
How to reproduce Celosia cristata, the propagation method / sowing survival rate of Celosia cristata is high.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Celosia cristata is a kind of plant with high medicinal value, which has been introduced in the article on the efficacy and function of Celosia cristata, and because of this, there are many people who raise it in our country, but before breeding, first of all, we have to understand how it should reproduce. About how to reproduce cockscomb

Celosia cristata is a kind of plant with high medicinal value, which has been introduced in the article on the efficacy and function of Celosia cristata, and because of this, there are many people who raise it in our country, but before breeding, first of all, we have to understand how it should reproduce. About how to reproduce cockscomb? What are the breeding methods of cockscomb? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to reproduce cockscomb

On how to reproduce cockscomb, in fact, it can be roughly divided into sowing reproduction and cutting propagation. As long as the method is right, the survival rate is still very high. In the following, there is a detailed explanation of the propagation method of cockscomb. Interested friends can learn about it.

2. Propagation methods of Celosia cristata L.

Sowing and reproduction

1. Preparation in advance

When sowing and breeding the cockscomb, it is best to choose spring and autumn, because the temperature is more suitable, the survival rate of sowing will also be improved, in addition, in the choice of soil, it is best to choose a relatively loose sandy soil. This kind of soil has better drainage and can better absorb nutrients.

two。 Sowing method

Among the breeding methods of Celosia cristata, sowing and breeding is a more commonly used method. When sowing cockscomb, we first need to soak the seeds in cold water for a few days, then sow them with fine sand, and then cover the seeds with soil around 2cm after sowing. Water them thoroughly at once, and remember not to cause stagnant water.

3. Subsequent management

Basically can be germinated 7-10 days after sowing, after its germination, we can carry out follow-up maintenance, maintenance methods you can refer to the cultivation methods of cockscomb, here the editor will not introduce too much.

Cuttage propagation

1. Preparation in advance

The preliminary preparation for cutting propagation is mainly to select cuttings and soil, and the soil can be referred to above. In the selection of cuttings, it is best to choose branches with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests, so that the survival rate will be higher and it will be easier to take root. when cutting, you need to prune the leaves at the bottom of the branches, which we should remember.

two。 Cutting method

Among the propagation methods of cockscomb, cutting propagation is relatively seldom used, but if the method is right, the survival rate is also very high. first of all, we can insert an eye in the soil with chopsticks, and then insert the branches, which is generally inserted into 1/3. After that, you can flatten the soil by hand, water it, and then rest for about 15-20 days, and then you can take root, and then carry on the follow-up maintenance. The maintenance method is the same as above.

How to sow cockscomb, how to raise cockscomb

Bonsai Flower Network Guide: today, the editor of Flower Bonsai Network will share with you an article on how to sow cockscomb flowers and how to raise them. Let's have a look at them.

How to sow cockscomb

The most common breeding method of cockscomb is sowing, which is simple and has a high survival rate. Today, the editor will introduce to you how to sow cockscomb and what you need to pay attention to.

The steps of sowing cockscomb

Before sowing, sprinkle some base fertilizer into the soil, such as barnyard manure, compost or cake fertilizer.

When sowing, because the seeds of cockscomb are relatively small, it is best to mix some fine soil into the seeds, and then sow them. The cover of the soil does not need to be too deep, 2mm and 3mm.

After sowing, you can spray some water with a fine-eyed spray can and give moderate shade. There is no need for watering within two weeks. Generally, it can sprout in about 10 days.

If the seeds are sown in April-May, they can blossom in August-September.

Matters needing attention in sowing cockscomb

Celosia cristata is usually sown from April to May every year, and the temperature is best kept at 20 ℃-25 ℃. Keep the soil moist before sowing.

When the seedlings of Celosia cristata grow 3 or 4 leaves, it is necessary to carry out inter-seedling operation, pull out some seedlings with relatively weak growth and high density, and transplant when the seedlings grow to 5ml / 6cm. Pay attention to transplanting with a small amount of root soil.

Other situations of sowing cockscomb

If sowing in the Qingming Festival, you need to wait until there is no frost, apply enough basic fertilizer in the soil, spread the seeds evenly on the ground, cover the seeds with fine soil, and then pour water to keep the land moist. If the ambient temperature is kept at 15 ℃-20 ℃, seedlings can emerge in about 15 days.

If sowing in summer, after Grain in Beard, sow according to the row spacing of 30 cm. When the seedling height is 6 cm, the seedlings should be 20 cm apart. The seedlings can be transferred to other fields and must be watered after transplanting. Weeding and loosening the soil must be done at the seedling stage, and when it is not too dry, water as little as possible. When the seedlings grow to 30 centimeters, topdressing should be applied once.

Celosia cristata can also be cultivated in the greenhouse, as long as you pay attention to the temperature and humidity, but if the cockscomb in the greenhouse wants to be planted outside, it must be taken outdoors to strengthen the seedlings after sprouting and growing four leaves at night, so that it can learn to adapt to the cold environment. Otherwise, the plant will grow slender and delicate and will soon die.

How to raise cockscomb

Cockscomb, also known as old red, stem red or cyan, leaves have crimson, emerald green, yellow-green, red-green and other colors. Among all kinds of flowers, some people like plants with small and delicate flowers, while others like very gorgeous flowers. Today, I would like to introduce to you the flowers that are very expensive and gorgeous-the cockscomb.

Planting method of Celosia cristata

Generally speaking, cockscomb is planted in the ground, and occasionally potted, as for how to plant cockscomb is actually very simple, generally speaking, it starts from sowing and begins to collect seeds from August to October every year (those who buy seeds ignore this step). Cut off the mature cockscomb, and evenly pick the seeds from the cockscomb and dry them for preservation.

Start sowing in spring (around March-April), loosen the soil, mix it with appropriate base fertilizer if possible, then mix the seeds of cockscomb with fine soil, spread evenly on the soil, cover it with fine soil and water thoroughly. Then keep the soil moist and wait for germination (about 1 week).

Cockscomb sprouting, to properly control watering, do not water too much, when the seedlings grow to 3-5 cm, you can properly remove some not robust seedlings, retain robust seedlings, according to the need for appropriate transplanting, timely watering after transplanting, but not stagnant water.

When the seedlings grow 2 leaves, they are transplanted and planted in pots or in open fields. Cockscomb on the pot should be a little deeper, leaving only cotyledons on the surface of the basin, with 1:1 loam and fertile soil. If you want to cultivate a large cockscomb, you need to change the big pot, but be careful not to scatter the tuo, otherwise the seedling will slow down for too long or even die.

The cockscomb needs sufficient light during the growing period, and at least 4 hours of light is guaranteed every day. When the cockscomb grows to about 30 centimeters, it can be fertilized once. After topdressing, the excess leaves on the seedlings will be cut off, and the extra buds on the cockscomb should be watered properly when flowering. And remove the excess flower buds from the cockscomb.

The flowering time of cockscomb: sowing in the open field is usually from April to May and from August to September. The most suitable flowering temperature is 2425 ℃. Sowing seeds in June can blossom on the National Day.

According to the shape, the cockscomb flower can be divided into broom chicken crown, noodle chicken crown, mandarin duck chicken crown, tasseled chicken crown and so on. According to the shape can be divided into: spherical flower type, feathery flower type, spear flower type. Each flower pattern has its own unique advantages and personality. Commonly used to sow and reproduce. After sowing, there were 1200ml 1300 seeds per gram, and the optimum temperature for germination was 21ml / 24, and germinated 10-12 days after sowing. The seedling growth period is suitable, the temperature is too high, the seedling is easy to grow. Celosia cristata is a cross-pollinated plant, leaving seeds must be isolated to prevent hybridization and affect seed quality. When the seedlings had 4 leaves, the seedlings were transplanted in a pot on a cloudy day, usually in a 10cm pot. The head-shaped cockscomb peanut has not been coring for a long time, while the spike-shaped cockscomb flower has 7 Mel 8 leaves when coring, which promotes multi-branching. In order to make the flowers on the main branch of the cockscomb huge, the accessory axillary buds should be picked in time at the seedling stage.

The soil quality chooses the sandy loam which is fertile, loose and well drained, and avoid drilling wet soil. The growth is poor in thin soil, and the inflorescence becomes smaller. Cockscomb flowers like to have plenty of sunshine, strong plant growth, thick green leaves, large flowers and bright colors. If the light is not enough, the stems and leaves are easy to grow, the leaves are light green, and the flowers become smaller. We must choose a sunny place to produce potted cockscomb.

When will the cockscomb bloom?

Cockscomb, also known as old red, generally has three colors: red, white and yellow. because of its medicinal properties, the flowers in circulation in the flower market are mainly red, so when does the cockscomb bloom? Let's take a look.

Friends who like cockscomb must know that its flowering period is from July to October. Its exuberant vitality is as enthusiastic as the scorching sun, generally divided into white and red, but most people are kind of red. Because in traditional Chinese people think that red can bring joy and auspiciousness. But also more in line with its name. If you want to see the cockscomb, you must not miss it.

Cockscomb is an annual herb, like a warm and dry climate, but not resistant to drought, but also afraid of waterlogging, especially like the sun, but the requirements of the soil is not high, the general soil can be planted. Sowing is usually from April to May every year, because Celosia cristata is an annual plant, so it grows very fast. The flower will blossom in 3 months after sowing, and the cockscomb blossoms from summer to autumn.

Cockscomb flower, spike much variable, born at the apex of the stem or the end of branches, often in the shape of a cockscomb, with purple, red, light red, yellow or miscellaneous colors. The utricle is transversely split when it is hot, with 2 to several small black seeds in it. The florescence is from July to September. Fruit period from September to October. Therefore, the flowering period of cockscomb is from July to September every year, that is to say, cockscomb blossoms in summer. According to the shape, the chicken crown can be divided into broom chicken crown, noodle chicken crown, mandarin duck chicken crown, tasseled chicken crown and so on. According to the shape can be divided into: spherical flower type, feathery flower type, spear flower type. Each flower pattern has its own unique advantages and personality. Generally, the flowering period of cockscomb is from July to October and the fruiting period is from September to November.

Flowers are loved by many people, there are many kinds of flowers, different flowers are different in color, shape and growth environment. So different flowers, also have their own characteristics, that flower not only has ornamental value, but also has some help in the treatment of diseases, cockscomb is one of them.

Source: flower growing Daquan, official account: yanghua98

When will the cockscomb be sown? Sowing time of cockscomb

"in the long summer and autumn in full bloom, it is like a rooster wanting to announce the dawn." the cockscomb is deeply loved because of its unique flower shape and gorgeous color, and is widely cultivated all over the world. The propagation method of Celosia cristata is usually sowing and propagation, which is not only simple, but also has a high survival rate. So, when will the cockscomb be sown? The sowing time, steps and matters needing attention of Celosia cristata are introduced as follows.

Picture: cockscomb flower

Sowing time of Celosia cristata L.

Celosia cristata is usually sown from April to May every year, and the temperature is best kept at 20 ℃-25 ℃. Keep the soil moist before sowing. When the seedlings of Celosia cristata grow 3 or 4 leaves, it is necessary to carry out inter-seedling operation, pull out some seedlings with relatively weak growth and high density, and transplant when the seedlings grow to 5ml / 6cm. Pay attention to transplanting with a small amount of root soil.

Second, the steps of sowing cockscomb.

Before sowing, sprinkle some basic fertilizer into the soil, such as barnyard manure, compost or cake manure; when sowing, because the seeds of cockscomb are relatively small, it is best to mix some fine soil into the seeds, and then sow them. The soil does not need to be too deep, 2Mel and 3mm. After sowing, you can spray some water with a fine-eyed spray can and give moderate shade. There is no need for watering within two weeks. Generally, it can sprout in about 10 days. If the seeds are sown in April-May, they can blossom in August-September.

Picture: cockscomb flower

Third, points for attention in sowing cockscomb.

If sowing in the Qingming Festival, you need to wait until there is no frost, apply enough basic fertilizer in the soil, spread the seeds evenly on the ground, cover the seeds with fine soil, and then pour water to keep the land moist. If the ambient temperature is kept at 15 ℃-20 ℃, seedlings can emerge in about 15 days. If sowing in summer, after Grain in Beard, sow according to the row spacing of 30 cm. When the seedling height is 6 cm, the seedlings should be 20 cm apart. The seedlings can be transferred to other fields and must be watered after transplanting. Weeding and loosening the soil must be done at the seedling stage, and when it is not too dry, water as little as possible. When the seedlings grow to 30 centimeters, topdressing should be applied once. Celosia cristata can also be cultivated in the greenhouse, as long as you pay attention to the temperature and humidity, but if the cockscomb in the greenhouse wants to be planted outside, it must be taken outdoors to strengthen the seedlings after sprouting and growing four leaves at night, so that it can learn to adapt to the cold environment. Otherwise, the plant will grow slender and delicate and will soon die.

Picture: cockscomb flower

[conclusion] Celosia cristata is generally sown from April to May every year, and its survival rate is higher because of its strong adaptability. The above introduces the sowing time, steps and matters needing attention of cockscomb, hoping to help you!