
Do lilies grow white bugs? Pest control of lilies / spraying of aphids

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Among the best products cultivated indoors, lilies are undoubtedly one of the favorite flowers among florists, and many people plant them at home. But if it is neglected to manage, or if you do not follow the breeding method of lilies, it will get sick and grow worms, which will greatly affect the ornamental quality of lilies. What if lilies grow worms?

Among the best products cultivated indoors, lilies are undoubtedly one of the favorite flowers among florists, and many people plant them at home. But if it is neglected to manage, or if you do not follow the breeding method of lilies, it will get sick and grow worms, which will greatly affect the ornamental quality of lilies. What if lilies grow bugs? The following is the lily pest control, let's go and have a look.

Lilies grow worms and are sprayed with medicine.

. The concentration of the insecticide should be controlled strictly according to the instructions, especially the insecticide, which will cause drug damage if the concentration is a little higher, which is particularly sensitive to Diguan and some Euphorbiaceae succulent plants.

With regard to some of the pharmaceuticals listed in this article, some of them are relatively early, and their use effect and purchase may not be as effective and convenient as some new ones, so you don't need to care too much about the name of the medicine, just need to know

What are the specific diseases and insect pests of your own succulent plants? you can search for more useful agents on some forums, or just search for the disease on Taobao. You can usually find a lot of corresponding drugs, which are also very good to buy.

It's convenient. The same kind of drug should be changed after being used twice. Long-term use of a pesticide is easy to produce drug resistance.

Finally, I wish you all the succulent plants can be full of vitality.

Another serious disease of Sedum in summer-soot disease: soot disease, also known as coal fouling disease, is one of the common diseases of plants. It is mainly harmful to the leaves and petioles, and the serious ones are also harmful to the trunk. When the disease occurs, the surface of the leaves appears dark brown first.

The mildew spot gradually expanded, so that the whole leaf or most of the leaf surface was covered with black soot, the soot layer was easy to peel off, and the feather leaf, leaf axis and petiole were covered with a layer of soot, that is, the hyphae and fruiting body of the pathogen. Be

The leaves completely covered by soot turn yellow due to the influence of photosynthesis, resulting in the withering and death of the whole plant.

Soot disease symptoms: mostly occur in the surface of plant leaves, showing brown, gray, black mildew spots. (as shown below)

The pathogen of soot disease is mostly caused by epiphytic fungi.

The cause of soot disease: in addition to hot and humid soil and water infection in summer, it comes more from a variety of insect-carrying infections. Aphids, scale insects and ants not only eat the sap from the roots of sucking plant leaves, but also secrete dense dew and excrete feces. These secretions contain a variety of fungi, which will aggravate the infection after being bitten by these pests.

Prevention and control methods: on weekdays, we must strengthen pest control. Most pests break out in summer, and most Sedum is dormant in summer. High temperature and humidity are more conducive to the transmission of fungi and the outbreak of insects. Diseases, insects and bacteria interact with each other. It's easy to let your little meat get rid of.

You can add a certain dose of fungicide to the insecticide, once a week, or spray the fungicide three days after killing insects.

There are many drugs available, and most fungicides have certain effects.

Carbendazim and carbendazim (above 5% depth, can be diluted with high concentration of raw solution and more water) Bordeaux solution and other fungal drugs, methyl topiramate are also effective.

It is very important that not all brands of drugs containing the above ingredients are effective. The management of horticultural drugs in our country is very chaotic. Many drugs are reduced to placebos with no actual effect or no obvious effect. Try to buy some big brands or go to agricultural stores to buy, the effect will be better.

Usually pay more attention to insecticidal, the main cause of this disease has something to do with pests.

Of course, the ventilation and cooling of the environment is also critical. (author: Qiu Yang)

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This article link: Jingtian summer pest control of coal smoke disease

Since summer, the flesh of flower friends has died of black rot more or less, and many flower friends have asked if there is a specific cure for black rot. Recently, my greenhouse also suffered from insect pests (cotton blowing, root powder) and bacterial damage (black rot), so I consulted the "experts" of the Institute of Plant Protection of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Institute of vegetables, and the Institute of Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and invited one of them to the scene. They all said that there was no specific cure for black rot.

Black rot is mostly caused by saprophytic bacteria. Most of them occur in summer when the resistance of high-temperature succulent plants is low during dormancy. At present, there is no specific medicine to solve this problem. Black rot occurs not only in succulent plants, but also in other animals and plants. For example, food is prone to mildew in summer and animal wounds are prone to infection.

As for the black rot of succulent plants in summer, there is no special treatment in greenhouses from Europe and the United States to Japan and South Korea (I personally visited and consulted several bases). More advanced, with water curtain or industrial fan cooling, targeted hit several kinds of fungicides (after cooling sealed steaming). The owners of the shed are blowing fans and playing broad-spectrum antibiotics. But...

No matter which way is adopted, the injury is bound to happen. it's just the difference between more and less. Of course, it's not that the medicine has no effect at all, it's just that for black rot (because there are many pathogens), the effect is not obvious. For example, you fight.

50 plants may die before 1000 drugs, and 45 plants will die after administration. And this proportion can be ignored if it is put on the succulent families of ordinary people. Moreover, if the method of ventilation and cooling is adopted, the effect is obvious.

It is better to take medicine, so it is better to blow more fans than to spend money on drugs that do not know how effective they are.

Of course, I still asked for a bunch of medicine from the laboratory, and people also said that many of the drugs for scale insects are effective (when there are no children and pets at home, you can buy some agricultural medicine and use it carefully). About black rot only gave me some relatively professional broad-spectrum medicine. In particular, the key to the prevention and control of black rot in summer is ventilation and cooling, and insect control (summer is also a period of scale insects and outbreaks. Much of the black rot is due to the interaction between scale insects and ants-soot, because plants with wounds are more likely to be infected.

Others asked about the infectivity of black rot. First of all, black rot is contagious, but it does not necessarily mean it is contagious. It lies in the individual resistance of the plant. This is why sometimes the plants in the pots are rotten, but B is alive and well, while C, which is far away from them, is rotten.

To sum up, the black rot of succulent plants in summer is the law of nature, survival of the fittest. Death is inevitable. When you grow meat in your family, more or less worms (eggs) will be brought in, hurry up, wash the roots carefully and then enter the basin, and you can hit it when you enter the basin.

Some medicines (a variety of agricultural drugs on the market have an effect on scale insects, such as chlorpyrifos, please be careful), there is more ventilation and cooling in summer. Will maximize the program to reduce black rot, if you still die, there is no way:) planting flowers is not immortal

That's the truth.

On the medicine of scale insects: very cheap chlorpyrifos has a significant effect on scale insects, and many others, including scale must be treated with some surfactants, are also very effective, many horticultural drugs are of poor quality, and some are safe.

Placebo, although some are effective, but the effect of ingredient additive is not obvious. You can try to add some active agents yourself, which are generally available in pesticide stores. (but it is not necessary, because the troublesome and direct insecticidal medicine itself is very


For those that have black rot but no rotten light, you can use sterilized blades to dig up as many rotten parts as possible, and it is best to dig out some of the ones that are not rotten, because you may not be able to tell whether they are infected or not.

Hou: in order to avoid trouble, I am just telling you what I know. It does not represent authority. " We can't talk nonsense about whether "expert" is specialized or not, because the word "expert" has been derogated, and we can only say that the person I am looking for is relatively authoritative in the industry. (author: Qiu Yang)

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Link to this article: some suggestions for black rot in summer

For ordinary horticulturists, the most commonly used anthers are broad-spectrum fungicides such as carbendazim, methyl thiophanate, chlorothalonil and expired pesticides such as carbofuran (carbofuran due to its high toxicity and high residue.

Has been listed as a banned drug by the state. For family cultivation, the above drugs are enough to deal with common diseases and insect pests, but there is another mystery about which drugs to use and how to use them.

Common diseases of horticultural plants are leaf rot, root rot, and a series of hazards caused by fungal infections. if each disease is not treated in time, it will lead to the decay of some organs of the plant and even the death of the whole plant.

Die. However, for succulent plants, bacterial rotten leaves and roots rarely occur (except for those who do not treat the wound in time after physical injury). The only thing that poses the greatest threat to succulent plants is fungal infection.

A large area of fungal infection after poor ventilation, moisture and poor disinfection of the cultivation medium, that is, what we usually call "long hair". Especially in the seedling stage, the outbreak probability is the highest. If really broke out what disease, also can refer to the disease and insect pest control of succulent plant.

It should be noted here that the "long hair" on the soil surface is a fungal infection and a morbid appearance, while the hyphae in the medium is an inevitable phenomenon of the decomposition of soil organic matter, which is a normal phenomenon. Fungal infection

Plant tissue cells will be used as a source of nutrition, eventually leading to plant tissue fester. On the other hand, the hyphae in the medium is a kind of rot-eating fungus, and it is also a kind of probiotics which can help plants absorb the organic matter in the decomposition medium.

The plant Noumenon of vitality produces harm. (except for the heat generated in the process of bacterial reproduction) the two need to be treated differently and should not be killed with a stick.

Through the above analysis, we also need to have a choice in the use of antibiotics. As we all know, carbendazim and methyl topiramate are broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, mainly for bacterial infections. And chlorothalonil

Eliminate virus, which is mainly aimed at fungi. In the process of family cultivation of succulent plants, the main purpose of preventive application is to resist fungal infection, so chlorothalonil should be used as the main drug. In order to avoid the emergence of drug resistance, it can be crossed at intervals.

Cooperate with the use of carbendazim and tocopherol. The wound treatment after pruning and plastic surgery should be based on carbendazim and methyl topiramate, and the effect of chlorothalonil will be much worse. Drug use should pay attention to the 16-word formula of "giving priority to prevention, using alternately, increasing concentration and reducing times".

Prevention is the prevention of unburned, before the beginning of control, do not wait to see the disease before taking medicine, even if controlled at this time, it will affect the appearance of plants, and even later health. The general period of seasonal alternation is the key point of prophylactic application.

Alternate use, that is, to prevent the emergence of fungus resistance, the same drug should be used up to 3 times in a row, it should be replaced with other drugs. Otherwise, once drug resistance occurs, the application is like watering, with no effect. And you will also increase the frequency of other drugs because you are missing a replaceable drug, causing other drugs to fail because of drug resistance.

Increasing the concentration is a common medication strategy for both animals and plants. For conventional diseases and explosive acute infections, increasing the concentration by 30-50% on the basis of the instructions can achieve good results in a short period of time. The infected individuals can improve their resistance and recover their health as soon as possible through strengthening management and follow-up maintenance in a sterile environment produced by high concentrations of drugs.

Reduce the number of times, which is relative to increasing the concentration, as mentioned above, there are probiotics in the soil. When sterilized drugs are treated, there will be no difference.

Kill probiotics. Probiotics are good for improving soil quality and preventing consolidation. Therefore, the use of drugs should take into account this factor, do not use drugs too frequently. Probiotics should be given proper room to grow. In addition, reduce the use of

The number of drugs can also avoid the emergence of drug resistance. It is suggested that the interval of application based on prevention is 2 months, which can be increased appropriately during the alternation of seasons.

Finally, here are two tips:

1. After sowing, if there is continuous overcast and rain, the basin soil is too wet, and fungi can easily break out in the basin, so medicine must be given at this time. But because the basin soil is already in a very wet state. There is no doubt that routine application adds moisture to the wet environment, which is very disadvantageous to seed germination. At this time, the dry powder of the drug can be sprinkled directly and evenly on the basin surface without the need for water dilution and sprinkler irrigation.

2. Conventional sterilization drugs are powdery substances that use talc powder as the carrier. (the white powder we see is actually talc powder, but the composition of the real medicine is invisible.) after dilution and sprinkler irrigation, white spots will be formed on the plant surface, affecting plant beauty and photosynthesis, and it is difficult to remove. It is suggested that the drug should be kept for 2 hours after dilution, and only the supernatant (that is, the effective ingredient of the drug) should be used for sprinkler irrigation after the talc powder is precipitated, so as to avoid the above pollution.

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Link to this article: pest control of succulent plants (transferred from the blog of Little laziness among flowers)