
What to do when roses grow insects? control of common diseases and insect pests in roses / 2 insect pests and 4 diseases

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Everyone who has seen the beauty of the rose knows that it is not only beautiful in shape, but also beautiful in meaning, symbolizing romantic love. However, if the flower lovers do not follow the method of planting roses, the leaves will turn yellow and withered, and the long insects will come to the door, then what will happen to the roses?

Everyone who has seen the beauty of the rose knows that it is not only beautiful in shape, but also beautiful in meaning, symbolizing romantic love. However, if the flower friends do not follow the method of planting roses, the leaves will turn yellow and withered, and the long insects will come to the door, then what about the roses? The following is the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of roses carefully arranged by the editor. Let's have a look!

First, the rose worm how to do, to find the cause

The rose is beautiful in its flowers, but once it is targeted by worms, the leaves will turn yellow, dry up, or even die. As a result, the flowers will not bloom, and the ornamental will be basically beautiful. Therefore, once rose worms are found, flower friends are vigilant, and in the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in roses, there are mainly two kinds of insect pests, red spiders and aphids. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Aphids

As one of the common pests of flowers, aphids appear all the year round, endangering the growth of roses. It is understood that aphids mainly harm the young branches and leaves of roses, and the symptoms are as follows: light ones, rose leaves lose green, heavy ones, rose leaves curl, become hard and brittle, can not absorb nutrients, affect flowering.

Solution: after aphids are found, omethoate should be sprayed immediately. However, aphids focus on prevention, in the peak period of germination, flower friends should be sprayed with a variety of insecticides have a better control effect, the key spraying site is the growth point and the back of leaves.

2. Red spider

The insect is one of the diseases and insect pests of roses. It mainly gathers on the back of the leaves of roses and absorbs plant sap. Symptoms of damage: chlorophyll in rose leaves decreases, photosynthesis weakens, and the plant stops growing over time.

Solution: at the initial stage of occurrence, the mite can be sprayed with 600x liquid spray; if there are few red spiders, you can directly remove the leaves and clean them up; when the red spiders are long, you can use 2000 times of triclofenac EC to spray and spray several times more.

II. Control of diseases and insect pests of roses-4 diseases

What to do when the roses grow worms? after reading the above, we should know how to do it! However, in addition to being attacked by insects, the disease also endangers roses all the time, and among the diseases and insect pests of roses, there are mainly four kinds of insect pests, namely, powdery mildew, downy mildew, branch blight and black spot. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Powdery mildew

One of the common diseases of roses, it mostly occurs in tender leaves, and the symptoms are as follows: the leaves show protuberance, the color of the convex part becomes lighter and there is white powder, the leaves form uneven and gradually curl up, the bacteria spread, and the whole back of the leaf is covered with a layer of gray mold.

Solution: at the initial stage of the disease, spray 1500 times of the wettable powder, or spray 0.02-0.03% potassium permanganate solution, spray once every 7-10 days, and then be cured several times in a row. In addition, flower friends should cut off the diseased branches and leaves as soon as possible to reduce the chance of retransmission.

2. Downy mildew

Another disease of roses, which mainly harms the leaves, shoots, stems, pedicels and petals of roses. Symptoms of damage: the leaves turn purple to brownish black, then gradually wither or fall off, and the diseased shoots dry up. In addition, similar spots will appear in the flowers, pedicels and petals of roses after being infected.

Solution: after the above symptoms are found, 72% Krou should be sprayed in time. In order to put an end to the occurrence of the disease, flower friends had better choose disease-resistant varieties before breeding, and careful maintenance, pay attention to ventilation, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer.

3. Black spot

The disease mainly harms the leaves of roses, and when it is serious, it will cause the leaves of the plants to fall off. Symptoms of the disease: black spots of different sizes appear on the leaves, then expand and show yellowish brown or dark purple, and finally become grayish brown, when the new shoots die seriously.

Solution: spraying 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times at the initial stage of the disease, or spraying 50% Dysenamine 1000 times, both are effective. In addition, after the discovery of the disease, you should spray as little water as possible, only when the weather begins to warm up in the morning, so as to avoid wetting the leaves for a long time.

4. Withered branch disease

Withered branch disease, one of the common diseases of roses, mainly harms the branches and can seriously lead to paper shrinkage and death, so it needs to be carefully prevented. Symptoms of the disease: at the initial stage, there are small red spots, and then they turn black. in severe cases, the disease spot ring cuts the stem, and the branches below the disease part atrophy and die.

Solution: in autumn and winter, flower friends should thoroughly cut off the diseased branches and concentrate on burning. After the discovery of the disease, 25% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 600x liquid, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 1000 times.

How to do all over the sky, how to control the diseases and insect pests (diluted and sprayed with wind oil essence) 1. How to do all over the sky, spray after dilution.

Prevention: worms can grow on any plant, including some common green plants that are domesticated. Mantianxing can also be planted indoors, and it can grow worms. Many netizens do not know what to do with the star-growing insects in the sky, in fact, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is very simple, diluted with essential oil or sprayed with washing powder.

The phenomenon of pest control is rare, generally occasional aphids or snails. At this point, you can use wind oil essence dilution or neutral washing powder to spray, this method can kill aphids. For snails, it can be sprayed in the basin soil with Miaoling granules. Pay attention to the root rot disease to prevent the phenomenon of stagnant water in the basin soil, and with green cream copper EC or root rot Ling 800 times liquid can be irrigated.

Because the full sky star growth is relatively rapid, the market is also mostly cultivated for cut flowers, the time is relatively short, there will be no insect pests. And it can be cultivated all the year round, generally in spring, autumn and winter, and the summer weather is muggy and rainy, and the survival rate is higher.

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

1. Common diseases and pests: there are few pests in the sky, including aphids, mites and red spiders, whose harmful symptoms are basically the same, mainly harmful to leaves, and a large number of insects will gather on the flowers when they are serious. When the disease occurs, the branches are removed in time, or sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC, or 1000 times of dicofol and 1500 times of fenvalerate.

Mantianxing is mainly harmful to leaf spot disease. It can be sprayed with 600 times of 65% zinc wettable powder. Stem rot and atrophy are fatal diseases. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected with formaldehyde solution. What about the star worms all over the sky? now you know!

Third, the art of flower arrangement full of stars

1. The snow-white fluffy flowers are so small and light that they are often regarded as a supporting role in floral art, matching with roses and Platycodon grandiflorum as a typical bouquet of love. In fact, simply appreciate the star is also very distinctive, its bundles of tight as the main flower to insert the bottle, you can immediately feel a relaxed and lively atmosphere. It can also be made into dried flowers after natural air drying. The whole plant can be dyed and embossed for more use.

2. The star is generally used as the lining of the main flower, which is often called the "bridesmaid flower". With its foil, the main flower becomes more colorful. Just like the supporting role in the film, only against the background of the supporting role, the protagonist will be more vivid and fuller, and the protagonist and the supporting role will be interdependent and complement each other, so that the theme can be expressed incisively and vividly.

3, the full sky star its flowers and leaves are small, each blossom is like the sky full of stars, dense, very beautiful. It rarely suffers from diseases and insect pests, but there are still some more common diseases and insect pests. The above is the flower encyclopedia editor for you to introduce how to do, as well as the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The cultivation methods of rose flowers have skills to teach you a few simple points.

The rose is very beautiful, and it is also known as "the red moon", or even the "queen of the flowers". Rose flowers are not tall, but they bloom year after year, with bright red, pink, crimson, yellow, white and so on. They are not as petite as roses or as dazzling as roses. They always bloom in pieces and form a "sea" of flowers in the yard. How many girls don't want to have such a garden full of rose flowers?

Rose not only has ornamental value, but also has medicinal value, it can be drunk in water, can be used as a dish ingredient, can be used as a medicine introduction, and so on, because it has the effect of promoting blood circulation and detumescence, anti-inflammation and detoxification, beauty and beauty. Chinese rose can be planted in pieces or potted, and it is also very convenient to raise and plant.

The first is the choice of soil. The soil for growing Chinese rose must be soft sandy soil, whether it is directly cultivated or potted, it needs appropriate fertile soil. So we can plant rose in the soil and on the appropriate fertilizer, wood scraps and so on.

Then transplant the rose seedlings bought back. Generally, the roots of seedlings bought from the market are wrapped, so you don't have to shake them off, just gently take them out and put them into the nest (the soil wrapped around the roots is fertilizer wrapped by the master who raised the seedlings), covered with soil and watered thoroughly.

Then find a way to make it survive and sprout smoothly. To be clear until what the rose is missing, apply fertilizer to whatever elements are missing; pay attention to pruning the branches, cut off the askew branches, and let the good branches absorb sufficient nutrients.

Finally, we should pay attention to get rid of the disease. Rose flowers because of dense branches and leaves are more likely to get sick long insects (such as green insects, aphids, black spot, etc.), so we should pay attention to pots some potions and supplement appropriate elements. At the same time, we should pay attention to pruning the rose, not only to make it look better, but also to increase the circulation of air between the rose and prevent insect pests.