
What to do with the growth of rhododendron insects? pest control of rhododendron / 4 insect pests and 5 diseases

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rhododendron, named after the cuckoo singing blood, is a very beautiful flower, which is one of the top ten famous flowers in China and is loved by flower friends. However, because of improper maintenance, many people's azaleas will be invaded by diseases and insect pests, so what if the azaleas grow bugs? First of all, we need to calm down, and then find the cause.

Rhododendron, named after the cuckoo singing blood, is a very beautiful flower, which is one of the top ten famous flowers in China and is loved by flower friends. However, because of improper maintenance, many people's azaleas will be invaded by diseases and insect pests, so what if the azaleas grow bugs? First of all, we should calm down, then find the cause, and finally solve the problem. The following is the pest control of azaleas, follow the editor to have a look.

First, the rhododendron bug how to do, to find the cause

No matter how beautiful the flowers are, after being bitten by insects, there is basically nothing to watch, so once the azaleas are found, flower friends should solve the problem immediately. As for the rhododendron bug, it is the key to find out what kind of bug it is. It is understood that there are four main kinds of rhododendron pests, red spiders, military insects, aphids and short-whisker moths. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Red spider

As one of the main pests of flowers, red spiders also endanger the azaleas. Once they are not properly maintained, they will be entangled by them and cause great headaches. It is understood that red spiders mainly gather on the back of the rhododendron leaves to absorb the sap of the plant. The symptom of being attacked by it: the leaves have gray spots. In severe cases, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the tree potential weakens.

Solution: when a small number of red spiders are found, the leaves should be removed in time and cleaned up; when red spiders are long, 2000 times triclofenac EC can be used to spray and spray several times more.

2. Military worms

This insect is also one of the pests of azaleas, it is very small, it is difficult to detect with the naked eye, mainly in the azaleas behind the leaves to suck leaf liquid. Symptoms of being attacked by military insects: rhododendron leaves appear yellow-and-white spots, which can seriously cause leaves to fall off.

3. Aphids

When it comes to the diseases and insect pests of azaleas, everyone will think of aphids, because as long as it is a flower, it will cause damage. It is understood that aphids mainly harm the young branches and leaves of rhododendron, and the symptoms: light ones can make the leaves lose green, while heavy ones can make the leaves curl, become hard and brittle, can not absorb nutrients, and affect flowering.

Solution: after aphids are found, omethoate should be sprayed immediately. However, aphids focus on prevention, so flower friends should spray stone sulfur mixture once after winter to kill the eggs.

4. Cuckoo slug

Another kind of rhododendron pest, mainly harms the roots of plants, sometimes also harms leaves. If raised outdoors, slugs usually appear from July to September; if they are raised indoors, slugs harm azaleas all year round.

Solution: because the slug is afraid of light and is active at 10-11:00 at night, florists can illuminate it with strong light and kill it in 2-3 hours.

II. Control of diseases and insect pests of rhododendron-5 diseases

What should we do when the rhododendron grows? we should know how to do it after reading the above content. However, in addition to being attacked by insects, the disease also endangers azaleas all the time. It is understood that there are five main diseases of azaleas, including leaf swelling, gray mold, brown spot, yellowing and root rot. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Rhododendron leaf swelling disease

The disease is one of the common diseases of rhododendron, which mainly harms flower buds, tender leaves and new shoots. Symptoms: the color of rhododendron leaves will change, beginning with a light yellow translucent round spot, then yellowish brown, and then the back of the leaf is thick and swollen. In severe cases, the disease spots are continuous and the deformities are hypertrophy.

Solution: when the above diseases are found, diseased leaves and diseased branches should be removed in time; after the disease is serious, 80% Dysen zinc wettable powder can be sprayed 700 times, once every 7-10 days, and will soon recover.

2. Botrytis cinerea

Another common disease of rhododendron, which is mainly harmful to leaves and flower organs. Symptoms: necrotic spots appear on the petals and quickly expand into large interconnected spots.

Solution: after the above symptoms are found, the diseased leaves and flowers should be removed in time; after the disease is serious, 1000 times of chloronitramine should be sprayed for treatment.

3. Rhododendron brown spot

The disease often occurs in the rainy season and high humidity weather, and it is one of the main diseases of rhododendron. Symptoms: small brown spots will appear on the leaves, and large irregular spots will be formed gradually, followed by leaf shedding.

Solution: before the rhododendron was found to suffer from the disease, organic fertilizer or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied in time to enhance the disease resistance of the plant. After discovery, the leaves should be removed and Bordeaux liquid should be sprayed.

4. Rhododendron chlorosis

Rhododendron chlorosis is mainly caused by iron deficiency and usually occurs in areas where the soil is alkaline. Symptoms of the disease: in the early stage, the plant will be late green; in severe cases, the edge of the leaf will be scorched yellow.

Solution: it is found that the yellowing of the plant is serious. Flower friends can poke several 15cm holes with chopsticks in the basin soil and irrigate them with ferrous sulfate solution at 1:30, which can greatly increase the iron element in the soil.

5. Azalea root rot

One of the five common diseases of rhododendron. Symptoms: Brown watery spots appeared in the rhizome, gradually wet rot in the later stage, and gradually spread upward.

Solution: after the disease is found, fungicides should be sprayed in time, and in serious cases, the plant can be removed from the pot to clean the roots.

What to do with the growth of rhododendron leaves? pest control of rhododendron / 2 insect pests and 2 diseases

In the process of cultivating western rhododendrons, what we are most afraid of is the problems of diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to the plants, which not only affect the ornamental quality, but also lead to the phenomenon of withering and dying of the plants if they are not treated for a long time. What about the leaf worms of the western rhododendrons? What should be done to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of rhododendron? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, what to do with the leaf worms of the western rhododendron

If we want to know what to do with the leaf worms of the western rhododendron, we must first understand what kind of insect it looks like, so that we can deal with it pertinently, because the treatment methods of each kind of diseases and insect pests are different. The details are introduced in the following column of pest control of western rhododendron. Let's take a look.

II. Disease and pest control of rhododendron

Insect pest

1. Red spider

Among the diseases and insect pests of the western cuckoo, the red spider is a relatively common one, and its high incidence period is around May every year, so at this time we must pay special attention to it. When this kind of pest occurs on the plant, the leaves will gradually turn yellow and white, and if it does not come out for a long time, it will also lead to the phenomenon of wilting of the plant.

Control method: in the control of red spiders, we can use trichloroprodragonol 1000 times solution to spray it.

two。 Aphids

Aphid is a plant-eating insect, which mainly absorbs the juice of rhododendron leaves, which leads to the gradual green fading of the leaves, and in serious cases, it will cause the leaves to shrink and fall off constantly, and affect its flowering.

Control method: we can use 40% omethoate and 1200 times water solution to spray the western cuckoo when we control aphids. It is usually sprayed once every 5-7 days, and the pest can be eliminated 3-4 times.


1. Brown spot disease

Brown spot is a kind of fungal disease, which mainly threatens the leaves of rhododendron. Many brown spots of different sizes will appear on the leaves, which will gradually expand with the passage of time, and it is best to cause the leaves to wither and fall off gradually.

Control methods: in the control of diseases and insect pests of this rhododendron, we can use 1000 times of methyl topiramate to spray and control it.

two。 Chlorosis

Chlorosis is mainly due to the disease caused by iron deficiency of rhododendron. In the early stage of the disease, the leaves of rhododendron will turn green, when it is serious, all of its leaves will turn yellow, and the edge of the leaves will be scorched, which will affect the ornamental quality.

Control method: in the control of this kind of cuckoo diseases and insect pests, we can use 1:30 ferrous sulfate solution to inject into the soil, so as to increase the acidity of the soil and reduce the alkalinity of the soil.

Conclusion: after reading the above, I believe we all have a certain understanding of the problem of what to do with the western rhododendron leaf worm. in fact, this kind of problem is mainly caused by improper culture. when you have time, you can take a look at the culture methods of western rhododendron, in which there is a believing teaching. This is the end of the editor's introduction to the pest and pest control of the western cuckoo. I hope I can bring you some help.

The fresh and colorful summer flowers in the flower world should not only exist in cool neon clothes and fresh mountains, but also bloom in the bedroom, decorate around us, share a world with us, and create a fragrant "flower world" full of rooms. Pieces of petals and wisps of fragrance surround the body, making a pleasant and refreshing state of mind naturally present. In my spare time, carefully take care of the flowers and plants full of infinite vitality, the process of harvest is always accompanied by the optimistic spirit of self-entertainment, dull, dry and hot swept away, leaving only refreshing and fragrant.

Spend into the bedroom efficacy of multi-efficacy one: filter air in the summer room air conditioning utilization rate is very high, doors and windows are closed, air circulation will be bad. Therefore, it is appropriate to raise some flowers that can filter the air in the bedroom. Most flowers carry out photosynthesis during the day, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, breathe at night, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, while cactus, tile pine and other types are just the opposite. Keeping these air-filtering flowers in the same room with other flowers can effectively balance the content of indoor oxygen and carbon dioxide and keep the indoor air fresh. Efficacy 2: detoxification orchid, aloe, tiger tail orchid can absorb a large number of indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants, eliminate and prevent indoor air pollution. Especially hanging orchid, put a pot in the room, within 24 hours, its leaves will "eat" harmful gases such as carbon monoxide in the indoor air, and its effect is even better than the air filter. Milan, orchids, cloves, cactus, Tianzhu and so on can effectively purify the air. Camellia can resist the damage of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, and crape myrtle has strong resistance to indoor sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, hydrogen fluoride and other toxic gases. Plum has the ability to monitor the pollution of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene, benzene and aldehydes in the environment. Once sulfide appears in the environment, markings will appear on its leaves, or even withered and yellow. Because flowers have these functions, the room that has just been decorated is more suitable for raising these flowers. It should be pointed out that there is a limit to these functions of plants, so it is necessary to open windows frequently to make air convection. Efficacy 3: kill germs such as rose, sweet-scented osmanthus, violet, jasmine, lemon, rose, carnation, lily of the valley, crape myrtle and other aromatic flowers with significant bactericidal effect. Crape myrtle, jasmine, lemon and other plants can kill protobacteria such as diphtheria and dysentery in 5 minutes. The fragrance of rose, carnation, lily of the valley, violet, rose and sweet-scented osmanthus has obvious inhibitory effect on the growth and culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococci and staphylococci. It should be noted that although flowers have a lot of benefits, do not treat the bedroom as a "greenhouse". Most flowers release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen at night, and most of the rooms are closed at night. coupled with the carbon dioxide exhaled by the soil, the human body and pets in the flowerpot, it will increase the concentration of carbon dioxide, cause hypoxia and affect health. Experience of spending the summer on flowers: uncle Xie, 61, retired and raised flowers for 40 years. Tips: pay attention to the location. It is very important to determine the location according to your habits. Flowers can be divided into yin and yang, especially in summer according to the habits of each kind of flowers. Orchids, rhododendrons, camellias and orchids are negative and should be placed under the root of the south wall or on the balcony to the north, with enough light in the morning and evening. Rose, lotus, sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, orchid and so on are positive, no matter in the balcony or downstairs of the building, they should be placed in the sunny place, so that they can blossom more, smell strong and grow prosperous. Veteran florist: miss Liu, 25, a university lecturer, has been growing flowers for 5 years. Tips: timely and appropriate amount of watering. When watering flowers in summer, they should be watered in the right amount, early and late, but not at noon. And it is best to water the accumulated Rain Water, without Rain Water, you can pour tap water, but you should water the tap water for more than a day. The watering times are determined by the dry and wet of the flowerpot, and the pot soil should be dry and wet to ensure that the flower roots can breathe normally, generally watering once or twice a day. The leaf surface can also be sprayed with water properly. For acid-loving flowers, it is best to pour 0.2% to 0.3% of black alum to prevent chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Some fleshy root flowers, such as orchids, can not stand the sun exposure, can be relatively dry at noon when spraying some water on the leaves moderately. Some of the more drought-tolerant flowers, such as cactus and crassulaceae, should drink less water, and their roots are prone to rot if there is more water. Veteran florist: Ms. Zhang, 37, a civil servant, has cultivated flowers for 14 years. Tips: pay attention to moisturizing and sunscreen. The key to growing flowers on the balcony of the building lies in the humidity, that is, moisturizing and sunscreen. The summer sun is strong, if you move the flowers indoors, it will cause their lack of sunshine and poor growth. Positive flowers are not afraid of strong sunlight, but they still need shading at noon. If it is neutral, it should be properly shaded. If it is a balcony potted flower, you can move into the room from 10:00 to 3 pm every day. If it is negative, absolutely prevent contact with strong light. It is best to set up a sunscreen for flowers, which can also prevent hail injuries at the same time. In addition, water trays are placed under flowerpots according to different varieties to ensure humidity. Veteran flower grower: Mr. Sun, a 43-year-old doctor, has grown flowers for 32 years. Tips: prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The rainy season is the season of frequent occurrence of diseases and insect pests in potted flowers. 1000 times of 20% methyl thiophanate wettable powder or 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder should be sprayed every half month or so to prevent diseases and insect pests. When there are aphids, red spiders, shell insects and other pests, you can spray 1000 times to 1500 times of dimethoate EC or 1500 times to 2000 times of fenpropathrin EC every 10 days. Veteran florist: granny Guo, 74, retired, raised flowers for 53 years. Tips: fertilization should be appropriate. Fertilization should be appropriate in summer. If there is too much fertilizer, the flowers can not be absorbed, thus harming the root system. Generally speaking, the flowers blooming in summer are relatively resistant to high temperature, and they can apply more fertilizer, such as crape myrtle, jasmine, impatiens, cockscomb, dahlia, etc., which can be supplemented with fertilizer during the flowering period to make it flourish; some ornamental flowers, such as kumquat and five-color pepper, can bear more fruit after topdressing phosphate fertilizer; and tropical foliage plants, such as rubber trees and tortoise bamboos, should be topdressing nitrogen fertilizer to make their leaves greener. If the concentration is too high, it is easy to cause fat injury. Experts advise flowers how to control diseases and insect pests, which is an important link in the process of flower cultivation. The solution given by experts to this problem is: 1. Detergent kills white flies. White flies not only suck the leaf juice, but also secrete mucus to wither the leaves. You can mix a spoonful of detergent with 4 liters of water, spray on the leaves and spray once every 5 minutes and 7 days until the white flies are eliminated. two。 Milk kills ticks. The stems and leaves of flowers are often accompanied by ticks, which can cause branches and leaves to change color and wither. It can be stirred with half a cup of fresh milk, 4 cups of flour and 20 liters of water, then filtered with gauze and sprayed on the branches and leaves of the flowers, killing not only ticks but also eggs. 3. Flour controls insect pests. If there are diseases and insect pests in potted flowers, you can take a small amount of flour, first rinse it into paste with cold water, then rinse it with appropriate amount of boiling water, mix it into a solution of 1 ∶ 50, and spray it on a sunny day, it will have a good effect. 4. Watermelon peel and cigarette butts can also control insects. Buckle the washed watermelon peel on the potted soil without watering for several days, which is a good nourishment for potted flowers. If you put a few cigarette butts under the peel, tar and nicotine can seep into the soil and kill many common bugs. 5. In addition, after drying the brewed tea, sprinkling it on the surface of the potted soil can also prevent flowers from growing insects. Summer flowers skillfully maintain jasmine summer is the full bloom of jasmine, sufficient water and fertilizer is conducive to flowers and leaves to flourish. Spraying foliar surface with clear water on a sunny day can obviously stimulate flowering. Orchid summer is the peak growing season of orchids, which should ensure water and nutrients. When the disease occurs, topiramate can be sprayed every 10 days. Cuckoo summer cuckoo growth is slow, in a semi-dormant state, avoid hot sun exposure and excessive fertilization, should be shaded. Water once or twice a day, and spray water to the leaf surface and the ground to moisturize and cool down. Peony avoid heat and humidity, summer plants should be placed in a ventilated and cool place, do not need too much watering, keep the basin soil moist, so as to avoid rotting roots. Rose likes fertilizer and water, so it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of fertilizer and water, apply rotten bean cake water every half a month, and stop fertilization in mid-July. Black spot and powdery mildew are easy to occur in summer. the former is sprayed with Bordeaux solution and the latter with carbendazim every half a month. Milan likes light and heat, and Milan grows vigorously in summer. Thin alum fertilizer should be applied every 10 days before and after flowering, and water should be sprayed to the leaves frequently.