
What about the growing insects of potted rose flowers? disease and pest control of rose flowers (spraying insecticides)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Worms can grow in any plant, and rose flowers are no exception. Rose is one of the best indoor flowers to raise. Its survival rate is very high, but it may die if you don't take good care of it. The most common pest of rose flowers is red spider, which can cause the leaves of rose flowers to turn yellow and wilt slowly.

Worms can grow in any plant, and rose flowers are no exception. Rose is one of the best indoor flowers to raise. Its survival rate is very high, but it may die if you don't take good care of it. The most common pest of rose flowers is the red spider, which can cause the leaves of rose flowers to turn yellow and wither. What about the growing bugs of rose flowers? let's take a look at the pest control of rose flowers.

First, what about the long bugs in rose flowers? spray medicine immediately.

Chinese rose is a kind of plant that likes light very much. if it is left without light for a long time, it will have symptoms and worms. Rose long bugs are very common, there are many reasons for growing insects, need to prescribe the right medicine. The most common bugs are red spiders, aphids, thrips and so on. What about rose worms? Let's take a look at the disease and pest control methods of rose flowers.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of rose 1. Red spider

Leaf mites are also known as red spiders. There are mainly two kinds of leaf mites that harm Chinese roses: one is cinnabar spider mite, which is insect red, and the other is two-spotted spider mite, which is yellow to yellowish green.

Symptoms: generally, leaf mites will parasitize on the back of the leaves to absorb juice, while there will be many small yellow and white spots on the front of the leaves, and then the leaves will slowly yellowing and finally fall off. In serious cases, the whole buds and branches will be full of spider mites.

Solution: stone-sulfur mixture can be sprayed evenly during the stinging period, and avermectin, propargite, paraben, paracetamol and so on can be sprayed at the initial stage.

2. Flower aphids

Aphids will gather on the buds, leaves and buds of the rose to suck their juice, and in severe cases there will be nectar-like black secretions to reflect the quality of the flowers and the growth of the rose.

Solution: when aphids lay eggs in autumn and winter, imidacloprid and avermectin can be used alternately.

3. Thrips

When thrips live in young leaves, they will die at the top, making it unable to grow. If it feeds at the back of the leaf and excrete brown substance, it will deform the back of the leaf, and gray or grayish brown stripes will appear on both sides of the midrib, deforming and bending.

Solution: for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in rose flowers, you can spray chemicals for treatment, and choose those that contain effective ingredients such as imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiazine and so on.

4. Rose stem wasp

A generation occurs every year, laying eggs under the inner diameter epidermis from April to May, then drilling into the stem after hatching, then spirally cutting down along the cambium to feed on the lower part of the branch, and then making a pupa chamber in the branch after ripening, in the shape of a barrel.

Solution: the effective control method is to cut off the diseased branches, cut down the branches until the larvae are found, and then destroy them.

5. Short-forehead negative locust

The short-forehead negative locust will bite the leaves into many holes, produce two generations a year, lay eggs in winter, and hatch adults from May to June.

Solution: can spray 50% fenitrothion 1000 times solution, the mortality rate is very high, the effect is very good.

How to grow bugs in potted rose flowers? we can find out the cause according to the above description and prescribe the right medicine. The above are all the answers to the disease and pest control of rose flowers. I hope I can help you.

There are 20 tips for raising flowers in your family, and it's hard to keep you alive if you want to.

It seems easy but difficult to grow flowers at home, especially in the change of season, a good flower may die carelessly, so how can we ensure that the flowers live well? Follow the Huinong net editor to learn 20 tips for raising flowers in the family! Learn to make sure it's hard for you to die!

As soon as autumn comes, the weather begins to get hot and cold. If you are not careful, the flowers in the family will die. So today Huahua introduced to you some tips for growing flowers. As long as you learn it, it will be difficult for the flowers at home to grow to death.

Choose the right location

If you want to grow flowers well, you must first know what kind of flowers are most suitable for growing in your home.

1. Nanyang station full sunshine:

The south balcony with plenty of light is most suitable for raising some flowers that like direct sunlight, that is, the more these flowers grow in the sun, the better. Such as sunflower, blue snowflake, petunia, Milan and so on.

2. Half sunshine on the east balcony:

The east balcony can only bask in the sun in the morning, and the sun will be gone at noon, so you can raise some short-day sunshine or slightly shady flowers. Such as rhododendron, camellia, crab claw orchid and so on.

3. Half sunshine on the west balcony:

The west balcony can only shine on the sun in the afternoon, and it is easy to be exposed to the sun when it is hot in summer. Therefore, you can raise some climbing vines on the west balcony, not only shade but also cool. Such as wisteria, morning glory, pineapple and so on.

4. North balcony, living room with good indoor scattered light, etc.

The sun is rarely seen on the north balcony, so it would be nice to raise some shade-resistant flowers. Such as asparagus, tortoise back bamboo, evergreen and so on.

How to judge the lack of water?

Watering is the key if you want the flowers at home to grow well. How to judge that the flowers at home should be watered is also a very important aspect.

1. Visual method

The editor of Huinong Network thinks that the simplest method is visual observation. Look at the color of the basin soil with your eyes, if it is gray-white, it is time to water; if the soil is dark brown, it basically means that the basin soil is still wet and does not need watering for the time being.

2. Weighing basin method

There is also a very simple way to judge, that is, the basin method. Hold up the flowerpot, if it feels lighter, it should be watered.

Water and add some ingredients to make the flowers grow well

It is certainly impossible for flowers to grow better just by watering them with clean water. Add some ingredients and nutrition when watering the flowers, so as to make the flowers grow better!

1. Add some rice panning water

The editor of Huinong Network thinks that the simplest thing is to add some rice washing water. Put the usual rice-panning water in a plastic bottle, then put it in the sun for a period of time, open the lid at intervals of 3-5 days to get some air, and wait until the retting is done, just water the flowers at 1:20.

2. Add some fish sausage water

Fish sausage is very rich in phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which is made into fertilizer. For rose, triangular plum and other flowers with more flowering and long flowering period, nutrition is very rich. Put the bought fish sausage in a plastic bottle, then add some water and put it in the sun. It can be used in about 2-3 months.

Add some ingredients to the bottom of the basin so that the flowers will not rot.

Sometimes, the flowers in the family die for no reason because the roots are rotten. So when changing the basin, add some material to the bottom of the basin so that the flowers will not rot.

1. Towel gourd pulp on the bottom of the basin

Towel gourd flesh loofah on the gap is very large, cushioned at the bottom of the flowerpot, water permeability is very good, so that the flower is absolutely not rotten root! In addition, loofah pulp can also be used to raise seedlings, the effect is also very good!

2. Broken bricks on the bottom of the basin

If you want to keep the roots from rotting, you can also put some broken bricks on the bottom of the basin. Pick up a brick outside, take it home and break it into small pieces, then soak it in hot water and expose it in the sun. When it is dried, you can pad the bottom of the basin.

Pruning is important.

Pruning is essential if flowers are to grow well. Whether it is pruning the residual flowers after anthesis, or cutting off some weak branches and diseased branches on the branches, the flowers can avoid consuming too much nutrients, thus making the plant grow stronger.

1. Prune the remnant flowers

2. Pruning of diseased branches, weak branches and long branches

Pay attention to diseases and insect pests

When growing flowers, you must pay attention to the leaves and flowers. If symptoms such as black spots and white powder are found on the leaves, it can basically be concluded that they are diseases and insect pests. At this time, you can make some insecticides, such as garlic water, chili water, etc., or sprinkle mosquito incense ash on the surface of the flowerpot, which can kill insects.

Self-made small potted plant

In fact, in addition to growing flowers, many vegetables and fruits can also develop small potted plants.

1. Potted vegetables

Carrots, cabbages, onions, sweet potatoes and potatoes can all be made into small potted plants. Put the vegetables in a bottle of water and they will sprout and grow up in less than a week.

2. Potted fruit

We usually eat passion fruit, figs, lemons, peaches and so on, can be planted in our own home!

3. Picking seeds in the field and potted plants

Now it is autumn, you can also go to the wild to pick up a seed, whether it is Luohansong, or Luan tree, sour jujube, chestnut, take home to plant a small potted plant, is very good-looking!

Self-made flowerpot

Apart from buying flowerpots, many homemade flowerpots are also very beautiful.

1. Coconut shell flowerpot

Saw the coconut, then dig up the coconut inside, and then pierce a few permeable holes in the bottom, which can be used as a flowerpot.

2. Cloth bag flowerpot

Don't throw away the rest of the sacks at home. After loading them with dirt, they can be used as flowerpots to grow flowers.

3. Tin bucket flowerpot

The leaky iron bucket in the house has become a very beautiful retro flowerpot after it has been repainted with paint.

4. Basketball makes flowerpots

The broken basketball at home, cut directly from the middle, planted flowers and hung it up, turned into a very beautiful flowerpot.

The above is the Huinong net Xiaobian finishing family flower 20 tips, flower-loving relatives quickly take a look, learn to ensure that you plant, then you can live well!

Find the key to the planting of rose from the cause of death

Flower friends often ask me the key to rose planting and how to allocate the soil. How to apply fertilizer? How to administer medicine? What I want to say is that the rose in my family does not grow very well, far from meeting my expectations, but I can share the key to planting from the communication with my flower friends in the past few years, the pictures of the rose on Weibo, and less than 2 years of potted rose experience.

Top 5 Rose Killer:

Top 1: water-frequently, not thoroughly, per day

Why is water the number one killer? Many flower lovers think that plants need water, so they are worthy of watering a little every day and spraying a little water from time to time.

Unexpectedly, the roots of plants also need to breathe, and long-term wet roots are easy to rot. Another way of watering is also very strange: not watering thoroughly each time, only keeping the upper layer of the basin soil moist. In this way, the root system of the plant will be concentrated in the upper half of the basin, once the sun is encountered, it is easy to lose water quickly and cause death. There are also some beginners, in order not to forget to water, but use the rigid number of days to judge whether they need to be watered, please give water as needed at any time, and do not treat the rose in a way that happens once a day or several times a day.

Break the rule: give water as needed, dry and water thoroughly, and control your hands.

Top 2: fat-big fat, heavy fertilizer

Flower friends who have seen master planting posts can remember the secret of master flowering and prosperity: big fat, heavy fat.

Little do you know that only healthy and vigorous plants can tolerate fertilizer, absorb fertilizer and turn fertilizer into energy for flowering. What's more, potted and ground-grown fertilizers cannot be generalized. Chicken dung, sheep dung and even dog poop have become the "brain platinum" of the rose, and fish sausage, eggs, melon peel, and small animal carcasses have all become the "blue pills" of the rose, but the "brain platinum" and "blue pills" have not played their due role at home, but let the roses have bliss as early as possible. Before that, we may also be able to harvest endless Xiaohefei, as well as fat bugs with white flowers.

Crack the rule: the seedlings are small or weak and less fertile, the seedlings are big and fat, and the potted plants are cautious and extensive. Seedlings within a year should not use raw fertilizer, mainly compound fertilizer. Potted plants do not use raw fertilizer, mainly processed organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Planting seedlings in the ground, the coldest season in winter (such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang is the end of December-early February) can bury raw fertilizer, usually combined with finished organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Use quick-acting liquid fertilizer in the growing season and irrigate the root once every 7-10 days. For the explanation of fertilizer, see the following.

Top 3: love-afraid of their cold, afraid of their heat

"fear of melting in the mouth, fear of flying in the hand" this kind of love does not only refer to the doting of children, many flower friends also love their rose in this way.

Little do you know how much harm it will do to the rose if the room is not ventilated. The rose is cold-resistant, and Beijing can also spend the winter outdoors; the rose is heat-resistant, and the high temperature in Jiangsu and Zhejiang last year exceeded 35 degrees a day for two months, making it vibrant without sunshade. Don't move the rose to enjoy the heating in winter, to enjoy the air conditioning in summer, to take shelter from the rain when it rains, and to enjoy the flowers when it blossoms. Let them grow steadily in the natural environment.

Break the rule: give enough sunshine, rest assured bold love. In a closed environment, please let go of the rose, the melon that twists is not sweet.

Top 4: cut-regardless of the season, regardless of the weather

The masters said that the rose should be re-cut.

As everyone knows, rose pruning is divided into vines, shrubs and micro-months, different in winter, after flowering, and at the end of summer. What the old master doesn't like is not the stupid students, but the unserious ones. I only saw the experts say "cut", but I didn't see clearly what season they cut. The rose cut by the experts is full of vitality and blossoms, but the rose in our family is depressed. If it is light, it will never recover. If it is heavy, it will die.

Break the rule: prune according to the season, by category. Winter pruning vines are mainly for shaping and pruning old and weak branches, shrubs. After the spring and autumn blossom, you only need to cut off the residual flowers and about 2 branches. Choosing to prune the zodiac on a sunny day can also effectively avoid infection after pruning. Choosing professional gardening scissors and letting go of your nail scissors, manual scissors and all other scissors can also make your rose healthier.

Winter pruning schematic diagram (thanks to flower friends: AKKLematis for the picture), micro-monthly pruning is basically the same as shrubs.

Top 5: greed-- eating in the bowl and looking into the pot

I saw a poison picture in the forum today-buy! I will see a beautiful picture in the group tomorrow-- buy! Buy it! Buy seedlings to buy soil, buy soil to buy fertilizer, buy fertilizer to buy medicine, buy medicine to buy pots, endless cycle.

Little do you realize the importance of accumulating experience. Most enthusiasts have the desire to collect and should be able to buy all the varieties they like, but have you ever seen the varieties you have planted for three months, half a year and a year? are they still alive and well? Maybe when they blossom, you can't remember their names. Many flower friends planted dozens or hundreds of flowers in the first year, and then disappeared without a trace in the forum and various flower friends, and accidentally became the jokes of flower friends.

Break the rule: novice planting in the first year to accumulate experience, do not be greedy.

= gorgeous drop dividing line =

Tips on planting rose

Media selection: the key point is not the price, but different media need different management; different media, fertilizer and water need different.

Money-saving version: garden soil, earthworm soil, rotten leaf soil, other particles

Easy version (we city people can't dig soil): peat, rotten leaf soil, coconut bran, other particles

Tuhao version: all kinds of special media with good formula

Fertilizer selection: the key is not how much, but easy to use, adapt to growth

Raw fat: fish sausage, animal and plant carcasses, etc.

Finished organic fertilizer: processed chicken manure, sheep manure, earthworm fertilizer, etc.

Compound fertilizer: Aolu, Merlot, Huaduoduo and other balanced nutrients, suitable for different seasons and different growth periods.

Pest control: the occurrence of diseases and insect pests 1-2 times a week, no disease and no disaster can be prevented once every ten days and a half months. When the bacteria are seriously infected, a variety of drugs can be sprayed in turn. Spray after sunset or before sunrise, avoid spraying in the sun or under the sun.

Black spot (pathogen): DuPont Fuxing, tebuconazole, Xiangshan germicidal king, etc.

White powder (bacteria): tetrafluoroether azole, mancozeb, methyl topiramate, promethazine, etc.

Red spiders (pests): buflurate, Jinmanzhi, avermectin, abamectin

Other insect pests (aphids, green insects, etc.): flower protection god, avermectin, parasite, etc.

= gorgeous drop of the second dividing line =

The appeal consists of 16 words: adequate sunshine, good ventilation, dry and wet, thin fertilizer and diligent application.

There is another secret, most people I do not tell him: fertilize before the rain, medicine after the rain (sterilization before killing insects)