
How to do the yellow leaves of flamingo flowers, pay attention to shade/thin fertilizer application/prevention of pests and diseases

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Flamingo flower is an ornamental flower plant, it has Buddha flame inflorescence, leaf bracts, give a warm feeling like fire, so by many people's favorite. However, if the leaves of plants in the United States are yellow, it will also affect their overall beauty. What about the yellow flamingo leaves?

Crane flower is a highly ornamental flower plant, it has flame inflorescences, leaf-shaped bracts, giving people a feeling of enthusiasm, so it is loved by many people. However, if the leaves of beautiful plants turn yellow, it will also affect their overall sense of beauty. What if the leaves of the crane flowers turn yellow? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, the fire crane flower leaves yellow how to do, find the reason

If we want to know what to do about the yellowing of the leaves of the crane flower, we must first find out the cause of this phenomenon, because the problem needs to be solved pertinently, such as too strong light, insufficient nutrients, improper fertilization and so on. As for how to solve the problem? It is described in more detail below, so let's take a look at it.

Second, the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of flamingos (with solutions)

1. The soil is too alkaline.

In northern China, most of the soil is alkaline, in which the nutrients are relatively scarce, the structure is relatively simple, and it is easy to harden, resulting in a weakening of its ability to absorb nutrients, which will also lead to the yellowing of flamingos leaves.

Solution: if it is a soil problem, we can occasionally trade diluted vinegar or lemonade during conservation to change the acidity and basicity of the soil, and the yellowing of leaves will slowly recover after the soil turns sour.

two。 Apply too much fertilizer or too much fertilizer

In the process of breeding fire crane flowers, if we do not apply fertilizer or apply thick fertilizer for a long time, it is one of the reasons why the leaves of the flower turn yellow. If we do not apply fertilizer for a long time, it will dry up and turn yellow due to lack of nutrients, while applying thick fertilizer will easily burn the plant.

Solution: in the growth process of the fire crane flower, we usually apply fertilizer once a month, and when applying fertilizer, we should remember to dilute the fertilizer with water and keep the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, so that it can be better absorbed.

3. The temperature is too low or too high

Crane flower is very particular about the growth temperature, it likes high temperature, only in the environment above 22 ℃ can it grow well, if the temperature is too low, it is easy to cause flamingos leaves yellowing. However, its growth temperature should not be too high, if it is more than 30 ℃, it is also easy to cause leaf rot and other problems.

Solution: in the process of its growth, it is very important to let it grow at a comfortable ambient temperature. The suitable ambient temperature for its growth is 22 ℃-28 ℃. We can properly control the temperature when we breed it.

4. The light is too strong.

Crane flower is a kind of half-shade plant, it is afraid of direct sunlight, if it is placed in the direct sunlight in the process of breeding, it is easy to appear flamingos leaves yellowing.

Solution: in the process of breeding fire crane flowers, it is best to put them in the place of sunlight scattering, when the summer light is too strong, we also need shade, it is best to move it to indoor semi-shade breeding, so as not to sunburn the plant.

5. Diseases and insect pests infestation

In the process of the growth of the fire crane flower, if we do not maintain properly, it is easy to appear some bad phenomena such as diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to the plant, not only affect its ornamental, but also cause the leaves of the fire crane flower to turn yellow and dry.

Solution: when there are diseases and insect pests and other problems, we must deal with them in a timely manner. If the time is prolonged, the damage to the plant will be great, and it will be troublesome to deal with it. For specific prevention and control methods, you can refer to the article on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of the flamingos. The editor will not repeat it here.

Conclusion: after reading the above, I believe we all have a certain understanding of the yellowing of the leaves of the crane flowers. in fact, this problem is mainly caused by our careless maintenance. We have time to take a look at the breeding methods of crane flowers, I believe it can bring some help to your breeding process.

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the crane flower

① watering too much, the growth habit of the fire crane flower is like wetting but not resistant to waterlogging, too much watering will make the root system of the fire crane flower carry out anaerobic respiration, produce harmful substances, so the leaves turn yellow.

② light is not suitable, fire crane flowers like a cool environment, too much or not enough sunlight will affect its growth, but also make the leaves yellowing and withering.

If ③ fertilizes too much, the farmers who love flowers may be worried that the flowers will not grow well and give it too much nutrition, resulting in excessive nutrition, thus destroying the pH of the soil and making the soil over-alkaline, which is also one of the reasons leading to the yellowing of the leaves of Flowers. The solution can be irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution.

④ pest viruses, such as yellow spot, leaf blight, etc., are mainly harmful to snails, moths and young aphids. You only need to spray some drugs to prevent and cure the corresponding diseases.

⑤ dry air, winter indoor flowers, closed space, poor ventilation, can also lead to leaves yellowing, the solution is to appropriately increase air humidity.

The fiery crane flower, which has solved the leaf yellow problem, also plays an important role in fengshui. Let's take a look at the fengshui function of raising fiery crane flowers at home.

For the control of diseases and insect pests, 2 insect pests and 2 diseases / pesticides have the best control effect.

In the growth process of the fire crane flower, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests, this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, if it is not dealt with in time, it is easy to lead to plant death. So what should we do if the flamingos grow worms? What should be done to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests of the flaming crane flower? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, what if the fire crane flower has a bug? find the reason.

If you want to know what to do when flamingos grow, we must first understand what kind of insects grow, so that we can deal with them pertinently, because the prevention and control methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different. Details are introduced below. Interested friends can learn about it.

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of fire crane flowers (pests)

Scale insect

Scale insect is a kind of harmful pest, which mainly threatens the leaves, branches and fruits of crane flowers. It will cause yellowing of leaves, withering of branches, decline of tree potential and so on, as well as coal fouling disease.

Prevention and control methods: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this kind of fire crane flower, we can use scale must treat 1000 times of liquid, after the medicine liquid is absorbed by the tree, the scale insect sucks into the poisonous tree sap and dies, and the insecticidal effect is good.


Thrips is a small pest whose color is mostly yellow. it mainly harms the pedicels, leaf peduncles, spawn and other places of Huihe flower. The plants disturbed by it will appear leaf stalks, pedicels are not smooth and uneven, and the expansion of the spawn is a deformed flower.

Control method: thrips is one of the economic pests. We can spray 25% thiazine water dispersible granules 3000-5000 times to kill this kind of diseases and insect pests.

III. Disease and pest control (disease) of fire crane flower

Leaf spot disease

Leaf spot is a disease that exists in many plants, and the fire crane flower is no exception. Many oval and long brown spots will appear on its leaves during the disease, and will spread gradually with the passage of time, and finally lead to the gradual death of the plant.

Control method: when we deal with the diseases and insect pests of this fire crane flower, we can use 20% silazole ·prochloraz 1000 times to spray the diseased plant, generally spray once every 5-7 days, and then recover after 2-3 times.


Anthracnose is a kind of disease caused by fungi, which does great harm to the flower. Many round brown disease spots appear on the leaves of the flower, the size is 2-8mm, and it will spread gradually with the passage of time, and finally lead to plant rot.

Control method: in the control of this fire crane flower diseases and insect pests, we can use 70% anthrax Fumei 600 times liquid to spray it, usually once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times can be cured.