
What about evergreen worms? evergreen pest control (it is easy to grow insects in wet places)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Evergreen leaves are green all the year round, but if they are not taken care of properly, the leaves will turn yellow or rot. So how should we treat evergreen diseases and insect pests? What about the worms that grow forever? If evergreen is sick, he will have the following symptoms

1. The solution of evergreen worms

Evergreen leaves are green all the year round, but if they are not taken good care of, they will turn yellow or rot. So how should we treat evergreen diseases and insect pests? What about the worms that grow forever? If evergreen is sick, it will have the following symptoms, and the treatment for each symptom is also different. Let's take a look at it together:

Brown soft scale insect

What about the worms that grow forever? Many are likely to grow this kind of insect, this insect feeding complex, can harm many plants, evergreen is one of the injured flowers. When brown soft scale harms plants, it is generally clustered on the leaves or tender leaves, sucking plant sap and excreting mucus at the same time. Its excretion can easily cause a large number of coal fouling bacteria to multiply, blacken stems and leaves, affect plant photosynthesis, and cause weak growth potential. Leaves withered and yellow, hindering viewing. When the occurrence is serious, the branches and stems are covered with insect bodies, resulting in the withering and yellowing of the plant and affecting the growth.

Prevention and control methods of evergreen diseases and insect pests: the branches and leaves of evergreen need to be cut off, such as 2000 times of fenvalerate, 1000 times of fenitrothion EC, 1000 times of monocrotophos EC, 1000 times of omethoate EC and so on.

Second, evergreen disease and insect pest control 1. Leaf spot

Leaf spot disease occurs on evergreen leaves, especially in humid weather. The disease spot is straight brown spot at first, the periphery is water-immersed fade green, and shows wheel-like expansion, round to oval, the edge of brown inside gray-white. In the later stage, black-brown mildew spots appeared in the center of the lesion, and turned into a dark-brown mildew layer under wet conditions.

Evergreen pest control method: timely removal of disease and residual leaves, 0.5% of Bordeaux solution (or 50% carbendazim 1000 times) can be sprayed in the early or later stage of the disease.

2. Anthrax

The disease also occurs on the leaves of the evergreen, which is the most frightening compared to the evergreen worms, and can spread to the petiole in severe cases. In the initial stage, the plaque showed a flooded small macula, and after expansion, it was oval to irregular brown or yellowish brown, slightly rimmed, and in the later stage, the plaque became dry and produced small black spots arranged in wheel patterns.

Solution: the main reason for this disease is poor ventilation, and it is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when it is harmed by shell insects. The way to prevent and cure the disease is to strengthen maintenance and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; at the initial stage of the disease, 0.3% Mel 0.5% Bordeaux solution (or 60% Dysen zinc 800,900 times, or 70% topiramine 1500 times) can be sprayed.

Third, evergreen bogey strong light in summer

Evergreen, sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid summer bright light. The key to raising evergreen is to avoid direct sunlight when the summer weather is hot and the sun is strong. Otherwise, it is easy to cause dry tip and scorched edge of leaves or even withered and yellow, affecting the ornamental effect. Therefore, after coming out of the room in early spring, it is appropriate to put it under the shaded scaffolding or under the eaves or balcony to prevent the rain. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, watering should not be too frequent in spring and autumn, and watering should be controlled in winter.

Ten thousand young people are fleshy roots, so they are most afraid of stagnant water. if they are watered too much, they are easy to rot. But must keep the air moist, such as dry air, but also prone to dry leaves and other adverse phenomena. In spring and autumn, applying rotten cake fertilizer and water every 3 to 4 weeks can make the plant grow healthily and the leaves green. In addition, a few pieces of the old leaves on the periphery of the adult plant should be cut off before and after the Beginning of Summer to facilitate the germination of new buds, new leaves and flowering flowers. Do you know what to do about evergreen worms and the analysis of evergreen pest control methods?

What about the evergreen worms in Guangdong? the prevention and control of five common diseases and insect pests of evergreen in Guangdong.

As a common foliage plant, the breeding method of Guangdong evergreen is not difficult, and it looks good, so it is kept at home by many people. However, there are many novice farmers, they simply do not follow the method of systematic maintenance, as a result, the plant worms get sick. So, what about the evergreen worms in Guangdong? In this regard, the editor summed up five kinds of Guangdong evergreen common diseases and insect pests, let's go and have a look!

Guangdong evergreen worms are sprayed with medicine.

Back home, looking at the big green leaves of Guangdong evergreen, the fatigue of human eyes will be relieved for a moment. However, beautiful things, we need to take good care of, once improper breeding, Guangdong evergreen worms get sick, will seriously affect the ornamental. As for what to do with the evergreen worms in Guangdong, it is actually very simple to determine the specific insect pests, and then solve the problem by spraying.

II. Pest control of evergreen in Guangdong

1. Brown soft scale

When it comes to Guangdong evergreen worms, it is generally brown soft scale. The insect is small and often gathers together, which mainly damages the leaves of the plant, affects the photosynthesis of the plant, and causes the leaves of Guangdong evergreen to turn yellow and hinder the ornamental.

Control method: when brown soft scale is found, it can be brushed off with a brush, and then rinsed with water; then 50% omethoate emulsion or 50% long-acting phosphorus can be sprayed, and the control effect can be achieved at one time.

2. Red spider

One of the mites, it is also one of the common pests of evergreen in Guangdong. The insect often occurs when the ventilation is poor, which will harm the top of the plant, causing the top of Guangdong evergreen to turn reddish brown and have cobwebs, affecting the growth and development of the plant.

Prevention and control methods: after discovering diseases and insects, you can use enemy killing to deal with them, and you can also spray anti-mite 25% EC 800x solution, 73% acarate 2000 times liquid and other drugs.

3. Leaf spot

When the indoor temperature fluctuates greatly in a short period of time, or too much watering during the dormant period, Guangdong evergreen is easy to suffer from leaf spot disease. When the disease occurs, the leaves of Guangdong evergreen will appear many small brown spots, and in serious cases, the spots will spread all over the leaves.

Prevention and treatment methods: when the above diseases are found, remove the diseased leaves in time and destroy them centrally, so as to reduce the source of the disease; then spray 65% Dysen zinc 500 times or 25% nitrilazole EC 800 times for prevention and treatment, every 10 to 15 days, spraying the solution twice can be effective.

4. Anthrax

When it comes to what diseases Guangdong evergreen will suffer from, anthracnose is an indispensable disease that mainly harms leaves. At the beginning, several yellowish, dark brown or light gray areas will appear in the affected areas. With the passage of time, it will infect stems and branches and seriously affect the growth of plants.

Prevention and treatment methods: when the above diseases are found, cut off the diseased leaves in time and burn them centrally in order to reduce the source of the disease; in severe cases, spray 1000 times of carbendazim or 1000 times of methyl topiramate for antisepsis, which can be effective after 2-3 times.

5. Brown spot

In addition to the above diseases and insect pests, brown spot is also a common disease among thousands of young people in Guangdong. The disease mainly harms leaves, resulting in grass-yellow wet disease spots on the edge and tip of leaves; in severe cases, leaf spots expand and turn into brown macula, affecting plant growth and reducing ornamental value.

Prevention and treatment methods: when the above diseases are found, spraying should be applied. 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600-800 times, or 50% methyl carbendazim and sulfur suspension 600-800 times, alternately sprayed 3 to 4 times, once every 7 to 8 days, has a better control effect.

About Guangdong evergreen pest control, the editor introduced here, I believe you encounter Guangdong evergreen worms or illness, you should know how to do it! Generally speaking, without paying attention, Guangdong evergreen is easy to be disturbed by diseases and insect pests, so we must take good care of it. As long as this is the case, bugs will not come to us. Finally, I wish everyone's Guangdong evergreen can grow beautiful ~

What to do with the evergreen worms? the prevention and control of six common diseases and insect pests.

Back home, looking at the speckled broad leaves of evergreen, the fatigue of human eyes was relieved for a moment. However, beautiful things, we need to take good care of, once improper breeding, mosaic evergreen worms get sick, will seriously affect the ornamental. So, what about the evergreen bugs with flowers and leaves? Here are 6 kinds of common pest control of evergreen flowers and leaves. Go in and have a look!

I. evergreen worms with flowers and leaves, sprayed with medicine

In the process of the growth of evergreen flowers and leaves, due to a variety of reasons, the plant will inevitably cause disease and insect damage. The main diseases are: leaf spot, brown spot, anthracnose and root rot; insect pests are: shell insects, red spiders, etc., once found, we should immediately spray control. As for what medicine to spray, let's move on.

II. Pest control of evergreen flowers and leaves

1. Scale insects

The scale insect is the most common pest on evergreen flowers and leaves. It is small in size, often gathers together and secretes wax. It looks like a pile of white wax powder, which destroys the ornamental quality of plants. The insect is often clustered in branches and leaves, and the absorption of plant sap will cause the leaves of evergreen leaves to turn yellow, and in serious cases, it will cause branches to wither or the whole plant to die.

Control methods: when there are few scale insects, just pick them off with a stick and crush them to death. When there are many diseases and insect pests, spray dichlorvos 1000-15000 times, or 50% marathon emulsion 1000 times for prevention and control.

2. Red spider

Mites are arachnid pests, which are one of the common pests that endanger evergreen flowers and leaves. The insect often occurs when the ventilation is poor, which can harm the top of the plant, causing the top of the evergreen leaves to turn reddish brown and have cobwebs, affecting the growth and development of the plant.

Prevention and control methods: after discovering diseases and insects, you can use enemy killing to deal with them, and you can also spray anti-mite 25% EC 800x solution, 73% acarate 2000 times liquid and other drugs.

3. Leaf spot

When indoor temperature fluctuates greatly in a short period of time, or too much watering during dormancy, evergreen flowers and leaves are easy to suffer from leaf spot disease. When the disease occurs, there will be many small brown spots on the leaves of the evergreen leaves, and in serious cases, the spots will spread all over the leaves.

Prevention and control methods: timely removal of diseased leaves and centralized destruction, in order to reduce the source of the disease; spray 65% Dysen zinc 500 times or 25% nitrilazol EC 800 times to prevent and cure the disease, spraying twice every 10 to 15 days can be effective.

4. Brown spot

One of the diseases and insect pests of evergreen flowers and leaves, which mainly harms leaves. When the disease occurs, grass-yellow wet disease spots will appear on the edge and tip of the diseased leaves; in severe cases, the leaf spots expand and turn into brown macula, which affects the plant growth and reduces the ornamental value.

Prevention and treatment methods: when the above diseases are found, spray should be used to prevent and cure the above diseases. 50% carbendazim can be used as 600-800 times liquid, or 50% methyl carbendazim and sulfur suspension 600-800 times. Spraying alternately for 3 to 4 times and once every 7 to 8 days has a better control effect.

5. Anthrax

To say that the flower and leaf evergreen will suffer from any disease, anthracnose is indispensable, it mainly harms the fleshy stem, making the stem appear disease spot. The spots formed by the disease are large, 2-3cm in diameter, semicircular or oval in shape, brown in color and grayish-white in later stages.

Prevention and treatment: after anthracnose is found, remove the lesion immediately and smear it with copper oxychloride solvent every 5 days; if the disease is not long, use 30% copper oxychloride to fuse 70% mancozeb, smear every 10 days, spray 2-3 times.

6. Root rot

In the growth process of evergreen flowers and leaves, because watering is stable, beginners are easy to encounter plant root rot. When the disease occurs, the leaves of evergreen begin to wither and die, and when storing the corm, the corm is easy to rot and become hard.

Prevention and treatment: when the above diseases are found, if the condition is mild, you can spray 500 times Dysen zinc solution; if the rot is serious, the seed ball has been seriously degraded and directly thrown away.

Conclusion: in order to appreciate the beauty of evergreen flowers and leaves, we should strictly follow the cultivation methods of evergreen flowers and leaves to maintain. Of course, the emergence of diseases and pests, we do not have to rush, according to the above prevention and control methods to solve, on the evergreen flower and leaf pest control, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.