
What if the leaves of the wealth tree turn yellow and fall? reasonable watering and fertilization / spraying of diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wealth tree, a common indoor potted plant, is deeply loved by flower friends because of its beautiful plant shape, emerald green leaves and beautiful meaning. However, indoor farming is not as good as wild growth, because of conservation and other problems, wealth trees often have a variety of problems, such as yellowing leaves, falling and so on. that

Lucky tree, a common indoor potted plant, its beautiful plant type, green leaves, meaning good, deeply loved by flower friends. However, indoor breeding is not better than wild growth, because of maintenance and other problems, lucky trees often have various problems, such as yellowing leaves, falling and so on. So, what if the lucky tree leaves fall yellow? Today, the editor will solve this problem for everyone.

1. The leaves of the lucky tree are yellow, so find out why.

As a common potted plant, the cultivation method of Lucky Tree is not difficult, but because there are many novices, they do not know the growth habits of Lucky Tree, so there are often improper maintenance situations, resulting in yellow leaves. As for how to do when the leaves of the lucky tree yellow fall, Xiaobian summarizes 6 reasons and attaches solutions. Let's look down.

2. Causes and solutions for yellow leaves of lucky trees

1, improper lighting

① The light is too strong: Lucky tree likes light, but avoid strong light, while giving it sufficient light, it should be shaded when it is strong. If in summer, flower friends let lucky tree directly exposed to sunlight, it is easy to cause burns, thus appearing lucky tree leaves yellow fall symptoms.

Solution: Move the lucky tree to the ventilated semi-shade, and water it properly, wait for the yellow leaves to fall off slowly, and then grow new buds.

② Insufficient light: In the breeding process of lucky tree, if it is not pruned in time, its branches and leaves will grow very dense, and the leaves hidden at the bottom will be yellow due to insufficient light and inability to ventilate.

Solution: Lucky tree grows faster, we should prune it once a year, don't be reluctant, only under the hand, it will grow more beautiful.

2. Too much watering

Lucky tree drought resistance is strong, and its roots are underdeveloped, poor water absorption capacity, so it can not be watered more. Once the water is poured too much, it will lead to ponding in the basin, which will easily cause the roots of the plants to rot, and the result is that the leaves of the lucky tree will turn yellow and fall off.

Solution: Stop watering, then move the lucky tree to a ventilated place, so that the water in the basin evaporates quickly. In order to speed up this process, you can also pad a layer of absorbent cotton cloth at the bottom of the flowerpot. If there are rotten roots, they should also be removed from the pot and cut off the rotten roots, and then replanted with soil.

3. Excessive fertilization

After watering, then fertilization, it is also one of the reasons for the yellow leaves of the lucky tree. Lucky tree likes fat, but if the fertilizer is too much or too thick, it will burn the roots, resulting in yellow leaves and even death in severe cases.

Solution: It can be diluted by watering; if it is not found in time, the roots are badly burned, we need to change the pot soil, and then clean up the rotten roots. After a period of maintenance, the plants will return to health.

4. Temperature discomfort

Lucky tree likes warm environment, it is not resistant to high temperature and cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 20-30℃. Once the temperature is too high or too low, the growth of lucky trees will be affected, and as a result, yellow leaves may appear.

Solution: Adjust the temperature, in summer, move the plant to a cool place, and sprinkle water to cool down; in winter, move it indoors and raise the temperature. After such maintenance for a period of time, the lucky tree leaves will regain their luster.

5. Infestation by pests and diseases

In the process of breeding lucky trees, diseases and insect pests are often encountered due to improper maintenance or poor environment, which is one of the reasons why lucky tree leaves yellow and fall.

Solution: Remove the diseased leaves, and spray the relevant drugs. As for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the pest control of Lucky Tree, so I won't say more here.

6. Alkaline soil

If you can rule out the above points, then the yellow leaves of the lucky tree may be caused by alkaline soil. It is understood that lucky tree likes acidic soil, if has not changed pots, raise the soil will be alkaline, plant root absorption nutrients will be affected, the result is that the leaves slowly turn yellow.

Solution: Very simple, change the pot soil to lucky tree, let it cool up. Or apply a certain amount of ferrous sulfate to the soil to change the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. After a period of time, the plant can be restored.

What about the yellow leaves?

Lucky trees can appear in the office and outdoors in the form of large bonsai. The name of the lucky tree is mainly derived from its upside down leaves, which are unique in shape and are regarded as auspicious symbols, as well as the meaning of hanging copper coins on the tree. However, many people found that the leaves of the lucky tree would slowly turn yellow when planting. They didn't know what the reason was. What should they do if the leaves of the lucky tree turned yellow?

First of all, the main reasons for the yellowing of the leaves are improper watering, insufficient light, diseases and insect pests, thick leaf dust, excessive fertilizer, excessive moisture, hot and high temperature, dense ventilation, low ambient temperature, alkaline water and soil, etc. The following small series for everyone to specifically analyze the causes of yellow leaves and solutions.

1, improper watering: rich trees like warm and humid climate environment, pot soil to wet is appropriate, but indoor cultivation generally pot soil is not dry, irrigation is poured through. Because, if watering is not thorough, watering wet under dry, will affect nutrient absorption, resulting in dull leaf color, and gradually from the bottom up yellow fall off. In this case, a small amount of watering and regular spraying are needed to gradually restore it and then turn to normal watering.

2, light discomfort: rich trees like light, but not resistant to strong direct light, semi-shade or scattered light is appropriate, only winter needs better lighting conditions to grow well. From late April, you can choose sunny and warm noon, move the pot out of the room or balcony, directly see the sun for 1-2 hours, and gradually extend the time, there will be very good breeding effect. Long-term shade or light in the dark, there will be yellow leaves, off the leaf phenomenon, serious cases will also appear dead.

3, pest control: leaf spot disease is a common disease of rich trees, symptoms are a few spots appear first, and then gradually expand to the whole leaf, and fall off, garlic juice can be sprayed sterilization. And pest respect, basically have red spider, the harm of scale insect. Red spider individual small, body length less than 1 mm, available mite net, acarb, dicofol and other effective control. Scale insects vary according to species and colors, but they have a common feature, that is, round or oval, generally do not move, close to the stem or petiole of the plant to suck juice, less time can be wiped clean with cloth, because scale insects will die as soon as they leave the plant, more time can be sprayed with wind oil, washing powder 0.2% solution for control.

4, too much fertilizer: in general, in the growth of rich trees in the appropriate temperature period, should be regularly fertilized to ensure that the plant luxuriant growth, generally about 20 days after the application of a thin fertilizer, change pots should add decomposed base fertilizer. However, excessive fertilizer application, or application of fertilizer is not decomposed, will lead to rich tree burning roots, yellow leaves fall off.

5, leaf dust: if the leaf dust is too thick, not only affects the appearance, but also affects the respiration and photosynthesis of the plant, resulting in yellow leaves. Dust should be wiped clean in time.

6, change the soil operation error: when changing the soil, the wrong operation will also cause the leaves of the rich tree to yellow. When changing soil for rich trees, we should try our best to hurt the roots as little as possible. The added matrix should be sterile, breathable, fertile and acidic. We should also fill the basin soil, and do not leave gaps. If there are gaps, the plants will be watered with more water, and water shortage will still occur, resulting in yellowing of leaves.

7, the environmental temperature is low: the rich tree likes warm and humid environment, its growth temperature is 20-30℃, the temperature is lower than 18℃, the rich tree stops growing, the temperature is as low as 10℃ can also adapt, but the temperature can not be lower than 5℃, otherwise it will cause freezing damage, light yellow leaves scattered, heavy death.

8. Hot and high temperature: For rich trees that like warm and humid environment, if they are exposed to high temperature, the transpiration of the plants is excessive, the water and nutrients in the roots are in short supply, and it is easy to cause the tip of the leaves to be scorched or the leaves to fall off. It is necessary to move to a well-ventilated shade in time.

9, dense ventilation: If the branches and leaves of the rich tree grow too luxuriant, plus long-term unpruned, so that the inner chamber branches and leaves are not enough light, it is easy to cause the leaves to yellow and fall off, should strengthen pruning in time, make it ventilated and transparent.

10 Alkali soil and water: Most of the northern soil and water contain more salt and alkali, and it is not suitable for planting acid-loving rich trees. Because of the lack of iron elements that can be absorbed by the soil, the leaves of rich trees will gradually turn yellow. When planting, pay attention to the selection of acidic soil, and often irrigate alum fertilizer during the growth period.

The above is the main reason for the yellowing of the lucky tree leaves, and also answers the solution to the yellowing of the lucky tree leaves.

How to remedy the falling leaves of lucky trees, learn 7 strokes to easily solve/improper water and fertilizer is the key

Lucky tree, a beautiful foliage plant, we must not be unfamiliar, after all, it is another name rich tree can be said to be world-famous. In life, there are many people who raise lucky trees, but there are also many problems, such as falling leaves is a headache. So, how to fix the lucky tree leaves? In this regard, Xiaobian summarized 7 moves, together to understand and see.

I. Lucky tree leaves fall, find the cause

As a common indoor potted plant, the breeding method of lucky tree can be said to be very simple, but in the breeding process, there are still many flower friends encounter some headache problems, such as lucky tree leaves yellow, a touch will fall off, what is going on? In this regard, Xiaobian will analyze seven aspects such as watering, fertilization, lighting and temperature for everyone one by one, and give a remedy plan. For details, we will look down.

2. Causes and remedies for falling leaves of lucky trees

1. Stimulated by environment

Encounter lucky tree leaves, we should first consider whether the recent environmental changes are too big, received stimulation, such as high and low temperature, watering with cold water, spraying pesticide concentration is too large, etc., these are the killers that cause leaves to fall!

Remedy method: In this kind of situation, we generally do not need to do extra work, just need to ventilate it, light suitable place, maintenance for a period of time can recover.

2, improper lighting

① The light is too strong: lucky trees like light, but they are afraid of direct light. In summer, if received strong direct light, it is easy to cause young leaf tip and leaf margin withered coke, or leaf yellow fall off. Remedy: move to a well-ventilated cool place in time, and pour a small amount of water.

② Insufficient light: If the lucky tree does not shine, the chlorophyll of the leaves will decrease, and for a long time, the leaves will also yellow and separate. Remedy: Very simple, supplementary lighting can be.

3. Improper watering

① Too much watering: Water is the key to the growth of lucky trees, but once too much water is poured, it will lead to ponding in the basin soil, which will eventually cause the root system to rot, thus affecting the water absorption and cultivation of plants, and the leaves will easily fall off. Remedy: immediately reduce watering, and often loose soil, so that good soil ventilation.

2 too little watering: lucky tree lack is not good, because the leaves do not absorb water, it will be dull, a touch will fall. Remedy method: Need a little watering and spray water (do not add too much at a time), make it gradually recover and then turn to normal watering.

4. Improper fertilization

① Excessive fertilization: sufficient nutrients can make the lucky tree stronger and the leaves greener, but once too much fertilization, it will lead to the old leaf dry tip yellow fall off. Remedy method: stop fertilizing immediately, increase watering quantity, dilute the fertilizer inside basin; when serious, change basin soil directly, let lucky tree fresh rise again.

② Too little fertilization: If the pot soil is not changed for a long time, or ammonia fertilizer is not applied, the soil will lack nutrients, and the branches and leaves of the lucky tree will become thin, yellow, and fall off at a touch. Remedy method: appropriate amount of fertilizer, supplementary nutrients can be.

5. Temperature discomfort

Lucky tree likes warm environment, the most suitable growth temperature is 20-30℃. Once the temperature is too high or too low, the growth of the lucky tree will be affected, and as a result, the leaves may turn yellow or even fall.

Remedy method: lucky tree leaves how to remedy? If the temperature is too high, everyone should move the plants to the shade in time and sprinkle water to cool them; if the temperature is too low, move the plants indoors and raise the temperature.

6. Alkaline soil

Lucky tree likes acidic soil, if it has not changed pots, or long-term watering with mineral water, a long time, the soil will be alkaline, thus affecting plant growth. A long time, there will be lucky tree leaves off the phenomenon.

Remedy method: very simple, change basin soil to lucky tree, let it refresh rise. Or apply a certain amount of ferrous sulfate to the soil to change the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. After a period of time, the plant can be restored.

7. Diseases and pests

In addition to the above points, lucky tree leaves may also be affected by pests and diseases. When the lucky tree suffers from leaf spot disease, or is attacked by scale insects and red spiders, its leaves will also be in danger of falling.

Remedy: Find out what kind of pests and diseases, and then spray the corresponding chemicals, as for what to spray, in the lucky tree pest control has a detailed introduction, here will not say more.

How to remedy the lucky tree leaves, after reading the comprehensive analysis of the above 7 aspects, we should know how to do it! In fact, lucky tree leaves, is a cause, but often due to a variety of factors, so we encounter this situation, we must make a correct diagnosis, so that we can prescribe the right medicine.