
How to propagate the eight Immortals, the propagation method / cutting propagation has a high survival rate.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The eight Immortals is one of the most common flowers in our life. Umbrellas, such as snowballs, are surrounded by oval green leaves. They are native to central and southwestern China and are beautiful and luxurious in appearance. Next, let's discuss the breeding methods of eight Immortals. 1. How to reproduce the eight Immortals

The eight Immortals is one of the most common flowers in our life. Umbrellas, such as snowballs, are surrounded by oval green leaves. They are native to central and southwestern China and are beautiful and luxurious in appearance. Next, let's discuss the breeding methods of eight Immortals.

First, how to propagate the eight Immortals, cutting is the most practical.

On how to reproduce the eight Immortals, according to the editor's inquiry, there are three propagation methods, namely, cutting propagation, split propagation, striping propagation and grafting propagation. Among them, the survival rate of cutting propagation is the highest, specific how to do, we continue to look down.

Second, the propagation methods of eight Immortals.

Cutting propagation method

During the rainy season, select the well-developed twigs, cut them from the nodes near the base, about 20 cm in length, remove the lower leaves, and then insert them into the loose soil. The cutting temperature is 13-17 ℃, and usually spray more water to keep moist. It took root 15 days after insertion.

Ramet breeding method

It should be carried out before sprouting in spring, separate the rooted branches from the mother plant, pot directly, do not pour too much water, it is best to keep them in a semi-shady place and turn to normal maintenance after sprouting new buds.

Strip breeding method

Generally, before the plum rain, choose branches that are robust, semi-lignified and disease-free. In spring, cut the raw branches with a knife, then peel off the skin, wrap the engraved parts with wet moss, peat soil or culture soil with plastic film, wrap them into spindles, and tie them up and down. If the wrapped matrix becomes dry and white, you can use a syringe to replenish water. Under the condition of suitable temperature and temperature, it can take root in about 1 month. After 3 months, it can be cut off from the mother, removed the plastic film, put on the basin, and nurtured into independent plants.

Grafting breeding method

Grafting propagation uses Qionghua seedlings as rootstocks, cutting in spring, easy to survive. Transplanting should be carried out after defoliation or before budding. The main branch is easy to germinate and leave long branches, and it needs to be pruned properly after flowering to shape the tree.

The eight Immortals is a kind of well-cultivated flowers. The method of reproduction of the eight Immortals is explained by the editor. Friends who like it can learn about it.

Main points of propagation of eight immortal flowers

The difficulty of artificial cultivation of eight Immortals is not high, but many flower friends often want to breed by themselves after planting their own eight Immortals. The propagation method of eight Immortals is very conventional, and cutting is the favorite and most commonly used breeding method for flower friends.

Eight immortal flowers

The eight Immortals are easy to survive when they reproduce. The methods of split propagation, striping propagation, cuttings propagation and tissue culture propagation can be used for propagation.

Ramet propagation is carried out before plant germination in spring, the rooted branches and mother plants are separated into several plants according to root potential, old roots and overgrown roots are cut off, potted directly, watered and maintained in semi-shade, and daily management is carried out after new buds germinate. In order to improve the survival rate, rooting powder can be used to soak the roots of the seedlings.

Striping propagation is suitable to be carried out before the plant germinates in spring, select 1-2-year-old strong branches, lightly cut under the node, cause local trauma, cut off the leaves buried in the ground, bury them in the soil, fix the branches, moisturize, and begin to take root in about 30 days. In the following spring, it was cut off from the mother plant and transplanted with soil.

Cutting propagation should be carried out in spring and summer, and greenhouse conditions can be carried out in four seasons. Select twigs, lignified or semi-lignified sturdy branches, cut into cuttings, the length of the cuttings is 10mur15cm, cut off the lower leaves, cut off the upper leaves, keep the substrate humidity and proper shade after cutting, and take root in about 30 days under 15murl 251 environment. 1 is available before insertion. Soak the cuttings base in 1% naphthalene acetic acid aqueous solution for 10 seconds, or soak the cuttings base with rooting powder to increase the survival rate.

The technique of tissue culture and propagation of Baxian flower is widely used in modern flower production. The induction medium is MS+6-BA 1.0 mg / L + NAAO.l mg / L, and the rooting medium is l/2MS+NAA0. 5mg can quickly produce a large number of high-quality seedlings.

The best cutting time and technique of eight Immortals

Flower bonsai network guide reading, today flower bonsai network guide editor for you to share is about the best cutting time and skills of the eight immortal flowers, let's take a look.

Suitable cutting time:

The most suitable cutting time for Baxian flower is from May to June, and it can also be cut in autumn, but the survival rate is lower.

Unsuitable cutting time:

The winter temperature is low and the eight Immortals enter the dormant period, so it is not suitable for cutting at this time.

Key points of cutting:

When cutting, cut the top twigs about 20 cm, remove the lower leaves, maintain humidity after cutting, and take root after two weeks.