
Potted poinsettia worms how to do, poinsettia pest control / removal of diseased leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Because the color of a poinsettia is bright and pleasant, many flower lovers choose to keep it indoors. But the indoor is certainly no better than the wild, because the conditions are poor, poinsettia will be disturbed by insects, what about poinsettia worms? Soil, light, moisture and so on may cause poinsettia disease.

Because the color of a poinsettia is bright and pleasant, many flower lovers choose to keep it indoors. But the indoor is certainly no better than the wild, because the conditions are poor, poinsettia will be disturbed by insects, what about poinsettia worms? Soil, light, moisture and so on may make poinsettia sick. The following is the disease and pest control of poinsettia carefully arranged by the editor. If you love flowers, you must come in and have a look.

First, poinsettia long worm how to do, find the cause

In the breeding method of poinsettia, we introduce that potted plants are planted indoors. Poinsettia has requirements on soil, light, water and so on. Once operated improperly, worms or diseases will grow on the leaves. As for what to do with a poinsettia bug, it is actually very simple, we just need to find out what the bug is, and then solve the problem. The following are the symptoms and solutions of several pests, as follows:

1. Whitefly

Whitefly, one of the main pests of poinsettia, lives in groups on the back of poinsettia leaves and sucks sap with prickle mouthparts, making the leaves fade or appear spots, affecting plant photosynthesis and leading to poor plant growth. Not only that, the secretions of the eggs of the whitefly may also cause coal pollution.

Solution: the peak period of whitefly incidence is from late September to late November. So if you want to solve it, it's best to kill insects with drugs at 6: 10 a.m. in late September. In addition, when the insect body is less, the leaves can be removed directly and then sprayed with fungicides.

2. Red leaf mite / red spider

The red leaf mite, the red spider, is the devil of all potted flowers, including poinsettia, of course. Red spiders like to live on the back of the old leaves of poinsettia, and the damaged leaves have yellow spots. In serious cases, the leaves are damaged, the plants wither and become the commander of the bare pole.

Solution: if you want to solve the problem of red spider, you should give priority to prevention and control. In the process of maintenance, you should often check the back of the leaves, find the eggs as early as possible, remove the leaves, and move the plants to a place where there is plenty of sunshine. When there are many insect pests, chemical control can be sprayed.

3. Red thrips

The harmful parts of thrips include buds, leaves, flowers, etc., especially the tender leaves and shoots suffer the most, resulting in plant dysplasia, which can be identified as the harmful characteristics of thrips by the white markings on both sides of the main veins of the leaves. Damage to the leaves causes white or brown markings and, in severe cases, distorts the leaves. Flowers suffer and deform.

Solution: this insect seriously endangers the health of poinsettia. When the pest is found, it should be caught and killed in time, or sprayed once every 3-5 days, until it is completely eliminated.

2. Pest control / disease symptoms and solutions of poinsettia

In addition to being attacked by insects, the disease also endangers the health of poinsettia all the time. It is understood that there are three main diseases of poinsettia, namely, leaf spot, root rot and gray mold, among which leaf spot will be very serious, and we should remedy it in time. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Leaf spot

Leaf spot, a very serious disease, often infects poinsettia. The disease mainly occurs in spring and summer, and most of the disease spots start from the old leaves. In the early stage, irregular disease spots appeared in the leaves, which expanded and spread, causing the leaves to twist and dry up.

Solution: when diseased spots are found in the leaves, remove them in time and throw them away. Usually clean up the dead leaves and keep the surface of the basin soil clean. When the disease is serious, you can choose chlorothalonil 1000 times solution, spray once in 5-7 days, 3-5 days can be improved.

2. Root rot

Root rot usually occurs in high temperature season, but it can also be induced by soil, watering and other reasons. Light brown spots on the roots can be seen in the infected plants, but it is difficult to find symptoms on the ground at the initial stage. With the aggravation of the disease, the disease spot spread upward, the plant will gradually wither, and in the later stage, the plant will die because the root is unable to absorb water and the plant is short of water.

Solution: strengthen maintenance at ordinary times, change the soil in time, and often loosen the soil to ensure that there is sufficient oxygen for root breathing. In addition, in the process of maintenance, disinfectants can be used to irrigate roots once a month to inhibit fungal growth. When the roots rot, take off the plant, cut off the rotten part, and replant it.

3. Grey mold

Botrytis cinerea disease occurs in winter, that is, the blooming season of poinsettia. Once you encounter a rainy, wet, sunless weather, gray mold is out of control. Brown spots appear on leaves, branches and inflorescences, which spread throughout the plant with the aggravation of the disease.

Solution: strong maintenance and management in winter, improve indoor temperature, enhance light transmittance and reduce humidity. Once the diseased plant is found, immediately move the plant to the ventilated place and put it in the sun, which can play an effective control effect. In addition, when the disease is serious, Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed for treatment.

Flowers born in nature, forced to move to the family to raise, no matter how careful there will always be problems. However, in order to improve the indoor environment, there is nothing wrong with doing so, but in order to reduce their own trouble, we need to master the above knowledge, so that when you encounter problems, you can easily solve them. With regard to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in poinsettia, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

Pest control of poinsettia

Poinsettia is easy to be infected with Botrytis cinerea, root rot, stem rot, leaf spot and other diseases and insect pests in greenhouse cultivation, there are many targeted studies at home and abroad.

Botrytis cinerea mainly occurs in winter, when poinsettia blossoms, in case of continuous rain, damp without sunshine is often out of control, can harm a poinsettia inflorescences, bracts, leaves, branches. Generally speaking, water-immersed disease spots begin to appear from the tidbits. After that, the disease spot was covered with a robe of pathogens, and the pathogens continued to spread to the bracts. At the initial stage, the bracts produced water-immersed discolored spots, and then gradually expanded into irregular shapes, and the pathogens extended to the branches, producing yellow-brown to brown spots on the branches. in the later stage, the disease spots were obviously sunken black-brown, and in severe cases, the disease spots were dry and completely lost their ornamental value. The pathogen is Botrytis, which can live on dead plant tissue or other organic matter and has a wide range of parasites. It can survive at a temperature of 0: 38 ℃, and it exists as long as there is moisture. If the greenhouse is too humid, cold and lack of light, after 1-2 days, the pathogens will produce a large number of robes free in the air and begin to infect plant tissue.

Root rot and stem rot can be infected not only in adult plants, but also in seedling stage, causing serious losses. Generally, the occurrence is more serious in the high temperature season, and it is also very easy to occur when the cultivated soil water content is high. The phenomenon of wilting appeared in the early stage of the plant, but if the base of the stem was examined, the phenomenon of light brown constriction could be seen, but there was no corruption or hydrolysis in the infected plant, and then the disease spot gradually spread upward, and the wilting phenomenon became more and more serious. the disease spot in the stem was slightly sunken and yellowed in the later stage, resulting in the withering and death of the plant due to serious lack of water, and sometimes the whole plant was yellowed in water. It eventually decays and dies, and white hyphae can be seen near the ground, which can be extended to the cultivated soil in severe cases. When the root is sick, it often causes root rot, which affects the normal growth of the plant at the initial stage and leads to death in serious cases. The main pathogens are Phytophthora (Phytophthora), Rhizoctonia solani (Rhizoctonia), Pythium (Pythium) and so on. Rhizoctonia solani is the most vulnerable to Rhizoctonia solani when rooting cuttings are put on the pot, especially when the stem is injured or fertilizer! When salt accumulates on the surface of the medium, Pythium appears when poinsettia grows up, and it may invade when cutting, and deteriorate when the environment is suitable for culture, resulting in root rot and death; high temperature and excessive irrigation (stress conditions) can cause Phytophthora damage.

Leaf spot disease mainly occurs in spring and summer, and the disease spot mostly occurs from the old leaves. In the early stage, purplish red to brown spots were produced on the leaves, and the disease spots were nearly round to irregular, and then the disease spots gradually expanded, and most of the disease spots could heal each other to form a large disease spot, and in the later stage, the center of the disease spot gradually changed to grayish brown. In severe cases, the lesion tissue is gangrenous, causing the leaves to twist and dry up. The pathogen was Cercospora.puleherrimaeTherp., transmitted by Rain Water and wind, and invaded by leaf margin or wound.

The main pests of poinsettia are whitefly, leaf mite, thrips and so on.

The adults and larvae of whitefly prefer a dense shady environment and cluster on the upper leaf back of poinsettia to suck juice with prickle mouthparts, which makes the leaves fade or appear chlorotic spots, affecting photosynthesis and leading to poor plant growth. Honeydew excreted by worms often causes mildew. Adults have a yellowing tendency. The Eclosion time began at 6 o'clock in the morning, with the highest Eclosion at 7: 8 am and the lowest at night. The first instar mobile larvae of whitefly are the most vulnerable, followed by rigid Eclosion adults, which are sensitive to pesticides and suitable for spraying control. Whitefly generally occurs in large numbers at high temperature and low humidity, and the peak period is from late September to late November. The most suitable period for prevention and treatment is late September, and the spraying time is 6 ~ 10:00 in the morning.

Leaf mite, also known as red spider, is a common pest in greenhouse. It occurs for more than 20 generations in the whole year, which occurs seriously under the condition of high temperature, drought and little rain, and the peak periods are from March to June and from September to November. Mites or nymph mites like to live on the back of the old leaves, the damaged leaves have yellow spots, examination of the back of the leaves can find insect bodies, eggs, silk mesh and secretions and other sundries. A large number of netting damage occurred, resulting in stagnation of plant growth, leaf drying, falling, and plant death.

The body length of thrips is only about 1~2mm, and its harm can be found in the leaves or flowers of almost all greenhouse plants. But under normal circumstances, the harm to poinsettia is not very serious. Adult and nymphs are yellowish or orange and harm plants with file-sucking mouthparts. The damage sites include buds, leaves, flowers, etc., especially the tender leaves and shoots suffer the most, resulting in plant dysplasia, which can be identified as the damage characteristics of thrips by the white markings on both sides of the main veins of the leaves. Damage to the leaves causes white or brown markings and, in severe cases, distorts the leaves. Flowers suffer and deform. Yellow armyworm paper is effective against adult thrips, but blue and white armyworm paper is better.

The key to control whitefly is to avoid the emergence of large populations. White whitefly adults are attracted by bright yellow, so yellow sticky trapping paper is useful for detection. There are many drugs to control whitefly in various places, such as "prolactin", "highly effective hero" and so on, which can be tried. It should be noted here that before using a new drug in a large area, a drug damage test must be done to confirm that the dose used will not cause drug damage to the plant and then be used on a large scale.

The key to the control of diseases and insect pests in poinsettia

It is understood that the main diseases of poinsettia in Guangdong are Botrytis cinerea, root rot, white silk disease and so on, and the insect pests are mainly whitefly. In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the above diseases and insect pests, the key is to rely on cultivation techniques for prevention, such as substrate disinfection, strengthening greenhouse health management, temperature and humidity control, spraying control and other ways to resist the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

First of all, we should start from the matrix. Shunde Beijiao Farmers' Entrepreneurship Park suggests that when planting poinsettia, it is best to choose only clean substrates such as peat soil and perlite to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. However, it is understood that many farmers often use peat soil and other substrates such as garden soil and pond mud when planting poinsettia, which is not only not conducive to plant growth, but also serious diseases and insect pests.

Botrytis cinerea, root rot and white silk disease generally occur in the rainy season or after continuous rainy days, and develop rapidly. Lack of light in overcast and rainy days, water accumulation in leaves and roots for a long time after dripping water will cause high humidity and small environment, which can easily induce pathogen infection and lead to the epidemic of the disease. Therefore, in case of overcast and rainy weather, we should pay attention to timely ventilation and moisture discharge after rain, and timely spray to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and some broad-spectrum fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim, etc., can be used according to the recommendation of technicians in Beijiao Peasant Entrepreneurship Park in Shunde. Jinlei 68% water dispersible granule can be used, spray once every 10 days, spray 2 times for 3 times, and the drug concentration can be referred to the instruction manual.

According to the technical staff of Beijiao Farmers' Entrepreneurship Park in Shunde, whitefly is the main pest of poinsettia, the breeding speed is extremely fast, once it occurs, it is difficult to control, so prevention work must be done in the production process. In addition to doing a good job of soil disinfection, poinsettia had better hit an insecticide such as imidacloprid and paracetamol to prevent it. In addition, as the key to control whitefly is to avoid the occurrence of a large number of populations, greenhouse doors and windows and outdoor maintenance should be equipped with insect nets to avoid the entry of external pests. Some methods can be adopted to monitor the occurrence trend of whitefly population, such as using yellow plastic board, painting Vaseline, placing slightly higher than one poinsettia, shaking the plant gently, and the adult whitefly will be attracted by bright yellow to achieve the purpose of trapping and killing. It can also play a monitoring role. If it is found that a large number of whitefly eggs and lower leaves with nymphs should be removed in time, and spray immediately, you can choose quick culling, Lesbon, whitefly treatment, etc., spraying time is recommended at 6: 10 in the morning, spraying 3 times in a row for 5 times.