
How to propagate primroses, propagation methods of primroses (cuttings / strips / strips)

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Primrose, which is famous for blooming earliest among flowers and withering before flowers bloom, is a kind of plant with beautiful plant type and bright color, which is deeply loved by flower friends. However, to raise a primrose, even if it blossoms, it is a bit monotonous, so it is very important to master the breeding method of primrose. So how do primroses reproduce?

Primrose, which is famous for blooming earliest among flowers and withering before flowers bloom, is a kind of plant with beautiful plant type and bright color, which is deeply loved by flower friends. However, to raise a primrose, even if it blossoms, it is a bit monotonous, so it is very important to master the breeding method of primrose. How do primroses reproduce? As far as the editor knows, there are three methods: cutting, crimping and crimping. Let's go and have a look at it in detail.

First, how to reproduce primroses, three tricks

The beauty of primrose is beyond doubt, but although it is highly ornamental, the flowering period of primrose is short, so in order to see enough primrose flowers at a time, many flower friends will choose to breed more pots. As for how to reproduce primroses, we can use cuttings, ramets and strips, of which the most are used by cuttings, and how to do it? let's move on.

2. Propagation methods of primrose

Cuttage propagation, split propagation, striping propagation

(1) Cuttage propagation of primrose.

① cutting time

Selection of cutting propagation, the choice of time is very important, although primrose can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn, but it is best to choose between July and August, because at this time primrose is in a prosperous period of growth, can take root quickly, and the survival rate is high.

② cuttings selection

After picking a good time, the cutting propagation of primrose can be officially opened. First of all, choose cuttings, its quality will directly determine the success rate of the whole reproduction. At this time, flower friends can choose the strong new branches that grew that year, cut off the pier tips and cut them into branches 10 to 15 centimeters long. Remove all the leaves in the lower part of the cuttings at 2 stroke and 3 places.

③ soil selection

For flower friends, the cuttage propagation of primrose is naturally chosen to plant in pots, which requires soil. According to the breeding method of primrose, when planting in the basin, the basin soil can use loose and fertile sandy loam to add a small amount of river sand.

④ cuttage start

After the above work is done, insert the treated cuttings into the prepared pot soil. Keep the plant line spacing 8-10 cm and insert up to the length of the cuttings with a depth of 1 prime 3-1 stroke 2.

⑤ was maintained after insertion and rooting in 30 days.

After inserting, pour water thoroughly, put it in a cool place for the first 3 days, and then move to the sun for maintenance. Within the next 15 days, flower friends should pay attention to shade and keep the soil moist, and the light can be gradually increased after 15 days. But to prevent exposure and high temperature, and to see dry watering, so that after another 15 days or so the cuttings may take root.

(2) ramet propagation of primrose.

① ramet time: generally in spring and autumn, but it is best to choose in spring bud sprouting; ② ramet method: very simple, directly take off the primrose cluster (20 clumps per clump) and replant. It should be noted that the ramet should be transplanted in time after survival. When transplanting, the aboveground part of the plant is truncated, with lodging soil, and the survival rate is higher.

(3) striping propagation of primrose.

① striping time: if you choose a hard branch, it will take root in March and it can take root in June; if you choose a tender branch, it will take root in May, and it can take root 30 days after pressing. ② striping method: select the sturdy branch of that year, bend it (don't break it), stand on the root of the branch with a small stick, and tie it up with a rope to make it grow upward. Basically, after a year, the mother plant can be separated and replanted in the pot.

How to propagate, cuttage, ramet and striping of primrose

Primrose can be propagated by cutting, ramet and striping, these three propagation methods are not difficult, then the following are sorted out the detailed steps of primrose cutting, ramet and striping propagation methods.

How to propagate primroses 1. Methods of cutting propagation

The cutting time of primrose can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn every year. First of all, the branches of primrose should be selected and cut off, generally cutting the semi-lignified branches 12-15 cm long.

Then insert the branches into the sand and keep the soil moist. Generally, the cuttings can take root in about 15 days.

2. The method of ramet propagation

The ramet method of primrose is usually carried out when the buds sprout in spring, and flower friends can cut off part of the branches on the ground and need to take lodging soil when transplanting primrose in spring.

Then directly separate the primrose out of the pot, and replant in the pot, it is easier to survive, remember to transplant in time after the ramet, which is more conducive to survival.

3. The method of striping propagation

The hard branches of primrose are generally pressed in March, then they can take root in June, and if the twigs are pressed in May, they can take root 30 days after pressing.

First select the strong primrose branches, bend the branches, in the bending operation, do not break the branches, stand on the roots of the branches with a small stick, tie them up with a rope, and let the branches grow upward. Generally speaking, the mother plant can be separated after a year, and then replanted in the pot.

Flower friends should remember that primroses need to be watered frequently after pressing, and the soil must be kept moist, which helps the branches to take root.

The Cuttage Propagation method of Primrose

Primrose, also known as gold bar, gold belt, because primrose is the first flower variety to bloom in spring, although the appearance is inconspicuous, but it is very popular. Primrose grows rapidly, in addition to potted, open-field cultivation can also be made into bonsai cultivation at home. In general, primrose is commonly propagated by cutting and ramet propagation, and it is best to operate in spring.


Select the branches with full growth, about 10 cm long, remove the leaves and insert them in the sand, keep them moist, take root and form seedlings within a month, and make a chic and moving miniature bonsai that year. When making medium-sized bonsai, the split method is commonly used, which is simple and fast.

In order to make the primrose happy and full of branches, it must be pruned every year. After flowering, go to the base of the old branches, promote new shoots, pick the heart many times from May to July, promote autumn shoots, in order to increase flower branches. If you adopt the measures of promoting flowers, you can enjoy the flowers in winter. The method is to control the water after autumn, move it into the greenhouse half a month ahead of time, and keep the room temperature at 18 ℃ for 20 minutes.

Mainly to cuttage, can also be used to strip, split propagation. Cuttings can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. Cut the semi-lignified branches 12mur15cm long, insert them into the sand, keep them moist, and take root in about 15 days. The longer branches were shallowly buried in the sandy soil without being scratched. They took root after 50 days and were separated and transplanted from the mother plant in the following spring. Ramets can be carried out when buds sprout in spring. When transplanting in spring, part of the aboveground branches should be amputated, and the lodging soil should be brought. In the process of growth, pay attention to the soil can not accumulate water and excessive drought, properly fertilize 2mi 3 times before and after flowering. It should be pruned and reshaped in autumn and winter to keep many new flowers. Leaf spot and branch blight often occur in diseases and insect pests, which can be sprayed with 1500 times of 50% bacilli special wettable powder. Insect pests are harmful to aphids and coir moths, which are sprayed with 1000 times of 50% phoxim EC.