
How to apply fertilizer to woody flowers, how to water woody flowers/thin fertilizer frequently applied/avoid water accumulation

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Aucklandia is a common flower plant in people's life. It can be seen in many parts of our country. However, if you want to raise it well, you need to pay attention to many places, among which fertilization and watering are the most important. How to apply fertilizer to flowers? How to water flowers?

Muxiang flower is a common flower plant in people's life, and it can be seen in many parts of our country. However, if you want to raise it well, there are many things that need to be paid attention to, among which fertilization and watering are the most important. About how to fertilize wood fragrant flowers? How do you water the wood flowers? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to fertilize wood fragrant flowers and apply thin fertilizer frequently

1. Fertilization before planting

With regard to how to fertilize wood flowers, the release of base fertilizer before planting is very important. before planting wood flowers, we need to apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer in the soil, which can lay a good foundation for the growth of wood flowers. it can also make it have enough nutrients to get through the seedling stage.

two。 Fertilization before germination

Usually after we plant Muxiang flower, it will germinate in early spring. We need to fertilize it before it germinates. The concentration of fertilizer released by this fertilizer can be relatively high, but not too thick. If the usual ratio of water and fertilizer is 1:10, then we can choose 1:8 at this time.

3. Fertilization in growing period

After entering the growing period, the demand for nutrients is very high, we basically need to apply fertilizer every half a month, so that it can grow more healthily. But there is one thing we should pay attention to when fertilizing, but the fertilizer at this time should not be too thick, if the fertilizer concentration is too high, it is easy to burn the plant.

4. Fertilization at flowering stage

The flowering period of Muxiang flower does not need to be fertilized, but we should apply enough fertilizer before flowering, because flowering consumes a lot of nutrients, so it must be fully applied before flowering, and then after all its flowers have withered, we can return to the normal fertilization frequency.

Second, how to water the wood fragrant flowers and avoid stagnant water

Wood fragrant flowers like a humid environment, so we should frequently water them in the process of breeding wood fragrant flowers to keep the soil moist. But we should pay attention to control the amount of water, remember not to cause stagnant water, otherwise it will easily lead to the phenomenon of rotting roots. When the temperature is high in summer, we can increase the frequency of watering.

Third, how to trim the wood fragrant flowers, trim lightly

1. Pruning time

The wood flower needs to be pruned many times every year, and we need to prune it once every winter to cut off the withered branches, rotten leaves and overgrown branches, so as to increase its light transmittance. In addition to winter, we also need to prune it once after flowering, pruning off the remaining pedicels and part of the branches, which can promote the growth of new branches.

two。 Pruning method

When we are pruning wood fragrant flowers, we should master the degree, do not hit too hard, generally light pruning is fine, only need to trim off some uneven branches and keep the better growing branches and young branches, this can make the plant more beautiful, and can also play the role of prolonging flowering.

How to cultivate wood fragrant flowers and how to cultivate and propagate

Muxiang flower, also known as Muxiang, Muxiang vine, Jinpeng flower, because the fragrance floats far away when the flower is in bloom, it is also called Qilixiang or Shilixiang in some places. Muxiang leaf blade ovate-elliptic or lanceolate, apex pointed, margin serrulate, surface green, glossy, back slightly light color. The umbel is born at the end of the short branch. how to raise such a beautiful woody flower? Let's take a look.

1. Basic information of wood fragrant flowers

Aristolochia mandshurica is the general name of Compositae plants Yunmuxiang and Chuanmuxiang, which is also known as Guang Muxiang, Muxiang, Honey incense, Qingmuxiang, Wumuxiang, Nanmuxiang, belonging to the genus Chrysanthemum of Compositae. Aristolochia mandshurica is a plant of the genus Aucklandia of Compositae, which is endemic to China. Aucklandia is distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang and other places of Chinese mainland. It grows in alpine grasslands and shrubs. It is a wild plant and has not been introduced and cultivated artificially. The rhizomes of both plants are important Chinese herbal medicines. Wood incense is dug in autumn and winter to remove sediment and fibrous roots, cut into segments, cut the large ones longitudinally into flaps, and remove the rough skin after drying.

Muxiang is a climbing shrub, up to 6 m tall; branchlets Terete, glabrous, with short prickles; leaflets 3murine, leaf blade elliptic-ovate or oblong-lanceolate, flowers small, multiple umbels, sepals ovate, petals double to semidouble, white, Obovate, florescence 4-May. In shrubs on raw streams, roadsides or hillsides, 500Mel 1300m above sea level. Distributed in Sichuan and Yunnan, China. It is cultivated all over the country. The root of Radix Aucklandiae can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine with bitter taste. It can cooperate with Fructus Aurantii, neem seed and Corydalis yanhusuo, regulate qi and soothe the liver, invigorate the spleen and relieve stagnation.

Second, how to raise wood fragrant flowers

1. Land selection and preparation

Aristolochia mandshurica root is very deep in the soil, like fertilizer, apply fully mature ring fertilizer 15000-20, 000 kg per mu, pound and scatter in the ground, turn 30--45cm deeply, rake fine and level, make 90cm wide flat bed or 60cm wide 15cm high small high border, dig good drainage ditch to prepare for rainy season drainage. If the land is dry, first irrigate thoroughly, wait for the water to seep down, and then sow seeds when the ground is slightly dry and loose.

2. Methods of reproduction

Reproduce with seeds. Soak the seeds in 30 ℃ warm water before sowing, stir and stop for a while, remove blighted seeds and impurities, fish out the full seeds and dry them a little, and then sow. Sowing time: spring sowing before and after Qingming Festival, autumn sowing between "the Beginning of Autumn" and "the End of Heat". When the new seeds are ripe in the same year, they are picked and hung for a little while, and the blighted seeds can be sowed without flooding. It is better to sow new seeds in autumn than to store them in the spring of the following year. Sowing in the whole border field, according to the row spacing of 30cm; open the ditch about the depth of 3cm, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch; cover the soil flat, slightly suppress. Spring sowing soil moisture is suitable, about 10 days seedling, autumn sowing 5 Murray 7 days seedling. The seed consumption per mu is 1--1.5kg.

3. Selection and breeding of improved varieties

The biennial wood incense, when blooming, choose a strong plant, leaving two large flower heads in the middle, and pick off the excess flower heads, so that the nutrients are concentrated and the seeds are full. When the seeds are ripe in July and August, they are picked, and the involucral bracts of the heads are broken to expose the seeds to dry to prevent rain. What is sown in autumn is sown with harvest. If it is reserved for spring sowing, put the seeds in a dry place after harvest and store them properly to prevent dampness and mildew.

Third, the propagation mode of Muxiang flower.

The wood fragrant flower is cut with hardwood before and after sprouting in spring or semi-hardwood before and after flowering, which is easy to survive and adopt the method of high-altitude pressing. Select strong branches in the growing season, cut at the lower end of the node, wrap it in a bag with plastic film, fill it with soil, fasten the mouth of the bag after watering, keep the soil moist, and have a high survival rate.

During the dormant period, the bare roots can be transplanted, and the branches and vines should be strongly cut when transplanting. In the growing season, keep the soil moist and avoid stagnant water; apply compound fertilizer once or twice after sprouting in spring to promote flowers with strong flavor and fragrance, and apply rotten organic fertilizer to its roots after winter and pour water through it. Prune the plant once in winter or early spring to cut off overgrown, withered, diseased and overdense branches to enhance ventilation and light transmission within the plant.

The propagation of wood fragrant flowers can be cut or striped. When cuttings are cut with hardwood before and after sprouting in spring or semi-hardwood before and after flowering, it is easy to use the method of high-altitude crimping. Select strong branches in the growing season, cut at the lower end of the node, wrap it in a bag with plastic film, fill it with soil, fasten the mouth of the bag after watering, keep the soil moist, and have a high survival rate.

In addition, it can also be propagated by sowing. For some excellent varieties, roses or single-petal wood incense are used as rootstocks for grafting, bud grafting or split grafting.

The fragrance of wood flowers is overflowing, whether it is planted in the courtyard or indoors, you can adjust the indoor atmosphere very well. If you like wood flowers, you can try to breed a pot. The above is the introduction of how to raise wood fragrant flowers.

How to plant wood fragrant flowers? How to trim the wood flowers?

Wood flower is not only a good hedge material, but also an excellent vertical greening material. At the same time, in order to appreciate the beauty of wood fragrant flowers, many friends will choose to plant several pots of wood fragrant flowers at home. So, how to plant wood fragrant flowers? How do you trim it? The pot conservation methods and pruning methods of wood fragrant flowers are introduced as follows.

Picture: Wood fragrant flower

First, how to plant wood fragrant flowers?

1. Potted soil: nutritious soil, the preparation of nutritious soil should pay attention to drainage, ventilation and the collocation of various nutrients. The ratio is garden soil: rotten leaf soil: Rice chaff ash = 5:3:2. Before and after overwintering every year, it is suitable to turn the basin, trim the root, change the soil, and increase the basin diameter year by year, especially the mud tile basin.

two。 Watering: varies from season to season. Keep the soil moist and dry during winter dormancy. The branches grow before the beginning of spring, the branches and leaves grow, increase the amount of water appropriately, and irrigate once every morning and evening. Need to increase the amount of water in the growing season and flowering season, high temperature in summer, the amount of water evaporation increases, plants are in a weak semi-dormant state, the most avoid drying and dehydration, watering once every morning and evening to avoid sun exposure. When watering at high temperature, a small amount of water should seep out from the bottom of the basin each time, indicating that it has been watered thoroughly. Do not splash water on the leaves when watering to prevent diseases.

3. Fertilization: roses like fertilizer, base fertilizer to slow-acting organic fertilizer, such as rotten manure cow dung, chicken manure, bean cake, oil dregs and so on. Adding liquid fertilizer and water every semimonthly can always keep the leaves thick, dark green and shiny. Before sprouting in early spring, thick liquid fertilizer can be applied once, no fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, liquid fertilizer can be applied again after blooming in June, medium liquid fertilizer can be applied again when the fourth or fifth axillary bud is about to sprout in September, and rotten organic fertilizer can be applied to overwintering in December.

Picture: Wood fragrant flower

Second, how to trim the wood fragrant flowers?

The planting methods of wood fragrant flowers can be divided into potted plants and ground plants, and the corresponding pruning methods are also different. Let's take a look at the pot pruning methods and ground planting pruning methods of wood fragrant flowers.

1. Pot pruning method: comprehensive pruning must be carried out after the first period of flowering in each season. It is generally appropriate to trim lightly, cut off the blooming residual flowers and thin, crossed and overlapping branches in time, leave stout and young branches only 3-6 cm from the base, leave lateral buds, trim into a natural happy shape, make the plant beautiful and prolong the flowering period. In addition, potted roses should choose varieties with short, multi-flowered and rich aroma.

two。 Pruning method of ground planting: the main purpose of pruning rose flowers in summer is to cut off the sprouting branches of grafted rootstocks, cut off residual flowers with leaves after flowering and remove excess buds, so as to reduce nutrient consumption and create good conditions for next flowering. In order to make the plant shape beautiful, you can cut off 3 or half of the long branch, 1 inch of the middle branch and 1 cm above the leaf. If the pruning is too light, the rose plant will grow taller and taller, the branches will be longer and thinner, and the flowers will be smaller and smaller. Winter pruning depends on varieties and cultivation purposes, and branches should be kept during pruning, and attention should be paid to the overall shape of rose plants. Large flower varieties should leave 4-6 branches, select one side to grow strong buds with a length of 30-45 cm, cut off their upper branches, and vine or vine varieties should remove old techniques, cut off weak branches, diseased branches and cultivate the trunk.

[conclusion] although the requirements for the growth environment of wood fragrant flowers are not strict, they are not resistant to moisture and avoid stagnant water, and more attention should be paid to them in the process of maintenance. The above introduces the potted plant maintenance and pruning methods of wood fragrant flowers, hoping to be helpful to everyone!