
How to fertilize chrysanthemum, potted chrysanthemum fertilization method/different fertilization period

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For chrysanthemum, we certainly are not unfamiliar, it is one of China's top ten flowers, but also one of the world's four flowers, its beautiful flowers, bright colors, people love endless. However, if you want to raise chrysanthemum beautiful, fertilization is a very critical link, then chrysanthemum how to fertilize it

For chrysanthemum, we must be no stranger, it is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, but also one of the four major flowers in the world, its beautiful flowers, bright colors, are loved by people. However, if you want to make the chrysanthemum beautiful, fertilization is a very key link, then how to fertilize the chrysanthemum? The following is the fertilization method of potted chrysanthemum, follow the editor to learn about it.

How to fertilize chrysanthemum, time / fertilizer / method

In the culture method of chrysanthemum, we have introduced that chrysanthemum is a kind of fertilizer-loving flower, which has a long flowering period and needs a lot of fertilizer. Fertilization to chrysanthemums, there is a very troublesome, that is, fertilization can not be too much, otherwise easy to rot roots, resulting in chrysanthemum leaves yellowing and other phenomena, seriously affecting the ornamental of the plant. As for how to fertilize chrysanthemums, the method is very important, let's move on.

2. Fertilization methods of potted chrysanthemum

To fertilize the chrysanthemum, we must first understand its growth habits. It is understood that chrysanthemum likes fertilizer, and is more fertilizer-tolerant, so before we apply fertilizer, we should first transform it into a fertile soil with strong permeability, water conservation and fertilizer conservation. As for the fertilization methods of potted chrysanthemums, they are different in different periods, as follows:

1. Fertilizer, time

How to fertilize chrysanthemums, the first is to choose fertilizer, and the second is to choose the right time to apply fertilizer. Fertilizer: when fertilizing chrysanthemums, potassium and phosphate can be used as the main fertilizers; time: the fertilization time of chrysanthemums can not be too early, you can choose before the Beginning of Autumn diaphragm to plant flowering, this period of time must ensure that chrysanthemums have sufficient fertilizer and water.

2. Change the pot to apply fertilizer

According to the size of the chrysanthemum, we need to change the pot at the right time. When changing the basin, add the right amount of fertilizer to the soil, which can make the chrysanthemum grow healthier.

Note: the size of the flowerpot should be determined according to the size of the plant, neither big nor smile. The best thing to do is: the flowerpot can gradually grow up according to the chrysanthemum and change the big pot bit by bit.

3. Fertilization methods of chrysanthemum in different periods.

Seedling stage: the plant is relatively fragile, when the amount of fertilizer needed for chrysanthemum is relatively small, you can apply fertilizer once or two days a week, and fresh water fertilizer should be applied.

Growth period: the seedlings grow slowly and carry on the rapid growth period, at this time the fertilizer needed by chrysanthemums will also increase, which can increase the frequency of fertilization, about once every 5-7 days.

July-August: enter the summer, the external temperature is very high, at this time to reduce the amount of fertilization, so that the growing chrysanthemum safely through the summer.

September-October: entering autumn, the external temperature gradually drops, at this time is the most prosperous period of chrysanthemum growth, we should increase the number of fertilization, at the same time can also increase its concentration.

4. Points for attention

According to the fertilization mentioned above, we will certainly be able to grow beautiful chrysanthemums. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to fertilizing chrysanthemums, because if there is too much fertilizer or not enough fertilizer, it will do harm to the plants, so we need to adhere to the principle of moderate amount.

Generally speaking, chrysanthemum is a plant that needs a relatively large amount of fertilizer. We should apply fertilizer selectively according to the different growth stages of chrysanthemum in order to grow beautiful chrysanthemum. With regard to the fertilization method of chrysanthemum, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

How to raise potted chrysanthemums and the breeding methods of potted chrysanthemums!

Recently, many people are infatuated with chrysanthemums, especially potted chrysanthemums are more popular, so how to raise potted chrysanthemums? The cultivation method of potted chrysanthemum! Have you mastered everything? It doesn't matter if you don't master it, after reading this article, you will certainly raise beautiful potted chrysanthemums, and then the editor will introduce you to the breeding methods of potted chrysanthemums!

Culture methods of potted chrysanthemum:

1. Regular fertilization

Fertilization is the key, which directly affects the growth of chrysanthemum, but we should pay attention to methods. Proper application of fertilizer will help chrysanthemum grow better, but the wrong fertilization method will directly affect the growth of potted chrysanthemum, so fertilization must not be too much. Basic fertilizer should be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, topdressing should be timely, concentration should be mastered in the early stage, and the amount of fertilization should be gradually increased when the chrysanthemum grows vigorously after the Beginning of Autumn to ensure the better growth of chrysanthemum.

two。 Timely watering

Timely watering, but also to control the water, to ensure that the amount of water, not too much and not dry, that is, spray foliar water once in the morning and evening.

3. Change the pot for the chrysanthemum

With the growth of chrysanthemum, the root is also expanding, so it is necessary to change the pot regularly in order to ensure the normal growth of chrysanthemum. Generally, the pot should be changed 2-3 times in the whole growth process, respectively in the strong seedling stage and bud stage to ensure that the growth of chrysanthemum is not restricted.

4. Pick the heart of the chrysanthemum regularly

Coring is to promote the growth of side branches of chrysanthemum, and the times and time of coring of chrysanthemum can be determined according to the growth of chrysanthemum.

5. Prevention of diseases and insect pests

Although potted chrysanthemum plant diseases and insect pests will be less, but also to regularly spray pesticides for control, so as not to cause damage.

Seeing here, you know how to raise potted chrysanthemums and how to cultivate potted chrysanthemums. Finally, I hope everyone can breed beautiful chrysanthemums.

Extended reading:

Chrysanthemum language and its symbolic meaning, how to raise, breeding methods and matters needing attention

How to raise potted chrysanthemum and how to cultivate potted chrysanthemum

Brief introduction of potted Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is a perennial herb of the family Compositae, with erect stems, branched or unbranched, pilose. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, pinnately lobed or cleft, shortly stipitate, white pubescent underneath. Inflorescences capitate, varying in size, involucral bracts multilayered, outer layer pilose, ligulate flowers of various colors, tubular flowers yellow.

Habits of potted chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums, short-day plants, can blossom early in short-day light. Like cool, cold-resistant, suitable for growth temperature 18-21 ℃, underground rhizome drought tolerance, the most avoid waterlogging, like high terrain, deep soil layer, rich in humus, loose and fertile soil, good drainage soil. It can grow in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil.

How to raise potted chrysanthemums

1, temperature: potted chrysanthemums, the suitable temperature for growth is about 21 degrees Celsius, ornamental chrysanthemums can be cold-resistant and can survive the winter safely at about 5 degrees Celsius. But not resistant to heat, the temperature will grow slowly when the temperature is above 32 degrees Celsius.

2. Illumination: chrysanthemum is a typical short-day flower, which forms flower bud and blossoms only when the sunshine is short every day. In the case of long sunshine, only long stems and leaves, can not form flower buds. In general, 14.5 hours of sunshine per day is required during vegetative growth and 12 hours per day during flower bud differentiation.

3. Soil: ornamental chrysanthemum has wide adaptability to soil acidity and alkalinity. It can grow in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil, and the pH value is between 5.57.0. Potted chrysanthemum to choose a suitable pot soil, pot soil to choose loose, fertile sandy soil.

4. Moisture: ornamental chrysanthemums have a large demand for water, but they are afraid of stagnant water. Especially during the period of vegetative growth, the growth rate is fast and the water demand is large. It's easy to be short of water. Water it frequently. But be careful not to accumulate water.

5. Fertilization: when applying fertilizer, you must sprinkle the fertilizer first, and then pour the water thoroughly, so that the fertilizer can fully seep into the root system of the chrysanthemum, so that it can be absorbed by the chrysanthemum.

6. Heart picking and bud thinning: when the chrysanthemum plant grows to more than 10 centimeters high, it begins to pick the heart. When picking the heart, only 4-5 leaves were left at the base of the plant, and all the upper leaves were removed. When the leaves grow out of new branches with 5-6 leaves, pick the heart again, so that the plant retains 4-7 main branches, and the branches and buds that grow later should be removed in time.

Summary: through the above content, we understand the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted chrysanthemum. Ornamental chrysanthemum has a long history of cultivation, it has a wide variety of varieties, rich colors, flower shape, posture, if you are a flower lover, if you like chrysanthemums, plant a pot yourself.