
The propagation method of potted roses, mastering cuttings to make the house full of pots / flowers.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The beauty of the rose does not need to be described too much, it blooms beautifully, and smells comfortable, so it is an ideal plant for the majority of flower friends. However, a pot of roses is too monotonous, so how to change one pot into ten pots? This requires us to master the breeding methods of roses.

The beauty of the rose does not need to be described too much, it blooms beautifully, and smells comfortable, so it is an ideal plant for the majority of flower friends. However, a pot of roses is too monotonous, so how to change one pot into ten pots? This requires us to master the breeding methods of roses. Hydroponic culture, grafting, striping, ramet, etc., can propagate roses, but the most practical and convenient thing is cutting propagation, let's go and have a look.

First, the propagation method of rose flower, cutting / striping / grafting

As a mature indoor culture, there are many propagation methods of rose, including cutting, striping and grafting, among which cutting is the most widely used. Next, the editor will teach you to master the rose cutting method step by step, and the specific operations are as follows:

1. The time of rose cuttage

In order to have a high survival rate and grow well, the cutting time should be paid attention to, especially in spring (May) and autumn (October), when the temperature is between 20 and 25 ℃, which is the most suitable for cutting.

2. Selection of basin soil

We should choose the pot soil before the rose cuttings propagate. Among them, the basin had better use a new shallow tile basin with a caliber of 20 centimeters, so it is breathable and easy to take root. The soil is based on a mixture of 20% humus garden soil, 40% horse dung shavings and 40% river sand.

Editor hint: if you choose pot soil trouble, because the rose vitality is very strong, so you can be a little simpler, directly use a transparent plastic box, and so on after the cutting success.

3. Cuttage every other day

After the potted soil is selected, it is best not to start cutting directly. Flower friends should spray the soil in the pot with a spray can the day before, and be careful not to spray too much, which is just slightly moist the next day, which is the most suitable time for cutting.

4. Cuttings selection

Whether the cuttage is successful or not, the choice of cuttings directly accounts for more than half. When cutting, flower friends should choose the semi-lignified and sturdy branches of the same year as cuttings, cut 6-10 cm with a very sharp knife belt, and cut off the lower leaves, leaving only the top 3-4 leaflets.

5. Before cutting

Before cutting, it is best to buy a vitamin B12 injection. After opening it, dip the cuttings in the liquid and take them out to dry for a while.

6. Cuttings start

After the previous preparatory work has been done, it will be easy to do next. We can insert the cuttings directly into the basin soil, with a depth of 3-4 cm.

Cutting method: when cutting, first use chopsticks to save a hole in the soil, then insert the cuttings, compact them with their hands, so that the potted soil is in full contact with the cuttings, and then pour water once.

7. What to pay attention to after cutting, water and light

After the rose cuttage is finished, 90% of the work is done, and we need the following points:

After the ① is inserted, it is best to cover the flowerpot with a plastic bag, the mouth of the bag is tied with a belt, open it when you need watering, and re-tie it after pouring.

The flowerpot cut by ② should be placed in a sunless place, and the pot soil should be sprayed with water every day for 10 days. Except for rainy days, it can be sprayed once in cloudy days and twice in dry climate, but the amount of water sprayed every day should not be too much. After 10 days, we should always pay attention to keeping the soil moist.

③ should be shaded for 4-5 weeks, and only after budding can it be gradually exposed to some sunlight. Generally, it takes about 2 months to take root, after which only normal maintenance is needed.

8. Striping propagation of rose flower

Although cutting propagation is the most widely used, valuable varieties are more difficult to cut and can be propagated by pressing, which can blossom in the same year. In order to raise seedlings by pressing method, we should also pay attention to pruning the main buds and artificial dwarfing. For seedlings used as cut flowers, varieties that can form mother branches and colorful flowers should be selected to raise seedlings. In addition, roses can also be propagated by tissue culture, water culture, grafting, plantlets and other methods, but they are not very practical and will not be introduced here one by one.

How to raise rose flowers? Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of rose flowers

Rose is known as the king of flowers, also known as "moon red", Rosaceae. Evergreen or semi-evergreen low shrub, flowering all seasons, red, or pink, occasionally white, can be used as an ornamental plant, can be used as a medicinal plant, also known as rose. The natural flowering period is from May to November, and the flowers are large and fragrant, widely used in horticulture and cut flowers. The main types of rose flowers are cut rose, edible rose, rattan rose, ground cover rose and so on.

Growth habit

Strong adaptability, not resistant to cold and high temperature, drought tolerance, not strict requirements for soil, but rich in organic matter, good drainage of microstrip acid sandy loam is the best. The basin soil is loose, the basin diameter is appropriate, the dry and wet is moderate, thin fertilizer is applied frequently, flowers are picked and pruned, diseases and insect pests are controlled, and the basin is changed every year. Like sunshine, but too much direct light is disadvantageous to bud development, petals are easy to scorch, like warmth, the general temperature is 22: 25 ℃, the most suitable temperature for flower growth, high temperature in summer is disadvantageous to flowering.

It needs sufficient sunshine, good ventilation, good drainage and shelter from the wind, and proper shade in midsummer. The optimum temperature of most varieties was 15: 26 ℃ in daytime and 10: 15 ℃ at night. It is hardy and dormant when the temperature is below 5 ℃ in winter. If the high temperature lasts more than 30 ℃ in summer, the flowering and quality of most varieties will decrease, and they will enter the state of half-rest.

General varieties can withstand the low temperature of-15 ℃. A slightly acidic soil rich in organic matter, fertile and loose is required, but it has a wide range of adaptation to the soil. The relative humidity of the air should be 75%-80%, but it can be slightly dry or wet. Having the characteristic of continuous flowering. Need to maintain good ventilation, no pollution, if poor ventilation is prone to powdery mildew, harmful gases in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine, fluoride and so on are toxic to rose flowers.

Breeding technology

Most of them adopt the method of cutting propagation, which can also be divided into plants and striped propagation. Cuttage can be carried out all the year round, but it is suitable for stem cutting in winter or autumn, and attention should be paid to water management and temperature control in summer. Otherwise, it is not easy to take root, winter cutting is generally carried out in the greenhouse or greenhouse, such as open-field cutting should pay attention to increase moisturizing measures. It is used for sexual cross breeding in order to sow and breed. For a small number of famous species that are difficult to take root, they should be propagated by grafting, and the rootstock should be wild rose. Such as yellow series varieties.


Rose transplantation is carried out between November and March of the following year, and pruning can be carried out at the same time, first cutting off dense branches and withered branches, and then cutting off old and weak branches, leaving 2 or 3 buds growing outward in order to spread out in all directions. Cut the especially strong branches properly to strengthen the growth of the weak branches. when the new branches grow too dense in summer, the upper part of the branches connected to the residual flowers should be cut off in time after each batch of flowers, so as not to make the seeds consume nutrients, and to retain the full branches in the middle and lower parts. promote early new branches to bloom again. Rose needs to re-apply basal flowers before flowering and then apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer to strengthen seedlings to promote flowering. Rose has strict requirements on water, not too wet and too dry, too dry and withered, and too wet will hurt roots and leaves.

1. Florescence control

Rose, also known as "month red", blossoms continuously from May to November. However, it is still very important to control the florescence of rose during the Olympic Games, especially potted rose and cut rose. In order to successfully complete the temporary arrangement of flowers and the supply of cut flowers in various venues and stadiums during the Olympic Games.

In the actual work, according to the specific analysis of the specific situation, according to the geographical location, under the condition of ensuring continuous flowering, let it blossom more and blossom well from August 8 to 24. The following methods are for reference: around June 20, all the residual flowers and some of the blooming branches of the ground rose were pruned at the proportion of 50% to the round bud position of the mature part in the middle of the flower branch, and the flowering viewing period was about August 1-15; all the residual flowers and all blooming branches were pruned according to the above method around June 30, and the flowering viewing period was about August 10-25. Trim the residual flowers at any time after June 30 to make them bloom naturally. Potted rose and cut rose calculate the flowering date and conduct comprehensive branch pruning about 45 days before flowering.

Fertilizer and water management in the above various conditions of pruning, it is necessary to combine plant growth and carry out scientific fertilizer and water management. When the plant is pruned, 0.2% urea is used to spray fertilizer on the leaves every 5 or 6 days when the new generation of buds are not germinated, which can promote the germination of new buds; if the plant grows fast, the new branches grow rapidly, and when it is beyond the planned range, controlling water supply can delay the growth. In the process of water control, after the branches and leaves wilted, spraying water in time, it was critical to recover within 1 hour. Water is the carrier of various enzymes in plants. Water supply is insufficient, enzyme activity decreases, metabolism slows down, and plant growth slows down. If the budding of the new branch is later than planned, the bud grows rapidly when 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed on the leaf every 5 or 6 days. Rose flowering period to consume a lot of water and body nutrition, water supply should be adequate.

2. Flowering conditions

① sunshine must be long. Where the rose is planted, it should be ventilated and get sunshine for more than half a day. This is the first condition that it can blossom like flowers. If it is placed in a half-cloudy and half-sunny place or in a shady place with insufficient light, it can only bloom in spring and autumn at most in a year. Therefore, for families whose living conditions can not meet the requirements of light, it is best not to plant Chinese roses but to plant more shady flowers.

② should be trimmed frequently. Although the sunshine conditions are good, but without pruning for a long time, the rose can not grow well. The way to trim is. After December each year, the rose leaves should be pruned once. The branches left behind are about 15 cm high. The pruning site is about 1 cm above the outstretched leaf buds, and the side branches, diseased branches and concentric branches are removed at the same time. After May, every time the flower is finished, the 2-beat 3 or 1-stroke 2 of the branch that has bloomed will be trimmed, so that there will be more opportunities for flower bud regeneration. If you want the flowers to open big, you can also pick part of the buds when there are many buds, which can not only concentrate the nutrition, but also prolong the florescence and open in batches.

The times of fertilization in ③ should be more and timely. General new species or transplant potted rose, with humus and loose loess can be cultivated, it is best mixed with a small amount of broad bean shell, bean cake or chicken pigeon dung, so that the rose can constantly absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients from the soil. If the old potted rose needs to change pots, you can also apply base fertilizer according to the law; if you do not change pots, you can remove 2-3 cm of soil and fill in some fresh fish belly intestines or chicken pigeon dung and bean cake crumbs as base fertilizer. This is best done when the rose is dormant from January to February. In this way, the fertilizer will gradually ferment into liquid fertilizer, with Rain Water or irrigated water seeping into the root to achieve better results. It is the peak growing season of rose after May. Topdressing should be applied once every 10 days. The rotten and fermented fish juice and vegetable leaf juice can be mixed with 3 parts of fertilizer and 7 parts of water, and the fertilization will be stopped in November. If you can do it in accordance with the above requirements, you can see the flowers of the rose every month. Rose has a natural aversion to heat, it grows best when the temperature is 20-25 ℃, and it is difficult to grow when it is more than 30 degrees. If you have a good grasp of fertilization, you can overcome its weakness of being afraid of high temperatures in summer.

④, change the basin. Rose does not need to be changed or turned every year. If a small basin is changed into a large basin, it can be carried out all the year round.

Early spring management

In early spring, the roots of the rose begin to stretch in the soil. At this time, the most important nurturing work is pruning. The warm areas are in late February, while in the colder northern regions, the pruning work will be carried out from March to April. In general, pruning is about 1 stroke 3 of the plant height, the first is to cut off weak branches, diseased branches and dead branches. The new branches sent out by the plant in 2011 are the most vigorous, and such main branches are selected to leave a maximum of 5 branches. According to the original growth of the plant, it is generally pruned with branch pruning at about 50 cm from the ground and 1 cm above the robust bud. The so-called strong buds are along the ungerminated, plump, raised buds. In order not to make the buds grow into dense branches, the strong buds on the outside of the plant should be left. In addition, pruning should be carried out where the branches are full. The "cluck" sound made when trimming with scissors is the full part. If you feel the incision is soft, cut it down to a hard place. The aging parts of the branches of the plant are rough and protruding, during which there are no strong buds at all, so they should be cut off.

The middle part of the main branch in 2 ~ 3 years is the part where the new buds occur frequently, so only 10 cm to 20 cm can be left during pruning. Generally speaking, if you want to bloom more during the flowering period, you should cut it weakly. If you want to bloom well and don't ask for more flowers, you should cut them forcefully. In addition, the plants that are not growing well should be determined to cut strongly, because the root system of this plant is poorly developed, and if the crown is too large, it is easy to cause insufficient nutrient supply. It is best to do a high concentration disinfection at the same time of pruning which has a significant effect on the prevention of diseases and insect pests.

In order to tilt the pruned branches outward, props (sticks, etc.) can be used to fix the tree so that the shape of the tree is balanced and graceful and avoid friction between branches and leaves when the wind blows. The branches from the buds under the inclined branches are stronger and the flowers are luxuriant, so attention should be paid to the protection.

After awakening, the insects awakened from hibernation and began to move. At this time, 10 ml fenitrothion (insecticide) and 20 grams of wettable sulfur powder used to treat powdery mildew were dissolved in 10 liters of water, and the plants were sprayed with a fully dissolved concentrated solution. Because the rose has not yet grown leaves at this time, there is no need to worry about drug damage.

About 20 days after pruning, the buds begin to sprout, and the weak buds are often eliminated naturally in the process of budding. In order to make the flowers bloom well, it is necessary to leave buds according to the thickness of the main branches, 3-4 buds for thick branches, 1-2 buds for pencil branches, and get rid of the rest. In cold weather areas, sprouting is relatively late, and debudding time can be postponed.

If base fertilizer has been applied in December, you can avoid topdressing in early spring and sprinkle an appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer around the root to accelerate budding. After the bud is drawn, if the surface is dry on a sunny day, it can be irrigated in the morning or before noon in order not to freeze the surface.

Summer management

As soon as the flowering period of potted rose is over, it enters a hot and humid summer, and most of them are dormant and semi-dormant. Strengthening the management of summer potted rose and rejuvenation and maintenance can break the dormancy period and make it blossom continuously throughout the summer. The main management measures are as follows:

1. Shade and ventilation. The soil of potted rose is limited, and it is easy to dry out in hot weather, so it is necessary to give shade and cool the rose. It is best to put the potted flowers in the ventilated place under the trees or scaffolding from 8 am to 4 pm to make the potted flowers receive scattered light and create suitable environmental conditions for rose to grow and blossom.

2. Apply more fertilizer and water. Rose blossoms many times, need to provide adequate nutrients and water, in order to ensure exuberant growth. In summer, its evaporation and consumption are large and grow rapidly. during flowering, thin fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, and bean cakes and poultry dung can also be soaked in water and mixed with water after closed fermentation to make the plant blossom and flourish and break the dormancy state of rose in summer. Watering should use sunburned water to reduce the temperature difference between basin soil and water, such as using ultra-cold water, it will stimulate the root system and affect the normal development of the plant.

3. Spray more water. In addition to proper shading in summer, more water should be sprayed, preferably in the morning and afternoon, to create a humid environment and promote the growth of flowers and leaves.

4. Thinning and pruning. After flowering, the rose should be cut under the third compound leaf under the flower to promote strong new branches and bud and blossom as soon as possible. The weak short branches should be cut first and cut high, while the strong branches should be cut after cutting, so as to promote the weak and suppress the strong and promote its blooming neatly. The pruning length of long branches should not exceed 1/2 to avoid slow germination of axillary buds. In addition, there should not be too many flowers in each crop, and 3-5 potted roses are suitable. Leave too many flowers, nutrients are too scattered, flowers are small and affect the next stubble flowers.

5. Loosen the soil and weed. Combined with the removal of basin weeds, fine wire rakes can be used to gently break the surface of the soil around the flowerpot to enhance the loose ventilation performance of the basin soil and promote the normal growth of the root system.

6. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Flowerpot placement site should often use 15% raw lime water or carbendazim, potassium permanganate aqueous solution spray sterilization. The high temperature in the rainy season from July to August is the high incidence period of leaf spot and powdery mildew. Baume 0.3: 0.5 degree stone-sulfur mixture can be sprayed once a week for a total of 2 times. The larvae of longicorn beetles were found to be harmful from June to July, and the branches should be cut off immediately. Once other leaf-eating pests are found, they should be sprayed with 800 times monocrotophos, which can kill eggs and larvae.

Introduction of 10 kinds of flower cultivation skills that people have to know! The house is full of flowers and fragrance overflows the courtyard.

Nowadays, more and more friends like to raise some potted flowers at home, while greening and beautifying the environment, they can also adjust their life and add some vitality to the monotonous work and life. However, although potted flowers are beautiful, they can not be easily fed, and they still need to master certain flower-growing skills. For friends who like to grow flowers, they must have their own flower-growing skills. The following editor will introduce 10 kinds of flower-growing skills that flower growers have to know. Let's take a look.

Picture: potted flowers

First, about watering flowers

1. Residual tea watering flowers: residual tea is used to water flowers, which can not only maintain soil moisture, but also add nitrogen and other nutrients to plants. However, it should be irrigated regularly according to the humidity of the flowerpot, not along with the pouring of residual tea.

two。 Spoiled milk watering flowers: after the milk has gone bad, add water to water the flowers, which is beneficial to the growth of the flowers. But with more water, it is better to dilute it. Unfermented milk is not suitable for watering flowers because it produces a lot of heat during fermentation and will "burn" roots (rotten roots).

3. Cold boiled water watering flowers: watering flowers with cold boiled water can make flowers, trees and leaves luxuriant, and can promote their early flowering. If it is used to water asparagus, it can make its branches and leaves develop horizontally, dwarf and dense.

4. Warm water watering flowers: cold water in winter, it is appropriate to use warm water to water flowers. It is best to put the water indoors and water it when it is close to room temperature. It would be better to water it when the water temperature reaches 35 ℃.

5. Amoy rice watering flowers: often use Amoy rice water to water Milan and other flowers, can make its branches and leaves luxuriant, flowers and colors bright.

II. Five methods of fertilization

1. Wheat rice stone fertilizer, sprinkle a layer of Maifan stone particles in the flowerpot, can promote the growth of flowers and prolong the flowering period.

two。 Broken eggshell fertilizer, the eggshell crushed into the flowerpot, is a good fertilizer, can make potted flowers grow luxuriantly, leaves blossom.

3. Boil a small amount of soybeans and set aside. Each pot of flowers wear three holes, put in 5 cooked soybeans, up to 2mi 3cm deep, do not hurt the flower roots, and cover the soil as usual.

4. Crush the pig bones and fish bones that are usually ready to be discarded and put them on the bottom of the basin or noodles.

5. Water the flowers with rice wash. Rice washing water contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements, which is not only a compound fertilizer but also a mild fertilizer, which does not hurt the flower root, as long as the pot soil is not immersed in water.

Picture: potted flowers

Third, collect organic manure for potted flowers

Chemical fertilizer should not be used to grow flowers in the family. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other main fertilizers needed for the cultivation of flowers can be collected in daily life. For example, moldy and inedible waste peanuts, beans, melon seeds and miscellaneous grains are nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which can promote the growth of flowers and trees after fermentation as base fertilizer or solution as topdressing; fish bones, broken bones, chicken feathers, eggshells and people's cut nails and hair are all rich in phosphorus. Mix this waste into the old culture soil, add some water and put it in a plastic bag in the corner. After a period of ripening, it can become an excellent organic fertilizer. If these wastes are soaked into a solution and then fertilized, the flowers in the domestic pot can be brightly colored and the fruits will be numerous. In addition, fermented Amoy rice water, raw bean sprout water, plant ash water, as well as Rain Water and fish tank waste water, all contain a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as long as appropriate use will play a role in promoting the growth and development of flowers and trees.

Fourth, the pericarp can neutralize alkaline basin soil

Some flowers in the south are not easy to survive or blossom in the north, because the potted soil is too alkaline. There are many ways to neutralize alkaline soil, this method is to peel the apple and apple core soaked in cold water, often use this water to water the flowerpot, can gradually reduce the alkalinity of the potted soil.

V. Flowers to prevent diseases

In early spring, all kinds of flowers will enter the exuberant growing season, at this time, 1% Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed on the leaf surface and back for 3 times to prevent diseases. The preparation method of 1% Bordeaux solution is as follows: 1 gram of copper sulfate, crushed and dissolved with hot water 50 ml; then 1 gram of quicklime, pulverized with a few drops of water, then added 50 ml of water to filter the residue; pour the two solutions into the same container at the same time and stir well, and finally form a sky-blue transparent Bordeaux solution.

Picture: potted flowers

Six methods of killing insects and ants in flowerpots

1. When small flying insects appear in the flowerpot, you can use three or four cotton cuttings (cotton sticks) to be fully dipped in dichlorvos, so as not to drip down, and then insert the end of the handle into the pot soil around the plant, and the flying insects can be eliminated.

two。 Detergent: dissolve a tablespoon of detergent in 4 liters of water and spray flowers and leaves every two weeks to completely eliminate white flies and bacteria.

3. Milk: mix 4 cups of flour and half a cup of milk in 20 liters of water, filter with gauze and spray on flowers and leaves to kill ticks and their eggs.

4. Beer: pour the beer into a shallow pot under the soil of the flowerpot, and the snail will drown when it climbs in.

5. Garlic: mash a garlic and mix it with a tablespoon of pepper into half a liter of water. Spray it on the flowers and leaves an hour later to prevent the attack of rats.

6. When ants appear in the flowerpot, cigarette butts and cut tobacco can be soaked in hot water for a day or two. When the water turns dark brown, part of the water will be sprinkled on the flower stems and leaves, and the rest will be diluted and poured into the flowerpot, and the ants can be eliminated.

7. Three methods of keeping fresh flowers

1. The rose is moxified by fire at its cut and inserted into the bottle. The autumn chrysanthemum smears a little peppermint crystal on its cut. Chrysanthemum in the clear water of chrysanthemum, adding a small amount of urea or soil extract (fertile soil mixed with water and filtered solution) can make the vase chrysanthemum wither for as long as 30 days, which can be more than 10 days longer than that of ordinary water. The white orchid was wrapped with wet cloth at night and opened during the day, which could delay the withering time of the flower by 2Mel for 3 days.

two。 When you go out, take out the vase flowers and put them in the refrigerator fruit and vegetable box to keep them from withering for a long time. When you come back, you can take them out and insert them in a vase, which can be lifelike.

3. Dissolving aspirin in water can prolong the flowering time of fresh flowers in bottles.

Picture: potted flowers

8. Adjust the flowering time

Put the flower seeds, plant bulbs or cutting branches into a plastic bag, then put them into the freezer, take them out and plant them when appropriate, and the flowering time can be adjusted at will.

9. Resuscitation of frozen potted flowers

When it is cold in spring, the potted flowers freeze outside. In this case, the pot flower can be quickly wrapped with a strong water-absorbing waste newspaper with three layers in the basin, pay attention to do not damage the branches and leaves of the pot flower, and avoid direct sunlight. So rest for one day, so that the temperature of the potted flowers will gradually rise. After this treatment, frozen potted flowers can be revived.

10. the method of eradicating weeds

The weeds were so fertile that the weeds in the courtyard had just been pulled up and grew all over the place in a few days. In this case, usually pickled duck eggs or pickles of salt water, do not casually pour out, in the weed season, the salt water spilled on the weeds, three or four times to curb the growth of weeds. In addition, boiled potato water can also remove weeds from the courtyard or aisle. In addition, using bleach water to weed is also very effective, the method is: sprinkle the water on the weeding land, make the land drenched, 24 hours later, and then use bleach water.

[conclusion] to do a good job in the maintenance of potted flowers is the key to ensure that the house is full of flowers and fragrance. The above introduces 10 kinds of flower cultivation skills that flower growers have to know, hoping to help you!