
When does the golden bract blossom? what if the golden bud does not blossom / with a solution

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden bracts flower language has the meaning of a hundred years of harmony and prosperity, so it not only has a strange flower shape, but also has a very beautiful flower language, and many people choose to plant it because of its long flowering period.

Golden bract flower language has the meaning of a hundred years of harmony and prosperity, so it not only has a strange flower shape, but also has a very beautiful flower language, and many people choose to plant it because of its long flowering period, so when will it bloom? How long is the florescence of golden bracts? What if golden bracts do not blossom? The following editor will answer for you one by one.

When does the golden bract blossom

As can be seen from the observation diary of Golden bracts, its flowering time is usually in spring and autumn. In some areas in the south, it can blossom all the year round, because the conditions for its flowering are very loose, generally speaking, as long as the temperature is kept between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. Then provide sufficient fertilizer, moisture, light, it can bloom.

How long is the florescence of Golden Bract?

When the golden bract flower is in an environment above 15 degrees, give it enough light, and then properly water and fertilize it, it will continue to sprout new shoots, and inflorescences will sprout from the top of the new shoots and blossom continuously after forming buds, so the florescence of golden bracts lasts for a long time, as long as 6-7 months in some places.

What if the golden bract doesn't blossom?

We mentioned just now that the flowering of golden bracts usually needs to meet three conditions, namely, the temperature is above 15 degrees, the light is sufficient, and the supply of fertilizer and water is moderate. If we encounter the situation that golden bracts do not blossom, we can find out the reasons from these three aspects and then take corresponding measures according to the reasons.

1. Temperature discomfort

Golden bract is a kind of plant that likes hot and afraid of cold, especially the temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees, otherwise it is easy to get frostbite, but flowering still needs higher temperature, if flower friends encounter the phenomenon that they do not blossom, first need to check whether the temperature is too low or too high, and then control the temperature in the appropriate range.

2. Moderate light

The differentiation of flower buds and the formation of flower buds need enough light. If we keep it in a dark corner for a long time, golden bracts will not only be difficult to blossom, but also have steep long leaves, so don't put it in a dark room at ordinary times. in addition, the light can not be too strong in summer.

3. Proper amount of fertilizer and water

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are all necessary for the growth of golden bracts, and the latter two are the main components in flowers. These elements can be obtained not only from the soil, but also from fertilizers, so we should pay attention to rational fertilization and watering. The method can refer to the detailed introduction of how to apply fertilizer.

How to make golden bracts blossom all the year round

Golden bracts have golden buds and white florets, so they are very beautiful when they bloom. If you raise it properly, golden bracts can bloom all the year round, but if you want them to have flowers all the year round, you should pay attention to the following problems.

Golden bract flower

1. Golden bracts prefer fertilizer, and liquid fertilizer should be sprayed at the right time in the growing season. Always keep the basin soil moist, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. Add a new high-fat membrane to protect the fertilizer effect.

2. Spraying Zhuangtiling on the leaves during the bud period can make the buds strong, the petals enlarged, the flowers colorful, the fragrance strong and the florescence prolonged. If the nutrients are insufficient, the plant growth will be weak, the inflorescence will be small, and the flowering will be few.

3. During the period of flower bud differentiation, water and fertilizer should be properly controlled and Huawang No. 2 should be smeared to promote flower bud differentiation. Make the golden bracts have luxuriant branches and leaves, large inflorescences and many flowers.

4. In order to keep it blooming in winter, the room temperature should be kept above 18 degrees during the day and above 15 degrees at night, and proper water and fertilizer conditions should be given at the same time to achieve the goal.

5. Golden bract diseases and insect pests: vulnerable to whitefly, red spiders and aphids, which should be controlled in time.

What is the language of golden bracts and how to make golden bracts blossom in the four seasons

Golden bract flower, also known as yellow shrimp flower, gold and silver, bracts layer upon layer, and protruding white florets, suitable for meeting hall, family breeding. What is the language of golden bracts? How to make the golden bracts blossom in four seasons. Let's get to know each other.

First, what is the language of golden bracts?

The language of Golden Bao Flower: a hundred years of harmony and prosperity

Golden bract flower, also known as yellow shrimp flower, coral monarch bed, gold package silver, golden bud shrimp dress flower. It is an evergreen subshrub of the family Acanthaceae, with dilated stem nodes, opposite leaves, long oval leaves and obvious veins due to the yellow spike at the top of the stem. Bracts layer upon layer, and protruding white flowers, shaped like shrimp body and named. Because of its long flowering period and high ornamental value, it has been loved by the majority of flower growers since it was introduced in the 1980s. Golden bracts have neat clusters of plants, bright yellow flowers and a long flowering period. Suitable for meeting hall, hall, living room and balcony decoration. The south is used to decorate flower beds.

Second, how to make the golden bracts blossom in four seasons

Golden bract flower, the flower shape is strange, the flower color is gorgeous, the flowering period is long, it is an excellent variety of indoor flowers. It is fond of sunshine, warm and humid environment. The temperature of growth and development is 1'27 ℃ and 20 ℃ is the most suitable for growth. Spring and autumn season should let it receive more sunlight, such as lack of light, there will be excessive growth of stems and leaves, not only affect the plant type, but also affect the quantity and quality of flowering. Summer is the peak growing season, and flowers are in full bloom. Summer is hot, and the sun is strong, which is disadvantageous to the flowering of golden shrimp, so shading and ventilation must be strengthened. Such as indoor potted plants, the windows must be opened to strengthen ventilation and maintain a cool and ventilated environment. To strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, the growing period and flowering period of golden bract flowers are long, and there are more demands for fertilizer and water. Liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10 days or so. Liquid fertilizer should be cooked with thin bean cake water or compound fertilizer solution, and phosphate fertilizer should be added before flowering to make the flower color more beautiful. Watering should be adequate and the soil should be kept moist frequently. In addition to watering the hot summer death, it is also necessary to spray water on the plants and the surrounding ground. Proper shading, ventilation and fertilizer and water management in summer are the key to raising golden bracts well. Such as poor maintenance in summer, poor growth, or even defoliation, will affect flowering. It needs to be moved indoors at the end of autumn, and it must be fully exposed to sunlight and pruned. If the room temperature is kept above 10 ℃ and the fertilizer and water are properly managed, it can blossom in four seasons. In winter, the room temperature only needs to be kept above 5 ℃, and stop fertilization, control moisture, make the basin soil more than 1000, and it can survive the winter safely.

The above is the introduction of the language of golden bracts and the flowering skills of golden bracts in the four seasons. Golden bracts are very suitable for breeding.