
How to do the star-growing insects in the sky, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests (wind oil essence dilution spray)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, First, how to do all over the sky star worms, wind oil essence diluted after spraying to prevent methods: any plant is likely to grow insects, including some common domestic green plants. Mantianxing can also be planted indoors, and it can grow worms. Many netizens do not know what to do with worms growing all over the sky.

First, how to do the star worms all over the sky? spray the essential oil after dilution.

Prevention: worms can grow on any plant, including some common green plants that are domesticated. Mantianxing can also be planted indoors, and it can grow worms. Many netizens do not know what to do with the star-growing insects in the sky, in fact, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is very simple, diluted with essential oil or sprayed with washing powder.

The phenomenon of pest control is rare, generally occasional aphids or snails. At this point, you can use wind oil essence dilution or neutral washing powder to spray, this method can kill aphids. For snails, it can be sprayed in the basin soil with Miaoling granules. Pay attention to the root rot disease to prevent the phenomenon of stagnant water in the basin soil, and with green cream copper EC or root rot Ling 800 times liquid can be irrigated.

Because the full sky star growth is relatively rapid, the market is also mostly cultivated for cut flowers, the time is relatively short, there will be no insect pests. And it can be cultivated all the year round, generally in spring, autumn and winter, and the summer weather is muggy and rainy, and the survival rate is higher.

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

1. Common diseases and pests: there are few pests in the sky, including aphids, mites and red spiders, whose harmful symptoms are basically the same, mainly harmful to leaves, and a large number of insects will gather on the flowers when they are serious. When the disease occurs, the branches are removed in time, or sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC, or 1000 times of dicofol and 1500 times of fenvalerate.

Mantianxing is mainly harmful to leaf spot disease. It can be sprayed with 600 times of 65% zinc wettable powder. Stem rot and atrophy are fatal diseases. Before planting, the soil should be disinfected with formaldehyde solution. What about the star worms all over the sky? now you know!

Third, the art of flower arrangement full of stars

1. The snow-white fluffy flowers are so small and light that they are often regarded as a supporting role in floral art, matching with roses and Platycodon grandiflorum as a typical bouquet of love. In fact, simply appreciate the star is also very distinctive, its bundles of tight as the main flower to insert the bottle, you can immediately feel a relaxed and lively atmosphere. It can also be made into dried flowers after natural air drying. The whole plant can be dyed and embossed for more use.

2. The star is generally used as the lining of the main flower, which is often called the "bridesmaid flower". With its foil, the main flower becomes more colorful. Just like the supporting role in the film, only against the background of the supporting role, the protagonist will be more vivid and fuller, and the protagonist and the supporting role will be interdependent and complement each other, so that the theme can be expressed incisively and vividly.

3, the full sky star its flowers and leaves are small, each blossom is like the sky full of stars, dense, very beautiful. It rarely suffers from diseases and insect pests, but there are still some more common diseases and insect pests. The above is the flower encyclopedia editor for you to introduce how to do, as well as the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

What about rosemary worms, rosemary pest control / 2 insect pests 2 diseases 1, rosemary worms / treatment

As for what to do with rosemary worms, in fact, we can find out what the specific diseases and insect pests are. The diseases and insect pests of rosemary can be roughly divided into two insect pests and two diseases, namely, red leaf mites, whitefly and root rot and gray mold. So how to solve the problem? Let's move on.

II. Control of diseases and insect pests of Rosemary

Insect pest

1. Red leaf mite pest

Red leaf mite is one of the common diseases and insect pests of rosemary. This kind of insect is active and small, usually between 0.1 and 0.3mm. If this pest occurs, there will be some white flowers on the surface of the leaves at the beginning, and this phenomenon will gradually expand the game, and eventually lead to the complete death of rosemary.

Control methods: when you encounter red leaf mite pests, it is best to treat them at the initial stage. Generally speaking, the most effective method is to remove the damaged leaves directly and then clean the plants themselves. Generally speaking, as long as the roots are not affected, the pulled leaves will grow again, so you can rest assured about this.

two。 White whitefly pest

Whitefly is a great harmful pest, many plants or vegetables have great harm, it will secrete a large number of honeydew on the back of plants, causing a large number of fungi to reproduce, which can affect the normal respiration and photosynthesis of plants.

Control methods: the best and most direct way to control whitefly pests is to use chemical spray directly, and it is best to carry out control at the initial stage of emergence. Generally, 10% imidacarb 400-600 times liquid is used to spray and kill every 5-7 days. Usually 2-3 times can completely solve this pest.


3. Root rot disease

Root rot disease is often a threat to plant seedlings, of course, the adult stage is also possible to occur. This is caused by fungi, after the emergence of this disease, rosemary will gradually weaken the function of absorbing water and nutrients, and eventually make the whole plant completely withered.

Prevention and treatment: when rosemary appears this disease, it is best to disinfect the soil and seedbed first, and then choose copper preparation to prevent and cure it, which is the most direct and effective method. Of course, the best prevention and control method is everyone's usual maintenance.

4. Grey mold disease

When the symptom of botrytis cinerea occurs in rosemary, its leaves will gradually turn gray and water-stained in shape. the disease will gradually soften the leaves and eventually rot and wilt. The disease is most common on rainy days.

Prevention and control methods: in general, when this disease occurs, the indoor humidity must be reduced in time, ventilation must be maintained, and then rosemary is treated with medicament. generally, 50% isobarbazide is used to dilute 1000-1500 times of the liquid to spray.

What about the long insects of tiger prickly plum? control of diseases and insect pests of tiger prickly plum / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

Prunus angustifolia is a kind of high ornamental plant, which can be seen in many gardens in our country. However, even if the ornamental plants have diseases and insect pests, they will yellowing and even withering. About the tiger thorn plum long insect how to do, tiger thorn plum disease and pest control need to do? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

What to do with the long worms of tiger thorns and plums / prescribe the right medicine to the case

II. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Prunus mume

1. Shell insects are afraid.

Shell pests are common in the control of diseases and insect pests of Prunus mume, which generally appear in the environment with high humidity, so we must pay attention to ventilation in the process of breeding. This pest mainly harms the leaves of the plant, which at first makes the leaves yellowing, and if left untreated for a long time, it will lead to the withering of Prunus mume.

Control methods: this pest has a strong reproductive ability, so it must be dealt with in time when it is found. Generally, we can choose 40% omethoate 1000 times liquid to spray the tiger thorn company, in order to eliminate this pest.

two。 Whitefly pest

Whitefly is such a small pest that it is difficult to detect with the naked eye. The largest whitefly is generally larger than 3mm, so the pest can only be identified by symptoms. This kind of pest mainly sucks the sap of the plant, which makes the plant lose its nutrients and wither.

Control methods: in addition to this pest the most direct way is to use drugs for treatment, generally we can choose insect chitinase inhibition to spray on the plant, in order to get the effect of killing this pest.

3. Root rot disease

Root rot is a kind of disease that often occurs on Prunus mume, and its high incidence period is usually about April to May every year, so special attention must be paid to it at this time. This disease mainly threatens the root of the plant, which will cause the root to rot, and it will lead to the direct death of Prunus tomentosa if it does not come out for a long time.

Control method: in order to control this disease, we can choose to use 1500-3000 times wet powder to irrigate the root of Chimonanthus przewalskii, usually once every 7-12 days, and the plant can be basically cured after 2-3 times.

4. Stem rot disease

Stem rot disease has great harm to Prunus tomentosa. At the initial stage of the disease, some brown disease spots will appear in the stem, and will gradually spread to the whole body, resulting in the phenomenon of plant death.

Control method: if this disease occurs, we must deal with it as soon as possible. We can choose 38% cuproloxil 1000 times solution to spray the plant, which is usually sprayed once in 5-7 days, and can be basically cured after 1-2 times.