
Long-lived begonia leaves yellowing how to do, thin fertilizer frequently applied / control moisture / light should not be too strong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Long-lived begonia is a highly ornamental plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country. However, even if the ornamental plants have yellowing leaves, it will affect their overall aesthetic sense. About longevity begonia leaves yellowing how to do? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Long-lived begonia is a highly ornamental plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country. However, even if the ornamental plants have yellowing leaves, it will affect their overall aesthetic sense. About longevity begonia leaves yellowing how to do? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, longevity begonia leaves yellowing how to do, find the reason

If you want to know how the leaves of longevity begonia turn yellow, first of all we have to understand what causes it, so that we can solve it pertinently. Such as too strong light, too thick fertilization and so on are the causes of this phenomenon, as for how to solve it, let's take a look.

Second, the reasons for the yellowing of long-lived begonia leaves (with solutions)

1. Soil alkaline weight

In the northern part of China, most of the soil is alkaline, in which the nutrients are relatively scarce, the structure is relatively simple, and it is easy to harden, which weakens its ability to absorb nutrients, which will also lead to yellowing of long-lived begonia leaves.

Solution: if it is a soil problem, we can occasionally trade diluted vinegar or lemonade during conservation to change the acidity and basicity of the soil, and the yellowing of leaves will slowly recover after the soil turns sour.

two。 The concentration of fertilizer is too high

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of longevity begonia, but fertilization requires skills. If you apply too much fertilizer or apply thick fertilizer directly, it is easy to cause the leaves of longevity begonia to turn yellow, because longevity begonia does not need big fertilizer.

Solution: longevity begonia in fertilization, need to apply thin fertilizer skillfully, do not apply thick fertilizer, big fertilizer and unrotten liquid fertilizer. Before fertilizing, we need to dilute the fertilizer with clean water so that it can be better absorbed.

3. Too little watering

In the process of cultivating long-lived begonia, if we water too little flowers, the leaves of the plants will sag, especially when the weather is relatively dry, the humidity of the environment is relatively low, which can easily lead to the yellowing of the leaves of the plants.

Solution: if the leaves of long-lived begonia turn yellow because of too little watering, we should not immediately pour water into them, but step by step. If we irrigate too much at one time, it is easy to cause the plant to rot. Generally speaking, when the weather is relatively dry, 2-3 water can be watered once.

4. The light is too strong.

Longevity begonia is a kind of light-loving plant, if the light is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can keep it outdoors and let it receive light all day, but it is more afraid of strong light, so it still needs shade after entering summer. otherwise, if the light is too strong, it is easy to burn the plant and yellowing the leaves of longevity begonia.

Solution: if the problem is caused by too much light, we should keep it indoors in half-shade in time, so that the leaves of a section of plants will slowly turn green.

5. Diseases and insect pests infestation

In the process of breeding long-lived begonia, if the cultivation is not proper, it is easy to have diseases and insect pests and other problems, which do great harm to the plant, which will not only cause the leaves of long-lived begonia to turn yellow, but also cause the plant to wither and die in serious cases.

Solution: if this problem is caused by diseases and insect pests, we must deal with it in time. The specific treatment methods are introduced in detail in the article on pest control of longevity begonia, which we can understand.

The culture method of Brazilian iron tree _ what if the leaves turn yellow?

The Brazilian iron tree plant is tall and straight, elegant, full of tropical atmosphere, is a world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. Brazilian iron tree, also known as Xianglong blood tree, is an evergreen tree of the genus Liliaceae. Its plants can be more than 8 meters high, while the production of potted plants can reach 20-150, like semi-shade and adequate fertilizer. Today, together with the editor, let's take a look at the breeding methods of Brazilian iron trees and the introduction of how the leaves of Brazilian iron trees turn yellow. The Brazilian iron tree introduces the Brazilian iron tree scientific name fragrant dragon blood tree, alias Brazilian iron tree, Brazilian millennium wood, Phnom Penh fragrant dragon blood tree, for the lily family dragon blood tree evergreen tree, the plant is more than 8 meters high, branched, leaf clusters born at the top of the stem, curved and arched, the leaves are bright green and glossy, the flowers are small and inconspicuous, and the flowers are fragrant. The Brazilian iron tree is slightly shady and likes high temperatures, but when the temperature is below 13 ℃, it goes into dormancy and stops growing. The Brazilian iron tree likes loose, well-drained soil, and it is best to plant it with rotten leaf soil or peat soil when potted. The propagation method of Brazilian iron tree culture method the propagation method of Brazilian iron tree can be propagated by cutting. when carrying out cutting propagation, the branches with poor plant shape should be cut off as cutting material, and a section of 5-10 cm should be built. it can be cut upright or recumbent on a cutter with coarse sand or vermiculite as the medium. Brazilian iron trees can grow all the year round as long as the temperature is right. Light and temperature of Brazilian iron tree culture method the best growth temperature of Brazilian iron tree is 20-28 ℃. If the temperature is below 13 ℃, it will go into dormancy and stop growing. If the temperature is too low, its leaf tip and leaf edge will appear chloasma, and in severe cases, it will freeze the twig or the whole plant. So in the time of breeding, the winter sample is put indoors and placed in a place with light. The humidity and watering of Brazilian iron tree culture method the demand for water of Brazilian iron tree is not very much, but the requirement of humidity is relatively high, after putting on the basin, be sure to drench the fixed root water and put it in a place with bright light for breeding. During the breeding period, it is necessary to keep its basin soil moist and often spray water on the page of the Brazilian iron tree to increase the air humidity of the environment, but the basin soil cannot accumulate water. When breeding in spring, summer and autumn, water should be watered every 2-3 days, spraying water to its leaves 1-2 times a day. The amount of watering should be controlled after the end of autumn and the basin soil should be kept slightly wet. If you want to control watering in winter, you should keep the basin soil half dry and half wet. Fertilization and soil of Brazilian iron tree culture methods Brazil iron tree likes to grow in the loose, well-drained, humus-rich sandy loam soil of the Feiwo River. Therefore, when breeding, we can use 3 parts of vegetable garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of peat soil and 3 parts of river sand to breed according to proportion. If the Brazilian iron tree with a thicker stem is selected for planting, its culture soil can be made of vermiculite, peat soil or vegetable garden soil mixed with river sand. The Brazilian iron tree needs to change its pots once a year. When changing pots, it is necessary to replace 1 / 3 of the old soil, replace the new sandy soil, and trim the aged and scorched leaves in the lower part of the stem and stem. During its growing period, organic fertilizer should be applied at its base or edge, and then liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied once or twice every 15-20 days to ensure luxuriant growth of branches and leaves. The fertilization period is from May to October every year, and fertilization should be stopped in winter. Pest control of Brazilian iron tree culture methods sometimes there are phenomena such as scorched edges and scorched leaves, which are usually caused by drought, low temperature or improper watering. So at this time, we must control the temperature and humidity, reasonable fertilization, proper ventilation. If the Brazilian iron tree is attacked by Sugarcane Bian E, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC or 1000 times of trichlorfon, once a week, 3 times in a row. Summary: the above is the introduction of the breeding methods and yellowing leaves of the Brazilian iron tree brought by the editor. After reading the introduction of the editor, I believe everyone knows it better. Brazilian iron tree trunk, sword-shaped leaves, green and glossy, vibrant with elegant, simple style, is a new generation of indoor foliage plants. And the Brazilian iron tree flower language is unyielding, unswerving, longevity, wealth, good luck, is very suitable for breeding at home. Related recommendations ☑ partition curtain ☑ camellia culture method ☑ paper art ☑ peony flower language ☑ crabapple flower culture method ☑ green overlord ☑ calla lily culture method ☑ picture frame ☑ embroidery pattern ☑ dripping Guanyin culture method

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Palace lantern longevity flowers because of the small shape, like a small palace lantern. It is a potted plant with great ornamental value. Palace lantern longevity flower plant type is short, a small palace lantern hanging on the branches, red, very lovable, put at home is the best decoration. So we all know how to make the palace lantern longevity flowers very beautiful? The following editor will introduce the breeding methods of longevity flowers and pictures of longevity flowers in the palace lanterns.

Palace lantern longevity flower, also known as red lantern, hanging bell longevity flower, crassulaceae Jialan, is a succulent plant, a perennial herb, soft and drooping branches. The flower is bell-shaped, the color of the flower is purple or pink, the top of the petal is yellow, the leaves are opposite, and bloom in spring. Madagascar, which originated in Africa, is now cultivated by people all over the world because of its high ornamental value.

Culture method of longevity flower in palace lantern

Watering: Palace lantern longevity flowers are resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. Grow well in dry air. In the spring and autumn, you can see that the basin soil is dry and permeable once and keep it moist. Even if the temperature is hot in summer, don't water it too often. Just water it once a week. If you put the longevity flowers outside the house, you should take shelter from the rain when it rains. If you accumulate too much water, it is easy to rot or die.

Fertilization: Gongdeng longevity flowers like fertilizer, mainly applied nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer in seedlings, can promote long stems and leaves, after flowering can be applied again with nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer to promote its growth and strength. Do not apply fertilizer in summer, pay attention to do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot, if accidentally spilled on the leaves, scrub off. Palace lantern longevity flowers have a longer flowering period, but a thin nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once a month during flowering to make the flowers more beautiful.

Lighting: Palace lantern longevity flowers like the sunny environment, but can not be exposed, it is best to avoid the noon sun in summer, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, there should be enough sunlight every day in order to grow more robust. Although the palace lantern longevity flower can also grow in the shade, it is not as good as the luxuriant growth in the sunny place, the color will become lighter, and the ornamental value will be reduced.

Temperature: the most suitable temperature for the growth of longevity flowers is about 15 ℃-25 ℃. Too high temperature will slow down the growth rate, and the longevity flowers will basically stop growing in summer and winter. When the temperature is below 0 ℃, the longevity flowers are easy to freeze to death. So it's best to see more sunshine, but keep in mind that longevity flowers can't be exposed to the sun and can't accumulate water.

Summary: see here, I believe you must have some understanding of the characteristics of longevity flowers and breeding methods, longevity flowers are very used to decorate the home, gifts are also very good. If you want to grow a good flower, you need not only professional cultivation skills, but also the intention and patience of flower lovers in order to grow good flowers with ornamental value.

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