
How to trim Phnom Penh hanging orchid to look good, the pruning method of Phnom Penh hanging orchid / once a year

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Phnom Penh orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves are slender and drooping, the edges of the leaves are golden yellow, very good-looking. However, with the increase of culture time, there will be problems in both roots and leaves, and the most common problem is that the leaves are too dense, affecting plant growth.

Phnom Penh orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves are slender and drooping, the edges of the leaves are golden yellow, very good-looking. But with the increase of culture time, no matter the root system or leaves, there will be problems, the most common is that the leaves are too dense, affecting plant growth. At this time, we need to trim it, so how to trim Phnom Penh orchids? Let's take a look at the pruning method of Phnom Penh hanging orchid with the editor.

First, how to trim Phnom Penh hanging orchids, the method is very important

It is understood that Phnom Penh not only has strong adaptability, but also grows very fast. if we strictly follow the cultivation method of Phnom Penh, it will grow luxuriantly. However, if it is too luxuriant, it will affect the overall beauty, so it is necessary to prune Phnom Penh orchids properly. As for how to trim Phnom Penh hanging orchids, the editor will tell you one by one in terms of time and skills.

2. Pruning methods of Phnom Penh hanging orchids (1) pruning time

Prune Phnom Penh orchids, preferably during the growing season, so that new leaves will grow quickly. According to the growth rate of Phnom Penh orchids, the frequency of leaf cutting can be controlled at once a year. Of course, it still depends on your personal preference, and you can cut it as soon as you feel it, mainly in terms of overall beauty.

(2) pruning skills

1. Cut the old leaves

How to trim Phnom Penh orchids? The first is purposeful pruning, that is, for the overall beauty of Phnom Penh hanging orchids. In this regard, flower friends can cut off some of the old leaves of Phnom Penh in early or mid-May, which will not only be beautiful, but also promote the plant to sprout more new leaves and small orchids.

2. Cut the root

Phnom Penh orchids grow very fast, and when changing pots every year, the rotten old roots should be cut off, which is not only conducive to the growth of new roots, but also conducive to the absorption of nutrients. In addition, if you find leaves that do not grow well, you need to trim the roots properly.

3. The leaf tip of Phnom Penh is black and dry and pruned.

The most important pruning method of Phnom Penh orchid is that when the leaf tip of Phnom Penh is black and the leaf tip of Phnom Penh is dry, all these diseased leaves should be cut off. This is not only for the sake of beauty, but also if the diseased leaves are left on the plant, it will have a little effect on the growth of Phnom Penh.

4. Cannot be re-cut

How to trim Phnom Penh orchids? In addition to the above points, there is one thing we must pay attention to: do not trim too much! Because once the pruning is too heavy, it will have a fatal effect on the plant, making it difficult to restore it to its original condition, and if it is serious, it will cause the whole plant to die.

(3) pruning matters needing attention

After pruning Phnom Penh orchids, flower friends should be careful not to immediately water and fertilize the plants, otherwise pruning is tantamount to no pruning, and the leaves will soon grow again.

Three main points of maintenance and culture methods of Cymbidium

The hanging orchid can not only decorate the indoor environment, but also has a very good cleaning effect on the indoor air. It can absorb a variety of indoor harmful gases, especially formaldehyde, and has a very obvious effect. It removes substances that are harmful to our bodies and creates a healthy, safe, comfortable and beautiful living environment for us, which is of great benefit to our bodies. And Cymbidium is easy to breed and has strong adaptability to the environment, so it is our most common home-grown plant. Hanging orchids show a green state all the year round, the leaves are thin and soft, some will give birth to small plants from the main body, naturally scattered, the shape is very beautiful, and some varieties will open white florets, embellished in the leaves, looming and lovely.

Main varieties of Cymbidium

Cymbidium: this variety is the most common variety, its branches and leaves are not separated, the leaves are slender, soft and drooping, the leaves are dark green, bloom every summer, there are white and yellowish two kinds.

Purple orchid: the stems of purple orchids are segmented, and leaves grow on each node, which are thick and shiny and droop. Because its petioles are all purplish red, so named purple orchid, pink flowers bloom in summer and autumn.

Cymbidium: the stem of Cymbidium is sprawling, the branches and leaves are drooping, the leaves are peach-shaped, the edge of the leaf has a golden pattern through the center of the vein, and the back of the leaf is purple and can give off light.

Phnom Penh hanging orchid: Phnom Penh hanging orchid is called this name because of its external characteristics, because its green leaves have yellow lines around the leaves, so it gets its name.

Silver-edged hanging orchid: silver-edged hanging orchid is called "silver-edged hanging orchid" because the edge of its green leaves is white.

Culture method of Cymbidium

Soil: the soil for cultivation of Cymbidium should be loose and fertile, with good drainage performance, sandy soil is better, slightly acidic soil is better for pot culture, and the mixed soil made of peat soil, sand and small gravel can be selected as pot culture soil.

Lighting: hanging orchids like the environment where the sun is not so strong, and they should avoid strong direct sunlight in spring and autumn. when the sun is particularly strong at noon in summer, they must pay attention to shade, and it is best to move out sooner or later to see some oblique light. in winter, it is best to place the orchid in the south window to receive sunlight.

Moisture: Cymbidium likes a relatively humid environment, so the soil should be easy to maintain a certain degree of wetness. Water should be well watered, especially in summer, when water evaporates very quickly. When the temperature is too low in winter, water less and the soil should not be too wet, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow easily.

Key points of maintenance of hanging orchids

Pruning: pruning is the key to the maintenance of hanging orchids. In the period of exuberant growth of hanging orchids, they should be properly removable so as to promote the horizontal development of hanging orchids. After the winter flowering period, the residual stems that have flowered should be cut off in time, which can save nutrients, promote new branches and make them blossom.

Fertilization: Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, if the soil fertility is not enough, it is easy to scorch head aging, leaves yellowing, loss of ornamental value. Therefore, fertilization is very important, from late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied once a week.

Change the basin and turn the soil: if the growth of the orchid is limited and the root system cannot be extended, it will inhibit the growth of the orchid as a whole, so in order to make the orchid grow more luxuriantly, it is necessary to give it a larger growth space. in general, you can change the basin and turn the soil once a year. When changing the basin and turning the soil, pay attention to clean up the rotten roots and which extra roots, leave the main root, and add the right amount of soil according to the size of the basin, so that the orchid will grow luxuriantly and beautifully.

Conclusion: fresh and lovely hanging orchid, the use is not generally simple, it can not only decorate and beautify our living environment, the key is that it can also create a healthy living environment for me, through the above introduction, do you have a certain understanding of the breeding and nursing of hanging orchids?

Chlorophytum comosum Chlorophytum comosum Magnolia lanceolata how to raise / how to propagate Cymbidium business card Cymbidium Chlorophytum comosum alias: classification: herbaceous Flower Family: plant class Monocotyledon Cymbidium is in full bloom: spring and summer Magnolia, Latin name: Chlorophytum comosum, is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae, common flowers, now widely planted. Evergreen perennial herb with rhizome underground, slender leaves, linear lanceolate, yellow-white longitudinal stripes in the center, clasping stem at the base, bright green. Leaf axils draw creeping branches, protruding clumps of plants, bending outward, apically bearing small plants with aerial roots. Flowers white, perianth 6, florescence spring and summer. Flower words: "helpless and give people hope". It is a common bonsai green plant for office and home. Introduction of Magnolia lanceolata, Latin name: Chlorophytum comosum, is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae, common flowers, now widely planted. Evergreen perennial herb with rhizome underground, slender leaves, linear lanceolate, yellow-white longitudinal stripes in the center, clasping stem at the base, bright green. Leaf axils draw creeping branches, protruding clumps of plants, bending outward, apically bearing small plants with aerial roots. Flowers white, perianth 6, florescence spring and summer. Flower words: "helpless and give people hope". It is a common bonsai green plant for office and home. The morphological characteristics of Cymbidium are evergreen perennial herbs, underground with rhizome, fleshy and short, transverse or oblique, slender leaves, linear lanceolate, yellow-white longitudinal stripes in the center, clasping at the base, bright green. Leaf axils draw creeping branches, protruding clumps of plants, bending outward, apically bearing small plants with aerial roots. The flowers are white with 6 petals. The florescence of Magnolia lanceolata in spring and summer. The ecological habit of Magnolia lanceolata likes to be warm and humid, half-overcast, avoid hot sun in summer, have high requirements for soil, and like loose, fertile and sandy soil. When the room temperature is 20 ℃, the stem and leaf grow rapidly, and the winter temperature should be no less than 5 ℃. The florescence is between spring and summer. Cymbidium likes a warm and humid climate and is suitable for long-term growth in a humid, semi-shady environment. Hanging orchid cold resistance is poor, do not like the hot growth environment, summer should pay attention to shade, winter should pay attention to heat preservation. Key points of cultivation techniques of Magnolia lanceolata; Cymbidium prefers warm, moist and semi-overcast environment. It is not so strict about the strength of the light. Its vigorous growth period is from March to September, and it can grow normally as long as the winter temperature is not lower than 7 ℃. It grows better under often moist conditions. Because it has fleshy roots and can endure drying for a period of time, watering should pay attention to the wetness between dryness and dryness. It is generally watered once every two to three days in spring and autumn, and once a day in summer. If the plant grows slowly in winter, the amount of water should be reduced appropriately. Dry environment, low air humidity, often lead to leaf tip drying, affecting the growth and ornamental effect, so regular water spraying, increasing air humidity is more beneficial to growth. Magnolia can be fertilized once a month during the peak growth period, thin and rotten cake fertilizer, human feces and urine can be applied outdoors, and some compound fertilizer can be applied indoors. Generally change the basin every one to two years, the basin soil can be used loose, fertile, well-drained sand. In the management of changing soil and pot, in order to have luxuriant stems and leaves, the soil and pot should be changed once in March every year. If the basin is deeper, the base month bar is more sufficient, the basin can be changed once every two years. When turning the basin, knock the plant out of the basin, cut off the withered roots and excess roots, replace it with a new humus-rich culture soil, and then apply livestock hoof horns or rotten cake fertilizer as base fertilizer. After planting, put the seedlings in a warm and semi-overcast place. The optimum growth temperature of Cymbidium is about 25 ℃. After the plant returns to robust growth, hang the flowerpot under the eaves of the corridor or in an appropriate position in the room. The general height is not to meet, and should pay attention to ventilation. The golden orchid prefers the semi-overcast environment with proper light. Spring and autumn should avoid the strong direct sun, the summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50%-70% of the sun, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the flower and leaf varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight. Phnom Penh orchids grow more beautiful in places with weak light, yellow edges are more obvious, and leaves are brighter. But it should be more sunny in winter in order to keep the leaves tender and fresh green. The family potted orchid should be placed in front of the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and even wither. Magnolia lanceolata is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant with appropriate amount of fertilization. if there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy to scorch head senescence, leaf yellowing and loss of ornamental value. From the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied every 7-10 days, but less nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to Phnom Penh, Jinxin and other flower and leaf varieties, lest the color of flowers and leaves will fade or even disappear. The retting organic fertilizer such as bone meal and eggshell can be properly applied. After full fermentation, appropriate amount of diluent should be taken and poured once every 10 li every 15 days to make the flowers and leaves bright and bright. Watered properly, the orchid likes the humid environment, always keep the basin soil moist, adequate watering in summer, and spray water on the branches and leaves around noon and in the evening to prevent the leaves from drying up. There is often much dust in the room, such as more dust on the orchid, which not only affects its growth, but also damages the freshness and freshness of the branches and leaves, so we should often spray and wash the branches and leaves to keep them bright and beautiful. The lower withered leaves and yellow leaves should be picked at any time, and the normal humidity should be maintained at ordinary times, which should not be dry or too wet. The propagation method of Cymbidium chinensis is commonly used for ramet propagation. In March in spring, the old plants that are clustered before coming out of the greenhouse can be separated and planted, or the small plants on the stolon can be cut off and cultivated, which can also quickly grow into large plants. Cymbidium is very fond of fertilizer, so it is necessary to have enough fertilizer and water in the process of cultivation, and topdressing is applied every 10 days during the growing period. if there is not enough fertilizer and water, it is easy to yellowing leaves, withering leaves and poor growth, except in winter, they can all grow outdoors, and they can also be cultivated in ordinary bedrooms. Pay attention to clean up the plants, keep them tidy, like half-shade in spring and autumn, avoid the hot sun in summer, more sunshine in winter, and leaves will wither and yellow in winter if there is not enough sunshine. The disease control of Cymbidium chinensis is less, there are mainly physiological diseases, leaf front end yellowing, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. Check regularly and wipe off the shell insects and whitefly on the leaves in time. Cymbidium is not easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests, but if the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it may not only cause rotten roots, but also cause root rot. Carbendazim wettable powder 500-800 times liquid can be used to irrigate the roots once a week for 2-3 times. Magnolia prefers warm, humid and semi-shady environment, is not cold-resistant, and is less cold-resistant than ordinary green orchids. It is afraid of high temperature and strong light exposure, and is not resistant to drought, salinity and stagnant water. The suitable temperature for growth is 13 ℃ 28 ℃, and the ambient temperature in winter should not be lower than 7 mol. After Frosts Descent, the lowest temperature in the morning may be close to 4 ℃, which will bring obvious chilling injury to the plant. Although it could not be shown immediately at that time, after moving indoors, due to lack of light, dry air, high room temperature, poor ventilation and other reasons, it is bound to make the chilling-injured plant of Magnolia lanceolata. It shows the characteristics of yellowing green stripes and browning edges on the leaves. However, as long as its fleshy root system has not rotted and died due to cold injury, put it in a place with bright light, control basin soil watering, increase foliar spray, turn the basin and change soil before coming out of the room next spring, and trim away the withered and necrotic leaves at the same time. Strengthen fertilizer and water management, plants can quickly restore exuberant growth. Family pot-raised orchids, in general, are also easy to appear leaf tip dry, leaf gradually lose luster and other phenomena. The distribution area of Magnolia lanceolata originated in South Africa, common flowers, widely planted. The medical information and health food treatment information of Dietotherapy or Medicinal value Huanhua net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The medicinal value of Magnolia is very high, and the whole herb can be used as medicine. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening lung, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and expectorant as well as promoting blood circulation. It can be used to treat fever tube, lung heat or lung yin deficiency, cough, hematemesis and so on. In addition, it can also be taken to treat oral diseases such as pharyngitis. The landscape use of Cymbidium is an excellent indoor hanging foliage plant, which can be embedded and planted in roadside stone cracks, or embellished on water stone or tree stump bonsai. Comparison: Golden orchid: the central part of the leaf margin has yellow and white longitudinal stripes. Silver-edged orchid: the leaf margin is green and white. Phnom Penh orchid: the leaf margin is yellow and white. It can absorb carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases in the air; in addition, the smell emitted by the orchid can also kill germs in the air. The flower language of Jinxin Diaolan is helpless, but there is still hope. The source of flower language is "helpless and hopeful", which comes from a legend. Once upon a time, there was an examiner who was jealous of talent. He usually paid special attention to those who were talented, and when it came to the examination, he made it very difficult for them. One year, he found out that a candidate named Lin Dexiang was very talented. After the exam, he collected all the papers surnamed Lin. Sure enough, there was a man named Lin Dexiang, who wrote a very good article, which was very different from his godson's papers. He thought about it and made up his mind to restrain the man surnamed Lin and let his godson Qiming high school. So he began to correct Lin Dexiang's papers. At this time, someone came to report to the emperor for a visit. In a hurry, the examiner hid the paper in the luxuriant orchid on the desk. When the emperor was welcomed in, he stopped his business and saw the orchids on his desk, with luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers contending for beauty, and wanted them. The examiner had no choice but to give it to the emperor. When the emperor returned to the palace, he was just about to watch the orchid carefully, but the stems and leaves of the orchid all bent down, scattered and opened, and revealed the paper. After reading the paper, the emperor thought that the examinee was an outstanding talent, thought carefully, and understood the secret. He sent someone to call the examiner to the front of the temple, not only removed him from his official post, but also "gave" the pot of flowers to him. The examiner died soon after, ashamed and annoyed. Since then, the stems and leaves of this kind of orchid have never straightened up and gradually evolved into today's hanging orchids, and its flower phrase "helpless, but there is still hope" is also taken from its meaning. Golden heart hanging orchid pictures