
How to raise Jasper flowers, the breeding methods and precautions of Jasper flowers / avoid direct sunlight

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasper flower is an ornamental plant from China, which can be seen in many parts of our country. But if you want to raise this kind of plant, there are a lot of things to pay attention to. About how to raise Jasper flowers? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Jasper flower is an ornamental plant from China, which can be seen in many parts of our country. But if you want to raise this kind of plant, there are a lot of things to pay attention to. About how to raise Jasper flowers? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise Jasper flowers and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise a Jasper flower, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes to grow in a warm and humid environment and is less tolerant to strong light, so we'd better raise it in a place of sunlight scattering. when the sun is strong in summer, we need to shade it. In addition, watering, fertilization and other aspects are also more important points. For those of you who want to know more, let's move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jasper Flowers

1. Soil selection, loose, fertile and good drainage

In addition to the need for careful conservation of soil plants, the most important thing is its soil, only by choosing a suitable soil, they can thrive, otherwise they may grow poorly. Jasper flowers prefer loose and fertile humus soil, because this kind of soil has good drainage and can help its growth.

two。 Fertilization requirements, once a month

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of Jasper flower, especially after it enters the growth period, its demand for nutrients is very high, basically once a month, so that it can have enough nutrients to grow better. However, when fertilizing, we should pay attention to one thing, that is, the fertilizer must be diluted and then applied to avoid burning the plant.

3. Temperature management, suitable temperature about 25 ℃

In the process of Jasper flower growth, the ambient temperature is very important, only let it grow at a suitable temperature, it can grow better. The suitable growth temperature of Jasper flower is about 25 ℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it will affect its growth.

4. Watering requirements, keep the soil moist / avoid stagnant water

When we cultivate Jasper flowers, we need to water frequently, because it is a kind of plant that likes water, especially after entering summer, because the water will evaporate faster because of the higher temperature, so we'd better water it once every morning and evening. However, we still have to control the amount of water when watering, and remember not to cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause the root to rot.

5. Light management, avoid strong light

Jasper flower does not have a high demand for light, because it is afraid of direct sunlight, so we can generally breed it in the sunlight scattering place when the light is mild. When the summer light is relatively strong, we need to move it to the indoor semi-shade to cultivate, so as not to burn the plants.

6. Diseases and insect pests, chemical control

In the process of breeding Jasper flowers, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests and other problems take advantage of the situation. This kind of problems do great harm to the plant, not only affect the appearance, but also lead to plant death in serious cases. Therefore, when such problems arise, they must be dealt with in a timely manner. Generally speaking, the most direct method is chemical control, but the chemicals used for each kind of diseases and insect pests are different. For details, you can take a look at the article on pest control of Jasper flowers.

How to raise purple edge Jasper, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of purple edge Jasper

Purple edge Jasper is native to the West Indies, Panama, northern South America, is an indoor ornamental plant, may know that there are not many flower friends. There are also flower friends who want to know how to raise purple Jasper? This paper introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zibian Jasper.

Growth habits of purple edge Jasper

Purple edge Jasper likes a warm and humid semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. It is not resistant to high temperature, requires high air humidity, avoid direct sunlight, and likes moist soil with loose, fertile and good drainage.

Culture method of Zibian Jasper

Water: like moist, May-September growth period should be more watering, hot weather should be foliar spray or water, in order to maintain greater air humidity, keep leaves clear patterns and green leaf color.

Fertilizer: fertilize once a month until overwintering.

Soil: the soil that requires loose, fertile and good drainage can be mixed with river sand, mud fabric and rotten leaf soil.

Temperature: like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

Light: avoid direct sunlight and should grow in semi-shade.

Reproduction: ramet and leaf cuttings. Spring and autumn ramets are propagated. From May to June, the whole leaf was inserted, the leaf was inserted with petiole about 1 cm, inserted to 3 places of the leaf, and the substrate used river sand, which could take root in 15 days under the condition of 20-25 ℃. Pay attention to keep the substrate moist and a certain degree of air humidity.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zibian Jasper. According to the above method, Zibian Jasper will surely grow up healthily.

How to raise Jasper? breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper

Jasper leaves emerald green, evergreen all the year round, beautiful plant shape, is an excellent indoor potted foliage flowers. Suitable for the maintenance of small and medium-sized pots, is one of the ideal decorative flowers for the family, how should we raise Jasper? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper? The following are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Jasper that we have sorted out for you. I hope you will like it.

Soil selection of Jasper Culture method

Jasper requires loose, fertile and well-drained soil, which can be mixed with river sand, mud fabric and rotten leaf soil. In the basin soil, 7 parts of rotten leaf soil and 3 parts of river sand were mixed with a small amount of base fertilizer, or 6 parts of peat soil, 4 parts of perlite and a small amount of base fertilizer.

Watering method of Jasper Culture

Like moist, May-September growth period should be more watering, hot weather should be foliar spray or water, in order to maintain greater air humidity, keep leaves clear patterns and green leaf color. Douban green grows luxuriantly in a humid environment with bright and vibrant leaves. But it also has a strong ability to resist drought and can grow well in the dry environment of the north.

Watering to basin soil is suitable for dry and wet, in the growth process, spring and autumn is the peak season of growth and development, more water. The summer weather is hot, but the growth of the plant is slow because of the high temperature, which can be irrigated once in the morning or evening, high temperature and wet stems and leaves are easy to rot, depending on the weather and basin soil. The basin soil should be slightly dry, because its stems and leaves are fleshy, too wet and easy to make the roots rot, especially in winter due to low temperature, showing a dormant state, basin soil should be dry.

Fertilization method of Jasper Culture

Jasper usually renews the culture soil once in 2 ~ 3 years. During the growth period, rotten liquid fertilizer or nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was applied every 15 to 20 days, and the concentration was 15%-20% of cake fertilizer.

Nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer 0.2%-0.3%. For mosaic varieties, the application rate of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced to make the markings on the leaves more significant.

Jasper does not need to apply fertilizer too frequently. In general, 20% rotten cake fertilizer and water is applied every 10 days or so in spring and autumn. High temperature in summer, stop fertilizing so as not to rot the roots.

Temperature requirements of Jasper Culture

Like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃. In winter, it can grow normally at 10-15 ℃, stop growing below 10 ℃, suffer under 5 ℃, and die from freezing below 0 ℃.

Lighting requirements of Jasper Culture

Jasper is more shady and can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light in the four seasons. Avoid direct sunlight and grow in semi-shade. You can see more light in spring and autumn, more sunshine near the south window in winter and north windowsill in summer. When the light is suitable, the leaf color is gorgeous, and the light is too strong or too dark to make the leaf color lose its delicate and beautiful color.

Matters needing attention in Jasper Culture

The main results are as follows: (1) the heart is removed when the plant height is about 10 cm, which promotes the germination of lateral branches and makes the plant fuller. Jasper maintenance management is relatively simple, summer can be placed in the shade where there is scattered light maintenance.

(2) Jasper is strong, and its cultivation and maintenance are relatively simple. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn must be protected by shade, and oblique sunlight can be seen in winter. Its leaves are thick, covered with a waxy layer, strong water storage capacity, low transpiration, and do not need too much water even in the peak growing season. When the spring drought season and winter heating are sufficient, the indoor air humidity should be increased and the leaves can be sprayed. Summer muggy should strengthen ventilation, otherwise it is easy to defoliate.

(3) at ordinary times, management should pay attention to moderate light and reasonable fertilizer and water. Jasper green prefers shady and humid environment and grows better under scattered light. The climate in spring and autumn is mild and the sun is not too strong, so you can put the potted plants outdoors. But summer can not be exposed to strong light, especially can not be placed in the west to bask in the sun, otherwise it will cause branches and leaves to turn yellow.

Therefore, in summer, the basin needs to be moved to the balcony, corridor and other cool shade or placed indoors, which can not only avoid the sun, but also embellish the interior.

(4) Jasper is not resistant to frost and should be transferred to indoor culture after the end of autumn. Put it in the sunny place of the south-facing window as far as possible in the cold winter, and you can survive the winter safely at room temperature of 5 ℃. Fertilizer and water management is also very important. Generally, 2 ~ 3-year-old plants grow well, and the growth of more than 3 years old plants gradually decline, so renewal should be considered. In addition, in order to keep the leaves green, it needs to be renewed after 3 years.

Breeding methods of Jasper Culture

It can be propagated by ramet and cutting, mainly by cutting.

The cuttings were carried out from April to May, and the stems or leaves were cut from the robust mother plant as cuttings. In the stem insertion method, 6 cm 10 cm of full branches were selected as cuttings, inserted into pure sand or directly into flowerpots with cultured soil, watered thoroughly, placed in wet places, maintained high humidity conditions, and rooting could take place in 15 days and 20 days.

In the method of leaf insertion, the sturdy leaves with stalks are cut and inserted upright or slightly obliquely in the sand. The depth is about 4 times and 1 blade of the petiole. Keep the humidity and temperature at 20: 25 ℃, rooting in about 15: 20 days, young plants can grow in about 25: 30 days, and when the young plants grow to 4: 5 leaves, bring the old leaves to pot together.

Plant division method, simple reproduction, combined with changing the basin, a plant is divided into several plants planted in the basin, but need proper shade, keep the basin soil moist, increase air humidity.

How does Jasper raise Jasper?