
Is drunken butterfly poisonous? is drunken butterfly suitable for indoor breeding / slightly poisonous / can be raised indoors?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Drunken butterfly flower is a kind of excellent honey plant, which is well-known and ornamental all over the world, so many people want to keep one at home. However, many plants are toxic to a certain extent, so we should be clear about this when we breed it. Is the drunken butterfly poisonous?

Drunken butterfly flower is a kind of excellent honey plant, which is well-known and ornamental all over the world, so many people want to keep one at home. However, many plants are toxic to a certain extent, so we should be clear about this when we breed it. Is the drunken butterfly poisonous? Is drunken butterfly flower suitable for indoor breeding? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Is the drunken butterfly poisonous? it is slightly poisonous

About drunk butterfly flower poisonous, the answer is yes, this kind of plant has a little poison, if carelessly eat words will cause some adverse reactions to the human body, but as long as we do not eat it, generally there will be no problem. Moreover, this plant also had good medicinal value. As long as it was used properly, poison could also be turned into an antidote.

2, drunk butterfly flower suitable for indoor cultivation, suitable for

Drunken butterfly flower is a very indoor plant species, although with a little poison, but as long as we do not eat it, generally will not be poisoned. And this plant has many benefits in the indoor, the specific details are introduced below, interested friends can come to know oh.

3. The benefits of keeping drunken butterflies indoors

1. Beautify the indoor environment

When it comes to the efficacy and function of drunken butterflies, people will first think of its ornamental value. The petals of this plant are light and elegant. When they open, they are similar to butterflies flying in the air. They look very pleasing to the eye. Therefore, they are also loved by many people. If they are kept indoors, they will also beautify the indoor environment.

2. purify indoor air

Drunken butterfly flower is a flower plant with strong anti-pollution ability. It has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide and chlorine gas. It can absorb 90% of harmful substances in the air, thus making the surrounding environment cleaner. If we breed it indoors, it can greatly improve the indoor environment, thus making people's living environment healthier.

3. used as a decorative

The peduncle of drunken butterfly flower is long and strong, and the raceme forms a luxuriant flower ball. The color is red and white, and the shade is appropriate. When the drunken butterfly flower blooms, the petals will slowly open, and the long claws will be bent to pop out from the flower. The process is like a movie fast-motion slow motion. Whether it is planted on the courtyard wall, under the tree or displayed on the desk in front of the window, it is a very good choice.

Is it possible to put the poison in the family bedroom?

Drunken butterfly flower is a common herbaceous plant, the most primitive origin is not in our country, through our country after the introduction of extensive cultivation. Drunken butterfly flower mainly to flower for viewing, its petals are many, there are some long whiskers, very beautiful. Many people have different opinions about whether it is poisonous or not.

Is Drunken Flower Poisonous?

Drunken butterfly flower has some toxicity, need to pay attention to when eating, as an ornamental word, have a certain medicinal nature and purify the air role. Drunken butterfly flower is not only a high-quality nectar source, but also a whole herb can be used as medicine. Drunken butterfly flower whole grass: pungent, astringent, flat. Small poison. Dispel wind and cold, kill insects and relieve itching. According to legend, the fruit of drunken butterfly flower is also used for liver cancer in folk trials.

Can I keep the wine in the family bedroom?

Drunken butterflies can be kept in the family bedroom. Drunken butterflies bloom in the evening and wither in the daytime the next day, so they are also called summer flowers. Their short life gives people a feeling of illusory impermanence. This kind of drunken butterfly flower originated in tropical South America and is a very excellent anti-pollution flower. It has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide and chlorine gas. Can beautify the environment, is a very good anti-pollution flowers, in the more polluted factories and mines can also grow well. Drunken butterfly flower is also an excellent nectar plant, can extract high-quality essential oil.

How to raise drunken butterflies

1. Soil. Drunken butterflies are well-maintained plants and do not need special soil. It is best to have a well drained sandy soil containing humus. Drunken butterfly flower root system is more developed, with a pot should be slightly deeper, with a pot diameter of 20 cm to 30 cm is good. In addition to poor growth in alkaline soil, in sandy soil, clayey soil can grow, grow best in slightly acidic sandy loam, can be used as an equal mixture of rotting soil and vegetable soil culture soil. The soil is loose and the drainage is good.

2. Light and temperature. Like warm sunshine, heat resistance, slightly resistant to semi-shade, not cold. Summer is the growing season, when frost plants die. The suitable temperature is 20-32℃.

3. Watering: It can withstand drought, but it grows better when given greater air humidity. Watering every day in midsummer and watering thoroughly. Likes higher air humidity, air humidity is too low, will accelerate single flower withering. Also afraid of rain, need to keep leaves dry at night. The optimum air relative humidity is 65-75%.

Fertilization: Like other grass flowers, drunken butterfly flowers require more fertilizer and water, but they are required to follow the principle of fertilization (water) of "light fertilizer, small amount and complete nutrition", and after fertilization, keep the leaves and flowers dry at night. For pot carrying, 2-3 times of thin compound liquid fertilizer should be applied during bud pregnancy, and flowers can be bloomed during Spring Festival.

Drunken butterfly flower domestication attention

1. Put them in pots or transplant them. When the seedlings are potted, first put 2-2 cm thick coarse grain matrix or ceramsite into the bottom of the pot as a filter layer, sprinkle a layer of fully decomposed organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer, the thickness is about 1-2 cm, and then cover a layer of matrix, the thickness is about 1-2 cm, and then put in the plants to separate the fertilizer from the roots to avoid burning the roots. After finishing the basin, pour a permeable water, and put it in a slightly shady environment for a week.

2. Remove the heart. Topping is usually done twice before flowering to encourage more flowering shoots to sprout: one to two weeks after potting, or when the seedlings are 6-10 cm tall and have more than six leaves, the top shoots are removed, leaving the lower 3-4 leaves to encourage branching. 3-5 weeks after the first topping, or when the lateral branches grow to 6-8 cm long, the second topping is carried out, that is, the top tips of the lateral branches are removed, and the 4 leaves below the lateral branches are retained. After two times of topping, the plant type will be more ideal and the number of flowers will be more. When planting flower beds, residual flowers should be removed in time to make them bear no seeds to prolong flowering period.

Although Drunken Butterfly Flower was poisonous, as long as one did not eat it casually, there was still no problem. It could also purify the air! Therefore, it is very suitable for breeding at home, and even breeding in the bedroom is no problem. Drunken butterfly flower must pay attention to temperature and fertilizer water when breeding, only in this way can it grow well.

Cheiranthus cheiri L. Gui bamboo incense photo guide: how to raise cinnamon bamboo incense / how to propagate cinnamon bamboo incense famous piece cinnamon bamboo fragrance Cheiranthus cheiri L. Introduction of osmanthus bamboo incense also known as yellow violets, fragrant violets, waltzes. Racemes terminal, with large flowers, orange and yellowish brown. It has a strong aroma. There are double varieties. The florescence is from April to June. Osmanthus bamboo fragrance, early flowering, orange and fragrant, is a recommended flower widely cultivated in the courtyard in spring, and can also be used as a cut flower. Originally from southern Europe. Like the sun, cold, but afraid of heat. The distribution area of Gui Zhu Xiang is native to southern Europe and is commonly cultivated in gardens all over China. Related plants: there are about 10 species of the same genus, commonly cultivated are Qilihuang C.alionii, 2-year-old or perennial herbaceous flowers, plant height 30-40 cm. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. Terminal raceme with bright yellow flowers. Flowering in May. The morphological characteristics of cassia bamboo incense originated in southern Europe and are now widely cultivated in various places. Perennial herbaceous flowers, often cultivated for 2 years, plant height 35-50 cm. Stem erect, much branched, base semi-lignified. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire. Racemes terminal, petals 4, with long claws, flowers orange or yellowish brown, two colors mixed, fragrant. The florescence is from April to June. The fruit is longhorn. There are about 10 species of the same genus, including Qilihuang C.alionii, 2-year-old or perennial herbaceous flowers with a height of 30-40 cm. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. Terminal raceme with bright yellow flowers. Flowering in May. The fruit is longhorn. Hardy. Like the sunny terrain, cool and dry climate and well-drained, loose and fertile soil. Afraid of waterlogging and heat, Rain Water grows poorly if he has too much. To propagate by sowing or cutting. The ecological habit of cassia bamboo incense is hardy. Like the sunny terrain, cool and dry climate and well-drained, loose and fertile soil. Afraid of waterlogging and heat, Rain Water grows poorly if he has too much. To propagate by sowing or cutting. You can spend the winter in the open field in the Yangtze River basin, and you need a greenhouse or idle winter in the north. The cultivation and management of Cinnamomum cassia is relatively extensive, and the soil is often kept moist after planting, and the dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied once in about 3 weeks. Cut off the residual flower branches after flowering in early spring, apply quick-acting liquid fertilizer twice in time, and water it frequently to promote its growth as soon as possible, so that it can blossom again from September to October. It can also be sown in spring and summer and moved into the indoor culture before winter, then it can blossom in early winter. There are about 10 species of the same genus, including Qilihuang C.alionii, 2-year-old or perennial herbaceous flowers with a height of 30-40 cm. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. Terminal raceme with bright yellow flowers. Flowering in May. Cultivation techniques of osmanthus bamboo incense like sufficient sunshine, cool climate, slightly cold-resistant, fear of waterlogging and avoid extreme heat. In the south of the Yangtze River basin, the winter can be overwintered in the open field, while in East China, the winter can be spent under the measures of leeward and sunny beds with slight heat preservation. It is suitable for loose and fertile soil with good drainage and can withstand mild saline-alkali soil. In order to make the sweet osmanthus bamboo grow healthily, the inflorescence is long and bright, we should choose the land with plenty of sunshine, loose soil and good drainage, which has not been planted with other cruciferous plants, and should be shaded in midsummer. Because there are few whisker roots, it is necessary to bring lodging soil when transplanting. Planting should not be too dense, so as not to affect ventilation and light transmission. It is not strict with the soil, can withstand light alkali, and grows poorly in acidic soil. Seed collection and cold area insulation in cold areas, winter can not be open to winter, need to build a shed to cover the plastic film, or before the winter, hoard into the cold room to survive the winter, wait for the spring to warm, before the new roots are moved to the open field, but all with the original soil, otherwise it is easy to hurt the root and affect the survival rate. When the longhorn turns yellow, the seeds can be harvested in batches, dried, threshed and collected. Seeds can be stored for 5 to 6 years. Fertilization and watering when the weather turns warm, Cinnamomum fragrance grows better, it should be applied dilute liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days, and pay attention to watering. It is necessary to control moisture during flowering and there is no need for fertilization. It is necessary to prevent waterlogging in the rainy season and drain water in time after the rain. Coring and pruning in order to increase the number of flowers, we should pay attention to coring and increase the sprouting of lateral branches. In order to make osmanthus bamboo blossom again after flowering, it is necessary to cut off the residual branches in time, apply quick-acting fertilizer and pay attention to watering and cooling in summer, so that it can blossom again from September to October. High humidity, high temperature, poor ventilation, prone to diseases and insect pests, such as black spot, aphids, red spiders and so on. Reference agents, 40% omethoate, 50% carbendazim, etc. Transplanting double petal species can be propagated by cuttings. In autumn, the stem segments about 6 cm long at the end of the stem are taken and planted in the sand, and they can take root soon. You can spend the winter in the open field in the Yangtze River basin, and you need a greenhouse or idle winter in the north. The seedlings need to carry soil when raising seedlings. During the cultivation period, it is appropriate to control moisture, properly prune and apply fertilizer. Cut off the flower branches after flowering, apply fertilizer, water once a day, and blossom again in September. Overwintering at the seedling stage, the roots should be covered with straw. The main points of cultivation are all biennial cultivation in the north. The sowing time is in the first ten days of September, first sowing into the open-field seedling bed, because the seedlings are not resistant to transplanting, so they should start the seedlings before winter and store them in a cold bed with cold protection equipment to survive the winter. The sooner it is planted in spring, the better, so as to prevent the seedlings from sending out new roots in the cold bed after the temperature rises, and then transplanting is easy to hurt the roots and affect the survival. Cut off the inflorescence branches after the flowers fade, dig up and store the persistent roots after heavy cutting in October, and plant the stored roots separately in the early spring of next year, so as to avoid the trouble of sowing last year. The cultivation and management of Cinnamomum cassia is relatively extensive, and the soil is often kept moist after planting, and the dilute liquid fertilizer can be applied once in about 3 weeks. Cut off the residual flower branches after flowering in early spring, apply quick-acting liquid fertilizer twice in time, and water it frequently to promote its growth as soon as possible, so that it can blossom again from September to October. It can also be sown in spring and summer and moved into the indoor culture before winter, then it can blossom in early winter. The propagation mode of osmanthus bamboo incense 1. it is better to sow in autumn, which is usually carried out in September, and can emerge in about a week, and then after the low temperature in winter, the flowers will bloom in the following spring. 2. Cutting propagation is mostly used for the propagation of double-petal varieties. The cutting time is in early summer or autumn. The young shoots with strong growth and hard shoots of the same year are taken. The cuttings are 5-6 cm in length and cut in the sand bed. Pay attention to proper shading and moisturizing, rooting is easy and the survival rate is high. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of cassia bamboo incense the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Gui Zhu Xiang are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The sweetness and tenderness of fresh shrimp, cinnamon and bamboo shoots and the delicious taste of shrimp are refreshing and not greasy. Materials: 6th Osmanthus Bamboo shoot Festival, 150g shrimps, a little shredded ginger, a little shredded onions, 1 tablespoon of salad oil. Seasoning: corn meal 1 ╱ 2 tablespoons, salt, pepper, sesame oil, chopped onions each a little bay soy sauce, sugar, water 100cc. Preparation: wash the shrimps, beat them with the back of the knife into mashed shrimps, add seasoning and mix well into mashed shrimps, put them in a plastic bag and set aside. Squeeze shrimp paste: spread corn powder on the inside of osmanthus bamboo shoot festival, cut a small hole at the bottom of the plastic bag with shrimp mud, and squeeze out shrimp mud to fill the bamboo shoot festival. Steamed: fill it with mashed shrimp and steam it in a pot. Choking flavor: boil the seasoning and pour into the bamboo shoot festival, cover with shredded ginger and shredded green onions, then sprinkle with hot oil. Medicinal source of Cinnamomum chinense: it is a dicotyledonous plant of Cruciferae. The flower contains quercetin (quercetin), Rhamnophorin (rhamnetin), isorhamnetin (isorhamnetin), isorhamnetin-3-arabinose-7-rhamnoside (isorhamnetin-3-arabino-7-rhamnoside), isorhamnetin-3-glucose-7-rhamnoside (isorhamnetin-3-gluco-7-rhamnoside). Quercetin-7-rhamnoside (quercetin-7-rhmnoside) and other flavonoids, and containing isothiocyanate-3-methylthiolactone (3-methylthiopropylisothiocyanate). Seeds contain cheiroside, cheirotoxin, alliside, desglucocheirotoxin, erysimoside, glucoalliside, erysimoside, glucoalliside, helveticoside, helveticosol, erysimosol, strophanthidin. Glucoerysimoside, 6-deoxyguloside (glucobipindogulomethyloside), sinapine (sinapine). It also contains volatile methyl isothiocyanate (methylisothiocyanate) and isopropyl isothiocyanate (isopropylisothiocyanate). Efficacy: promoting blood circulation and dredging menstruation and purgation: treating irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and constipation: bitter, pungent, flat. Enter the large intestine, kidney and liver meridian. This species is a poisonous plant included in the Chinese plant atlas database, and its toxicity is seed poisonous usage dosage: oral administration: fried soup, 9-15g textual research: the harvesting and treatment seeds first contained in the "seed plant name" are alive, and their vitality and seed life span are closely related to the storage conditions. Under the condition of warm, humid and unobstructed air, the life activity of the seed is strong, the nutrients in the seed are consumed rapidly, and the life span of the seed becomes shorter, and the seed that has lost its vitality can not be used for sowing and raising seedlings. Under the condition of low temperature, dryness and slow air circulation, the life activity of seeds is slow, and the life span of seeds can be relatively prolonged. 1. Cleaning and selection of seeds should be carried out after harvesting. The whole plant should be dried and threshed, and the pericarp, pulp and various appendages should be removed if the fruit is harvested together. Flower seeds are small and light in weight, and some seed coats have short bristles, which are easy to adhere to or mix with life impurities such as sclerotia, galls, eggs and weed seeds, and inanimate impurities such as residual leaves and sediment. 2. reasonably dry herbaceous flower seeds that need to be dried after harvest, must be dried together with fruit shells, and do not put the seeds on the cement field or in metal containers to expose them in the sun, otherwise the shadow will affect the vitality of the seeds. The seeds can be dried on canvas, Reed mats and bamboo mats. Some seeds are afraid of light, so the natural wind drying method can be used to place the seeds in a ventilated and rain-proof room to make them naturally dry. In general, the safe water content of herbaceous flower seeds is less than 7%. The storage technology of cassia bamboo incense 1. Choose the right packaging method: flower seeds are generally small in number, short in life and expensive in price. In most cases, polyethylene aluminum foil composite film bags and paper seed bags are used. Flower seeds containing aromatic oil should be stored in metal cans, wooden boxes or colored glass bottles. Canned and aluminum foil bags can also be pumped into vacuum or semi-vacuum when sealing to reduce the amount of oxygen in the container. The name of the seed and the year, month, day and service life of the harvest should be correctly marked outside the seed bag. 2. Seeds stored in low temperature and moistureproof storage after cleaning and drying to safe moisture content and packed in aluminum foil bags or metal cans should be stored in dry, sealed, low temperature (2-5 ℃) conditions. The seed bag or jar should be placed on a shelf or table about 50cm from the ground. Do not contact the seed bag directly with the ground to prevent moisture. A small amount of seeds can be stored in a dryer, which can use glass bottles, small lid urns, plastic buckets, etc., and put quicklime, silica gel, dried plant ash and charcoal at the bottom as desiccant, seed bags, and then sealed and placed in a low-temperature drying place. 3. The vitality and longevity of herbaceous flower seeds are closely related to the storage conditions. Under the condition of warm, humid and unobstructed air, the life activity of the seed is strong, the nutrients in the seed are consumed rapidly, and the life span of the seed becomes shorter; the life activity of the seed under the condition of low temperature, dryness and slow air circulation is slow. the life span of seeds can be relatively prolonged. Therefore, 1-2-year-old herbaceous flower seeds should be preserved under low temperature, dry and airtight conditions. The ones with a preservation period of 1 year are Flukao, Primula and Primrose; those with a preservation period of 2-3 years are drunken butterfly, turnip grass, pansy, marigold, cherry, green chrysanthemum, daisy, dry golden lotus, sweet pea bean, Yu beauty, drunken butterfly, bunch of red, wheat stem chrysanthemum, goldfish grass, cornflower; 4-5 years have half-branch lotus, hundred-day chrysanthemum, osmanthus fragrance, snake chrysanthemum, violet, petunia, tricolor amaranth, chicken crown, calendula and so on. 4. Storage management measures: clearance and disinfection. The garbage, fertilizers and pesticides in the warehouse are removed, and felt paper is laid in the warehouse as a moisture-proof layer to reduce the absorption of ground moisture by seeds. Diluted with 80% dichlorvos EC and sprayed, the doors and windows were closed for 48-72 hours and ventilated for 24 hours. Don't use smoke compartments. Pile it up properly. There are many varieties and grades of flower seeds, but the general number of seeds is not large. In the warehouse, it should be placed on the platform which is about 50cm from the wall and 50cm from the ground, and make a sign indicating its location, quantity, packaging, etc., in order to prevent confusion. Ventilate at the right time. Seed respiration produces a lot of heat, timely ventilation can cool down and dissipate dampness. Generally to "clear rain closed snow can not pass, dripping water into ice can pass, open in the morning and evening, less open at noon, night fog can not open" as the principle. Ventilation is mostly natural ventilation, conditional mechanical ventilation is available. Diligent in checking. The warehouse should check in time and check the water content and germination rate of the seeds after summer or winter. Set up temperature and humidity meters at multiple points in different parts of the warehouse, set people to measure regularly, and make records. Flower seeds must be stored in a low-temperature and low-humidity environment to prevent mildew or decrease in germination rate. The flower language of Guizhuxiang from April to May. Guizhi incense is mainly used in the environmental decoration of International Working Women's Day, International Labour Day, Mother's Day and other festivals, as well as the environmental beautification of various celebrations and living spaces in April. Be chaste and sincere in times of trouble. Cinnamon bamboo incense pictures