
How does June snow reproduce? three propagation methods / cutting survival rate of June snow is 100%.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a highly ornamental plant, June snow not only has flowers as white as snow, its green and lovely leaves are also moving. A basin of June snow, picturesque, then how many pots will be? This requires us to breed June snow, so how to reproduce June snow? Here are three breeding methods for June snow

As a highly ornamental plant, June snow not only has flowers as white as snow, its green and lovely leaves are also moving. A basin of June snow, picturesque, then how many pots will be? This requires us to breed June snow, so how to reproduce June snow? The following are three propagation methods of June snow, of which cutting is the most practical. Let's go and have a look.

How to propagate snow in June, cuttage / ramet / sow

If you raise the June snow well, some flower friends should be bored. At this time, you can try to reproduce a few more pots. As for how to reproduce June snow, as far as the editor knows, there are three common methods: cutting, dividing plants and spreading. Among them, cutting is the most practical and the survival rate is the highest. Specific operation, let's move on.

Second, three breeding methods of June snow

(1) cutting propagation method of June snow.

① cutting time

The snow in June is very leather and solid, and it is easy for cuttings to survive. Basically, it can be carried out all year round. However, in order to have a high survival rate of cuttage propagation in June, it is best to choose the spring from February to March (dormant branches) or the rainy season from June to July (semi-mature branches).

② cutting substrate

In the cuttage propagation of June snow, the choice of soil is also very important. According to the habit of June snow and the soil requirements of June snow culture method, we can choose loose, fertile and good drainage slightly acidic fine sand loam as cutting medium.

③ cuttings selection

Cutting propagation, the first to choose the right time, the second is to select a good cuttage, its quality will directly determine the success rate of the whole reproduction. In June snow cuttings, we can cut 6-8 cm long healthy branches as cuttings; in the rainy season, cuttings can be cut with hardwood or old branches.

④ cuttage start

After the above preparations, the cuttage propagation of June snow can officially begin. Insert the cuttings into the prepared substrate at an appropriate depth, then wrap it in a plastic film to cover the shade and remember to poke some small holes in the film.

In addition, we can also combine several cuttings with cuttings, and after cutting, we can transplant them in pots from October to November, and divide the seedlings of combined cuttings into individual plants.

⑤ plug-in management

After cutting, we should pay attention to watering, keep the seedbed moist, and pay attention to cold prevention when cutting in winter. Generally speaking, the cuttings are very easy to survive, and if handled properly, the survival rate of cuttage propagation in June can reach 100%.

(2) the method of split propagation of snow in June.

① ramet time

Ramet, one of the propagation methods of June snow, it is often carried out around the beginning of spring before germination in March, or when the plant stops growing at the end of autumn.

② ramet method

From February to March, the June snow mother plant was dug out of the soil by root, divided into several small clumps with hands (preferably with scissors), and transplanted into flowerpots. June snow split propagation method, the survival rate is relatively high, flower friends can also try.

Note: for each small clump, there should be 3 branches and roots in the lower part.

(3) the method of snow planting and propagation in June

In addition to cuttings and ramets, there is another way to propagate snow in June, that is, sowing. Specific operation: the use of open space, the soil will be dug loose, soil lump fine, leveling. Spread the trimmed branches about 3 centimeters evenly on the ground, press the soil surface with your feet, and then pour water through it. After that, spray water every other day.

After planting, it begins to take root and sprout branches and buds 10 days later; the first thin liquid fertilizer is applied 25 days later; at 50 days, 1000 times urea is applied at a time to raise seedlings; two months later, it can be transplanted and planted; four months later, it can be cultivated in pots, and at the same time, initial planting can be carried out; after a year, an ideal stump bonsai can be formed, which can be formed in half a year if it is used as a hedge.

Generally speaking, June snow has strong vitality, and the three breeding methods are easy to survive, but cutting is the best in terms of convenience and survival rate. Of course, the method is dead, people are alive, we can according to the actual situation, choose the method to breed. With regard to the breeding method of June snow, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

How to reproduce in June snow, cutting and ramet propagation methods in June snow

Snow is very easy to survive in June. When making miniature or miniature bonsai, in order to make it take shape as soon as possible, it is often carried out in the Meiyu season from June to July. The florescence of June snow is usually from June to July every year, but there are also flower friends whose June snow season can last until October. Generally speaking, if the management is good, friends can breed at home by themselves, and then take a look at the breeding methods of June snow.

How does June snow reproduce?

Cuttage and split propagation are often used, and striping can also be used.

June snow cutting method

It can be carried out all year round, and the survival rate of hardwood cuttings from February to March in spring and tender wood cuttings in Meiyu season is the highest. Cuttings in the rainy season should pay attention to shade, and winter cuttings should be protected against cold. Ramet should be carried out at the beginning of spring before sprouting or at the end of autumn when it stops growing. Dormant branch cuttings were carried out from February to March, and semi-mature branch cuttings were carried out from June to July. Generally, hard branches are used in early spring, but hard branches and old branches can be used in the rainy season, all of which need to build a shed for shade. After insertion, pay attention to watering, keep the seedbed moist, very easy to survive.

June snow insertion method

The use of green open space, the soil will be dug loose, soil lump fine, leveling. Spread the branches of the first or second nodes (about three centimeters) evenly on the ground prepared in advance, step on or press the topsoil with things, and pour water thoroughly. After that, spray water once every other day, and begin to take root and sprout branches ten days later. The first dilute liquid fertilizer was applied after 25 days. At 50 days, the seedlings were raised by applying 1000 times urea at a time. It can be transplanted and planted in two months. It can be cultivated in pot in four months, and can be planted for the first time at the same time. A year later, an ideal bonsai tree stump can be formed. It takes only half a year to make a hedge.

How to raise snow in June? Introduction to the breeding and Culture methods of June Snow

June snow is afraid of strong light, likes warm climate, can bear cold and drought slightly, likes well drained, fertile and moist loose soil, has low environmental requirements and strong growth, and is pleasing to the eye when raised indoors. It is a common home breeding plant. The following editor will introduce the breeding methods of June snow for everyone!

Breeding methods of snow in June

In June, the snow is often propagated by cutting and dividing plants, or by pressing. The cutting method can be carried out all the year round, and the survival rate of hardwood cutting in spring from February to March and tender wood cutting in Meiyu season is the highest. Cuttings in the rainy season should pay attention to shade, and winter cuttings should be protected against cold. Ramet should be carried out at the beginning of spring before sprouting or at the end of autumn when it stops growing.

Dormant branch cuttings were carried out from February to March, and semi-mature branch cuttings were carried out from June to July. Generally, hard branches are used in early spring, but hard branches and old branches can be used in the rainy season, all of which need to build a shed for shade. After insertion, pay attention to watering, keep the seedbed moist, very easy to survive.

June snow can also be used to spread the method, the use of green open space, the soil will be dug loose, soil lump fine, leveling. Spread the branches of the first to second nodes (about three centimeters) evenly on the ground prepared in advance, step on or press the topsoil with things, and pour water thoroughly. After that, spray water once every other day, and begin to take root and sprout branches after ten days. The first dilute liquid fertilizer was applied after 25 days. At 50 days, the seedlings were raised by applying 1000 times urea at a time. It can be transplanted and planted in two months. It can be cultivated in pot in four months, and can be planted for the first time at the same time. A year later, an ideal bonsai tree stump can be formed. It takes only half a year to make a hedge.

The culture method of June snow

1, transplanting pot: generally speaking, February to March is the best time for transplanting, of course, Meiyu season and late autumn season is also a good season. When transplanting, the pot chosen is purple sand basin and glaze basin, and the basin color should be dark, which can form a sharp contrast with the flower color. The basin soil is required to be sandy, which should be loose and rich in organic matter and good drainage. In addition, in the choice of fertilizer, pine needle soil, humus soil and peat can be mixed with each other, and about 10% rice husk ash should be added.

2. Water and fertilizer management: the water and fertilizer management of June snow should be suitable, not too dry or too wet, keep an appropriate amount of water in basin soil, reduce watering times in winter, and generally spray water on leaves for 1-2 times in summer. In addition, April to May is the best time to apply fertilizer, which can be irrigated with 0.5% phosphate and potassium fertilizer, and can be re-fertilized in winter to irrigate thin organic fertilizer. Heavy fertilizer is a big taboo.

3. Light and temperature requirements: June snow likes sunshine, warmth, moisture and ventilation. Therefore, maintenance should be carried out in these conditions during the growing season. Summer should be properly shaded, must not be exposed to the sun, winter should be moved indoors, to maintain a certain temperature, such as 5 to 12 degrees Celsius.

4. Turning the basin and pruning: turning the basin every other year can make the soil more loose and suitable for plant growth. At the same time, the removal of the old soil and proper pruning of the roots can also improve its ornamental value. In winter, plastic pruning should be carried out, long and short branches should be trimmed, and sparse and dense branches should be trimmed, which can not only remove messy branches and leaves, improve the aesthetic sense of ornamental, but also cut off the branches and leaves of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, through heart-picking, sprouting, removing branches, etc., to maintain a certain shape, elegant and moving.

5. Pest control: there are few diseases and insect pests in June snow, and there are aphids occasionally. At this time, you can use wind oil essence spray, you can kill aphids, but the concentration should not be too high, dilution 500 to 600 times is more appropriate. In addition, root rot sometimes occurs. At this time, it is irrigated with 800x solution of Gen Fuling or 600x-1000 times of 12% oleic acid copper EC and sprayed every other time for three times in a row.

The efficacy and function of June Snow

June snow, also known as Mantianxing, Riyou, etc., belongs to Rubiaceae medicinal flowers and plants. It has the function of dispelling wind and promoting dampness, relaxing muscles and activating collaterals, clearing heat and detoxification, regulating spleen and regulating qi. It has a certain curative effect on rheumatism, migraine, toothache, throat, stomatitis, neurodermatitis, damp-heat jaundice, herpes zoster, leucorrhea and other diseases.