
What about the growth of insects in roses? pest control of potted roses / light pest control

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Because of the beauty of the rose, many flower friends choose to keep it indoors so that they can see the beautiful scenery up close. But the indoor certainly can not compare with the wild, because the conditions are poor, potted roses will be disturbed by insects, then what about the rose bugs? Soil, light and moisture are not up to standard

Because of the beauty of the rose, many flower friends choose to keep it indoors so that they can see the beautiful scenery up close. But the indoor certainly can not compare with the wild, because the conditions are poor, potted roses will be disturbed by insects, then what about the rose bugs? The soil, light and moisture are not up to standard, which are all the reasons for the disease of the rose. the following is the disease and pest control of the rose carefully arranged by the editor. If you love flowers, you must come in and have a look.

First, how to grow bugs in roses? find the cause.

In the breeding methods of roses, we introduce indoor potted plants, roses have requirements for soil, light, water and so on. Once they are not up to the standard, the roses will appear weak and will be easily taken down by worms. As for what to do with the rose bugs, it's not difficult, we just need to find out what the bugs are, and then solve them. Here are the symptoms and solutions of several pests. Move on.

(1) pictures of rose flower insect pests and their control

1. Beetles, light trap

Beetle, one of the main pests of rose, mainly harms roots, leaves, buds and other parts, and seriously affects the yield and quality of flowers. Some people may say that worms grow on the leaves is a sign of health, which means that the plant has not been sprayed with pesticides. But this is not absolute, because a beetle is healthy, many beetles are disaster.

Prevention and control methods: insects have the characteristics of moths to the fire, so flower friends can use light to trap and kill the beetles at night. When the harm is serious, 2.5% deltamethrin 2000-3000 times can be sprayed, and the effect is good, but it must not be sprayed at flowering stage.

2. Aphids, washed by clear water

Aphids, so one of the indoor flower pests, family-raised roses are no exception. It is understood that if the rose grows aphids, its performance is as follows: the leaves are densely covered with white bugs, and the leaves slowly wilt and turn black. Flowers will also suffer from it and wither ahead of time.

Control methods: when there are few aphids, it can be washed with clean water, which can not only eliminate the aphids but also clear the leaves, improve the ornamental value and promote the respiration of the leaves; when there are too many aphids, immediately isolate the plants and spray fungicides.

3. Diamondback moth, spraying insecticide

Diamondback moth, one of the main pests of roses, generally appears on raw roses, the specific time is from June to August, of which August is the most serious. If it is a diamondback moth, they will gnaw on the rose leaves, causing damage to the leaves, and in severe cases, the leaves are reticulate. And the wound is easy to infect and cause disease.

Prevention and control methods: timely check whether there are insect eggs on the branches of the rose in winter, cut off in time, and remove the source of infection. For a long time, diamondback moth can be sprayed with pesticides, such as malathion EC, Fuling EC and so on.

(2) Control methods of rose flower diseases.

In addition to being attacked by insects, the disease can not be ignored. In the process of breeding roses, once the lack of light, or serious lack of water, it will make the roses sick. The main diseases of rose are anthracnose and powdery mildew. The specific symptoms and control methods are as follows:

1. Anthrax

The disease is one of the main diseases of rose flowers. The symptoms are as follows: the disease spot occurs at the leaf edge, semicircle, dark brown at the edge of the disease spot, brown to light brown in the middle, and small black spots on the disease spot in the later stage.

Prevention and treatment methods: strengthen maintenance, proper pruning, thinning too dense branches, so as to make good ventilation and light transmission. If necessary, spray 20% Longke bacteria suspension 500 times solution or 78% Cobo wettable powder 600 times solution, 25% carbon tetralin wettable powder 500 times solution, etc.,

2. Powdery mildew

The disease mainly harms the leaves, petioles, shoots and buds of roses. when the disease occurs, the diseased leaves gradually turn brown from the tip or edge of the leaves, causing the whole leaves to dry up and fall off. Young leaves infected, chlorosis spread, gradually expanded, the edge is not obvious, young leaves on both sides of the white powder spots, and then covered with the whole leaf, the leaves become light gray or purplish red.

Control methods: ① selected varieties resistant to powdery mildew; when ② pruning in winter, pay attention to cut off diseased branches and buds. The disease resistance was improved by applying less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during the disease onset period. Pay attention to ventilation and light, timely drainage after rain, to prevent moisture retention, can reduce the incidence of disease.

Solution: spray 1000 times of 20% triadimefon EC or 1000 times of 20% triadimefon sulfur suspension and 50% carbendazim wettable powder at the initial stage of the disease. If there is resistance to the above fungicides, 12.5% nitrilazole EC or 3000 times Teflin wettable powder can be sprayed instead. Spray Baume 2 / 3 stone sulfur mixture or 45% crystal stone sulfur mixture 40 / 50 times before sprouting in early spring to kill overwintering bacteria.

This is the end of the editor's introduction to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in roses. In fact, if we care carefully, with the indomitable vitality of roses, diseases and insect pests are very difficult to find. But even if we come to the door, we just have to follow the above method to do it. After all, no matter how strong the bug is, it is a scum in front of human beings.

What about the growing insects of potted rose flowers? disease and pest control of rose flowers (spraying insecticides)

Worms can grow in any plant, and rose flowers are no exception. Rose is one of the best indoor flowers to raise. Its survival rate is very high, but it may die if you don't take good care of it. The most common pest of rose flowers is the red spider, which can cause the leaves of rose flowers to turn yellow and wither. What about the growing bugs of rose flowers? let's take a look at the pest control of rose flowers.

First, what about the long bugs in rose flowers? spray medicine immediately.

Chinese rose is a kind of plant that likes light very much. if it is left without light for a long time, it will have symptoms and worms. Rose long bugs are very common, there are many reasons for growing insects, need to prescribe the right medicine. The most common bugs are red spiders, aphids, thrips and so on. What about rose worms? Let's take a look at the disease and pest control methods of rose flowers.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of rose 1. Red spider

Leaf mites are also known as red spiders. There are mainly two kinds of leaf mites that harm Chinese roses: one is cinnabar spider mite, which is insect red, and the other is two-spotted spider mite, which is yellow to yellowish green.

Symptoms: generally, leaf mites will parasitize on the back of the leaves to absorb juice, while there will be many small yellow and white spots on the front of the leaves, and then the leaves will slowly yellowing and finally fall off. In serious cases, the whole buds and branches will be full of spider mites.

Solution: stone-sulfur mixture can be sprayed evenly during the stinging period, and avermectin, propargite, paraben, paracetamol and so on can be sprayed at the initial stage.

2. Flower aphids

Aphids will gather on the buds, leaves and buds of the rose to suck their juice, and in severe cases there will be nectar-like black secretions to reflect the quality of the flowers and the growth of the rose.

Solution: when aphids lay eggs in autumn and winter, imidacloprid and avermectin can be used alternately.

3. Thrips

When thrips live in young leaves, they will die at the top, making it unable to grow. If it feeds at the back of the leaf and excrete brown substance, it will deform the back of the leaf, and gray or grayish brown stripes will appear on both sides of the midrib, deforming and bending.

Solution: for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in rose flowers, you can spray chemicals for treatment, and choose those that contain effective ingredients such as imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiazine and so on.

4. Rose stem wasp

A generation occurs every year, laying eggs under the inner diameter epidermis from April to May, then drilling into the stem after hatching, then spirally cutting down along the cambium to feed on the lower part of the branch, and then making a pupa chamber in the branch after ripening, in the shape of a barrel.

Solution: the effective control method is to cut off the diseased branches, cut down the branches until the larvae are found, and then destroy them.

5. Short-forehead negative locust

The short-forehead negative locust will bite the leaves into many holes, produce two generations a year, lay eggs in winter, and hatch adults from May to June.

Solution: can spray 50% fenitrothion 1000 times solution, the mortality rate is very high, the effect is very good.

How to grow bugs in potted rose flowers? we can find out the cause according to the above description and prescribe the right medicine. The above are all the answers to the disease and pest control of rose flowers. I hope I can help you.