
How to raise peony spider orchid, peony spider orchid cultivation methods and precautions/summer shade

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peony, spider orchid, we certainly are not unfamiliar, they are very beautiful plants, that peony spider orchid we have seen it? It is understood that peony spider orchid leaves green, rose red flowers bloom at the top of the branches, with excellent ornamental. In life, many people want to raise peony spider orchid, then peony spider orchid how

Peony, hanging orchid, we must be no stranger, they are very beautiful plants, have you seen the peony orchid? It is understood that the peony hanging orchid leaves are emerald green, and the rose flowers bloom at the top of the branches, with excellent ornamental. In life, many people want to raise peony orchids, but what about peony orchids? The following are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peony orchids, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise them must have a look at them.

First, how to raise peony orchids and understand their habits

Peony hanging orchid like sunshine, like warmth, suitable for dry, ventilated environment, avoid high temperature and humidity, when breeding indoors, it should be put in a place with good light and ventilation, and the temperature should be adjusted properly at high temperature and low temperature. As for the soil, it can be well drained. So how to raise the peony orchid is very simple, just satisfy its growth habits. Let's move on to the specific requirements.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Peony Cymbidium

1. The soil is well drained

How to raise indoor peony orchids, the soil should be re-selected first. The peony orchid potted plant purchased by the florist or online can ensure the normal growth of the plant, but the soil is very cheap. If you want the peony orchid to grow well and bloom more, choose the soil that the peony orchid likes.

Soil selection: loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, which can be mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand.

2. Light, summer shade

In the culture method of peony orchid, light is a point that should be paid special attention to. Peony hanging orchid likes light, but it avoids strong light. In addition to proper shade at noon in midsummer, sufficient light should be given at other times of the year. Especially in winter, if the temperature is right, you can put the peony orchid outside and let it bask in the sun.

Note: sufficient light can make peony orchid flowers various, bright color, and the leaves are not easy to grow. Once it is placed in the place of insufficient light for a long time, its leaves are easy to be light, lack of vitality, and even the phenomenon of peony hanging orchid leaves, thus affecting the ornamental value of the plant.

3. Temperature, 15: 25 ℃

How to raise peony orchids, it is also necessary to adjust the temperature properly. Peony Cymbidium prefers warm climate, and the most suitable growth temperature is 15-25 ℃. When breeding indoors, if you want peony orchids to bloom more, it is best to maintain this temperature.

Note: peony hanging orchid avoid high temperature and cold, in summer high temperature, should pay attention to plant cooling, can be moved into the well-ventilated semi-shade maintenance; winter low temperature, should pay attention to heat preservation, it can be moved into the room to avoid cold, so as to avoid frostbite.

4. Watering, dry and wet

Unlike other hanging orchids like wet environment, peony orchids like dry environment, so watering should not be too much. In the peony orchid growing season (March-September), it can be watered more, but the water can not be watered much, it is best to follow the principle of dry and wet, wait for the basin soil to dry and then water thoroughly; after September, it is necessary to reduce watering.

Note: the right amount of water can make the peony orchid grow very well, but once too much watering, it will lead to rotten roots and serious death, so it is necessary to control the watering quantity.

5. Fertilize once a month.

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, it is also very important in the breeding method of peony orchid. Peony hanging orchid does not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, so it is OK to apply cake fertilizer and water to it every half a month or so during the period from March to September.

Note: if too little fertilization will cause slow growth, so to apply fertilizer to the peony orchid can be changed according to the specific growth situation.

6. Trim and change the basin soil

① pruning: with the increase of growth age, the peony orchid will gradually grow up, in order to maintain a good plant shape and beauty should be pruned properly. Especially in winter, the peony orchid will stop growing, at this time should be timely cut off disease and insect branches, overlapping branches, and branches, weak branches, old branches, inward growth branches and only long branches.

② change pot soil: with the continuous loss of nutrients, the peony orchid pot soil will become barren; and its roots will grow, so flower friends should change the peony orchid pot soil every 1-2 years.

7. Disease and pest control

Although the peony orchid has strong adaptability, even if it grows extensively, it is not easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests. However, when the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it may not only lead to rotting roots, but also cause root rot or long-medium beetles. Flower friends should pay attention to spray control. As for what kind of medicine should be sprayed, you can refer to the disease and pest control of peony orchid.

How to raise Peony Cymbidium Culture methods and matters needing attention

Peony orchid is also called dew grass (flower vine grass, heart leaf ice flower, heart leaf day flower, sheep horn hanging orchid), it is very easy to survive and cultivate flowers, how to raise peony orchid? The following is to share with you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of peony orchids.

The culture method of peony orchid:

1, soil: peony hanging orchid originated in South Africa, like the sun, dry, ventilated growth environment, avoid high temperature and humidity, like well-drained sandy soil, maintenance is relatively simple.

2. Sunshine: peony hanging orchids like light, and should be given sufficient light at other times of the year except for proper shade at noon in midsummer, especially in winter, while ensuring the temperature, it can be placed in the sunrise place to receive sunlight as much as possible. Conditional friends can be placed outside the house from the beginning of spring. After sufficient irradiation, the plants have many flowers and bright colors, and the leaves are not easy to grow.

3. Temperature: peony orchids like a warm and comfortable living environment, avoid high temperature and cold, and the optimum growth temperature is 15-25 degrees Celsius. In summer, when the temperature is too high, you should pay attention to cooling the plants and move them into a well-ventilated semi-shady ground for maintenance; peony orchids are not hardy, and you need to pay attention to heat preservation after entering autumn, and you should pay attention to heat preservation after the weather turns cool. those placed outdoors should be moved indoors to avoid cold in time to avoid frostbite.

4. Watering: peony Cymbidium likes a dry environment and should not be watered too much. March to September of each year is the peak growth period of Peony Cymbidium, during which water demand is large, especially in summer when high temperature. While increasing the amount of water, we should also pay attention to the principle of seeing dry and wet. When the basin soil is dry and watered thoroughly, too much water is easy to cause rotting roots, and serious ones will die. After September, the peony orchid entered the growth slow period, at this time to gradually reduce the amount of water, in preparation for moving indoors for the winter.

5. Fertilization: peony orchids do not have high requirements for fertilizer and water. Cake fertilizer and water should be applied every half a month or so in the growing season, which can be changed according to the specific growth conditions of peony orchids.

6. Insect pests: peony orchids grow extensively and are not prone to diseases and insect pests, but if the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it may not only lead to root rot, but also root rot, so attention should be paid to spraying control.

7. Pruning: in winter, peony Cymbidium leaves stop growing and deal with the dormancy period. Disease and insect branches, overlapping branches, concurrent branches, thin and weak branches, aging branches, inward growing branches and growing branches must be cut off in time, so as to prolong the life of peony through thinning, truncation and tillering. Let the peony ventilated and transparent, not easy to breed diseases and insect pests, can ensure that the tree potential does not decline, thick branches and luxuriant leaves.

Matters needing attention in peony orchid culture:

1. If the peony orchid is placed in the place of insufficient light for a long time, the leaf color is easy to be light, lack of vitality, and even the leaves fall, losing the ornamental value.

2. Excessive watering of peony orchids will lead to rotting roots, and serious ones will die, so it is necessary to control the amount of watering.

3. Peony orchids do not have high requirements for fertilizer and water, so we should pay attention to the application of cake fertilizer and water every half a month in the growing season. Too little fertilization will lead to slow growth.

How to raise Peony Cymbidium Culture methods and matters needing attention

Although the peony orchid is a succulent variety with strong vitality, easy to raise and popular, it is far from enough to raise the peony orchid by stocking alone, so while mastering the growth habits of the peony orchid, it is necessary to learn the breeding skills of peony orchid.

How to raise peony orchid

1. Lighting control

Peony orchids are more sunny plants, want to bloom more, but also to give sufficient light, at least more than 6 hours of light every day, the most suitable for growing in the south or west windowsill, winter can be seen through the windowsill. (proper shade is needed in summer)

2. Pay attention to watering

The peony hanging orchid likes the warm and moist environment, the water demand is also quite high, of course, it is necessary to reduce watering appropriately in winter. Keep the basin soil moist in summer, as long as the basin soil does not accumulate water.

After cooling in autumn, we began to reduce the watering frequency and keep the soil slightly dry. If your peony orchid leaves are particularly luxuriant, but there are no flowers, it is necessary to properly control the water, let the pot soil dry for a while, in order to give birth to buds.

3. Skills of fertilization

Peony hanging orchid likes thin fertilizer, thin fertilizer can make the plant more robust, combined with proper pinching, can make it grow luxuriantly, more conducive to the gestation of buds.

Generally more fertilizer is applied in spring and autumn, but not in winter. Thin fertilizer can be given twice a month in spring and autumn. Ordinary compound fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer is OK. If you want to blossom more easily, you can water potassium dihydrogen phosphate once a month to promote the gestation of more buds.

4. Overwintering maintenance

Winter maintenance of course to pay attention to cold, reduce the frequency of watering, you can cut off some cross branches, used for cutting reproduction, pay attention to maintain a certain indoor air humidity, the temperature to maintain more than 5 degrees. Proper pruning can be carried out to cut off some branches that are too long or too dense to conserve nutrients so that they can blossom more in the coming year.

5. Soil and basin change

Peony hanging orchid likes loose humus soil, choose the mixture of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand, or directly use peat soil with perlite, its root system is fleshy, so drainage must be guaranteed.

Potted peony orchids are usually changed once every two years. When changing pots, the withered and old roots can be cut off properly. After putting them on the pot, they can be maintained in the shade for two weeks and see the light slowly.

Matters needing attention in the culture of peony orchid

Peony orchids are easier to raise and popular because, in general, there are no diseases and insect pests. Sometimes root rot occurs, and the inducing factor is probably due to stagnant water in the basin.

How do the leaves of peony hanging orchid turn yellow?

1. Natural metabolism

If the peony orchid is raised for a long time, the leaves at the bottom will naturally wither and yellow. this is a very normal phenomenon. Flower friends need not worry, even if there are a lot of withered and yellow leaves at the bottom, it does not matter, as long as the top leaves are normal.

2. strong sun, or no light for a long time.

If the peony orchid is exposed to the sun, the leaves will be yellow. If it is maintained without light for a long time, the chlorophyll will be reduced and the leaves will turn yellow.

3. Lack of fertilizer or excessive fertilization

Some flower friends' peony orchids have been raised for a long time, but they have not turned the pot to change the soil for a long time, the various nutrients contained in the basin soil have been exhausted, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have not been replenished in time, the plants are lack of nutrients, and the leaves are yellow and thin. At this time, fertile loam and fertile water should be replaced in time.

Excessive fertilization is easier to judge, mainly depends on whether the fertilizer has been applied recently, if the fertilizer exceeds the requirement of the plant, there will be uneven leaves, rotten roots, yellow leaves, should stop fertilization, irrigate more water, or turn the basin to clean the roots. replace the new soil.

4. Stagnant water

Some flower friends' peony hanging orchid pot soil has poor air permeability and frequent watering, which leads to long-term stagnant water in the basin soil, difficulty in root respiration, and yellowing of leaves, so it is necessary to loosen the soil and control moisture in time.

The function of Peony Cymbidium

The main function of peony orchid is to watch. The peony orchid can be used as a potted plant or hanging basin to decorate the interior. In the application of garden, peony orchid can be used as the layout of desert landscape.

The peony hanging orchid also has the edible function, can carry on the cold salad.

When raising peony orchids, there may be phenomena such as yellowing leaves and losing leaves, so there is no need to be in a hurry. We only need to compare the normal growth needs of peony orchids to find out where the problem lies. Then take some targeted measures to solve the problem smoothly.