilities are insufficient, it is best to dig at the beginning of the following spring, so as to reduce the trouble caused by insufficient overwintering conditions. This season to deal with decisively, quickly, the weather is rapidly warming up, missed the season had to wait for the coming year.

Mining method: go to the place of origin to dig. First of all, we should understand the resources and environmental conditions, first cut the aboveground parts, truncate the super-long branches while maintaining the main morphological characteristics, trim the diseased and withered branches, and dilute the dense places, which is a strong pruning method, of course, depending on the variety. Then excavate the underground part, first eradicate the soil on the root surface, understand the extension trend of the root, protect the fibrous root as well as possible, and dig with soil when necessary; after being unearthed, cut flat the wound of the injured root to reduce wound infection and evaporation, so as to facilitate wound healing in the future. Remove the hard and withered roots on the premise of retaining the fibrous roots.

Ancient tree stumps that are very valuable can be excavated for two or three years. Like trees coming out of the nursery, 1/3 or 1/2 of them are dug this year and covered with soil, and the remaining parts are dug out the next year or the third year. If they can be planted locally for one or two years and transported back after survival, it will be very beneficial to adapt to the new environment, ensure survival and restore growth. In the whole process of digging and transportation, it should be completed as soon as possible, otherwise the survival rate of trees after dehydration is very poor, in order to reduce the loss of water in the transportation room, the stump will be put into the basket, and the gap in the basket will be stuffed with soft moisturizing materials, such as pine needles, moss and so on, and spray enough water. under these conditions, it will not be a problem to delay for a week on the road, or the roots can be dipped in mud, several trees in a bundle, and covered with wet moss, which does not matter in a few days. For the stump of the tree, the trunk and thick branches are all wrapped with wet grass and moss, which should be moisturized and breathable, so as not to get hot, so as to avoid mildew and death. It is also necessary to prevent tree stumps from loosening and colliding with each other, friction injuries and speeding up evaporation, transport them back as soon as possible, and pay attention to avoid the cold current, stop digging immediately if there is freezing, and keep warm on the way, in short, all in order to ensure survival and future quality.

Half of the soil will be dug in the first year, and all will be dug out in the coming year.

The roots, stems and branches are protected with Carex.

The material is transported back to carry out an "artistic" pruning immediately, which is to correct the rough-cut piles during excavation and transportation, so as to lay a reliable foundation for future growth and development direction, and the pruned branches can be used as cuttings after treatment. The trimmed material can be planted on the mud basin or planted on the ground and raised for a year or two so that it has a process of recovery and adaptation. Of course, the environmental conditions such as stacking and refurbishment of wild piles should also be arranged thoughtfully, and they should not be exposed to the sun or be damaged by freezing. Although it is temporary, sometimes the inadequacy of a small link will also cause disadvantages to the overall situation. It is also necessary to conscientiously do a good job in the management of wild piles planted on the ground, such as pruning, weeding, fertilization, pest control, and so on. Among them, it should be noted that the planting posture angle, including depth, should meet the requirements of each tree, and should not be planted directly because of the need of management, which is disadvantageous to the cultivation of morphological orientation. The summer of that year after transplanting is a critical period, because the roots have not yet grown and become complete, although they can also sprout, spread leaves, and branch, in fact, they consume their own accumulation of nutrients in the branches, and they will die at the slightest neglect. Therefore, you can spray and sprinkle water frequently, the soil should be a little more damp than normal, shade if necessary, and the branches will be covered with wet grass. The cold prevention facilities that overwintered at that time should also keep up with each other to prevent frost damage. Daily watering combined with thin fertilizer is lighter than that of bonsai maintenance. at this time, although the tree stump needs fertilizer, but the function has not been restored, therefore, the use of fertilizer should be well controlled. Prevent the stump from loosening when removing weeds so as not to affect the healing of the roots and the development and growth of the roots. The bonsai stump is to control its shape at the beginning. The purpose of providing sunlight, rain and dew, fertilizer, moisture and pest control is also to control growth (dwarfing) and shape, as well as pruning, peeling and picking buds (leaves) to lay a good foundation for future modeling. ② grafting: the branches or buds of propagating plants are called scions; the plants that are grafted with scions or buds are called rootstocks. A method of asexual propagation in which the scion is grafted on the appropriate branch and cadre position of the rootstock, the donor branches and leaves on the rootstock are removed after healing, and the nutrition is transferred to the new plant formed by the scion, which is called grafting. Grafting is an important means to obtain the ideal material of bonsai, which is used in tree varieties with difficult source of materials, slow growth, precious varieties and trees with low survival rate of sowing and cutting, especially suitable for small bonsai; there are also varieties with slow growth, poor resistance, insufficient maternal advantage and easy degradation, through grafting, new individuals with more advantages such as stronger and faster growth can be obtained.

The rootstock should choose 1-2-year-old seedlings with strong resistance, fast growth, no diseases and insect pests, moderate thickness, strong and full seedlings. Scions with current-year-old buds or 1-or 2-year-old branches should also be strong and free from diseases and insect pests.

Grafting methods are multi-head grafting (rootstock is a morphological old stump, grafted in the lack of shape), tender branch grafting, bud grafting, peeling grafting. The specific techniques include multiplex, leaning, splicing, splicing, etc., which is a good way to change the inferiority and obtain ideal materials, especially multi-head connection is an excellent way for quick tree stumps, and even medium and large bonsai can be used for transformation.

The grafting time is suitable in the middle of February, some varieties can also be grafted in the plum rain season, a small amount of grafting can be carried out in all seasons as long as the tube is well cultivated.

As long as the selection of season is good, batch grafting has a considerable relationship with the survival rate, and the operation technique is reasonable, such as good grafting site, smooth and clean interface, reasonable slope of section, mutual coincidence of cambium, appropriate tightness of interface, protection of wound before and after grafting, etc. it is related to survival, growth rate, flowering and fruiting, rooting, quality and so on. In addition, the tools used in grafting, the techniques of grafting, and the management after grafting will affect the effect of grafting.

After grafting, the stump should be moved in a place with protective facilities, such as plastic shed, to prevent Rain Water from drenching, sun burning, wind shaking, etc., so as not to affect the healing of the interface, and small plastic bags can also be used to seal the graft to reduce evaporation and maintain humidity. It can also prevent watering.

The wound causes infection due to the formation of water film and interface in the wound.

The contact surface is not easy to heal.

③ cuttage: select strong, tangible branches to insert into the seedling bed, sand bed, under suitable conditions will heal and rooting into a new independent body, called cutting. It is obtained by means of cutting.

It is an important way to obtain small and miniature bonsai materials, especially old branch cutting and root cutting. this is a shortcut for bonsai workers to cultivate materials through years of practice. as long as they survive, they can get a stump with an old and dwarfed bone shape, which can be used to form a landscape with a little shape, and it is not easy to show a considerable year.

No matter the old branch or the tender branch, the cuttings should choose the branches which are robust, disease-free and have basic shape. The cut is smooth and smooth, and the cutting depth (angle) is moderate. As bonsai material, you can also choose Qiu qu branches caused by trauma to cut, such as pruned stump branches, roadside bruised branches after deformation, to choose a strong one. Must not use stiff old, disease and insect pests parasitic, old and weak branches as cuttings, because these branches have the shape but not easy to survive, even if the survival growth is also very weak, it is difficult to achieve the conditions for landscaping.

The shrub cuttings choose the branches in the middle of the tree, because the shrubs have the habit of growing upward to compete for sunlight, the lower branches will naturally age and shrink, and the decline in growth will be transferred to the middle branches. Although the upper branches grow vigorously upward, but the branches are large and lack of posture, only the middle branches are suitable for bonsai cuttings.

The cutting time is selected in the plum rain season, in which the air humidity is high, the temperature is suitable, the strong light is less, and the plant is in the stage of lively growth, respiratory absorption and rapid callus. But at this time easy to mildew disease, the operation must be strict, fine management, otherwise it is very easy to get sick and die.

The branches abandoned during the usual pruning of bonsai are properly trimmed and inserted into the gap in the sand bed and let nature take its course. Many of them become ideal miniature or small stump materials after survival, and even unexpected excellent materials appear. Even if it is not abandoned, it is not a pity. Flowering and fruiting period is generally not suitable for cutting, because at this time the nutrient consumption of branches is large, and the survival rate of cuttings is very low.

Prevent cuttings from loosening after cutting, maintain appropriate humidity in the soil (seedbed), shade and sun exposure, but also prevent dry hot wind and Rain Water erosion, protect cuttings wound surface, easy to heal and take root.

The root-splitting method can also obtain materials of variable size and shape and valuable age markers. Some ideal varieties of materials can also be obtained by strip propagation. The above is asexual reproduction.

④ other methods: such as sexual reproduction sowing, is a good way to obtain a large number of seedlings, and then select good seedlings with a bright future. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to form, lacks the marks of years, and needs to be cultivated for a long time to produce the top grade.

Chicken claw maple bonsai pictures and planting techniques in plant potted plants, the graceful posture and beautiful leaf shape of the chicken claw maple tree are loved and favored by people from all walks of life. In horticulture, the leaf shape and color of its varieties are changeable, which is very aesthetic. If it is planted in lawns, streams, poolsides, corners of walls, pavilions or rocks, it is quite natural and elegant. After autumn, the bright red chicken claw maple bonsai pictures are as colorful as flowers and brilliant as glow. As an excellent foliage tree species, it is believed that no matter where it is planted, it has the beauty of natural elegance. In this paper, combined with the pictures of Acer truncatum, we will tell you about the seedling price and the planting technology of Acer. [Xiaobian strongly recommended] Hongyun's leading culture method, how to raise hanging orchids, what plants absorb formaldehyde, the propagation method of azaleas, the price of Dendrobium candidum

[plant archives]-English name: chicken claw maple scientific name: Japanese Maple alias: chicken claw maple, Aceraceae: Aceraceae: Acer distribution: Shandong, southern Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou and other provinces Korea, Japan and other countries are also distributed. Morphological features: deciduous small trees or trees, umbrella-shaped crown, elegant posture. The bark is smooth. Branchlets reddish brown. Leaves opposite, palmately 7-9-lobed, basal truncate to form a heart. Lobes apex caudate, margin with irregular or double sharp teeth, young leaves densely pilose, old leaves smooth and glabrous. The red leaves in autumn are very pleasing to the eye. Flowers polygamous, composed of purplish red florets in corymbose inflorescences, blooming in April. Samara spread into obtuse angles, curved upward, mature in October, brownish yellow.

Planting technique of Acer truncatum

The ecological characteristics of Acer truncatum-like warm, humid and semi-shady environment. Cold-resistant, not resistant to water and moisture, more resistant to drought, afraid of strong light exposure. The suitable temperature for growth is 1525 ℃, and it can withstand low temperature of-8 ℃ in winter. The soil is a deep, fertile and well-drained sandy loam, but also resistant to acid and calcareous soil. The propagation method of Acer truncatum-Ⅵ sowing: collecting seeds in October, slightly drying off wings, sowing in autumn or wet sand stratification, sowing in spring and February. Cover soil 1 cm and sprout 30-40 days after sowing. Seedlings should be shaded and moisturized. The height of the seedlings in that year can reach 30cm to 40cm. Ⅶ grafting: mainly used for cultivated varieties, rootstock for 2-3-year-old Acer truncatum. Branch grafting was carried out in March in spring, cutting or ventral grafting was carried out when the leaf buds of rootstocks were enlarged, and bud grafting was carried out in August in summer, mainly with single bud ventral grafting, and the survival rate was high. It would have been a seedling in that year. Ⅷ striping: carried out in October, using high-altitude crimping method. Circular peeling was carried out at 20-25 cm from the top of the branch and wrapped with rotten leaf soil and film. The seedlings will grow in the following spring.

The main points for the planting of Acer mongolica-Acer truncatum should be planted in fertile, semi-shady and humid sites after defoliation in autumn and winter or before sprouting in spring. Pot planting should be carried out after the leaves are removed in late August, put in a semi-shady and moist place, and fertilize 1-2 times to promote luxuriant branches and leaves. After frost, the leaves turn yellow and red, and the leaves are maintained in the room, and the shedding of the leaves is delayed, which can prolong the viewing period. Pest control-in the cultivation of Acer davidiana, anthracnose, leaf spot and black spot are often harmed, and usually can be sprayed with Bordeaux solution or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 600 times. Insect pests include diamondback moth, large coir moth, aphids and longicorn beetles, which can be sprayed with 1500 times of fenitrothion.

Acer maple seedling price-Acer maple seedling price will also vary with different varieties and specifications. Here the editor has collected some price lists of Acer maple seedlings for your reference. Price of Acer maple seedlings (H: high cm unit / yuan) Note: the following seedlings have large specifications, 2-15 cm, varieties, specifications, unit price, varieties, specifications, unit price, species, specifications, unit price, Schima superba, H300.2, red beech, H301, maple H600.25, purple myrtle, H700.6, oil tung, H600.5, Huangshan maple, H600.3 sassafras, H500.65, metasequoia H600.12, slash pine H200.15, slash pine H200.15, Liriodendron H500.35. Cinnamomum camphora H400.25 Duying H800.5 Photinia H301 Chongyang wood H600.3 Osmanthus H300.6

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Chicken claw maple leaf shape is beautiful, is a kind of foliage plant, generally planted on both sides of the road and other places, and now there are potted species planted in the home, chicken claw maple culture method: chicken claw maple (Acer palmatum Thunb), also known as chicken claw maple, belongs to Aceraceae, Acer belongs to deciduous small trees or trees, crown umbrella-shaped, elegant posture. The bark is smooth. Branchlets reddish brown. Leaves opposite, palmately 7-9-lobed, base truncate to form a heart. Lobes apex caudate, margin with irregular or double sharp teeth, young leaves densely pilose, old leaves smooth and glabrous. The red leaves in autumn are very pleasing to the eye. Flowers polygamous, composed of purplish red florets in corymbose inflorescences, blooming in April. Samara spread into obtuse angles, curved upward, mature in October, brownish yellow. The cultivation methods of Acer truncatum are as follows: 1. Soil: Acer mongolica has strong vitality, so it is appropriate to choose the place with high dry and sunny topography, loose and fertile soil pile and deep soil layer. Do not plant in low-lying stagnant water, heavy soil, otherwise it will grow badly. 2. Watering: potted Acer frutescens should be well watered during the growing season, but not too much, so as to keep the pot soil moist. 3. Sunshine: Acer truncatum is a weakly positive tree species with tolerance to half-shade, and it is easy to be damaged by sunburn in summer when planted alone in direct sunlight. Spring and autumn can be put on the balcony or courtyard training, summer moved to semi-shade, pay attention to appropriate shade, prevent hot sun exposure, resulting in scorched leaf edge. If you need to watch it indoors, you should put it in a place with sufficient light, and pay attention to ventilation. After placing it for a period of time, move it to the outdoor sunny place for training. 4. Temperature: Acer truncatum likes warm climate. Before entering winter in the north, it should be moved to a cold room for winter and placed in a room with a room temperature of 0-5 ℃. 5. Fertilization: potted Acer frutescens, generally apply thin cake fertilizer water once a month from spring sprouting, and change to potash fertilizer from September. If 0.5% mi 1% potassium sulfate solution or plant ash leaching solution is applied, the leaf color will be bright. 6. Insect pests: the common pests of Acer maple are grubs, mole crickets, beetles, thorns, aphids, longicorn beetles, heart borer and so on. To give priority to prevention, spray carbendazim or enamylmorpholine or acylmorpholine EC + Ningnanmycin + avermectin + cyhalothrin or chlorpyrifos or acetamiprid + organosilicon 3000 times, once every 15-20 days when the disease is free and 5-7 days when the disease is serious. Pay attention to the alternate use of medicine. The leaf shape of Acer maple is unique and beautiful, and it will change color after autumn, and the ornamental value is good. Pot planting is also a good choice to beautify the environment indoors. The breeding method of Acer maple is introduced here. I hope it will be helpful to you.