
How can the wind and rain orchid blossom more? what if the wind and rain orchid does not blossom / stop watering

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the wind and rain orchid, we should be no stranger, its flowers are similar to lilies, is a very beautiful flower. People always want to have more beautiful things, so how can wind and rain orchids blossom more? However, in the process of breeding, the wind and rain orchids of many flower friends will grow leaves and not blossom.

For the storm orchid, we should not be unfamiliar, its flowers and lilies similar, is a very beautiful flower. Beautiful things, people always want to have more, then how to raise orchids to bloom more? However, in the breeding process, many flower friends 'wind and rain orchid will appear light long leaves, do not bloom situation, that wind and rain orchid does not bloom how to do? In this regard, by the small editor for everyone to solve the problem.

I. How to raise orchids to bloom more, water and fertilizer are the key

As a common indoor potted plant, the breeding method of wind and rain orchid is not difficult, and it is also very simple to bloom. However, after the storm orchid bloom is very beautiful, we must want it to bloom more! This requires some technical maintenance before flowering. How to raise orchids to bloom more, everyone should do the following three points:

10 days without water

The rain orchid, as its name suggests, blooms after heavy rain. In this regard, we should always pay attention to the weather forecast, in the next ten days before the heavy rain, do not water it. In addition, cut off the excess leaves around the bud. After doing so, the storm orchid will burst into pots!

3. Soil/Fertilization

Weatherlily flowers without nutrients, which can be obtained through three aspects: soil, fertilizer and photosynthesis. Therefore, in order to give more rain orchid flowers, we should raise it in fertile soil, and then according to the appropriate proportion of fertilizer.

2. Sufficient light

After the flower buds grow, it is not suitable for fertilization, so in order to have sufficient nutrients, plants should be allowed to carry out photosynthesis more. And this requires us to talk about the rain orchid moved to a sunny place to conserve.

2. What should I do if the orchids don't bloom? Stop watering.

90% of the beauty of rain orchid is in its flowers, but some flower friends buy rain orchid, found that it has not blossomed, or opened a flower does not bloom, this is why?

The reason why rain orchids do not bloom

The flowering period of wind and rain orchid is from April to September, and it is understood that during the second to third months of flowering, the leaves will grow rapidly, and their rise is extremely fast. If you don't pay attention, the leaves will be full! With so many leaves, flowers will naturally become less and less, which will seriously affect their flowering and even lead to failure to bloom next time.

A solution to the problem of not flowering orchids

If you find that the rain orchid does not bloom, you should immediately stop watering, spray water only on the plants within one month, and try to spray water at dusk, just spray all the surface of the rain orchid wet. Some flower friends may see that the pot soil is very dry, or even dry crack, but if you want to rain orchid next flowering, we must bear. As long as endure a month, believe that your orchids will bloom beautiful flowers.

What if the rain orchid doesn't bloom?

The main reason why the rain orchid does not bloom:

It is believed that friends who cultivate wind orchid have encountered this kind of situation. The flowering period of wind orchid is from May to October, and in the north it is from September. During this period, it will bloom 5 to 6 times continuously. However, during the second month to the third month of flowering, the leaves will grow rapidly, and their growth rate is like that of leek. If you don't pay attention, the leaves will be full, and the flowers will be less and less, which will seriously affect their flowering. Even lead to failure to bloom next time.


Stop watering! When this happens, stop watering immediately, spray water only on the storm orchid within a month, and try to spray water at dusk, just spray all the surface of the storm orchid wet. Many friends may be a little reluctant, because this is summer, even catch up with the highest summer temperature, after a few days of suspension of watering, the soil will become very dry, even split, after a long time the soil is even more scary. But if you still want to see the next flowering, you have to endure, and even if you only spray water, you can maintain its growth very well, don't worry; but don't underestimate the spray, this is to spray once a day at dusk, otherwise your rain orchid will really leave you.

If your storm orchid does not bloom for a long time, try the above tips.

How to raise the pot of wind and rain orchids, learn 7 strokes of wind and rain orchids full house/water and fertilizer is the key

Storm orchid, a flower in full bloom after the rain, it flower type such as lily, color diversity, looks beautiful! In the flower world, the storm orchid belongs to both easy to raise and beautiful flowers, but want it to burst pot, and extend flowering time, or need some maintenance skills. So how does the orchids keep their pots? In this regard, Xiaobian summed up 7 moves, everyone quickly go in to learn to see!

1. How to raise the explosion pot of orchids, 7 strokes

1. Flower pot selection

If you want to open a pot of orchids, you have to start from the basics. The first step is to choose a flower pot. Many flower friends may think that flower pots are not important, but this is the wrong idea. As for what kind of pot to choose, it depends on how big the seed ball of the storm orchid is. Generally speaking, a pot of 20-30 cm can be planted with about 5-6 seed balls, and a larger pot can be planted with 10 seed balls, depending on the actual situation.

2. Soil selection

The adaptability of storm orchid is strong, and the soil requirements are not high. But if you want the orchids to burst open, the soil had better be fertile, which can make it have enough nutrients to meet. Sandy loam is recommended for breasts.

3. Seed ball planting

How does the storm orchid grow the explosion basin? After the pot soil is selected, start planting the seed balls. Method: As shown in the above picture, dig holes evenly along the edge of the flowerpot, plant 1 ball in each hole, the hole spacing is preferably 3-5 cm, and then cover the soil with 2-3 cm!

4, watering moisture

Cymbidium seed ball planting method, in front of a detailed introduction, interested can go to see. After the seed ball is planted well, the flower friends should water it appropriately. The specific amount should be mainly to keep the soil moist. It is best to choose to water it sooner or later.

5. Appropriate fertilization

Adequate nutrients are the key to the explosion of the storm orchid pot, so proper fertilization is very important! The fertilizer can be organic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or compost, etc., all of which can be used, and the frequency is not high, once every 2-3 months. Well done, rain orchid flowers will open beautiful, open more!

6. Temperature of illumination

How does the storm orchid grow the explosion basin? In addition to watering and fertilization, light and temperature are also critical. Flowers should be placed in a place with sufficient light, and the temperature should be kept at 22-30℃. It should be noted that insufficient light or temperature discomfort may cause the rain orchid not to bloom.

7, careful maintenance

Do the above steps, the rest is maintenance, maintenance is to pay attention to the above points, after that is to continue, do not fish for two days and sun nets for three days! Do a good job of maintenance, storm orchid must burst basin!

In general, as a common potted plant, the breeding method of wind and rain orchid is very simple, it can be said that it will bloom beautiful flowers. However, if you want the orchids to explode, you need to master the above maintenance skills. Only when you do all of them will your orchids bloom more flowers and flowers bloom more beautifully!