
How do you grow seeds? 2 ways to grow seeds.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In how to raise Lysimachia christinae, we introduce potted Lysimachia christinae, but people who love flowers should know that raising Lysimachia christinae can be done without soil, that is to say, it can be hydroponic, then how to cultivate Lysimachia christinae seeds? In fact, among many plants, Lysimachia christinae is the easiest to cultivate, so we don't have to worry about whether we can successfully cultivate.

In how to raise money grass, we introduce potted money grass, but flower lovers should know that money grass can be raised without soil, that is to say, it can be cultivated in water, so how do seeds grow in water? In fact, among the many plants, Artemisia angustifolia is the easiest to grow in water, so we don't have to worry about whether we can succeed in water culture. Know how to raise, we also need to understand its reproduction, the following by the editor to introduce to you the breeding methods of two kinds of money grass.

First, how to cultivate the seeds of Artemisia angustifolia in water, it is difficult to fix them.

Hydroponic cultivation of Artemisia angustifolia is easy, but there is a difficulty that we should notice, that is, it is difficult to fix it, because it has long stems and large leaves, and it is easy to lodge because it is top-heavy, which eventually leads to ugly appearance. Therefore, in order to look good, but also for the health of Artemisia angustifolia, we should choose different ways of hydroponics and add soil at an appropriate time. After all, the best way to cultivate Artemisia angustifolia is half soil and half water.

Techniques of hydroponic cultivation of Artemisia angustifolia

1. To deal with the rhizome before hydroponic cultivation, we should first deal with its rhizome, because the rhizome is continuous, so in order to look better, we can cut it into an independent, 1-3 roots, and you can choose it according to the actual situation. If the previous money grass is cultivated in the soil, you need to rinse the roots clean, and you need to be careful not to break the leaves or stems.

2. Choose reasonable utensils. The seeds are ready, and the next thing is to put them. At this time, you only need to put the cleaned seeds in the containers, and then pour them into the water. It is worth mentioning that if the money grass cannot be fixed in utensils, we can put some pebbles or sand to fix it.

3. After simple nursing of hydroponics, flower friends need to put it in astigmatism to slow seedling, if there are rotten leaves and so on, it can be subtracted. After reading it, we should know how to cultivate the seeds in water, and the flower friends can try it by themselves. In fact, if you want to fix the money grass, you only need to get some more. As shown in the picture above, you can also raise goldfish in it.

II. Propagation methods of Artemisia angustifolia

As a common Chinese medicine plant, the efficacy and function of Artemisia angustifolia should be understood. It can not only treat gynecological diseases, but also has a very good treatment and prevention effect on stones. It is understood that Artemisia mandshurica is distributed in all provinces south of the Yangtze River and Taiwan Province, and has high breeding value. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Artemisia mandshurica.

1. Seed propagation

Artemisia angustifolia has hard seed, and the general hard seed rate is 40%. Before sowing, sand grinding for 3-5 minutes or soaking in 80-90 ℃ hot water for 2-3 minutes can significantly increase the germination rate. First, seedlings are raised, and then transplanting can be carried out. However, because the seeds of Artemisia angustifolia are very small, it is not easy to collect, and the seedlings grow slowly, so the propagation method of Artemisia angustifolia is mostly by cutting.

2. Cutting propagation is the best in spring and autumn.

Artemisia mandshurica can be cut all year round, and the survival rate of cuttage in spring and autumn is higher. When cutting, the stolon was cut into a section every 3-4 nodes, as a cuttage, in the south from May to June and in the north from July to August when the plant grew luxuriantly, the stolon was cut into a section every 3-4 nodes as cuttings. On the whole border, open shallow nests about 20 cm apart from each row, plant 2 in each hole, insert 2 knots in the soil, expose 1 knots in the ground, press them tightly, and then cover a layer of heavy soil mixed with human and animal feces and urine, about 1.5 cm thick. After cutting, if there is no rain in the day, it should be watered to protect seedlings in order to survive.

Note: the culture environment of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia has strong adaptability to pH in water, but it is best to control it between 6.5 and 7.5. It likes warmth, avoids high temperature, can bear low temperature, and grows well in the temperature range of 16 to 24 ℃. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. When the room temperature is more than 30 ℃, the plant growth will be inhibited.

Of course, this is not what ordinary flower friends do, we just need to know how to do, the breeding method of money grass can be given to professionals. The above is about how the seeds of Artemisia angustifolia seeds are cultured in water and the breeding methods of Artemisia angustifolia, hoping to bring help to the majority of flower friends.

Methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic cultivation of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia is actually a common name for broad-leaf felt moss, also known as Jindiluo, is one of the insectivorous plants on the ground. The raising of Artemisia angustifolia is not difficult, and now more and more people keep it at home, and most of the plants raised in the plant will choose hydroponic culture. In fact, it is not difficult to cultivate money grass by water, as long as the temperature is suitable and the water can meet the nutritional needs of money grass.

Artemisia paniculata

I. the method of hydroponic cultivation of Artemisia angustifolia

1. Take a basin with no hole in the bottom, and put a layer of 2CM mud at the bottom of the basin, and you can also cover the basin with small colored stones.

2. Take some stem nodes of Artemisia mandshurica and put them on top of the mud, if it is a shaved head, then cover it with a small layer of mud.

3. Add water to the basin, the water surface is lower than the basin edge 1cm.

4. Keep the water in the basin dry. Change the water once a week.

5. Money grass is not very particular about fertilizer, put compound fertilizer once a week, dissolve it in water, add it to the basin when adding water, and be careful not to pour fertilizer on the leaves.

6. Artemisia angustifolia likes the environment with sufficient light. If there is not enough light, its leaves are easy to rot, so it is best to let it receive more than 4 hours of scattered sunlight every day. And when the light is strong, the plant begins to grow laterally, but when the light is weak, the plant begins to grow upward. So let it shine in every direction to avoid high temperatures.

7. Artemisia angustifolia is tolerant to low temperature and grows well in the temperature range of 16-24 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. When the water temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the plant growth will be inhibited.

8. Money grass should be cut off frequently, and some leaves that are too crowded can be cut off or changed, usually for about three months, because the roots in the basin are too crowded, the water is easy to dry, and money grass is easy to be malnourished. Transplant the overdense money grass to another basin, so that it will not affect the growth of money grass.

Artemisia paniculata

II. Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Artemisia angustifolia

Artemisia angustifolia is not strict on water quality and can be cultivated in fresh water with low hardness. It has strong adaptability to pH of water body, and it is best to grow well in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water. It has a large demand for fertilizer, and it can be topdressing every 2-3 weeks in the vigorous growth stage. When the plant differentiates into flower buds, phosphate fertilizer can be applied appropriately. The money grass likes the environment with plenty of light, and the leaves of the shaded plant are easy to rot, so it is best to let it receive more than 4 hours of scattered sunlight every day. You can also use a special fluorescent lamp to give artificial light for 8 to 10 hours a day and the plant can grow normally. It should be noted that when the light is strong, the plant begins to grow laterally, while when the light is weak, the plant begins to grow upward. It likes warmth, avoid high temperature, bear low temperature, grow well in the temperature range of 16 to 24 degrees, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees. When the water temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the plant growth will be inhibited. Under good management conditions, it is not easy to get sick and is less attacked by harmful animals.

The editor would like to remind you that the main pests of Artemisia angustifolia are clam Yu and snails, which bite the stems and leaves of Artemisia angustifolia. In addition, Artemisia mandshurica has certain pharmacological effects, such as clearing heat, reducing swelling, and so on. Although raising Artemisia angustifolia at home will not be used to treat diseases, it can still be used to beautify the environment and purify the air.

The methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of Artemisia angustifolia can be understood at 4 points.

In choosing how to raise Artemisia angustifolia, many flower friends choose hydroponic cultivation, because it is not only clean, but also looks very beautiful. How to hydroponically cultivate the seeds of Artemisia angustifolia has been introduced before, and what we are going to learn next is the hydroponic culture methods and matters needing attention. Although money grass is easy to raise, there are still a lot of things we need to pay attention to.

I. methods and matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of Artemisia angustifolia

1. Selection of water

The water of Artemisia angustifolia needs to precipitate tap water for 2 hours, or it can be used every other day. There is no problem in the hydroponic environment as long as the water is not rotten.

Precautions: keep the bottle water clean to prevent the deterioration of the bottle water causing the deterioration of the water quality and the symptoms of root rot of green rots. Generally take spring, autumn 5-7 days, summer 3-5 days, winter 10-15 days, change water once, each change of water for 2/3 of the original bottle of water.

2. Nutrient solution

After each change of water, drop the nutrient solution into the bottle and shake it gently to make the nutrients uniform and increase the oxygen content in the water, which is beneficial to the growth of the root system. As for the amount of nutrient solution, you can control it at 6 drops per liter.

Note: money grass likes to be warm and humid, so flower friends should often spray water on the leaves to keep them moist.

3. The height of the water level

The water content of hydroponic Artemisia angustifolia is generally less than 2/3 of the bottle, because the water level is too high and is disadvantageous to the growth of roots.

Note: money grass likes warmth and is afraid of cold. It grows well in the range of 10-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

4. Environmental selection

Hydroponic Artemisia angustifolia is usually placed in the indoor sunny ventilation place is beneficial to photosynthesis and reduce the phenomenon of excessive growth of yellow leaves. In winter, you can move out of the outdoor sun for an hour or so to increase the water temperature and enhance photosynthesis.

Note: full-day growth is good, half-day light when the petiole will be elongated, toward the direction of light growth, posture needs to be slightly adjusted to be more beautiful. Therefore, it is best to receive 4-6 hours of scattered light every day.

2. Maintenance skills of hydroponic Artemisia angustifolia

1. Fertilization

There is a high demand for fertilizer, which should be topdressing F times every 2-3 weeks in the vigorous growth stage. Commonly used fertilizers such as quick-acting fertilizer-Huabao 2, or slow-acting fertilizer-magic fertilizer (which can maintain fertilizer effect in water for a long time).

2. Proper pruning

The vitality of money grass is relatively tenacious, so it should be pruned properly, otherwise it will grow very tall and affect its appearance. The right thing to do is to prune it according to its growth condition, not too dense, not too sparse, not too high at the top, but a little shorter to let it grow into a ball.

3. Change the basin and water on time

Water-raised money grass, generally do not change the basin and water after its rooting, after changing the basin will affect the root system, the leaves will appear macula. But this kind of plant is perennial, the seedling is rapid, the shape is relatively fast. In the case of not changing pots, the formed plants should not be planted continuously for more than 2 years, otherwise the growth may become weaker and weaker.

4. The money grass is afraid of the cold.

Money grass is afraid of the cold. If you put it outside in winter, you can pour out all the water and put it in a place facing south to the sun and leeward. It can pass the winter safely, and the leaves may die partially, but the roots will sprout again next spring. If there is no heating in the cold areas of the north, you can make a cover and cover the basin, pour out the water in the basin and keep it moist. Generally, the indoor temperature is not lower than 0 ℃, and it will continue to grow in the coming year.