
How to reproduce spring feather, sowing / cutting / ramet can be done (temperature is the key)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The leaves of Chunyu can reach 60 cm in length and 40 cm in width, so it is very ornamental, so many people want to expand the planting scale, so this time involves the problem of reproduction, so how does Chunyu reproduce? Today, we will introduce several main breeding methods of spring feathers.

The leaves of Chunyu can reach 60 cm in length and 40 cm in width, so it is very ornamental, so many people want to expand the planting scale, so this time involves the problem of reproduction, so how does Chunyu reproduce? Today, we will introduce several main breeding methods of spring feathers.

How does Chunyu breed?

The breeding methods of spring feather are mainly ramet, cutting and sowing, the first two are more commonly used, sowing because of the need for mature seeds, so it is rare, each way will have its different characteristics, let's take a detailed look at the specific operation flow of each way.

1. The cutting method of spring feather.

The cutting time is generally the most ideal from May to September, when the temperature is suitable for the growth and reproduction of spring feathers. Select the soil and branches before cutting. The soil can be made of sandy soil with good ventilation and drainage, and the branches are cut off from the 2-3 nodes of the strong stem, and then inserted into the prepared soil to take root.

Check the dry humidity indicated by the sand every day. If it is too dry, it should be watered to ensure that the soil is moist. It is very helpful to take root in about 20 days. After taking root, you can transplant it to the potted soil. After that, you need to master the breeding methods and matters needing attention of spring feathers.

Another common cutting method is to cut off the upper part of the spring feather plant for cutting, while the lower part of the plant will sprout after a period of time, and we can propagate through these buds.

2. The breeding method of spring feather.

When the spring feather is in the peak period of growth, its base will sprout tillers, the tillers will grow leaves after a period of time, when it has 4-5 leaves, it will also produce adventitious roots, at this time we can separate it from the mother root.

These separated tiller buds can then be cultivated, which is often called ramet propagation. The biggest characteristic of this method is that the success rate is very high and the possibility of tiller bud survival is also higher.

3. Sowing and reproduction

Chunyu, which has been planted for a long time, will mature at some point, and we can sow and reproduce at this time. It is made of sandy humus and cow dung before sowing. Sowing needs to pay attention to the temperature, to keep the bed temperature at 25-30 degrees, can promote seed germination.

Conclusion: there are three main propagation methods of spring feather. the commonly used methods are ramet and cutting. no matter which way they are, scientific methods must be adopted. in the process of reproduction, temperature is the biggest influencing factor, so we must pay attention to controlling the temperature. in order to make it germinate and take root more quickly.

How does Chunyu breed?

The propagation method of spring feather sowing and reproduction

Generally speaking, after the seeds of the more robust spring feather plants are mature, the seeds can be removed and cultivated and propagated. When sowing, the sowing soil is mostly made of sandy humus soil and a small amount of cow dung. When sowing, we should pay attention to maintain the suitable temperature, ensure that the bed temperature and ambient temperature is between 25 ℃-30 ℃, so that the seeds can germinate quickly, if the temperature is too low, it is not easy to emerge.

Ramet propagation

In general, the vigorous growth of spring feather plants can sprout tillers at the base, and when the tiller buds grow to 4-5 leaves and produce adventitious roots, they can be separated from the mother roots, that is, after the plants take root, the separated tiller buds can be cultivated and propagated. The tiller buds are very easy to survive.

Cuttage propagation

Spring feather often uses the method of cutting propagation in sandy soil. The best breeding season is from May to September. To put it simply, it is to cut 2-3 nodes of strong stems and insert them into water moss or coarse sand to take root to keep the soil moist. It can take root in 20 days. Or cut off the upper plant of Chunyu for cutting, the lower part of the old plant will sprout a lot of buds, these buds can also be propagated.

Matters needing attention

Pay attention to the ambient temperature when sowing and breeding, and only in the suitable temperature can it take root quickly.

Pay attention to the maintenance of environmental humidity during ramet reproduction and put it in a cool place to improve the environmental humidity. When separating Xiao Zhu from Lao Zhu, try not to hurt Lao Zhu, especially the root of Lao Zhu. You can choose to pick the heart from the side beads in advance.

Spring feather Philodenron selloum Koch spring feather picture: how to raise spring feather / spring feather how to breed spring feather business card spring feather Philodenron selloum Koch spring feather introduction of spring feather spring taro is a perennial evergreen herb foliage plant. The stem is very short, and the leaves extend from the top of the stem to all sides, arranged tightly, neatly and in a tufted shape. The petiole is firm and slender, up to 1 meter, the leaf is huge, thick pinnately parted, thick green and shiny. The stem is erect, lignified, with many aerial roots; the plant is tall, up to 1.5 meters or more. Leaves are clustered, born at the end of the stem; leaves are broad heart-shaped, pinnately parted like palms, up to 60 cm long and 40 cm wide, leathery, dark green and glossy; petiole firm and slender, up to 80-100 cm. The morphological characteristics of spring feather spring feather, spring taro, is a perennial evergreen herb foliage plant. The stem is very short, and the leaves extend from the top of the stem to all sides, arranged tightly, neatly and in a tufted shape. The plant can reach 1 meter in height, the stem is thick and erect, and the diameter is up to 10 cm. There are obvious leaf scars and wired air roots on the stem. The leaf extends in all directions at the top of the stem and has a petiole about 40 cm long and 50 cm long. the leaf body is fresh and shiny, ovate heart-shaped, up to 60 cm long and 40 cm wide, but the average potted plant is only about half the size, and the whole leaf is pinnately parted and leathery. The leaves of young seedlings were thinner and triangular, and the leaves became larger with the growth, and the more pinnatifid and deeper the pinnatifid. The ecological habits of Chunyu Chunyu like high temperature and humid environment, light requirements are not strict, not cold-resistant, resistant to dark, indoor light is only in weak places, can be raised in pots, like fertile, loose, well-drained slightly acidic soil, winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Is a perennial evergreen herb. It is more resistant to shade. It is a cold-tolerant species in this genus, with a suitable growth temperature of 18-25 ℃ and a low temperature of 2 ℃ in winter, but it is better if it is more than 5 ℃. Sandy soil is required. The cultivation technique of spring feather is perennial evergreen herb. It is more resistant to shade. It is a cold-tolerant species in this genus, with a suitable growth temperature of 18-25 ℃ and a low temperature of 2 ℃ in winter, but it is better if it is more than 5 ℃. Cuttage propagation is required in sandy soil. It is best from May to September, cut 2-3 nodes of the robust stem, insert it directly into the water moss or coarse sand, keep it moist, and take root in about 20 days. Family cultivation for 3-4 years should be renewed. Common leaf spot disease and scale insect damage. Leaf spot disease was sprayed with 1000 times of 50% carbendazim and shell insects were sprayed with 1000 times of 50% omethoate EC. Basin, soil: you can choose mud basin planting, can cover other basins, so that it is both beautiful and breathable. Because spring taro likes slightly acidic soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, family cultivation can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, garden soil and a small amount of river sand. Depending on the growth of the plant, the pot will be changed once in spring in about 2 years. Light, temperature: spring taro like temperature, shade-resistant, not cold-resistant, avoid strong light direct exposure. The hot summer should be kept in the shade. In winter, it can be placed in a sunny place. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is more than 8 ℃. Water, fertilizer: spring taro likes the humid environment, usually can pour some rice water, pay attention to keep the basin soil moist during the growing period. In summer, you can spray water around the leaves or flowerpots every day to maintain a fresh and moist microclimate. In winter, the temperature decreases gradually, so the times of watering should be reduced. Although spring taro likes to be warm and humid, it has a strong ability to adapt to the indoor dry environment in winter in the north. When going up or changing the basin, some hoof horn pieces or oil residue are padded at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, and then liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month (such as thin pancake fertilizer, etc.). In winter, apply less or stop fertilizing. There are ramet or cuttage methods for reproduction. In general, strong-growing plants can sprout tillers at the base, and after they take root, they can be taken off and planted separately. Or cut off the upper part of the plant into a plant, the base of the old plant will sprout several buds, these buds can be used for reproduction. In the tropics, fresh seeds can also be used for propagation, and the optimum temperature for germination is 25-30 ℃. Pot substrate is commonly made of rotten leaf soil, peat soil and river sand, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied every time the basin is changed. Some light fertilizer can be applied appropriately in the growing season, but not too much. Usually spray water to the leaf surface, and watering should be properly controlled in winter. Outdoor maintenance should be placed in the shade, indoor anywhere can grow, but the bright light is better. Fewer diseases and insect pests. In a dry climate, it has a certain tolerance to both high and low temperatures. It is not cold-resistant, the north are potted indoor overwintering, Frosts Descent before entering the house, put in the sun. As long as the room temperature is kept above 8 ℃, it can survive the winter safely. The water content should be controlled in winter management, and the basin soil should be watered dry. For adult plants, before leaving the room every year, change to loose and fertile nutrient soil, and use hoof horn or oil residue in the basin as base fertilizer. In late April, the flowerpot was moved to the outdoor leeward and sunny place for management. High temperature in summer avoid inflammation, hot and strong sunlight, shading measures should be taken. Spring feather needs a lot of water, it is watered twice every day in summer, and the foliar surface is often sprayed with water to clean the foliar surface and maintain a fresh and moist microclimate. Usually irrigate Amoy rice water, light chicken, fish blood water, increase soil fertility, prevent basin soil consolidation. Spring feathers grow fast, adjust water, fertilizer, light and temperature, and can grow 375 leaves a year. The main points of planting are soil or plant roots. First, do not water too often, too waterlogging will be so. Second, whether the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin is effective, if not, it is necessary to change the soil to cover a small tile or screen window. Third, if there are too many earthworms in the soil, it will be the same. Fourth, the growth environment, is not too closed, the light is too dark? If the upper part is not completely rotten, it can be cut off, cut off the rotten part, and then replanted in the new sandy soil. And remove most of the lower leaves, retain only the upper 2 leaves, and cut all the leaves into "half leaves" to reduce water transpiration. Put in the semi-shade, often spray water to the leaves or the growing environment, but the basin soil is best seen dry and wet watering, not too often. Manage that the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, avoid strong light, the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, and the growth begins at about 10 ℃. Should be placed in the semi-shade, summer to avoid direct sunlight, to prevent burning leaves. Keep the soil moist and avoid being too dry during the growing period. Use the method of often spraying water to the leaves and sprinkling water on the ground to increase the environmental humidity and try to maintain a ventilated, warm and semi-overcast environment. In addition, the gold diamond had better be placed away from the heating, air-conditioning mouth, because the air in these places is too dry, water evaporation is fast, it is easy to cause the leaves to dry up. When the air is dry in summer and autumn, water should be sprayed to keep the plant moist and cool. Like fertilizer, in the golden diamond May-September growth season, fertilizer water 1-2 times a month, avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the petiole will be slender and weak, not easy to stand upright, thus affecting the ornamental effect. Fertilize as little as possible in other seasons. Watering should be flexible, keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and dry and wet in autumn and winter. Some reddish brown roots will appear in the well-cultivated golden diamond rhizome, and new buds will grow quickly, which can be divided in time. In the process of dividing the basin, you must be careful to avoid hurting the main root. The seedlings were also planted in loose and fertile sandy soil, and then placed in a semi-shady place indoors, and pay attention to frequent water spraying to prevent the seedlings from wilting, and gradually reduce the number of water spraying after a week. The seedlings can almost survive in half a month or so, and can be maintained normally. Note that the temperature should be kept at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃, and avoid heating, air conditioning and cold air. The air humidity is required to be kept between 50% and 75%, which is less than 50% of the dry edge of yellow leaves. Water spraying and sprinkling are often used to increase air humidity. Like the light and avoid strong direct light, the growth environment had better be maintained under the condition of semi-shade or scattered light, and should not be placed in a shady environment for a long time, otherwise the leaves are very easy to yellowing. Fertilization should be based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer and mainly nitrogen fertilizer. Watering is best carried out when the surface of the basin soil is dry, and it can be kept moist during the high temperature in summer. If the ambient temperature is lower than 15 ℃ in winter, it needs to be watered alternately. Diseases are mainly caused by maintenance or environmental discomfort, which can be prevented by good maintenance and management, and can be prevented by spraying carbendazim and chlorothalonil. The main pests are red spiders, which are generally caused by air dryness, which can be effectively prevented by spraying water frequently and wiping leaves. When there are insect pests, special insecticides need to be sprayed for prevention and control, such as triclofenac and so on. The breeding method of spring feather: Golden diamond prefers warm, moist semi-shady environment, afraid of severe cold, overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃; light, avoid strong light, the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, and 10 ℃ begins to grow; the soil is lax, it is better to grow in sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, and potted peat and perlite are used to prepare nutrient soil. It should be placed in a semi-shady place to avoid direct sunlight in summer. During the growing period, you should always keep the soil moist, avoid being too dry, and keep it away from heating and air-conditioning outlets. Prevent leaf yellowing, diseases and insect pests. Diseases are mainly caused by maintenance or environmental discomfort, which can be prevented through good maintenance management; for pests such as red spiders, spraying water frequently and wiping leaves can be effectively prevented. Spraying special insecticides can be used for prevention and control. Common leaf problems and causes the main causes of leaf yellowing are temperature discomfort, low humidity, light discomfort, excessive fertilization, frequent watering and pests. Spring feather has luxuriant plants, large and strange leaves, bright green leaves and strong shade tolerance. It is one of the most widely used indoor foliage plants in families and public places. Potted plants can be placed in living rooms, lobbies and other spacious places, and small hydroponic plants can also be placed on desks, windowsills and other places. Spring feather, larger leaves, petiole with leaves can be more than 1 meter long, florescence is mostly in spring, showing flame bract, ornamental is not high, mainly to watch leaves. The requirement of soil is not strict, but the slightly acidic soil which is loose, fertile and well drained is the best. Spring feather is native to the tropical rainforest of South America and Brazil. It prefers a warm, humid and semi-shady environment. It does not have strict requirements for light, but it cannot tolerate long-term shady environment, otherwise the leaf color becomes lighter, the petiole becomes longer, the leaf droops and the ornamental quality decreases. But also afraid of strong direct light, after strong light, leaves are extremely prone to leaf tip drying, leaf edge scorched edge, leaf color whitening and loss of luster, so it is best to maintain with semi-overcast or scattered light. It can be nursed with enough light in winter to make it safe to survive the winter. Spring feather is a tropical plant, which is not tolerant to severe cold and low temperature. it is best to keep the temperature above 10 ℃ in winter to prevent frost injury. The optimum growth temperature is between 18 and 30 ℃. The growth is inhibited when the air temperature is higher than 30 ℃. It is necessary to ventilate and cool down and increase the frequency of water spraying to increase the relative humidity of the air. During the general growth period, it is necessary to maintain about 50% humidity to meet the demand, and when the temperature is higher than 25 ℃, it is necessary to increase the air humidity to about 70%. The leaves of spring feather are large and thin, and the requirement for water is high. It is necessary to keep the basin soil moist in the growth cycle, especially in the summer high temperature period. When the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, the watering times should be reduced, and the basin soil should be dry and wet alternately. Can withstand short-term waterlogging, but long-term stagnant water is easy to rot the root system and lead to plant death. The spring feather entered the peak growth period at the end of spring, which needs to be supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer to make it grow rapidly and restore vitality. Fertilization should be based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer, and fertilizer damage should not be caused by one application at a time. If the basin soil can be irrigated with thin fertilizer water instead of clear water during the growing period, the growth will be better. After entering autumn, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it is not conducive to overwintering, the petiole will become longer, and the plant shape can not be effectively controlled. Fertilization should be stopped when the winter temperature is below 20 ℃. The propagation methods of spring feathers are mostly carried out by cutting, sowing and dividing plants, and it is best to use cutting and dividing plants in the family, and the operation is relatively simple. When cutting propagation, it is appropriate to cut the stems with strong growth and long branches from May to September, and insert them directly into the clean river sand and place them in the semi-shade place to maintain a high air humidity, and the temperature is about 25 ℃. It can take root in 20-25 days. When there is a small plant at the base of the old plant, ramet propagation can be combined with soil change and basin change, and the small plant can be carefully separated from the old plant so as not to hurt the roots of the old plant. The lateral plants can also be heart-picked in advance, which can not only dwarf the plants, but also give birth to more lateral plants. when the new lateral plants are about 15 cm, they can be cut off with aerial roots and replanted. The reproduction method of spring feather has ramet or cutting method. In general, strong-growing plants can sprout tillers at the base, and after they take root, they can be taken off and planted separately. Or cut off the upper part of the plant into a plant, the base of the old plant will sprout several buds, these buds can be used for reproduction. In the tropics, fresh seeds can also be used for propagation, and the optimum temperature for germination is 25-30 ℃. Pot substrate is commonly made of rotten leaf soil, peat soil and river sand, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied every time the basin is changed. Some light fertilizer can be applied appropriately in the growing season, but not too much. Usually spray water to the leaf surface, and watering should be properly controlled in winter. Outdoor maintenance should be placed in the shade, indoor anywhere can grow, but the bright light is better. Fewer diseases and insect pests. The common diseases of spring feather are leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be controlled by wettable powder such as carbendazim, methyl topiramate, Dysen zinc and so on. If the leaves are yellow, withered and scorched, they need to be pruned in time to reduce the loss of nutrients. The main pests are red spiders and shell insects, which can be controlled by spraying special insecticides. In addition, red spiders can be prevented by increasing air humidity and strengthening ventilation to prevent shell insects. The main reasons for the yellowing of leaves in the prevention and control methods are: discomfort of temperature, low humidity, discomfort of light, excessive fertilization, frequent watering and pests. The reason of potted soil 1. The basin soil is short of nitrogen, the leaf is small, the leaf color is yellowish, the lower leaf is yellow first, the whole plant loses green gradually, and the lower part is more yellowish. The basin soil is phosphorus deficient, the leaves are curly, the leaves are dark green, and the veins of the lower leaves are yellowed. The potted soil is short of potassium, and the edge of the lower leaf is brown and easy to lodge; 4. The basin soil is lack of magnesium, and the edge and middle of the leaves turn green and white from bottom to upper; 5. The basin soil is lack of iron, and the scorched brown spot is dry. Other reasons 1. In most cases, it is due to the yellow water caused by improper water and fertilizer, that is, too much water leads to long-term wet soil water, poor air permeability and even partial fibrous root rot. It shows that the young leaves are dark yellow and dull, and the new shoots are atrophied. Fat yellow, that is, fat, shows that the tip of the old leaf turns yellow and falls off, and the new leaf is thick and shiny, but it is generally concave and convex. If it is a valuable flower, you can sprinkle a layer of pakchoi or radish seeds and pull it out a few days after emergence to consume nutrients. Dry yellow, due to lack of water or dehydration for a long time, although the new leaf color is normal, but the lower leaves gradually dry yellow shedding aging; 4. Alkali yellow, especially some southern flowers like acidic soil, while the northern water quality is alkaline, the leaves gradually fade, turn yellow or even fall off. The easiest way is to pour fermented rice washing water or Rain Water. The distribution area of spring feather is originally from Brazil, Paraguay and other places. It is cultivated in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved areas of South China. Adaptation: South China subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest (major cities: Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Guangzhou, Foshan, Shunde, Dongguan, Huizhou, Shantou, Taipei, Liuzhou, Guiping, Gejiu) tropical monsoon rain forest and rain forest (major cities: Haikou, Sanya, Qionghai, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macao, Hong Kong, Nanning, Qinzhou Beihai, Maoming, Jinghong) the function and ornamental value of spring feather leaves are huge It is thick-pinnately split, dark green, glossy, petiole long and stout, aerial root highly developed and drooping, beautiful plant shape, good ornamental effect. At the same time, it is shade-tolerant and is an excellent indoor shade-loving foliage plant. It is suitable for decorating hotel hall, indoor garden, office and family living room, study and so on. It can be placed for several months in a room with strong light, and the growth of the plant will not be greatly affected; it can also be watched for 3 weeks in a darker room. It is also often used as a large potted plant, which is very spectacular in the hall. The decorative application feather split happy forest taro leaf state is strange, very shade-resistant, suitable for indoor hall decoration, especially suitable for decorating music teahouse and hotel lounge. Chunyu pictures