
What fertilizer is applied to Phnom Penh orchid? the fertilization method of Phnom Penh orchid / fertile natural fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crops a flower, all depends on fertilizer, although Phnom Penh is a foliage plant, beauty does not lie in flowers, but want its leaves to grow Phnom Penh, the right amount of fertilization is very important. As for how to fertilize Phnom Penh orchids, the editor will introduce the fertilization methods of Phnom Penh orchids from the aspects of fertilizer and fertilization interval, which is very comprehensive.

Crops a flower, all depends on fertilizer, although Phnom Penh is a foliage plant, beauty does not lie in flowers, but want its leaves to grow Phnom Penh, the right amount of fertilization is very important. As for how to fertilize Phnom Penh orchids, the editor will introduce the fertilization methods of Phnom Penh orchids from the aspects of fertilizer and fertilization interval, which is very comprehensive. Friends who do not know how to apply fertilizer must take a look at it.

First, how to fertilize Phnom Penh orchids, fertilizers / methods

Phnom Penh Cymbidium, a very popular foliage plant, has slender leaves with gold-edged leaves, which makes people want to start a pot. But if we want Phnom Penh to achieve the effect of the above picture, we need to master the breeding methods of Phnom Penh, especially fertilization, we must pay attention to it. As for the Phnom Penh orchid how to fertilize, mainly in the amount of control and fertilization interval, the editor will introduce this in detail, we will move on.

II. Fertilization methods of Phnom Penh Cymbidium

(1) what kind of fertilizer is applied to Phnom Penh orchid?

1. Natural fertilizer

To fertilize Phnom Penh orchids, the best fertilizer is of course fertile natural fertilizer, such as fermented cake water, human and animal droppings, etc. If they are dirty, you can also use the dregs of sesame sauce. These fertilizers are diluted with water and used in Phnom Penh to make it grow very well.

2. Compound fertilizer

The natural fertilizer mentioned above can not provide Phnom Penh with trace elements, so what fertilizer is applied to Phnom Penh, compound fertilizer is also used to supplement it. To apply fertilizer to Phnom Penh orchid, you can generally add some phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and so on. However, florists should be aware that there is not much nitrogen fertilizer, which will lead to the disappearance of Phnom Penh.

Among them, phosphate fertilizer can buy bone meal in the market, and if you want it to be natural, you can use the fish scales, fish offal and fish head left after a meal as nutrients. Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can directly use milk with water or rice water to irrigate it, usually once a month.

(2) when will Phnom Penh Cymbidium be fertilized?

It is understood that Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant. When it is just cultivated, it must have sufficient fertilizer and water. During the growing period, compound fertilizer can be applied every 10 miles and 15 days. If it is raised outdoors, thin and rotten cake fertilizer and water, human feces and urine can be applied.

(3) points for attention

Phnom Penh orchid can not lack of fertilizer, once the fertilizer is too little, it is easy to scorch head aging, resulting in the symptoms of dry leaf tip; but not too much fertilization, which will cause symptoms such as rotten roots, soft leaves and so on.

On the Phnom Penh orchid fertilization method, the editor introduced here, after reading, we should have more confidence in raising Phnom Penh orchid! Generally speaking, Phnom Penh hanging orchid is not difficult to raise, difficult in some details, whether it is watering, or fertilization, must be appropriate, neither more nor less. Only in this way can you raise a beautiful pot of Phnom Penh orchids!

Cultivation methods of several kinds of flowers and trees


[propagation methods] ramet and tissue culture are commonly used for propagation.

Ramet propagation: it can be carried out in spring and autumn, and it is best to combine with changing pots before new buds germinate in spring. Cut off the false bulb with 2 buds and plant it directly in the basin of water moss to maintain high air humidity and quickly restore new buds and roots.

Tissue culture and propagation: the buds germinated at the base of Oncidium were selected as explants, disinfected with 70% alcohol, washed with sterile water, cut into thin slices of stem tip 1-1.5 mm thick, inoculated on the prepared medium, maintained temperature (26 ±2) ℃, light intensity 500 lux, irradiation time 16 hours, and added 1 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine to MS medium. The formation of protocorm is the fastest, which takes only 45 days. The protocorms formed continued to be cultured in solid culture medium. After more than 20 days, buds were formed at the tip of the protocorms, and the roots were partially differentiated in the bud base. In about 100 days, the differentiated plants grew 2-3 leaves and became complete seedlings.

[cultivation management] potted Oncidium is often planted in 15cm pots and can also be cultivated with fern plates or fern columns. The common substrates are 40% of crushed fern root, 10% of peat soil, 20% of broken charcoal, 20% of vermiculite and 10% of water moss. The bottom of the basin is padded with broken tiles and bricks, which is conducive to air permeability and drainage. Flowering plants are best planted after flowering, and non-flowering plants are carried out before budding, which is beneficial to the new root growth of Oncidium. Oncidium prefers moist and semi-shady environment, in addition to watering to increase substrate humidity, leaf surface and ground water spraying is more important, increasing air humidity is more beneficial to the growth of leaves and flower stems. The varieties with hard leaves have strong tolerance to drought, and the phenomenon of dry death has not occurred without watering for a long time in winter, and their tolerance is very strong. Large-scale production requires a sunshade net, with a shading rate of 40% to 50%. Sufficient sunshine is needed in winter, generally without sunshade net, which is beneficial to flowering.

The period from May to October is the peak growth period of Oncidium, which is fertilized once a semimonthly. Winter dormancy period can stop fertilization and watering, increase water spraying, increase air humidity on the line. The loss of liquid fertilizer is so serious that it can be supplemented by spraying leaves with 0.05%-0.1% compound fertilizer every half a month. Withered branches and withered leaves should be removed in time after flowering.

[pest control] soft rot and shell insects sometimes occur. Soft rot can be sprayed with a 800-fold solution of 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder. Shell insects are sprayed with 1000 times of 80% dichlorvos EC.

[postpartum treatment] Wenxin orchids have numerous leaves, with dozens to hundreds of flowers on each stem, which is very interesting and has a long flowering period, which is very popular with people. Up to now, it is widely used in potted and cut flowers. Potted plants are placed in the bedroom, windowsill and balcony, just like a group of dancers with long sleeves dancing in the green bushes. If take Oncidium as the main material, with American soaring sky, weeping scorpion tail banana, asparagus, green palm, wood lily, used for wall insertion, rich and colorful, showing a happy festive atmosphere. With Oncidium as the main flower, basket insertion, with Anthurium andraeanum, lily, swallow grass, Tianmen winter, is an excellent holiday gift basket, decorate the room, elegant and luxurious, eye-catching.

Tiger Pilan

[habits] Tiger skin orchid leaves erect leaves with gray-white and dark green tiger-tail stripes on the leaves are resolute, strange and interesting, and its plant shape and leaf color change are more exquisite and chic. Its strong adaptability to the environment is a kind of tenacious plant cultivation and widely used as a common potted foliage plant at home. Suitable for decorating study, living room and office space for a long time to enjoy. Tiger skin orchid is adaptable, warm, moist, drought-resistant, light-tolerant and shady. The sandy loam with better drainage is better than the loose soil. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃ and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃.

[propagation method] Tiger skin orchid can be propagated by ramet and cuttage. After the temperature rises in spring every year, the whole plant will be removed from the basin and the old culture soil will expose the rhizome and cut into several plants along its direction so that each plant contains at least 3 Mel and 4 mature leaves, and then planted in the pot with new culture soil. The cutting propagation material is leaf (that is, leaf cutting), which can be carried out when the temperature is above 15 ℃. The mature leaves were transversely cut into 7 Mel 8 cm long fragments as a cuttings slightly dried and inserted in the river sand. Be careful not to cut upside down when cutting; keep a certain amount of humidity but not too wet to avoid rot. Adventitious buds and adventitious roots can grow into new plants from the incision in about a month. Phnom Penh and variegated leaf varieties use the seedlings propagated by leaf cuttings to reduce the ornamental value of green seedlings Phnom Penh and spotted mausoleum, so these varieties should not be propagated by leaf cuttings but by ramets.

Cultivation management: rotten leaf soil and garden soil can be mixed in the same amount and a small amount of mature base fertilizer can be used as substrate. It grows well under the condition of plenty of light, it should receive more sunlight in all seasons except to avoid direct sunlight in the middle of summer, and the leaves will be dark and lack of vitality if they are placed in the indoor light for too long. In addition, if it is placed indoors for a long time, it is not suitable to suddenly move directly to the sun. It should be moved first in the light so that it can have a process of adaptation. See the sun again so as not to burn the leaves. Watering should grasp the principle that it is better to dry than wet. Usually scrub the leaves with clean water to keep the leaves clean and bright. When sprouting new plants at the root neck in spring, the basin soil should be properly watered to keep the basin soil moist in high temperature season in summer, and the basin soil should be kept relatively dry after late autumn to enhance its cold resistance. It does not require high fertilizer application of rarefied liquid fertilizer twice a month in the growing season to ensure green and thick leaves.

Happiness tree

Also known as "bean tree", it likes the hot, humid, sunny environment. Resistant to high temperature, afraid of cold, should be moist, avoid drying. Loam and sandy loam which are loose and fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter should be used for cultivation. Flowering from May to September and fruiting from October to December.

Q: why do the plants placed indoors have a large number of fallen leaves?

Answer: this is because the indoor light is too dim, and poor ventilation, if not in the cold winter, can be moved to the balcony, so that its ventilation to see the light, can quickly draw out new leaves. In winter, it should be placed on a well-lit southward balcony or floor-to-ceiling window.

Q: why are the leaf tips withered and yellow in the plants placed indoors in the northern region?

Answer: the main reason is that the indoor air is dry. Clear water can be sprayed on its leaves 2 to 3 times a day, which can effectively prevent the leaf tips of newly drawn leaves from withering and yellowing.

Q: is it harmful to people to grow bean trees indoors?

Answer: the roots, leaves and fruits of bean trees are used for medicinal purposes, which have the effects of cooling blood, detumescence and fever, and can treat injuries caused by falls and poisonous snakes. as indoor displays, they are not only harmless to the human body, but also beneficial to human health.

1. Temperature: bean trees prefer warm and hot environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. During the hot summer, when the ambient temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to cover the shade, increase the environment and foliar spray, or move it to a cool and ventilated place with shade. At the end of autumn, when the ambient temperature drops to about 10 ℃, it should be moved to the shed in time. During the overwintering period, it is best to maintain a greenhouse temperature of not less than 8 ℃, and a minimum of 5 ℃, so as to avoid cold injury or fallen leaves. Family potted plants can be moved to rooms with air conditioners or electric heaters to ensure that the room temperature is not less than 8 ℃, so that they can survive the winter safely.

2. Illumination: bean trees are light-loving plants, and they can also tolerate shade slightly, either in full sunshine or in semi-shady environment. Its seedlings are more shade-tolerant, and a shed should be built to cover the light in summer. Potted plants should be placed in front of a well-lit window or indoors during indoor display. If you leave it in a dimly lit room for a long time, it is easy to cause fallen leaves. Family potted plants can be placed in front of the window or in front of the balcony during the overwintering, so that they can receive more light.

3. Moisture: the cultivation of bean trees requires a relatively humid soil and display environment. During the seedling raising period, the seedbed should be kept moist, and more attention should be paid to water supply in the high temperature and dry season after summer. Potted bean trees, in order not to grow too tall, can properly control watering when sprouting new shoots in spring to keep the potted soil relatively moist. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist, the potted plants displayed indoors should be sprayed with water 2 to 3 times a day during the high temperature season. If the plants are shelved outside in summer and autumn, we must strengthen the water spraying of the plants and the surrounding environment to create a cool and humid environment. Winter put in the indoor plant, as the general indoor temperature are lower than 10 ℃, the plant into a dormant state, can not be watered too much, so as to avoid stagnant water rotten roots, every 2 to 3 days before and after noon in fine weather, spray the plant with slightly warm water, in order to maintain its elegant appearance, can also increase environmental humidity. In addition, bean trees can also be hydroponically cultured.

4. Soil: for potted bean trees, the culture soil with loose and fertile, good drainage and ventilation and rich in organic matter should be selected. It is usually mixed with 5 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of mature organic fertilizer and 1 part of river sand. Loosen the soil once a month during the growing season to ensure that the roots are always in a good state of penetration. During the rainy season, for potted plants shelved in the open environment, the pot soil should be checked in time after each heavy rainfall, and the stagnant water in the basin should be removed as soon as possible, and the pot should be turned over and changed after the pot soil is dry. In general, small and medium-sized plants as family potted plants can be turned once a year when they come out of the house at the beginning of April to meet the requirements of soil fertility for their annual growth.

5. Fertilizer: potted bean trees should not only add an appropriate amount of rotten cake fertilizer and 3% multi-component compound fertilizer to the culture soil, but also give topdressing continuously. Quick-acting liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month during the growing season, and rotten cake fertilizer and water can usually be used. A small number of potted plants in the family, or large potted plants displayed in public places for a long time, can be buried regularly with a small amount of multi-component slow-release compound fertilizer particles, or 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed solution. Potted plants in the north can be applied 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution continuously for 2 to 3 times after the Mid-Autumn Festival, so as to increase the cold resistance of the plant and help it pass the winter safely. Topdressing should be stopped when the temperature is higher than 32 ℃ in summer and lower than 12 ℃ in late autumn and early winter.

Hanging orchid

[appropriate light] hanging orchid prefers semi-overcast environment. Spring and autumn should avoid strong direct sunlight, the summer sun is particularly strong, can only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50%-70% of the sun, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the flower and leaf varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight. Phnom Penh orchids grow more beautiful in places with weak light, yellow edges are more obvious, and leaves are brighter. But it should be more sunny in winter in order to keep the leaves tender and fresh green. The family potted orchid should be placed in front of the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose their luster and even wither.

[appropriate amount of fertilizer] Cymbidium is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, if the lack of fertilizer and water, it is easy to scorch head aging, leaves yellowing, loss of ornamental value. From late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer can be applied every 10 days, but less nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to Phnom Penh, Jinxin and other mosaic varieties, so as not to fade or even disappear. The retting organic manure such as bone meal and eggshell can be properly applied. After full fermentation, appropriate amount of diluent should be taken and poured once every 10 li for 15 days to make the flowers and leaves bright and bright.

[watering properly] hanging orchids like a humid environment, always keep the basin soil moist, adequate watering in summer, and spray water on the branches and leaves around noon and in the evening to prevent the leaves from drying up. There is often much dust in the room, such as more dust on the orchid, which not only affects its growth, but also damages the freshness and freshness of the branches and leaves, so we should often spray and wash the branches and leaves to keep them bright and beautiful. Lower withered leaves, yellow leaves should be picked at any time, usually to maintain normal humidity, should not be dry, should not be too wet.

Mosquito repellent grass

1. Preparation of nutritious soil. Mosquito net vanilla (mosquito repellent grass) grows very fast in the seedling stage, so the basin is changed more frequently in the seedling stage. 6 parts of peat soil, 1.5 parts of vermiculite, 1.5 parts of perlite and 1 part of coal ash are used in six months. The PH value is slightly acidic and neutral, and the prepared commercial (PH value 5.5-7) foliage matrix soil can also be purchased from the flower market. After six months, the plant has strong adaptability and can use soil at will. The main stem of the biennial plant is Lignified, which can be trimmed and modeled freely according to personal preferences.

2. Temperature control. Mosquito net vanilla (mosquito repellent grass) is the most suitable growth temperature of 10-25 ℃, can safely survive the winter above 0 ℃, and can normally emit lemon fragrance when it is above 15 ℃. The higher the temperature, the stronger the fragrance. Spraying an appropriate amount of water spray to the plant leaves can make citronella aldehyde release continuously, thus making the mosquito repellent effect better.

3. Light adjustment. Mosquito clean vanilla (mosquito repellent grass) likes shade and is not resistant to strong light when growing. Especially in summer, it is necessary to strengthen shading pearl hanging orchid map: how to raise pearl hanging orchid / how to breed pearl hanging orchid business card pearl hanging orchid alias: lover's tears, Buddha's pearl hanging orchid, green bell, Buddha string of pearls, Buddha's pearl, green grape, Classification of jadeite beads: families and genera of succulent and serous plants: Monocotyledons, Monocotyledons, asparagus, tequila, flowering period: winter pearl orchids are also known as jadeite beads, lover's tears, Buddha beads, jadeite beads, green bell and green bell because they are composed of a string of bulging, full green oval leaves. Pearl hanging orchid is not only an excellent hanging foliage plant in the room, but also a good indoor air purification flower. The flowering period of the pearl orchid is usually from December of that year to January of the following year. Introduction of pearl hanging orchid culture methods and matters needing attention Pearl hanging orchid is also known as jadeite pearl, lover's tears, Buddha pearl hanging orchid, jadeite pearl, green bell and green bell because it is composed of a string of bulging, full green oval leaves. Pearl hanging orchid is not only an excellent hanging foliage plant in the room, but also a good indoor air purification flower. The flowering period of the pearl orchid is usually from December of that year to January of the following year. The morphological characteristics of the pearl orchid the round, thick, heart-shaped leaves of the pearl orchid are like a string of wind chimes swaying in the wind. These are its leaves. Because the leaves are mutual, sparse, heart-shaped, dark green, thick and succulent, very much like beads, it is known as Buddha beads, green grapes and green bells. Others call it Buddha bead hanging orchid and lover's tears. The scientific name of the pearl orchid is the emerald pearl, which belongs to the perennial evergreen stoloniferous herb of the Compositae. The stem is slender and the whole plant is covered with white leather powder. Inflorescences capitate, terminal, 3-4 cm long, hooked, flowers white to light brown. The flowering period of Pearl Cymbidium is from December to January of the following year. Ecological habits of Pearl Cymbidium the watering of Pearl Cymbidium should be dry rather than wet, which is one of the keys to success. When the weather is dry, you can spray water to the leaves and vines to make up for the lack of moisture and keep the beads green and full. Pearl hanging orchid prefer semi-shade, exposure to the sun may burn the beads, the light is too weak, the growth is not strong. The cultivation techniques of Pearl Cymbidium prefer loose and fertile soil rich in organic matter. It grows best in the environment of warmth, high humidity and strong scattered light. High temperature and high humidity should be avoided in summer, otherwise it is easy to rot stems and die. Potted flowers can be cultivated in the shade of rain protection. After autumn, the plants will resume growth, increase light and topdressing liquid fertilizer. The culture soil for the cultivation of pearl orchid can be made of rotten cow dung and coconut bran at 4:6, or loose rotten leaf soil. High temperature and humidity should be avoided in summer, otherwise it is easy to rot stems and die, potted flowers can be cultivated in the shade of rain protection; after autumn, the plant growth should be restored, light should be increased, and liquid fertilizer should be applied. The conservation method of pearl orchid inherits the characteristics of Compositae. It has a huge demand for water in the spring and autumn season and grows rapidly when there is enough water. Summer is particularly sensitive to muggy environment, so we should rely on ventilation, shading, water control and other measures to spend the summer. If you find that the stem on the soil surface is rotten and withered, don't hesitate to cut it off immediately, simply trim the healthy branches and then cut them again. Basically do not need direct sunlight, especially in summer, must not be exposed to the sun. In addition to watering in summer and winter, irrigate hard in spring and autumn. In terms of soil proportion, granular materials can be a little more, which is more conducive to root respiration and growth. The root system grows very fast, so it is best to use a deeper flower organ in the flowerpot, and one with a depth of about 15CM is the best. Cultivation and maintenance in March every two years, change the basin, remove part of the old soil, slightly trim the excess roots, cut off the withered roots and yellow leaves, and re-prepare the culture soil. Change into the culture soil mixed with three parts of rotten leaf soil and seven parts of sandy soil. Put 2 Mel 3 pieces of broken bone on the pelvic floor. During the growing period, the dilute fertilizer solution was applied every 14 days, and the fertilizer was mainly nitrogen fertilizer. However, Jinxin and Phnom Penh varieties should not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the line spot of the leaves will not become obvious. Lift the leaves when fertilizing. Avoid tarnishing the leaves and easily injuring the tender leaves and leaf tips. It is best to spray and clean the leaves with clean water after each fertilization. Cymbidium likes to be wet, its fleshy root has well-developed water storage tissue and strong drought resistance, but it needs more water during the peak growth period from March to September, so it should be watered and sprayed to the leaf surface frequently to increase humidity, and gradually reduce the amount of water after autumn to improve the cold resistance of the plant. It should be watered every morning and evening in summer, and once a day in spring and autumn. It is taboo to be moist in winter. It can be watered every 4 times every 5 days, and the amount of water should not be too much. Cymbidium is suitable for growing in moist air, but if the air is dry, the growth is poor, the leaves are small and the tips are withered and yellow. Therefore, during the period of exuberant growth, water should be sprayed to the leaves twice a day to increase air humidity. The culture method of pearl orchid can grow well if you pay attention to the following points in cultivation: 1. The leaves are succulent and succulent, so they are resistant to drought. Watering should be dry rather than wet in cultivation, which is one of the keys to success. When the weather is dry, you can spray water to the leaves and vines to make up for the lack of moisture and keep the beads green and full. Prefer semi-shade, sun exposure may burn beads, too weak light will not grow strong. two。 The root system of the plant is very shallow and can be planted in a shallow pot. Generally, tiles are used to cover the bottom holes and covered with a layer of cinder or coarse sand to increase air permeability and filtration (especially when plastic pots are commonly used nowadays). It is best to use rotten leaf soil (the fallen leaves of trees in autumn and winter are mixed with a certain amount of broken soil to be exposed to the wild grass. Mix in a certain amount of sand (the ratio of soil to sand is about 1:3). 3. Sex is warm and humid, cold-tolerant (low temperature of 0 ℃ in Jianghuai region), high temperature, and the optimum temperature is about 20 ℃ ~ 28 ℃. Both high temperature and low temperature grow slowly, especially when the temperature is more than 30 ℃, it is almost dormant. Less watering and fertilization should be done, otherwise the roots are easy to rot, which is also one of the keys to successful cultivation. 4. In the spring and autumn when the growth is exuberant, "thin fertilizer" should be applied frequently. Spraying 1-3 ‰ nitrogen fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf surface is beneficial to make the pearl more green and fat and improve the ornamental value. The proportion of culture soil in potted flowers, the proportion of culture soil is as follows. General flowers and plants: 30% humus soil, 50% garden soil, 20% river sand; woody flowers: 40% humus soil, 50% garden soil, 10% river sand; sowing soil: 50% humus soil, 30% garden soil, 20% river sand; greenhouse flowers: 40% humus soil, 40% garden soil, 20% river sand, etc. Generally speaking, the culture soil is made of humus soil and vegetable garden soil as basic materials, combined with other materials. Other substances are mainly mountain mud or pond mud, bran ash, yellow sand, fire crumbs, barnyard manure and so on. In addition, there are tiles and broken basin plates, which are used for basin bottom cushion holes to facilitate drainage and ventilation. The production method of humus soil is relatively simple. Generally, we prepare mud pots, pots or dig pits in the outdoor mud according to how many flowers we cultivate, and put a layer of vegetable garden soil at the bottom. Then put some daily garbage, such as vegetable peel, melon and fruit peel, soybean and wheat peel, all kinds of fresh grass, leaves and other plant residues on the garden soil, and at the same time put in poultry droppings such as chickens and ducks, pour some rice washing water, fish water or human and animal manure water, and add some vegetable garden soil above. Such a layer of soil, a layer of fertilizer and water accumulates many layers, and the mouth of the basin or pit is covered (the soil can also be) sealed. After 2 to 3 months of fermentation and ripening, it is taken out and exposed to the sun, and it becomes a good humus soil. Under normal circumstances, this kind of soil must be fully mature before it is easy to use. Humus soil is the main soil used for pots and turning pots of most potted flowers. Vegetable garden soil is an ordinary cultivated soil, which is the main component of cultivated soil because of frequent fertilization and tillage, high fertility, rich organic matter and good aggregate structure. It is used to cultivate rose, pomegranate and grass flower with good effect. The disadvantage is that the surface layer is easy to harden, the ventilation and permeability is poor, it is not easy to use alone, but should be mixed with some other ingredients after preparation. Making compost soil is also a feasible way to make compost soil when a large number of cultivation soil is needed to cultivate flowers. It uses withered branches, fallen leaves, grass, pericarp, feces, hairy bones and so on as raw materials, together with basin old soil, furnace ash and garden soil, to irrigate human and animal dung water, and finally cover the garden soil around and above. Let it ferment and rot after 4 to 5 months of storage, and then break it and sift it into fertile soil. The mixed use of compost soil and sandy soil is not only fertile but also conducive to drainage, such as compost and peat soil mixed orchid, mountain lotus, gentleman orchid, Milan, rhododendron and other flowers and trees, the effect is very good. The formula of common potted flower culture soil is introduced as follows. For the culture soil of asparagus and hanging orchid, it requires good drainage and air permeability, and should be prepared with 60% garden soil or pond mud, 10% sand and 30% bran ash; for the culture soil of plum blossom, begonia, pomegranate and other flowers and trees, add a small amount of bone powder after preparation with 35% humus soil, 35% pond mud, 15% sand and 15% bran ash. For the culture soil of camellia, Michelia, rhododendron, etc., you can choose humus soil or humus soil made of mountain mud, coke mud ash and sand 40%, mountain mud 30%, coke mud ash 10%, sand 20%, add a small amount of bone powder, etc. Used for culture soil such as chrysanthemum, dahlia and general greenhouse grass flowers, after being prepared with 30% humus soil, 40% pond mud and 30% garden soil, 70% of the above mixture is mixed with 30% bran ash and a small amount of bone powder and lime to make the soil moderate in acidity and basicity; it is used in culture soil such as cypress and Phyllostachys pubescens, which is made of 45% of mud, 35% of humus and 35% of coke ash and 20% of sand. Indoor foliage plant culture soil can be prepared with 2 parts of peat, 1 part of vermiculite, 1 part of perlite or 1 part of peat, 1 part of perlite and 1 part of bark. The propagation mode of pearl orchid is propagated by cuttage. Branches and vines are very easy to take root and can be cut off in spring and autumn, half of which are buried in sand or loose soil, keeping moist but without stagnant water, and will soon take root for planting (about half a month in spring and autumn, while it is not easy to take root in winter and summer. This measure can be used to make up for the fact that the pot plants are not uniform and plump but grow too long. Cut the branches into sections of 8cm to 10cm, lay them flat and semi-buried in the basin soil, maintain 50% to 60% humidity at the beginning, and take root and survive after half a month. After survival, it is necessary to control the amount of watering and keep the basin soil dry and wet, which is beneficial to plant growth. Cutting branches choose pearl hanging orchid air root such a position to cut above, rooting will be faster. Remember to cover the cut branches with a layer of soil or pebbles after they are buried shallowly. If there is no direct sunlight, it will be watered as soon as it is dry. Another new method of reproduction is to bury the branches shallowly and then cover the surface with a layer of soil. After watering immediately, there will be many new buds coming out of the soil before long. This method is very suitable for the situation where there are not too many branches. At first, it is very slow, and once the small buds grow out, they grow very quickly. After another three months of growth, the pearl orchids have completely exploded. In half a year, there were a lot of reproduction. Due to the lack of management during the business trip, the pearl orchid was infected with root powder beetles, and it was in the summer, but many of them rotted, but fortunately, they made adjustments in time after returning home. All the cuttings have been restored, and the number has become more and more. The disease control of Pearl Cymbidium has few diseases and insect pests, and the leaf tip is yellow, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. Pearl orchid is mainly harmed by snails, aphids, cotton scale, soot disease and stem rot. Check regularly and wipe off the shell insects and whitefly on the leaves in time. Cymbidium is not easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests, but if the basin soil is stagnant and poorly ventilated, it will not only lead to rotting roots, but also may cause root rot, so attention should be paid to spray control. There are few diseases and insect pests, and aphids are one of them in spring, which can be wiped out or sprayed with 1500 times omethoate in time, while mites in summer and autumn need to be killed with 1000 times dicofol. Pay attention to ventilation and increase leaf humidity, can reduce the infection of mites. There are two common types of pearl orchids at present. One is round beads, which are often called "Buddha beads" and "pearl hanging orchids". The other is like a water drop, which is generally called "lover's tears", and there is one with brocade, which is more beautiful in color. The role of pearl orchid in pot cultivation with a small basin suspension cultivation, very interesting, a round, thick leaves, like a string of wind chimes swaying in the wind, is an ideal flower for family suspension cultivation. If you want to hang up, Alice's flowerpot is the most suitable, light and deep, and the inner volume of the flowerpot is large enough. In addition, you can also choose some waterfall-shaped flower utensils ~ it is also very good to match. And the pearl orchid blossoms so fragrant and fragrant that every day as soon as I open the door at home, a delicate fragrance floats over. After the flower fails, the flower will wither by itself. it will look like a dandelion. The garden use of pearl orchid is a common landscaping plant, which is often used in the flowerpot landscape of the park. The cultural background name of pearl hanging orchid is Laizhu hanging orchid, which is also known as jadeite bead, lover's tears, Buddha pearl hanging orchid, emerald bead, green bell and green bell because it is composed of a string of bulging, full green green leaves. The flower language of pearl orchid: lover's tears. Pictures of pearl orchids