
What about the yellowing of goose palm wood leaves, proper watering / rational fertilization / spraying of diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goose palm wood, a common indoor foliage plant, often appears on white-collar desks, it can be said that everyone has a pot. When facing the computer eyes swell, looking at the goose palm wood green lovely leaves, people will feel a lot of comfort. But once the yellow leaves appear, it will destroy all this! So, what if the leaves of goose palm wood turn yellow?

Goose palm wood, a common indoor foliage plant, often appears on white-collar desks, it can be said that everyone has a pot. When facing the computer eyes swell, looking at the goose palm wood green lovely leaves, people will feel a lot of comfort. But once the yellow leaves appear, it will destroy all this! So, what if the leaves of goose palm wood turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up five reasons, let's go and have a look.

First, the leaves of goose palm wood turn yellow, find the reason.

As a common indoor potted plant, the breeding method of goose palm wood is very simple, but there are many newcomers and lazybones, they do not irrigate water, fertilizer and light, as a result, the leaves will turn yellow. Flower friends must be very worried, but don't worry, as long as remedial measures are taken, even if the leaves of goose palm wood turn yellow, it can be saved.

Second, the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of Goose palm wood and its remedial measures.

1. Environmental mutation

There are actually many reasons for the yellowing of goose palm wood leaves, but the first thing that comes to mind is the environment. Nowadays, with the development of the network, everything can be bought online, and the goose palm firewood pot is no exception. And buy from the Internet, it may cause great changes in the environment, the plant can not adapt for a while, resulting in leaf yellow symptoms.

Remedy: it is very simple to ask the store about the growth environment before goose palm wood, and then we change the environment at home until it is fully adapted. After normal maintenance for a period of time, the leaves of the plant will recover.

2. Improper lighting

Goose palm wood is a kind of indoor potted plant, it likes semi-overcast environment, but also avoid strong light, so it is necessary to give proper light. However, it is difficult for many beginners to control, resulting in improper lighting:

The lack of light in ① will affect the growth of the plant and cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall. Remedy: give goose palm wood proper exposure to the sun, shading it when the light is strong

② light is too strong, goose palm firewood bogey strong light, after summer exposure, its leaves will wither and yellow, or even fall. Remedy: move to the dark place of ventilation, and appropriate watering, and so on after the plant recovery, moved to the semi-shady place for normal maintenance.

3. Improper watering

When ① is watered too much, the basin soil is too wet, the root system is difficult to breathe, and the root will rot over a long time, resulting in the symptoms of leaf yellowing. Remedy: move the pot to a ventilated place with light to let the water evaporate quickly and change the pot soil when it is serious.

② watering too little, basin soil is too dry, resulting in lack of water, leaves can not absorb water, it will droop yellow. Remedy: increase the amount of water and times, but not too much at one time, just keep the soil moist, and spray water around the leaves or plants at high temperatures in summer.

4. Improper fertilization

② excessive fertilization: goose palm wood in the growth process, need a certain amount of nutrients, but not if too much fertilization, which will cause root burning, resulting in yellowing leaves. Remedy: pull out the plant immediately, wash the root system, and change the pot soil to plant again.

① fertilization is too little: too much fertilizer is not good, but not fertilizing goose palm wood for a long time, if the nutrient is insufficient, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off due to lack of nutrition; remedy: give goose palm wood proper fertilization, pay attention to dilution with water each time.

5. Diseases and insect pests

In daily maintenance, goose palm wood will be threatened by diseases and insect pests for various reasons, such as leaf spot, which will cause leaves to yellowing and fall. In this regard, we should pay attention to protective measures, and spray relevant chemicals, as for what should be sprayed, in the goose palm wood pest control has a detailed introduction, here will not say more.

Generally speaking, goose palm wood is very easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable to raise leaf yellow. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a bottom in your mind, and the Ye Huang problem can be remedied in accordance with the above methods. With regard to the yellowing of goose palm wood leaves, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

What if the goose paw wood leaves off, control watering / appropriate fertilization / do not move the flowerpot

Goose palm wood, named because its leaves are reversed like goose paw, is a very beautiful foliage plant. In life, because of the beauty of goose palm wood, but also because it is easy to raise, it has become one of the most popular indoor potted plants. But in the process of breeding, because of the lack of management, many people will lose the leaves of goose palm wood, so what about the leaves of goose palm wood? Today, it's up to the editor to solve your doubts.

First, the goose palm wood leaves off, looking for the cause

As a highly adaptable plant, the breeding method of goose palm wood can be said to be very simple, but there are many novice, they do not raise flowers according to the method at all, and by feeling. This kind of irresponsible practice, the light goose palm wood leaves turn yellow, and in serious cases, it will cause the goose palm wood leaves to fall off! As for the goose paw wood leaves how to do, first of all, naturally is to find the cause, and then aimed at solving.

Second, five reasons why goose palm wood loses its leaves

1. Move the flowerpot

There are actually many reasons for the loss of leaves from goose paw wood, but the first thing we should consider is whether we have moved the flowerpot recently. This is because it is not suitable to move pots frequently when raising indoors, especially during the flowering period of goose paw firewood, which will accelerate the withering time of flowers and cause leaves to fall.

Solution: simply put the goose palm wood in a ventilated astigmatism, and then do not change position all the time. After a period of maintenance, the plant will return to health.

2. Light discomfort

Goose palm wood likes semi-shade and needs light, but the light should not be too strong. In this regard, it is difficult for beginners to master this degree, resulting in discomfort in the light and the loss of goose paw wood leaves. There are also two situations:

Lack of ① light reduces photosynthesis, which will affect the growth of the plant, resulting in yellowing and shedding of palm wood leaves. Solution: in spring and autumn, goose palm firewood can be moved outdoors and shaded properly; in summer, indoor astigmatism can be accepted; in winter, it can be moved outdoors to receive full sunshine.

② light is too strong, in summer, under the strong light, the leaves will first turn yellow, and then gradually fall off; if suddenly moved from the place where there is no sunlight to the sun, the loss of leaves will be more serious. Solution: move the pot to a ventilated dark place. After a period of maintenance and recovery, move to a place with astigmatism.

3. Improper watering

① watering too little, basin soil is too dry, leaves can not absorb water, light leaves yellow, serious will droop and fall off. Solution: appropriate watering, spring, summer and autumn three seasons about 3-4 days watering, winter watering should be reduced, keep 5-7 days once. In general, keep the basin soil moist.

② watering too much, basin soil is too wet, root breathing is blocked, a long time, easy to rot roots, the result will be goose palm wood leaves. Solution: move the pot to a ventilated place with light to let the water evaporate quickly; in serious cases, cut off the rotten roots, replace them with a new type of culture soil, and replant.

4. Improper fertilization

Insufficient fertilization in ①, no fertilization for a long time, especially in the growing period, if the fertilizer is insufficient, it will lead to the loss of goose paw wood leaves. Solution: proper fertilization, during the period from April to September, diluted fertilizer and water should be irrigated once a month to ensure adequate nutrients in the basin soil, and certain elements should not be applied partially.

When ② fertilizes too much, it burns roots, which leads to root rot, and leaves will also be lost. Solution: remove the goose palm wood from the basin, wash the root with clean water, rinse the root several times continuously, then soak the root in clean water, wait for the leaf to recover, change the new soil and replant.

5. Diseases and insect pests

In indoor breeding, because the environment is too poor, or neglect management, goose palm wood will be attacked by diseases and insect pests, resulting in the phenomenon of leaf shedding.

Solution: if it is caused by diseases and insect pests, we should calmly find out which kind of diseases and insect pests, and then spray to control them. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the pest control of goose palm wood, so I won't say much here.

Generally speaking, the reason for the loss of leaves from goose paw wood is the above 5 o'clock. After reading the above content, we should know how to do it when we encounter the leaves again. In fact, the loss of leaves is caused by one reason, but it is often caused by a variety of factors, so when we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine to the case.

How to lose the leaves of goose paw wood? the leaves turn yellow and the solution to the loss of leaves.

Goose palm wood is famous (duck foot wood), the leaves can absorb nicotine and harmful gases from the smoky air, and lose their value if the leaves turn yellow or even fall off. What if the goose paw wood loses its leaves? The following editor teaches you the solution of losing the leaves and yellowing the leaves.

What to do if the goose paw wood leaves off: the reason why the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

1. Improper watering

If you want the duck foot wood to grow normally, the grasp of moisture is very important. The watering is too little and the basin soil is too dry, so that the leaves of duck foot wood droop and fall off. Watering too much, the basin soil is too wet, root breathing is blocked, easy to rot roots, resulting in leaves yellowing and falling off.

2. Light discomfort

Duck foot wood is a shade-loving flower, which can be maintained in a bright place. If it is placed in a dark place, it will affect the growth of duck foot wood, resulting in yellowing and shedding of leaves. However, excessive light is also one of the reasons for the loss of leaves. Duck feet are not suitable for growing in strong light, even if the environment needs to be changed slowly. If you move from a place where there is no sunlight to the sun, the loss of leaves will be more serious.

3. Improper fertilization

There is a certain demand for duck foot wood fertilizer, especially in the growing period, which will lead to the yellowing and shedding of leaves. If you inadvertently apply raw fertilizer, thick fertilizer, resulting in root burning, there will also be the phenomenon of falling leaves.

4. Invasion of diseases and insect pests

Duck foot wood is often attacked by diseases, such as leaf spot disease, when the disease leaves will appear brown spots, serious yellow leaves, leaf shedding phenomenon.

Goose paw wood leaves what to do: the solution to yellowing leaves and losing leaves

1. Apply enough fertilizer, apply good fertilizer

Sufficient nutrients are needed during the growth period of duck foot wood, and fertilized once a week in summer, granular fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be selected and applied after loosening the soil. From April to September, diluted fertilizer and water should be applied once a month to ensure sufficient nutrients in the basin soil, and certain elements should not be applied partially.

If you apply too much fertilizer, you can remove the duck foot wood from the basin, wash the roots with clean water, rinse the roots several times continuously, and then soak the roots in clean water. After the leaves are restored, they can be replanted with new soil.

2. Watering correctly

Be careful not to water too much when watering, just keep the basin soil moist. Watering is about once every 3-4 days in spring, summer and autumn, and watering should be reduced in winter. When the air is dry, often sprinkle some water on the leaves to increase the humidity.

3. Ensure moderate sunshine

Duck foot wood likes shade, as long as it is placed in a bright place, it can grow normally. Except in winter, the plant can be maintained outdoors or by the window to avoid direct light and ensure enough scattered light. Move to the place where the indoor sun can shine in winter and increase the temperature appropriately.

4. Prevention of diseases and insect pests

Usually careful maintenance, timely ventilation, diseased leaves, yellow leaves are removed in time. Fungicides are always available at home and sprayed once a month after dilution, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.