
Can the green-leaf orchid be hydroponically cultured? the hydroponic method of the green-leaf orchid / change the water once every 3 days.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green leaf orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, although its leaves are not as beautiful as the golden orchid, but it has distinctive features, looks fresh and elegant, and has a different flavor. And compared with soil culture, many flower friends prefer clean-looking hydroponics. Can green-leaf orchids be hydroponically cultivated?

Green leaf orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, although its leaves are not as beautiful as the golden orchid, but it has distinctive features, looks fresh and elegant, and has a different flavor. Compared to soil culture, many flower friends prefer clean-looking hydroponics. Can green-leaf orchids be hydroponically cultivated? The following is the method of hydroponic culture summarized by the editor. Flower friends who want to hydroponic culture must have a look.

Can the green leaf orchid be hydroponically cultured? yes.

Before hydroponic culture of a plant, we need to know whether it can be hydroponically cultured or not. In this regard, after the editor's inquiry, the green leaf orchid likes the humid environment, and its leaves can be inserted into the water to survive, so the green leaf hanging orchid can be hydroponically cultivated. It is also easy to operate, just choose a water culture seedling and insert it into a glass container. But it's easy to say, but it's not easy to do. As for how to do it, let's move on.

2. the method of hydroponic culture of green leaf orchid.

1. Select a container

Since it is hydroponic, you have to choose the container first of all. The hydroponic container for the green-leaf orchid, like other plants, is mainly selected according to the size and growth space of the plant. The general transparent glass vase is OK, so it is convenient to observe the rooting situation in real time.

2. Selection of hydroponic seedlings.

If there is a pot of green-leaf orchid potted plants, then we need to get our own water-cultured seedlings. Methods: the green leaf orchid was removed from the basin, the soil at the root was cleared, and those with rotten roots, diseased roots and diseased leaves were cut off first, and then the strong and brightly colored branches and leaves were left as water culture seedlings.

3. Hydroponic culture begins

The water is injected into the glass container, and then the water culture seedlings are inserted into the bottle. The water depth is suitable for the three parts of the bottle where the water surface submerged the root system. Remember that the roots should not be completely submerged under the water surface, as this will affect the respiration of the roots and cause the roots to rot.

4. Hydroponic maintenance

The hydroponic culture method of green leaf orchid, do a good job of the above steps, basically completed, and then is the normal maintenance. In this regard, the editor will give you a brief explanation from three points: lighting, changing water and nutrient solution.

① scattered light

After the success of hydroponic green leaf hanging orchid, put it in a place of astigmatism to avoid exposure and too shade, only in this way the plant will grow normally. Of course, if due to improper operation, when the leaves of Cymbidium are yellow, they should be cut off in time.

② change water, once every 2-3 days

The most important maintenance method of Shuipeiqing leaf orchid is to change water. Under normal circumstances, you should change the water every 2-3 days. If the water is already muddy, you can change it in advance. As for water quality, the general clear water can meet the growth of the green leaf orchid, but it is best to use trapped water or water that has been exposed to the sun.

③ nutrient solution

When the new root is 3-5 cm long, you can add nutrient solution, but the amount of nutrient solution should not be too large. It should be noted that when adding nutrient solution, it is best to combine with the time of changing water, and the specific dosage can be referred to the instructions for the use of nutrient solution. In addition, you can also spray the leaves of Cymbidium with diluted nutrient solution, about once every 3 days.

What is the culture method of green-leaf orchid to teach you to raise green-leaf orchid?

Friends who like to grow flowers all know that there are many varieties of Cymbidium, different kinds of Cymbidium have different appearance, and different kinds of Cymbidium culture methods are also different. today, let's learn what is the breeding method of Chlorophyllum. Next, the editor will introduce the breeding method of green leaf orchid for you.

What is the culture method of green leaf orchid?

1. Not all the roots can be immersed in water. About 1/4 of the roots should be left on the water surface so that the roots can breathe better.

2. Cold boiled water is the best, which not only has no diseases, insect pests and algae spores, but also removes chlorine from tap water, which is more conducive to the healthy growth of plants, especially the roots can keep white and tender but not green for a long time and improve ornamental. Usually change the water every three or four days, but it can be longer in winter.

3. When placed in places with scattered light, direct sunlight should be avoided in other seasons except for more sunlight in winter.

4. spray water on the leaves every day, the smaller the water droplets, the better, and increase the number of times of water spraying in hot weather.

5. Don't worry too much about nutrition. There are a lot of nutrients in the water. If there are conditions, it is better to add some nitrogen fertilizer or granular compound fertilizer to the water for about 20 days, with a ratio of 11500 to water. Of course, you can also use Amoy rice water for three or four days (fermentation), take its upper clear liquid, mixed into the water of hanging orchids (mixed with a ratio of 1:10).

The above is the introduction of the culture method of the green leaf hanging orchid, the green leaf hanging orchid is a kind of hydroponic hanging orchid, the requirement to the water quality is very high, we must pay attention to the use of healthy water when planting the green leaf hanging orchid, so that we can grow the healthiest green leaf hanging orchid.

The 12 constellations are most suitable for your hydroponic plants. What is the most prosperous and prosperous plant?

What does the constellation have to do with plants? In terms of constellations, which plants and which constellations are the most appropriate? Many people do not know very well, it may be more good for them to find the plants that are most suitable for them, so what are the hydroponic plants that best suit you in the 12 constellations? What is the most prosperous plant in the 12 constellations? Next, let's give you a detailed introduction. Let's go and have a look.

12 constellations are best suited to your hydroponic plants:

Capricorn: December 22-January 20

Banyan tree

Efficient air purifier

It has strong resistance to a variety of harmful gases, such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine and hydrogen fluoride.

Capricorn, the guardian constellation

Capricorn, full of endurance and sense of responsibility, likes nature and attaches importance to real life, so it is suitable for green, long-lived plants.

Flower words: longevity and auspiciousness, splendor and wealth.

Flower divination: being in charge of luck brings the joy of success.

Aquarius: January 21-February 19

White palm

An expert in filtering harmful gases

White palm is an expert in suppressing exhaled exhaust gases such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate prevents dryness of the nasal mucosa. Keep the air humid.

Aquarius, the guardian constellation

White palm is fresh and refined, which coincides with the characteristics of Aquarius full of wisdom and fraternity and advocating freedom.

Flower words: plain sailing.

Flower divination: White palm symbolizes freedom and freedom, taking it as the guardian flower of Aquarius, with the function of releasing physical and mental bondage.

Pisces: February 20-March 20

Green purifier

Hanging orchid has a very strong function of absorbing toxic gases, can absorb carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, nicotine and other harmful gases, the general room raises 1-2 pots of orchids, the harmful gases in the air can be absorbed, the efficiency is higher than the air filter.

Pisces, the guardian constellation

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Pisces are gentle and romantic, just like hanging orchids.

Flower language: it is beautiful and moving.

Flower divination: can give the holder rich and keen artistic sensitivity.

Aries: March 21-April 20


Natural insecticide and fungicide

Evergreen not only has few diseases and insect pests, but also can be used as a natural fungicide by crushing its leaves and mixing them with water.

Aries, the guardian constellation

The leaves of evergreen are bright and full of vitality, just like the bright and lively personality of Aries.

Flower words: warm and cheerful.

Flower divination: evergreen flowers and leaves can give the owner the determination and action power to change things.

Taurus: April 21-May 21

Make a fortune tree

A good hand at absorbing hydrogen fluoride

The rich tree has the ability to absorb hydrogen fluoride and carbon monoxide and can play an important role in decorating polluted and muddy air.

Taurus, the guardian constellation

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, the owner of wealth, the rich tree shows a steady, solid side.

Flower language: prosperity and development.

Flower divination: it can increase the fortune of money, and emotionally, it can promote the natural development of you and each other.

Gemini: may 22-June 21

Pink palm

Efficient air purifier

Newly renovated houses or newly bought furniture will more or less contain harmful gases such as formaldehyde and benzene. Pink palm can absorb formaldehyde, chlorine and benzene compounds, and it is best to decorate Araceae plants such as Anthurium andraeanum.

Guardian constellation-Gemini

The beautiful pink palm red palm has beautiful heart-shaped bracts, such as the dazzling crane towering above the heart leaves, like the versatile Gemini.

Flower words: heart to heart, great ambition.

Flower divination: has the power to enhance the fortune and love fortune.

Cancer: June 22-July 22

Golden diamond

Vacuum cleaner

Resistant to overcast and dust, can absorb dust, increase air humidity and oxygen negative ion content, reduce sunlight reflection, reduce air temperature, and increase environmental comfort.

Cancer, the guardian constellation

The golden diamond, which gives people a feeling of warmth, simplicity and stability, is a lucky plant for Cancer.

Fancy words: more blessings and more blessings.

Flower divination: the golden diamond symbolizes generosity and romance, which can increase your affinity and bring good luck to you.

Leo: July 23-August 23

Pocket coconut

Excellent air purifier

This palm plant is easy to take care of and can improve indoor air quality and purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, so it is very suitable for newly laid floors and newly decorated rooms.

Leo, the guardian constellation

Full of inexhaustible passion and influence.

Flower words: keep youthful forever

Flower divination: those who are blessed by this plant are energetic and energetic, no matter they are in love or work, they will sprint with all their strength. I believe that your future will be limitless!

Virgo: August 24-September 23

Reticulate grass

Environmentally friendly mini flowers

The reticulate grass, with compact plant shape, strange leaf shape, shade tolerance and easy care, has vitality in the room.

Virgo, the guardian constellation

The reticulate grass is delicate, delicate and refined, and the texture of the leaf is clear, just like Virgo is quiet and rational, making the pursuit of perfection in the established rules.

Fancy words: rational and wise.

Flower divination: it has the power to promote flexibility in mind and carefulness in doing things.

Tianzheng: September 24-October 23

Brazilian wood

Efficient air purifier

Can absorb a variety of harmful substances in the air, especially trichloroethylene from photocopiers, laser printers and detergents and adhesives.

Guardian constellation-heavenly constellation

Heavenly people have high requirements for beauty and taste. They like to decorate the environment with elegance and warmth, but also pay attention to efficiency.

Hua Yu: the basic industry is evergreen and rising.

Flower divination: support promotion, adjust salary, pass the examination, and be successful in society.

Scorpio: October 24-November 22

Spider Begonia

Scorpio, the guardian constellation

Scorpio has a strong personality, keen insight, go all out, cold and mysterious appearance, hot heart.

Flower words: tenderness is like water.

Flower divination: make you exude sexy charm and enhance your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Sagittarius: November 23-December 21


air cleaner

Can absorb harmful gases such as computer radiation, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride to keep the air fresh.

Guardian constellation-Sagittarius

Jinji is conspicuous and beautiful, and is the most dazzling star in the plant kingdom, just like Sagittarius loves freedom and unrestrained temperament.

Flower words: confident, bold and unrestrained.

Flower divination: Jinzhu can bring a gorgeous image and make you a figure with both sides.

What is the most prosperous plant in the 12 constellations?

Aries money tree. Aries people do not have a strong sense of financial management. although they pay great attention to saving money, they do not know how to invest and cannot seize the opportunity to make money. Therefore, you can put a plate of money tree at home, which can help improve your luck, have a stronger adventurous spirit, and use it to challenge and seize the opportunity to make a fortune.

Taurus has a lot of good luck. Taurus people bear hardships and stand hard work and do things in a down-to-earth manner, but they are too honest and conservative, and earn only a little money by working every day. You might as well put a plate of good luck on the left side of your desk, which will help you make money faster and easier.

Gemini seven-leaf lotus. Gemini people dare to take risks and have a lot of ways to make money. in fact, they don't attach much importance to money, they just like to enjoy the process of making money, and most of the time they are too aggressive in taking risks and running out of money.

Cancer is a rich bamboo. Cancer people do not know the knack of making money, and their concept of money is relatively conservative, so their wealth accumulates quite slowly, and it is not easy for them to get rich. You can put several rich bamboos on your refrigerator (must be odd), which can help increase the speed of getting rich and make more and faster money.

Leo cactus and evergreen. Leo is very rich, even if he doesn't work much, he can get money into his pocket, but he is easy to have villains around him, hindering their way of making money. Can visit the cactus in the northwest of the living room, can change evil spirits, prevent villains, put evergreen in the southeast, can bring prosperity.

Virgo coin grass. Virgos have good money luck, but they don't know how to seize the opportunity, hesitate and come to an end, so they always miss the opportunity to make money. Keeping some copper grass in front of the windowsill can not only help improve financial fortune, but also make individuals more analytical and decisive.

Libra green pineapple. Libras have good fortune and a strong momentum of making money, but this person is greedy and makes them lose money on the road to making money. Centrally put a few plates of green apple at home, can help gather wealth, but still rely on the individual, to stop as soon as possible, do not be too greedy.

Scorpio, magnolia. Scorpios don't care much about money and have little desire to make money, so they don't work very hard, so it's impossible for them to get rich. Put a plate of magnolia in the upper right corner of the wall opposite the sofa at home, which will bring you a good fortune and get help on the way to getting rich.

Sagittarius is fluffy. Sagittarians make money and seize opportunities, but they earn more and spend more, spend money like water, and do not know how to be frugal, so they can never save money. At this time, you might as well put a plate of Penglai in the study, which can help gather wealth and make the wallet full.

Capricorn jade dew. Capricorn people are very rich, but do not know how to keep money, money is either borrowed or lost in investment, there is a great chance of losing money. If you want to keep your money, you can put jade dew in the living room, which can help block the god of wealth, and the money will naturally be able to keep it.

Aquarius makes a fortune. Aquarius people's financial luck is relatively stable, but do not know how to manage money, do not know how to seize opportunities to make money, do not know how to cherish opportunities, it is difficult to have opportunities to get rich. You can put wealth trees in the living room, which can help accumulate money, make a lot of money, and wealth is rolling in.

Pisces touches incense. Pisces live a rich life, eat and wear well, and money is often scattered in a luxurious life, often with no extra money to save and fewer assets. Putting a plate of incense on the computer table at home and in the office will make you more rational when spending money, won't spend money indiscriminately, and save a lot, but remember to touch its leaves regularly to be effective!