
What if winter coral only blossoms but does not bear fruit? controlled watering / rational fertilization / artificial pollination

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, As a common indoor potted plant, winter coral has excellent ornamental value, especially its four seasons of fruit, bright red small appears incomparably beautiful. But in the process of breeding, some flower friends' winter coral grows very well, and the flowers bloom very well, but the most ornamental fruit has not been seen for a long time! that

As a common indoor potted plant, winter coral has excellent ornamental value, especially its four seasons of fruit, bright red small appears incomparably beautiful. But in the process of breeding, some flower friends' winter coral grows very well, and the flowers bloom very well, but the most ornamental fruit has not been seen for a long time! So what is the reason why winter corals only blossom and do not bear fruit? Today, the editor will solve this problem.

First, winter coral only blossoms but does not bear fruit, looking for the cause

Winter coral is a popular potted plant for watching fruit, and its biggest attraction is the beautiful fruit that often exists in the four seasons, so when the winter coral does not bear fruit, the flower friends must be in a hurry! In fact, at this time, we should calmly find the cause, and then solve the problem. In this regard, the editor summed up three reasons why winter corals only blossom but do not bear fruit. Let's move on to the details.

Second, the reason why winter corals only blossom but do not bear fruit

1. Too much watering

Water is indispensable in the growth process of winter coral, but it does not require much water, and too much watering will lead to rotten roots, branches and leaves of winter coral, resulting in only flowering but no fruit.

First aid measures: move the winter coral to a ventilated bright light and let the water evaporate quickly. after the basin soil is almost dry, move it to the sunny place indoors and water it appropriately.

2. Improper maintenance during flowering period

In the method of winter coral culture, we should pay attention to water and fertilizer at flowering stage! If at this time, winter coral can not be watered regularly, so that the soil is dry and wet, and fertilization is not fixed, it is very easy to cause winter coral to blossom but not bear fruit.

3. Flowers are not pollinated

Another reason why winter corals only blossom but do not bear fruit is that the flowers of winter corals are not pollinated. To put it simply, there is no "mating" and naturally there will be no fruit.

Third, the solution of only blooming but not bearing fruit of winter coral.

1. Water and fertilizer problems

In order to make the winter coral bear fruit, we must first ensure the health of the plant, so reasonable watering and fertilization is the top priority. Especially in the winter coral blooming period, we should water regularly, do not let the soil wet for a few days and dry for a few days, and fertilize regularly to ensure that winter corals can get adequate nutrients.

2. Pollination

If the daily maintenance is in place, but the winter coral still has no results, then it may be the reason why the flowers are not pollinated, and we need to pollinate the winter coral artificially.

Pollination method: it is understood that winter coral is androgynous, so florists only need to use clean wet swabs and gently click on each flower.

Generally speaking, the winter coral is very beautiful, especially its fruit, round, very lovely. Therefore, for the ornamental value of winter coral, we should take good care of it, especially on water and fertilizer, and we must pay attention to it. About the winter coral only blossoms but does not bear fruit, the editor introduced here, hope to be able to bring help to everyone.

The reason why winter corals do not bear fruit

Too much water will cause winter coral roots, branches and leaves to wither, making it weak, and weak winter coral is very difficult to bear fruit. In addition, if the winter coral can not be watered and fertilized regularly during the flowering period, the soil will be dry and wet and nutritious from time to time, which will also make the winter coral unfruitful. In addition, if winter corals are not pollinated at flowering stage, winter corals will not bear fruit in fruit stage.

An inconclusive solution

In fact, as long as we carry out normal daily maintenance according to the growth law of winter coral, winter coral will grow very well and eventually blossom and bear fruit. The first thing to do in normal daily care is to water and fertilize regularly during its flowering period to ensure that winter corals can get sufficient water and nutrients, so that the soil can not be sometimes dry and sometimes waterlogged, sometimes overnourished and sometimes malnourished. It also needs to be artificially pollinated during its florescence, and since winter corals are hermaphroditic, we only need to tap each flower with a clean wet swab to help pollinate.

After talking about the reasons and solutions for the failure of winter corals, we might as well take a look at the pruning methods of winter corals.

What is the reason why winter coral bonsai doesn't bear fruit? what about winter coral?

If winter coral only blossoms and does not bear fruit is a headache, then what is the reason why winter coral bonsai does not bear fruit? What if winter corals don't bear fruit? today we'll talk about how to make winter corals bear fruit.

What is the reason for the failure of winter coral bonsai?

Some people plant winter corals. Winter corals also grow very well, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and even flowers bloom very well, but the most ornamental and beautiful red fruits of winter corals do not bear fruit for a long time. How on earth is this going on? Winter corals do not have high requirements for the environment, but if too much water will cause winter corals to rot roots, branches and leaves to wither, it is very difficult for such weak winter corals to bear fruit, and during flowering, if you can't water the winter coral regularly, make the soil dry and wet, and fertilization is not fixed, it is easy to cause the winter coral not to bear fruit. Another reason is that the flowers of winter corals are not pollinated, which can also lead to the failure of winter corals to bear fruit.

The solution to the sterility of winter corals

In fact, winter coral is relatively easy to grow, there is no very tedious maintenance methods, as long as we maintain according to the growth law of winter coral, we can make winter coral branches and leaves flourish, blossom and bear fruit. In order to make the winter coral bear fruit, we must first ensure the health of the winter coral plant, watering regularly during the blooming period of the winter coral, not letting the soil wet and dry for a few days, and fertilizing regularly to ensure that the winter coral can get sufficient nutrients. If the daily maintenance of winter coral is very good but does not bear fruit, it may be that the flowers are not pollinated, and we can pollinate winter coral artificially. Since winter corals are hermaphroditic, we only need to tap each flower with a clean wet swab.