
How to propagate Michelia mollissima, the propagation method of potted Michelia mollissima / cutting propagation is the most practical

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For Michelia flowers, flower friends should be no stranger, it has pleasant colors, rich flowers, not only strong ornamental, but also no cosmetic treatment. In the process of breeding, if you want to have more than one pot of Michelia, it is necessary to master the breeding method of Michelia. How can Michelia reproduce?

For Michelia flowers, flower friends should be no stranger, it has pleasant colors, rich flowers, not only strong ornamental, but also no cosmetic treatment. In the process of breeding, if you want to have more than one pot of Michelia flower, it is necessary to master the breeding method of Michelia flower, so how to reproduce it? To put it simply, there are three methods, cutting, ringwood and grafting. Follow the editor to learn more about it.

1. How to propagate Michelia mollissima, cuttage / encircling / grafting

In daily maintenance, although master the cultivation method of Michelia flowers can be, but want to enjoy better, the best way is to breed more Michelia flowers. As for how to reproduce Michelia flowers, there are generally three commonly used methods: cuttage, circle branches and grafting, among which cuttage is the most commonly used, how to operate specifically, we then look down.

Second, the propagation method of potted Michelia flowers

Cutting propagation, circle propagation, grafting propagation

(1)Cutting propagation method of Michelia

To say how to reproduce Michelia, flower friends must first think of cuttings, after all, it is simple and convenient to operate. In the cuttage propagation of Michelia, there are two points that everyone must pay attention to: cuttings and soil, they are selected, the whole cuttage propagation can be successful 90%, the specific operation is as follows:

1. Cutting time

According to the actual operation of flower friends, there are two choices of cutting time, 1 is early March in spring, 2 is late July to early September. At this time, Michelia flowers are in the growth period, and the branches of the plant are very active.

2. Soil selection

The choice of soil is critical for both farming and reproduction. According to Michelia flower growth habits, we should choose loose fertile, good permeability, cheat acid soil. If conditions permit, you can also add some pearlite to the soil.

3. Cutting selection

The selection of cuttings is the most important in the whole process of cutting propagation of Michelia. Flower friends should choose stronger branches as cuttings, in addition to those that have not suffered from diseases and insect pests. As for the length, cut not long or short, it is best to keep 3 to 8 leaves.

4. Start cutting

As the above preparation work, the cutting propagation of Michelia flowers officially begins: the cuttings are carefully inserted into the prepared soil, and the branches are not broken. Then there is, the depth of insertion can not be too shallow, so it will not be firm; nor can it be inserted too deep, so it is not good.

5. Post-insertion management

Although the above steps are completed, the cuttage propagation of Michelia flowers is basically over, but the management after insertion cannot be ignored. We should put it in a suitable shade, appropriate temperature (about 20℃) humid environment, about 2 to 3 months can take root, and then transplant in the next spring.

(2)A Method for Propagation of Michelia Flower by Circle Branch

Time: April

Methods: 2-year-old branches with good development and health were selected. Then the branches are girdled at the appropriate position for 0.5 cm, and then wet bryophytes are applied to the girdling position, and finally plastic film is wrapped outside, and the upper and lower parts are tied tightly. After 2 months, roots can be taken. After the new root fully develops, cut off the upper pot cultivation, the whole circle branch propagation is completed.

(3)Grafting propagation method of Michelia flower

Time: May ~ June

Methods: Magnolia was used as rootstock, which could grow rapidly after survival. In Michelia flower grafting propagation, if the root hypertrophy meat, indicating that it is not resistant to transplantation, at this time do not use this method. But if you have to transplant, bring more soil balls, and prune and reshape plants before winter. This method is not commonly used by the industry, we can understand.

How do you grow poisonous flowers?

Many people like to keep Michelia flowers indoors, but many flower friends are worried that Michelia flowers are poisonous. Next, Xiao Qi said to everyone that this smiling flower is poisonous and how to raise it at home. Let's learn together.

Is the flower poisonous?

Michelia flower is rich in nutrients and special effects ingredients in it, with very good antioxidant effect, can help the human body delay aging, can let people relax nerves, help calm the body and mind, cheer up, stimulate vitality, eliminate fatigue. Michelia flower also contains diuretic ingredients, can help promote the discharge of toxins in the body, thus increasing the role of metabolism, with cooling blood detoxification, skin care beauty, calm the role of depression. It not only has the ornamental function, but also has certain medicinal value and beauty health care effect, and is a very good plant for the human body.

Michelia flower tea has antioxidant effect, not only can make people happy, cheer up, but also has the function of activating blood circulation, nourishing skin, calming nerves, reducing pressure, slimming body, health care and strengthening body, and even delaying aging of human body. Therefore, flowers are non-toxic, flowers on indoor no problem, even if there are pregnant women at home can also raise flowers.

2. How to raise flowers with laughter

1. Propagation methods: Michelia flowers can be used cuttage, circle branches, grafting propagation. Cuttings are generally in July to September, the choice of soil is the best sandy soil, in the shade of wet environment is the best, two to three months can take root, and then can be planted.

2. Watering: Every kind of plant growth is inseparable from who, and the same is true for Michelia, which needs to grow in a humid environment. Watering can not be too much, if too much will lead to the root rot of Michelia, especially in the rainy season to control its humidity problem. Water daily during growth and flowering. In hot weather, spray some water on the leaves to keep the plants moist.

3. Fertilization: Michelia flowers are suitable for growing in a dark environment, especially if they cannot be directly exposed to strong sunlight. When fertilizing Michelia flowers, it is best to mix them with decomposed and bone meal, which will be better. Michelia flowers generally grow from April to September, and it is best to fertilize once a half month. It is best not to fertilize after flowering.

4. Pruning: In the cultivation of Michelia flowers, it is best not to prune often, so it is very unfavorable. After flowering, the flowers can be pruned, especially the weak branches and overlapping branches, so as to reduce the consumption of nutrients. When cultivating Michelia flowers, pay attention to placing them in a ventilated place so that they can absorb fresh air. If they are not ventilated, they will cause some pests and diseases. In particular, some coal stoves a similar place, not suitable for the cultivation of Michelia, which will produce a lot of carbon monoxide, Michelia cultivation is very harmful.

The above is the introduction of how to raise the poisonous flower and the flower, after reading the flower friends can rest assured that the cultivation of the flower, the home cultivation process should pay attention to ventilation oh.

The flowers are fragrant and fragrant, and the buds are moist like jade, fragrant like orchid, sweet to the sun, smiling in the wind, green leaves are luxuriant, and the branches are elegant. When full of flowers, showroom, fragrance overflowing, flowers and beautiful ornamental plants. In our country, Michelia has always been a familiar and favorite flower-watching plant. In our country, Michelia flower has been a fragrant flower plant that everyone loves since ancient times. It has a long but not turbid smell. It is also an excellent natural spice. It can be used to refine fragrant sesame oil. It can also be picked for use as a spice when making tea. There are about 50 species of Michelia, which are less cold-resistant, so most of them are scattered in tropical, subtropical and temperate geographical regions of Asia. There are more than 30 species native to China, mainly growing in southern provinces such as southern Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan. Wild species are mostly mixed in broad-leaved forests in the south. It is now planted throughout Taiwan, but mostly concentrated in Taoyuan, Changhua, Puli and Tainan, mainly for potted plant sales, followed by garden landscaping. In horticultural use, it is mainly planted as a small shrub with 2~3 meters of Michelia flowers. It is used as an ornamental and fragrant plant in the garden. When the flower bud expands and the outer bud is about to split and fall off, the picked Michelia flowers smell most fragrant. Morphological characteristics of Michelia flowers Branchlets brown hairy. Early summer flowering, color ivory yellow, red purple halo, open often dissatisfied, such as smiling shape, banana smell. Evergreen shrub, 2-3 m high, bark grayish brown, densely branched; buds, shoots, petioles, pedicels are densely yellow-brown tomentose. Leaves leathery, narrowly elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 4-10 cm long, 1.8-4.5 cm wide, apex obtusely mucronate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, glossy above, glabrous, brown flat hairs on lower midvein, rest glabrescent, petiole 2-4 mm long, stipules as long as petiole tip. Flowers erect, 12-20 mm long, 6-11 mm wide, pale yellow and sometimes red or purple margin, with a sweet aroma, tepals 6, fleshy, plump, long elliptic, 12-20 mm long, 6-11 mm wide; stamens 7-8 mm long, connectives projecting into acute tips, gynoecium glabrous, ca. 7 mm long, beyond stamens; gynoecium stalk ca. 6 mm long, yellowish tomentose. Aggregate fruit 2-3.5 cm long; follicles ovoid or globose, apex with mucronate beak. Flowering 3-5 months, fruiting 7-8 months. The cultivation method of Michelia flowers is produced in the south of China. Michelia flowers can be propagated by cuttage, high pressure and grafting. Cutting method is suitable for late July to early September, take lignified branches or terminal buds about 15 cm without new buds, but leave 3~8 leaves, stick rhizogenin at the base of cuttings and insert them on sandy soil, give proper shade and keep the environment moist, take root in about 2~3 months, and transplant them in the following spring; High pressure method is most suitable for flowering, that is, in 4~5 months for the best, if the selection of 2~3 years old strong branches for soil pressure, then after 3~4 months can root; less commonly used by the industry grafting method, should be implemented in 5~6 months, often with magnolia as rootstock, after survival can grow rapidly. Michelia flowers with thick and fleshy roots are not resistant to transplantation. If it is necessary to transplant them, it is advisable to bring more soil balls, while pruning and shaping of plants are appropriate before winter. Michelia flower disease control Michelia sexual love warm, humid climate, should not be exposed to the sun, not resistant to cold. Plantation should be placed in the weak sun. Potting should use loose, fertile acidic soil; watering should be dry see wet (that is,"see dry only irrigation, not dry do not irrigate, dry thoroughly irrigated" principle), should not be too much, so as not to cause rot root death. Change pots once a year in spring and trim some over-dense twigs to keep them well ventilated and light transmissive. Cut off the fruit after flowering to ensure strong growth and abundant flowering. Michelia often occurs scale insect damage, but also induced soot disease, scale insect can be used to brush, or with 150 times the water No. 20 oil emulsion spray kill: soot disease can be scrubbed with water or spray water 500~1000 times the multi-bacteria Ling water solution for control. The medical information and health diet information of Michelia flower is for reference only and cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Consult a healthcare professional for any health problems and follow medical advice for treatment of any ailments. Ultimate Flower Protection Mission: Love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not delay, do not give up hope, brave face, warm the silent world with love, care for the inner flower field attentively. Most of the medicinal value grows in the hillside mixed forest. According to the medical records such as Compendium of Materia Medica and scientific research, natural plants and flowers not only make people pleasing with their beautiful color and fragrance, but also contain rich nutrients, bioactive ingredients and natural plant essence. Moistening hall function of herbal tea series through the national industry associations and domestic authoritative expert demonstration and firm. It has high drinking and health care value. According to the different nutritional components and medicinal effects contained in flowers and plants, combined with the practical experience of experts for many years, the natural flowers and plants with the same effect are organically combined, and according to the color, flower type, flower fragrance and variety, they are blended into flower tea series with different beauty and health care effects. Herbal tea can not only make people happy, cheer up, but also have the magical effects of activating blood circulation, regulating menstruation, nourishing skin, calming nerves, reducing stress, slimming body, strengthening health and prolonging life. Regular drinking can also make the skin delicate ruddy, bright, shiny and elastic. The role of Michelia flower beauty health care 1, flowers and other plants contain rich nutrients and special ingredients. 2. It has antioxidant effect, thus delaying the aging process of human body. 3. It can relax nervous nerves, help calm body and mind, remove tension, appease irritability, and restore balance of body and mind. Inspire spirit, stimulate vitality, eliminate fatigue. 4, contains diuretic ingredients, can promote the discharge of toxins in the body, improve metabolism. 5, cooling blood detoxification, skin care and beauty. 6. It has the effect of calming the nerves and relieving depression. The cultivation technique of Michelia flower is placed scene Michelia flower bonsai should be placed in semi-shady and humid place, avoid strong direct sunlight, summer should pay attention to shade. If the environment is dry and there is sun, leaf color is easy to yellow, poor growth. In winter, it should be moved indoors or moved to the south under the eaves. Watering usually to keep the basin soil moist, but never too wet. Because of its root meat, such as watering too much or after the rain basin waterlogging will be as rotten roots, so rainy season to pay attention to control humidity. Growth period and before flowering need more water, watering once a day, summer high temperature weather to leaf watering, in order to maintain a certain air humidity. Autumn winter due to short sunshine watering once or twice a week can be. Fertilization Michelia flowers like fertilizer, multi-use decomposed cake fertilizer, bone meal, chicken and duck dung and fish intestines and other composted fertilizer mixed with water application, in the growing season (April to September) every 15 days or so fertilizer, flowering period and after October to stop fertilization. If you find that the leaves are not bright green, you can apply a Gongfei water. Pruning Michelia flowers should not be over-pruned. At ordinary times, long branches, weak branches and over-dense overlapping branches affecting tree shape can be pruned after flowering, and fruits after flowering can be subtracted to reduce nutrient consumption. Before budding in spring, some old leaves should be thinned properly to trigger new branches and leaves. The pot is turned over once every 1~2 years, preferably before the new leaves are released every spring, or after flowering, or in autumn. Combine with changing pots to remove appropriate part of the old soil, replace with fertile and loose culture soil, subtract dead branches and too long old roots, and place sufficient base fertilizer in the basin. Winter raises Michelia flower northern potted Michelia to need to overwinter indoors, its maintenance has the following points. Temperature: The lowest temperature of Michelia overwintering is not lower than 5℃. Once the temperature is lower than 5℃, the normal physiological activities of the plant will be affected, the absorption capacity of the root will be weakened, and the shoots and leaves of the plant will wither. At the same time, the highest temperature should not exceed 15℃. If the temperature is too high, the internal nutrients of the plant are consumed too much, which is unfavorable for the growth of the next year. Therefore, Michelia winter to maintain room temperature at 5℃ to 15℃ is appropriate. Second, humidity: Michelia likes humid environment, dry air is unfavorable for its growth. In winter, the relative humidity is generally required to be more than 65%. When the air is dry, the sprayer can be used to spray the ground and plant leaves to increase the air humidity, but the temperature of the sprayed water should not be too different from the room temperature. Cold water should not be used. Third, watering: Michelia root is a fleshy root, so too much watering in winter will cause root rot or cause diseases and insect pests, generally watering once a week. Before watering, water temperature, room temperature and soil temperature should be similar, and watering time should be selected at noon when the temperature is higher. Morning and evening temperature is low should not be watered, so as to avoid sudden changes in temperature frostbite roots. Fourth, ventilation: frost season after entering the room, to keep indoor air fresh, if poor ventilation, easy to be aphid, scale insects and other pests harm. If placed in the greenhouse with coal heating in winter, a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide will poison the plants. Therefore, sunny windless noon to open windows ventilation, light transmission. 5. Fertilization: Michelia cultivated in the north is dormant or semi-dormant in winter, and the amount of fertilizer required is not large. It should be properly applied with an organic fertilizer-based base fertilizer to facilitate the flowering of Michelia in the coming year. The cultural background of Michelia flowers Song Chen Shan's "New Words on Southern Flowers":"There are flowers and trees in the south that are not found in the north, jasmine flowers, Michelia flowers, jacquard flowers, eagle claws and the like... Michelia has size. Small smile has four seasons flowers, but only in summer the most prosperous. There is also a purple smile, which smells especially strong." Qing Sun Zhiwei "thinking back" poem: "go out to change azaleas, arrived at the house is still a smile flower." The third chapter of "Pearl Edge":"Smiling flowers can be painted, canna can be inscribed." Su Manshu's "Crimson Yarn Record":"Tingwu wake up, then see Wugu Yan Fu Lin Cun, will smile flower gift Yu." Song Dynasty poet Deng Runfu poem "own sweet air state, before the wind wants to laugh." A trickle of morning dew cries, and spring is born at night." Describe the smile flower has charming beautiful posture, both smile itself shy graceful "smile", and some people appreciate the smile, very affectionate. Even if the smile "tears" also delicate, it is the morning bud tears dew, night fragrance. Yang Wanli, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote,"Autumn comes and smiles again, purple smiles are better than white smiles." Only this flower can't be stolen, and no one knows where it will naturally fragrance." "Smile Flower-Shi Yisheng" hundred steps fragrance through jade muscle, full white teeth turn bright eyebrows. The lame guest greets the place, shoots the pheasant when the spring breeze is proud. Song Li Gang has a "smile flower Fu" is to transplant the smile to Hangzhou at that time, as a palace to enjoy and write. This Fu left behind the historical traces of smiling northward, but also reflects a side of Zhao Gou's desire for enjoyment and corruption of life: "The beauty of flowers and trees in the south is better than smiling." Green leaves are plain and fragrant. It's a flower, but it's a blessing, and it costs a lot. Peanut leaf axils, petals six, fleshy edge red or purple halo, banana smell flowering. Flowers often droop if they are not fully open. With the carved fence and condensation, the Zhige Pavilion and fragrance; broken face smile, cover the group fragrance......" Snow Ping word [smile flower]: dream meet hate hurry. Drink morning dew, bathe afterglow, a few heart worries, condensed into love rain. Magpie children do not know two dependent, quietly speechless, standing branch tip. Infatuation provokes old moon pity. White gauze, lining plain face, through the ages, good story tonight. Borrow Nong a wisp of fragrance soul, leaves with feelings, flowers smile. The flower language of smiling flower is reserved, implicit, beautiful, solemn, pure and noble. Because of the smile flowers bloom and do not put, smile and do not speak this characteristic. Therefore, to a large extent, it represents the implied meaning and implication of Chinese people. Therefore, its flower language is: reserved and reserved. Michelia flower pictures