
What about pomegranate flowers and insects? pomegranate flower pest control / red pepper washing clothes

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a good product of indoor culture, pomegranate flowers not only bloom beautifully, but also produce delicious fruit, which is deeply loved by flower friends. However, the pomegranate flower is a variety of flowers and trees, and it is the favorite of bugs. Although there are fewer pests at home, improper maintenance will still attract insects. What about the pomegranate blossom worms?

As a good product of indoor culture, pomegranate flowers not only bloom beautifully, but also produce delicious fruit, which is deeply loved by flower friends. However, pomegranate flower is a variety of flowers and trees, is the favorite of insects, although there are fewer pests at home, but improper maintenance will still attract bugs, then pomegranate flowers grow bugs how to do? The following is a selection of pomegranate pest control, very comprehensive, you must see the flowers.

What about the pomegranate flowers and bugs? wash the clothes and kill them.

As a plant, it is normal to be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, while pomegranate flower diseases and insect pests not only affect the normal growth of pomegranate, but also pose a great threat to the yield and quality of pomegranate. It is understood that indoor cultivation of pomegranate flowers, due to improper maintenance will attract shell insects, aphids, stem window moths, etc., pomegranate flower long bugs how to do, Xiaobian first introduce a simple and effective method.

Solution: use 2-3 red peppers (chopped), 2-3 smoked cigarette butts (disassembled), about 3 grams of washing powder, soak for more than 24 hours after mixing with water, filter impurities for foliar spraying, the effect is very good once a day! However, different insect control methods are different, as follows:

1. Scale insects

Shell insects are common pests in family flower cultivation, and pomegranate flowers, as a good product of family breeding, naturally can not escape. It is understood that scale insect larvae mainly attach to pomegranate flower leaves or new shoots, absorb branches and leaves, and secrete mucus, induce coal pollution disease, affect photosynthesis, slow down the growth of pomegranate, lead to leaf shedding, and in serious cases may lead to the death of flowers and trees.

Control method: when a small amount of shell insects are found on the branches and leaves, they can be wiped off with soapy water. The damage can be controlled by timely spraying once every 7-10 days for 2-3 times.

2. Stem window moth

Stem window moth, also known as flower window moth, although rarely seen in family breeding, it is also one of the pests of pomegranate flowers. Stem window moth larvae can harm new branches and perennial branches, slow down the growth of plants, affect flowering and fruiting, and seriously lead to the death of the whole plant.

Control methods: in the pomegranate growing season, often check the growth status of branches, if it is found that the growth of new branches is thin, and there is accumulation, cut off the branches in time to destroy the larvae. To spray chemicals in time, you can use tools such as waste syringes to inject dichlorvos 400 times 500 times into the insect track, or spray directly on the branches.

3. Cotton aphid

APHIS gossypii, one of the main pests of pomegranate flowers, its adults and nymphs gather on the tender leaves, buds, stems, buds and flowers of the host, sucking branches and leaves, causing leaves to turn yellow and wilt, and in serious cases the whole plant dies.

Prevention and treatment: pay attention to spray Baume 5 degree stone sulfur mixture before entering the room in winter to do a good job of prevention. When the plant has insect pests, it is more effective to spray 1500 times of 50% carbendazim EC or 25% imidophos EC in time.

Diseases of pomegranate flowers and their control

In addition to insect pests, diseases also damage pomegranate flowers, which not only affect the photosynthesis of pomegranate flowers, but also reduce their ornamental value and economic value, and even cause death. The main diseases of pomegranate flower are anthracnose, black spot, coal pollution, dry rot and so on. The specific symptoms and methods are as follows:

1. Anthrax

Pomegranate fruit is infected with anthracnose, the disease part produces near round dark brown disease spot, some fruit edge is red, there is no obvious sinking phenomenon, but under the disease spot pulp necrosis, the disease part has small black spots.

Control methods: the selection of disease-resistant varieties can effectively reduce the incidence of anthrax. Timely discharge of stagnant water in the field after rain to reduce the reproduction of germs. Strengthening the shaping and pruning of pomegranate trees and adopting dense planting and single dry cultivation can improve the ventilation and light transmittance in the field, promote the pomegranate trees to be strong, hang fruit early and have less disease.

2. Black spot

Black spot is also one of the diseases of pomegranate flowers, which mainly harms leaves. The leaves are susceptible with small black-brown spots at first and round or nearly round spots after expansion. Due to the limitation of leaf veins, a few lesions are square or polygonal, with a diameter of 2-3mm, and a few large spots can reach 3-4mm in diameter.

Control methods: generally spray the tree with 600-800 times liquid before the next spring pomegranate sprouts; before flowering, use protective fungicides such as 80% Dasheng M45 wettable powder 800 times solution, or 70% Antaisheng wettable powder 800 times solution, spray once every 2 weeks; after onset, choose 600-800 times solution such as 64% poison alum, 70% methyl topiramate, 3% polyantimycin, spray once in 7-10 days, and spray 3-4 times in a row. And pay attention to clear up after the rain and spray in time, so as to rotate the medicine and improve the efficacy.

3. Coal pollution disease

Coal fouling mainly harms the leaves and fruits of pomegranate flowers. The leaves or fruits are infected with black flake-like mycelium that can be erased, and a layer of bituminous coal adheres to the leaves, affecting photosynthesis. The main inducement of the disease is that insects feed on the host and excrete feces and their secretions. in addition, the disease is seriously caused by poor ventilation, high temperature and moisture retention.

Control methods: when pests such as shell insects and aphids are found, spray 0.9% chlorpyrifos EC 2000 times or 48% chlorpyrifos EC 1000 times in time. If necessary, spray 65% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times or 15% imidazole wettable powder 2500 times, once every 10 days or so, even for 2-3 times.

4. Dry rot

After pomegranate is infected with dry rot, flowers, fruits and branches can all be damaged, especially young fruits. Generally, light brown spots of bean grain size occur around the calyx tube, which gradually expand into dark brown spots in the middle and light brown edges, until the whole fruit rotates, which can cause early fruit drop, so timely prevention and control is particularly important.

Prevention and treatment methods: at the initial stage of the growing season, you can choose to spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800x liquid, 70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder 800x liquid, 4.5% cypermethrin 1500 times liquid and so on. During the dormant period, you can choose to spray 3-5 Baomedo stone sulfur mixture and 1% copper sulfate water agent.

Pomegranate flower pest control, Xiaobian introduced here, generally speaking, pomegranate flower is easy to raise, but if you do not maintain properly, there will still be pests and diseases to disturb it. After you understand the specific symptoms and prevention and control methods, you might as well take a look at the pomegranate flower culture methods and points for attention, according to the inside to do, basically can avoid diseases and insect pests.

With the improvement of people's living standards and cultural quality, flower appreciation and flower cultivation has become a fashion. Family flower cultivation is generally dominated by potted flowers. If you want to raise flowers well, you must master the knowledge of maintenance and management, especially the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Common diseases and insect pests in family flower cultivation and control 1. Disease 1. Yellow transparent spots appeared on the leaves of powdery mildew, then gradually spread to the whole leaf, powdery spots appeared, and the disease spots turned gray in the later stage. It mainly harms many kinds of flowers such as rose, rose, dahlia, chrysanthemum, peony, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, impatiens, wood and so on. 2. The yellow-brown sunken spot appeared on the leaf of anthracnose, and spread outward into dark brown round spot, or showed irregular patch on the leaf, and the leaf tip dried up and spread downward continuously. In the later stage, there are black dots on the disease spot, which are often arranged in a round pattern, and the leaves die when the disease is serious. It mainly harms orchids, rubber trees, roses, cacti, peonies, jasmine, carnation, anemone and other flowers. 3. Nearly round or irregular black spots appeared on the leaves affected by black spot, which gradually enlarged, and in severe cases, the leaves turned yellow, fell off, and even led to plant death. It mainly harms rose, rhododendron, camellia, cherry, elm leaf plum and other flowers. Prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in family flower cultivation 1. Agricultural control to strengthen cultivation management, appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, enhance plant disease resistance, and should remove diseases, fallen leaves and incineration as soon as possible, clean the environment to reduce transmission media, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission. 2. In the early stage of the disease, spraying 1RV 100 Bordeaux solution to prevent the occurrence and development of the disease; spraying antimicrobial agents 50% carbendazim, 50% carbendazim, 65% zinc, 75% chlorothalonil, 50% topiramine 500 times, 50% benzoate 1000 times. Common diseases and insect pests in family flower cultivation and control II, insect pests 1, aphids, also known as greasy insects, can occur all the year round, mainly harmful to three-leaf plum, chrysanthemum, pomegranate and so on. The leaves of the injured plants were curled and the branches and leaves turned yellow, resulting in a large number of leaves and flowers falling off, and in serious cases, the plants died quickly. Aphid control: soak red pepper 50g and water 30g / 50g for 24 hours, spray the damaged plants with its filtrate, the control effect is very good, or spray 40% dimethoate EC 2000 × 3000 times, 50% aphid pine EC 1000 times 1500 times or 80% dichlorvos EC 3000 times. Common diseases and insect pests in family flower cultivation and control 2. Red spiders, also known as fire dragon insects, occur for many generations a year. It mainly harms the leaves and petals of wild elm, sparrow plum, five-needle pine and so on. The body of a red spider is the size of a needle, crimson or purple, and only red dots can be seen with the naked eye. The leaves of the injured plants turned green and the leaf edges rolled upward, resulting in scorching and shedding, causing the buds to atrophy in the early stage and die in severe cases. Control method: soak the citrus peel with 50g 0.5kg and add water for 24 hours, spray the plant after filtration, or spray 1500 times of dicofol or 2000 times of omethoate for control. When spraying, the leaf surface and leaf back should be sprayed together for better effect. A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

Flower appreciation, flower cultivation has become a fashion, family flower cultivation is generally based on potted flowers. If you want to raise flowers well, you must master the knowledge of conservation and management, especially the three key technologies of watering, fertilization and pest control. Today, Brother Earth has sorted out a complete strategy for raising flowers for everyone. Flower friends remember to collect them well!

1. Selection of watering quality

Family flower watering often uses tap water, but tap water contains disinfectant bleaching powder, in which chloride ion is easy to hurt the young root hairs of potted flowers, which must be stored for 1 to 2 days. After chlorine volatilization, the water temperature is close to the soil temperature before it can be used to water flowers. Due to the natural arrangement of water molecules, magnetized water has been disturbed by the magnetic field, which is similar to the water molecules in plant cells, and is easy to be absorbed and utilized by plants, so it is best for potted flowers to pour magnetized water.

Water quantity

The principle of watering is "pour thoroughly, pour thoroughly without leakage", that is, each time until the water seeps from the plate under the basin. In addition, it should be determined according to the size, depth and texture of the flowerpot. Small basin shallow, watering should be less frequently; mud basin seepage is good, basin soil is easy to dry, should be watered frequently; stone basin, glaze basin is not easy to seep, long-term stagnant water, flowers will rot.

Different flowers and trees have different watering periods. One is the wet rather than dry type, which means that when the basin soil is completely dry, the flowers and trees will be damaged and withered, and this kind of flowers and trees should be fully watered when the basin soil is slightly dry, such as iron line fern, Phoenix tail fern, etc.; the second is the dry rather than wet type, which refers to the flowers and trees that are watered after the basin soil is dry, such as cactus, aloe, etc.; the third is the wet type, which refers to the flowers and trees that are immediately watered by 3cm on the surface of the basin soil, such as turtle back bamboo, green apple and so on.

Watering varies from season to season. When the spring is cold and warm and the weather is changeable, the potted flowers begin to sprout and take root, requiring a large amount of water, so as to keep the basin soil moist; dry in summer, evaporate quickly, and double watering; water should be watered less in autumn to avoid excessive growth of flowers and branches, affecting the blooming of the second year; in winter, most flowers and trees are dormant and keep the pot soil slightly dry.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

Watering time

The time of watering flowers varies every day in spring, summer, autumn and winter. As the flower proverb goes, "morning water is nectar, fire water is arsenic, and evening water is life-saving soup." That is to say, in the spring and autumn season, about 10:00 in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon is the appropriate time to water flowers, but do not water flowers at noon in summer. The temperature is the highest at noon in midsummer, and the difference between basin soil and water temperature is the greatest. At this time, watering flowers can easily hinder the normal physiological activities of the root system, weaken the water absorption of the root system, produce physiological drought, and wilt the branches and leaves. By the same token, flowers should be watered at noon in winter. In short, "Spring watering noon, summer watering morning and evening, autumn watering the next day, winter watching frequently."

Watering method

Potted flowers must be chiseled loose before watering, so that the irrigated water can be absorbed in time so that it will not emerge from the edge of the basin. It is best to pour water evenly with a fine-hole spray can. The watering of small pots of flowers had better take the method of basin soaking, that is, put the flowerpots into the larger water basin, make the water seep into the basin soil from the drainage hole, and move out after the surface of the basin soil is slightly wet, which can prevent the pot soil from hardening due to watering, which is beneficial to the root respiration of potted flowers. General negative foliage potted flowers in the special environment of the dry room, coupled with the cover of dust, it is often difficult to show bright colors. In addition to regular irrigation, we should also adopt the foliar spraying method of sprinkling water to wash dust and spray to moisten the leaves. This method can also cool down the summer potted flowers at high temperature at noon, and continue to bloom well for half-summer dormancy flowers.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

2. Fertilization

Fertilizer type

Organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer formed by the processing and ripening of seeds, organs, residues or excreta of all kinds of plants and animals, such as human feces and urine, livestock and poultry dung, cake, dregs, weeds and green manure. Organic fertilizer is a late-acting fertilizer with complete nutrients and long fertilizer effect. It must be fermented and ripened before use.

Inorganic fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizers are fertilizers made from chemical synthesis or natural ore processing, such as urea, calcium superphosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. The fertilizer effect of inorganic fertilizer is fast, but the nutrient is simple, and the fertilizer effect is not long. Fertilizer is single, but if it is used alone for a long time, it will harden the basin soil and it is better to use it in conjunction with organic fertilizer.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

adequate manuring

The principle of fertilization is timely and appropriate amount. Timely refers to flowers when needed to apply, if found that the color of flower leaves become light, or when the plant growth is weak, it is timely to apply fertilizer. Appropriate amount should be achieved at all times. Excessive fertilization will affect the growth and development of flowers. Too much nitrogen fertilizer, plants easy to grow, stems and leaves weak, affecting flowering and fruiting, and vulnerable to diseases and insect pests; too much phosphate fertilizer, will hinder the growth of flowers, affect flowering and fruiting; too much potash fertilizer, low plants, wrinkled brown leaves, and even wilt.

Fertilization should be changed according to the growing period of flowers and seedlings. When growing rapidly in the seedling stage, more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be applied to make the stems and branches stout and the root system developed; before flowering and budding, more phosphate fertilizer should be applied to promote large flowers, beautiful color and full buds; spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate after color penetration and thanks can prevent falling flowers and buds; during flowering and early fruit setting, it is necessary to control fertilizer and water, otherwise it is easy to drop flowers and fruits.

The concentration of fertilizer should be changed according to the change of season. The winter temperature is low, the plant growth is slow, most flowers grow in dormant or semi-dormant state, generally do not apply fertilizer. The spring and autumn season is the peak growing season, so more topdressing should be appropriate. High temperature in summer, rapid evaporation of water, exuberant growth of flowers, adhere to the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer. The application of organic fertilizer must be fully ripened. The concentration of chemical fertilizer should not be too high to prevent flowers from "burning".

The fertilization time is different in different seasons. Fertilization should be applied in the evening in summer and around noon in winter. General fertilization can be applied before dry or rainy weather in sunny days, but not after rain and continuous rainy days; when the climate is warm and hot, it is not applied when the climate is hot or cold; when the climate is hot or cold, it is semi-dormant or dormant; when the basin soil is dry, it is not applied when it is wet; the old basin soil is applied more, but the new basin soil is applied less; the base fertilizer is applied less, and there is no base fertilizer or not enough.

Fertilize according to the characteristics of flowers. Flowers dominated by foliage, such as pine, bamboo, orchid, etc., are mainly nitrogen fertilizer, which can promote the growth of branches and leaves and have a thick green color. Flowers that mainly watch flowers and enjoy fruits need more fertilizers. When growing branches and leaves, fertilizers based on nitrogen fertilizer are applied once or twice, and in the stages of flower bud differentiation, flower bud formation and growth before flowering, fertilizers based on phosphate fertilizer should be applied to make the flowers multiply and fruit luxuriantly. Generally speaking, for newly transplanted flowers with disease, do not apply fertilizer for the time being; it is best not to apply fertilizer to flowers in the flowering period, so as not to wither and fall the buds and flowers.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

Fertilization method

Base fertilizer. The application of base fertilizer generally adopts two methods: one is to cultivate flowers after uniformly mixing the fertilizer with the cultivated soil (about 1:9) according to a certain proportion, which can not only improve the physical properties of the soil, but also supply the nutritional needs of the whole period of flower growth. The second is to put a little fertilizer on the pot, change the basin or turn the basin into the bottom of the basin, generally not more than the basin soil 1 big 10, and above to cover a layer of soil, and then plant flowers.

Top dressing. Topdressing generally uses two methods: one is soil application, that is, fertilizer is applied directly into the soil. Topdressing liquid fertilizer should first be diluted and sprayed into the basin soil, while topdressing solid fertilizer can be evenly sprinkled on the surface of the basin soil, and then covered with a layer of soil. Pay attention to watering after fertilization to facilitate absorption. Second, foliar spraying, also known as extra-root topdressing, has the advantages of saving fertilizer and quick effect. It is usually used in the peak period of flower growth or when there is a lack of certain elements. Generally, inorganic fertilizers with a concentration of 0.1% to 0.5% are sprayed in the morning or evening when there is no wind, so as to make the leaves moist, the most commonly used are urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium superphosphate, ferrous sulfate and so on.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

3. Control of common diseases and insect pests


① powdery mildew. Diagnosis of powdery mildew: yellow transparent spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then gradually spread to the whole leaf. Powdery mildew spots appeared and the disease spots turned gray in the later stage. It mainly harms many kinds of flowers such as rose, rose, dahlia, chrysanthemum, peony, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, impatiens, wood and so on.

② anthrax. Diagnosis of anthracnose: yellow-brown sunken spots appeared on the leaves, and spread outward into dark brown patches, or irregular patches on the leaves, and the leaf tips dried up and spread downward continuously. In the later stage, there are black dots on the disease spot, which are often arranged in a round pattern, and the leaves die when the disease is serious. It mainly harms orchids, rubber trees, roses, cacti, peonies, jasmine, carnation, anemone and other flowers.

③ black spot. Diagnosis of black spot: nearly round or irregular black spots appeared on the damaged leaves, which gradually enlarged, and in severe cases, the leaves turned yellow, fell off, and even led to plant death. It mainly harms rose, rhododendron, camellia, cherry, elm leaf plum and other flowers.

A complete set of family flower cultivation techniques, hand-in-hand to teach you "watering, fertilization, pest control"

Prevention and control methods:

① agricultural control. Strengthen cultivation management, properly increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, enhance plant disease resistance, and should remove disease and fallen leaves as soon as possible, and incineration, clean the environment, reduce transmission media; pay attention to ventilation and light transmission.

② chemical control. At the initial stage of the disease, spray 1ve1ve100 Bordeaux solution to prevent the occurrence and development of the disease; spray antimicrobial agents 50% carbendazim, 50% carbendazim, 65% zinc, 75% chlorothalonil, 50% topiramate 500 times, 50% benzoate 1000 times.

Insect pest

① aphids. Aphids, also known as greasy insects, can occur all the year round, mainly to harm three-leaf plum, chrysanthemum, pomegranate and so on. The leaves of the injured plants were curled and the branches and leaves turned yellow, resulting in a large number of leaves and flowers falling off, and in serious cases, the plants died quickly.

Control method: soak red pepper 50g, water 30g 50g for 24 hours, spray the damaged plant with its filtrate, the control effect is very good, or spray 40% dimethoate EC 2000g 3000 times, 50% aphid pine, 1000 times 1500 times EC or 80% dichlorvos EC 3000 times.

② red spider. Red spiders, also known as fire dragon bugs, occur for many generations a year. It mainly harms the leaves and petals of wild elm, sparrow plum, five-needle pine and so on. The body of a red spider is the size of a needle, crimson or purple, and only red dots can be seen with the naked eye. The leaves of the injured plants turned green and the leaf edges rolled upward, resulting in scorching and shedding, causing the buds to atrophy in the early stage and die in severe cases.

Control method: soak citrus peel with 50g 0.5kg with water for 24 hours, spray the plant after filtration, or spray 1500 times of dicofol or 2000 times of omethoate for control. When spraying, the leaf surface and back should be sprayed together for better effect.