
Fertilization technology of sesame

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fertilization technology of sesame

Peanut is one of the main grain and oil crops in China, and it is also one of the main sources of income for many farmers. when planting peanuts, scientific and reasonable fertilization can increase yield and bring high yield, which is the main measure to improve income. So how to fertilize peanuts? Let's have a look with the editor.

1. Characteristics of fertilizer requirement

During the growth and development of peanuts, there is not only a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also more demand for trace elements such as calcium and iron, in which peanuts have a greater demand for calcium and the maximum podding period. In the period of maximum absorption of fertility during the podding period of peanuts, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accounted for 40%, 45% and 60% of the total respectively. In the whole growth period, the absorption of nitrogen was more at both ends and less in the middle; phosphorus was less at both ends and more in the middle; potassium was the most in the flowering stage, followed by the podding stage, followed by the full fruit stage.

2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Peanut needs a large amount of fertilizer before growth, and its early root system is perfect, so it has a small number of root nodules and weak nitrogen fixation ability, so it is very important to apply sufficient base fertilizer. Base fertilizer generally includes base fertilizer and seed fertilizer, which is dominated by organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizer. 2000-3000 kg of organic fertilizer, 50 kg of compound fertilizer and 1-2 kg of boron fertilizer are applied per mu before sowing. When sowing, rhizobium can be used to mix seeds, or low concentration ammonium molybdate or boric acid solution can be used to soak and mix seeds, which can supplement the trace elements of seeds.

3. Reasonable topdressing

In the case of sufficient base fertilizer when planting, peanuts generally do not need topdressing when growing, which is characterized by plastic film mulching in some areas, which is even more unsuitable for topdressing. However, if the water and fertility of the soil is poor, if there is no sufficient base fertilizer in the later planting, it is necessary to apply targeted fertilization according to the growth of the plant, generally based on quick-acting chemical fertilizer, which can quickly maintain nutrients. The application of compound fertilizer 10-15 kg per mu can be combined with ploughing, which can promote the rapid growth of seedlings.

4. Extra-root fertilization

When fertilizing peanuts, there is a special way of fertilization, that is, extra-root fertilization, which is actually foliar spraying, which can be used when the root absorption is weak, but the plant is lack of nutrients, it can quickly replenish nutrients and avoid plant premature senescence. Generally, spraying foliar surface with low concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea solution for 1-2 times can protect root and leaf, and improve seed setting rate and full fruit rate.

The above is the introduction of fertilization technology of sesame. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.