
What about the yellowing of orchid leaves? control watering, appropriate amount of fertilization / change of basin soil to recover quickly.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Wind and rain orchid, a very beautiful flower, is shaped like a trumpet and has various colors. It is particularly beautiful against the green leaves. But in the maintenance process, many flower friends keep the leaves yellow, then the wind and rain orchid leaves yellow how to do? At this time, flower friends must calmly find the cause, and then deal with it accordingly.

Wind and rain orchid, a very beautiful flower, is shaped like a trumpet and has various colors. It is particularly beautiful against the green leaves. But in the maintenance process, many flower friends keep the leaves yellow, then the wind and rain orchid leaves yellow how to do? At this time, flower friends must calmly find the cause, and then deal with it accordingly. Today, the editor will help you solve this problem.

First, the wind and rain orchid leaves turn yellow, but the water and fertilizer are not suitable.

As a common indoor flower, the breeding method of Fengyulan is not difficult, but there are too many newcomers, they do not have any breeding experience, so the water will not be watered, and the fertilizer will not be applied, and it is easy to make mistakes. All these will lead to the yellowing of the leaves of the orchid, thus affecting the ornamental quality of the plant. In order to solve this problem, the editor summarized three causes of leaf yellow, and we went on to look at it.

Second, the causes of yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium and its solutions.

1. Environmental mutation

There are many reasons for the yellowing of wind and rain orchid leaves, we can first consider whether there is something wrong with the growth environment. Because nowadays, the network is developed, many flower friends' wind and rain orchid potted plants are bought online, which may lead to great changes in the environment, plants can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: very simple, ask the store about the growth environment before Fengyulan, and then we change it to the same environment at home. Wait for the wind and rain orchid to adapt, and then slowly change, until adapt to the current environment, and then normal maintenance, after a period of time, the leaves will recover.

2. Rotten root

To say that the leaves of Fengyulan turn yellow, the most likely reason is the rotten root. The roots are rotten, the leaves naturally can not absorb nutrients, over a long time, leaf yellow will appear. On the other hand, the wind and rain orchid has rotten roots, and there are two situations:

① is overwatered.

Wind and rain orchid like a humid environment, but no matter how much you like water, there is also a degree. Once too much watering, causing stagnant water in the basin, a short time is good, a long time, the root of the plant will rot.

Solution: take the plant off the pot, bask it in the sun, and replant it when the pot soil dries.

Too much fertilizer in ②

Proper fertilization can make the orchid grow faster and blossom more beautifully. But once the fertilizer is too much, the roots of Fengyulan can not be absorbed all at once, and the roots will be burned out. The roots are broken, the leaves can not absorb nutrients, they will naturally turn yellow.

Solution: if it is caused by excessive fertilization, the leaves of the orchid turn yellow, we should immediately pour some water to dilute it, when it is serious, we need to change the pot soil, and we should also pay attention to control the amount of fertilization in the future.

3. Too little watering

From the name of Fengyulan, we can know how much it likes Rain Water. It is understood that on a rainy day, it can be left out in the rain. Therefore, in the process of breeding, the wind and rain orchid can not lack of water, once the flowers are watered less, it will lead to the yellowing and softening of the leaves, seriously affecting the ornamental.

Solution: after discovering this situation, it is very simple to pour water in time and remove the yellowing leaves.

4. Normal phenomenon

In addition to the above, the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves may be a normal physiological phenomenon. It is understood that the newly planted orchid will have a slow seedling process, during this period, the leaves will turn yellow, this is a very normal phenomenon.

Solution: if the leaves are yellow caused by slow seedlings, you don't have to pay any attention to them. after this period of time, the leaves of Fengyulan will soon return to green. Of course, if you are really worried, you might as well pull down the yellow leaves and the new leaves will come out in a few days.

Generally speaking, the wind and rain orchid is very easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that there will be symptoms of leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a clear mind, the leaf yellow problem can be dealt with in accordance with the above method. About the wind and rain orchid leaves yellowing, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.

How is the leaves of Ping an tree yellowing? matters needing attention and pest control

The safe tree symbolizes peace, and its skin can be used as medicine to dispel wind and cold, relieve pain and remove blood stasis, activate blood circulation and strengthen the stomach, and because its plant is rich in cinnamon oil and can emit the fragrance of correcting peculiar smell and purifying air, it has been favored by people from all walks of life.

Do you know its growth habits?

The natural environment for growth is born in the forest. Cinnamon of Orchid Island likes warm, moist, sunny environment, light and shade, warm heat, no frost and snow, foggy and high temperature, and is not resistant to drought, stagnant water, cold and dry air.

The acid sandy soil with loose and fertile, good drainage and rich organic matter should be used in artificial cultivation environment. Its primary environment is rich in Phalaenopsis, so it is appropriate to create a warm and humid environment for it under artificial cultivation conditions. The fruit period is from August to September. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃.

Several common diseases and insect pests control:


It mainly harms the leaves of seedling and adult plants. Leaf infection, mostly occurs in the leaf surface, leaf tip, leaf edge, brown, irregular shape, in the later stage often expand or merge into gray-brown spots, the edge of brown, wavy, there are many small black spots on the spot, that is, its conidial disk. Conidia are transmitted by wind and rain, and spore germination invades leaves or seedlings when humidity is high, which is easy to occur in continuous rain, lack of sunlight, soil viscosity or moisture retention in the shed, and is the most popular from February to April.

Prevention and control methods: find a small number of diseased leaves, remove and destroy them in time; increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the growing season to improve plant resistance; at the initial stage of the disease, use 25% carbolin wettable powder 500 times liquid, or 60% carbolin wettable powder 700 times liquid, or 75% methyl topiramate wettable powder 600 times liquid, spray alternately, every 10 to 15 days, 3 to 4 times in a row.

Brown spot disease

It occurred on the new leaves of the plant from April to May, the oval yellow-brown disease spot began to appear on the leaf surface, and then expanded continuously, and there were more small black grains in the disease spot on the front of the leaf, and the back of the disease spot was purple, so that the whole leaf yellowed and withered, causing a large number of fallen leaves of the plant.

Prevention and treatment methods: 1% Bordeaux solution can be used for prevention; a small number of diseased leaves should be removed and burned in time; at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% fungicidal aqua regia 1000 times, alternately sprayed every 10 days, 3 to 4 times in a row.

Brown root disease

The leaves of diseased trees gradually turn yellow and droop, turn brown and dry up in severe cases, the stems lose water and dry up, the roots turn brown and rot, and the diseased plants die in a short time. Diseased roots, diseased soil and residual plants left behind are the initial infection sources of the disease, which are transmitted by wind, rain or contact, usually occurring in a single plant.

Control methods: seriously diseased plants and plants withered due to disease should be uprooted and burned, and disinfected with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim methyl should be sprayed. Sulfur suspension 800 times liquid, or 50% Gen Fuling wettable powder 800 times liquid, carry on the prevention and control.

Insect pest

① leaf curl

It mostly occurs in summer and autumn, it curls several new leaves into nests, and the larvae lurk to feed on the leaves, which can be sprayed with 800 times of 90% trichlorfon crystals or 100 times of 40% dimethoate EC.

② aphid

The young leaves and new buds of Cinnamomum cassia are easy to be pierced by aphids, which leads to greasy leaves and coal fouling disease, which affects the growth and display of plants. Control methods: after spreading plant ash on the plant, rinse it with clean water; spray neem leaf juice to effectively kill insects; use 2000 times of imidacloprid wettable powder

Notes on yellowing leaves of Ping an tree

Temporary potted plants. Ping an trees generally grow up in the field and then transplant them into pots. Some merchants will transplant trees into pots before they are sold. If they are not properly maintained in the later stage, the leaves will turn yellow.

The soil is scarce. After the safe tree is bought, check the soil in the basin. In order to save soil, some sellers will put some soil residue at the bottom of the basin, and the top will be covered with a layer of soil. in this way, for a long time, the development of the root system of Ping an tree will be limited, and then the leaves will turn yellow and wilt.

The growth environment is not suitable. The growth environment of Ping an tree has certain requirements, and it grows better in the environment of astigmatism and ventilation. If the light is dark and not ventilated, it is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Too much water. If there is too much watering in the basin, the soil is saturated with water, and the excess water can not evaporate quickly. For a long time, the leaves will turn yellow because of too much water. Therefore, appropriate amount of water should be watered.

Water quality problems. The water quality in the north is highly alkaline, and watering Ping an trees with alkaline water for a long time will also cause the leaves to turn yellow slowly and fall off over a long time.

Plant diseases. After the safe tree is bought back, if there is a disease, it is also easy to cause root damage, which may lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Unreasonable fertilization. If the safe tree is fertilized too much, the fertilizer concentration becomes higher, which will cause excess nutrition, then cause the roots to shrink, and then the leaves turn yellow.

Bask in the sun. Safe trees in summer in the outdoor sun for a long time, will also make the leaves lose moisture, and make the leaves withered and dry.

The temperature is on the low side. In winter, due to the low temperature, especially when placed outdoors, below 5 ℃, Ping an trees will be frozen and their leaves will turn yellow.

After understanding these, I hope that the safe trees of flower friends can thrive!

Green onion orchids, ordinary and pure and lovely

Green onion orchid gets its name because its son looks like spring onion. In China, the cultivation of onion orchid is very extensive, more and more owners will be attracted by this pure and beautiful onion orchid, so how to raise green onion orchid? The following editor will combine the pictures of onion orchids to tell you about the breeding methods of onion orchids and when onion orchids will bloom. Green onion orchids, ordinary and pure and lovely! -

[plant archives]-

English name: green onion orchid

Scientific name: Zephyranthes candida

Aliases: onion lotus, jade curtain, gladiolus lotus, leek lotus, liver herb, wind and rain orchid

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Genus: Allium

Distribution of origin: originated from Mexico and South American countries, widely cultivated in China. The main breeding bases are: Shuyang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places.

Growth environment: it is most suitable to be a ground cover plant in the lower half shade of the forest, or planted beside a courtyard path.

Morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen herbs. The bulb with skin bulb is ovate, slightly similar to the bulb of evening fragrant jade or garlic, smaller in diameter and with a distinct long neck. Leaves basic, fleshy linear, dark green. The plant height is 30 cm to 40 cm. Scape is short, 0.3-0.4m high, hollow. Flowers solitary, perianth 6, white, red, yellow, long elliptic to lanceolate; Corolla 4 cm to 5 cm in diameter.

How to raise green onion orchids? -

◆ growth habits: green onion orchids like plenty of sunshine, but can also withstand semi-shade, requiring a warm and humid environment, suitable for sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage

◆ environmental requirements: choose places where the wind is sunny and the soil is fertile and moist. During the growth period, the soil should be kept moist, and the thin cake fertilizer and water should be applied 2 or 3 times a year to grow well and bloom luxuriantly. If yellow leaves and residual flowers are found during flowering, they should be cut off and removed in time to keep them beautiful and avoid consuming more nutrients.

◆ watering: onion orchids should be watered adequately during the growth period, and it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, but not stagnant water. When the weather is dry, water is often sprayed on the leaves to increase air humidity, otherwise the leaf tips are easy to yellow and wither.

◆ potted soil: the soil used for orchid cultivation is very important. Clayey, silty soil and alkaline soil are not suitable to raise orchids, because these soils are not conducive to rooting, not easy to drain, and poor ventilation. Planting orchids with this kind of soil will form stiff seedlings with short roots of grass.

◆ fertilization: orchid, like other grass flowers, requires more fertilizer and water, but is most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer application and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. It is required to follow the two fertilization principles of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, complete nutrition" and "dry and wet, dry and thoroughly dry, not dry or irrigated", and after fertilization, leaves and flowers should be kept dry at night.

◆ temperature: green onion orchid likes warm climate, but the environment of high temperature and muggy summer (more than 35 ℃, air relative humidity more than 80%) is not conducive to its growth; it is very strict on winter temperature, when the ambient temperature is below 10 ℃, it can not safely survive the winter when frost occurs.

The culture method of green onion orchid-

The culture method of onion orchid is very easy, usually based on ramet propagation. Seed balls are divided in spring, usually 3-4 balls are planted in a clump. Onion orchid has the advantages of strong growth, simple and extensive management, and can be planted once in 3 to 4 years after planting without additional management.

Of course, in addition to ramet propagation, there are also methods of sowing and breeding. You can use small seeds that are difficult to pick up by hand or other tools. You can wet one end of the toothpick with water, stick the seeds one by one on the surface of the matrix, cover the substrate 1 cm thick, and then put the seeding pot into the water. The depth of the water is 1pm, 2pm, 3pm. Let the water soak up slowly (this method is called "basin immersion")

When will green onion orchids blossom?

"Onion orchids bloom in September. Green onion orchid silently embellishes the flowering season in September.. The beauty of onion orchid in September. " Usually these verses show that the blooming season of onion orchid should be in September, yes, it is the season of onion orchid blooming before and after summer (especially before and after rain). The floral words of green onion orchids-

The flower words and symbols of green onion orchid represent meaning: first love, pure love.

There are only two kinds of pure love in this world, one is the first love, and the other is the love that can still be spent with the lover who spends his life with foam, eyebrows, and companionship. And green onion orchid gives people pure love because of its whiteness.

Conclusion: green onion orchids are used for ground cover plants, or for flower beds, lace, or under forests, as well as extensive pot cultivation and management, and potted plants are also very elegant. of course, onion orchids can also be planted in water tanks with bright leaves, which is a good home decoration plant.

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