
How to raise a gentleman, how to make a gentleman's breeding methods and matters needing attention / sufficient light

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The gentleman is a common flower plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and it is cultivated in all parts of our country. But if you want to raise it well, there are still many things to pay attention to. About how to raise a gentleman? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention for making a gentleman?

The gentleman is a common flower plant in people's life, which is highly ornamental, and it is cultivated in all parts of our country. But if you want to raise it well, there are still many things to pay attention to. About how to raise a gentleman? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention for a gentleman? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise a gentleman and understand his habits

If we want to know how to raise a gentleman, we must first understand its growth habits. Only by understanding the habits, breeding will be much easier. It is a light-loving plant, so we should keep it in sufficient light when we breed it, so that its flowers will bloom more luxuriantly.

Second, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the gentleman.

1. Sandy loam

When we cultivate a gentleman, we first need to choose soil, which is a step to lay a good foundation. Generally speaking, it is best to choose sandy loam, which is loose, fertile and rich in organic matter. This kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, which can make the plant grow better.

two。 Fertilization, once a month during the growing period

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of a gentleman, especially after entering the growth period, its demand for fertilizer is very high, basically once a month, so that it has sufficient nutrients to thrive. However, there is one thing we should pay attention to when fertilizing, that is, the fertilizer must be diluted with water before fertilization, so that the plant can be better absorbed, and it is easy to burn the plant if the fertilizer concentration is too high.

3. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

Make the gentleman prefer a warm and humid environment, but not resistant to stagnant water and drought, so we must control the amount of water when watering it, neither too much nor too little, just keep the soil moist. Remember not to let water accumulate in the basin, or it will easily cause its roots to rot.

4. Light, shade in summer

Make a gentleman is a kind of light-loving plant, so in the process of growth to keep enough light, but it is best not to be exposed to strong light for a long time, otherwise it is easy to burn the plant. When the light is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can put it outside to receive light all day, but when the light is relatively strong in summer, we should still pay attention to shade.

5. Regular pruning

In the process of making a gentleman's growth, we should often prune the branches. If the branches grow messy or too dense, we should trim off the extra branches to avoid blocking the sun and grabbing nutrients. After entering the winter, we also have to trim its branches and leaves, which can help it to blossom again next year.

6. Diseases and insect pests should be dealt with in a timely manner

When we make a gentleman in breeding, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests take advantage of the situation. This kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, so we must deal with it in time when it is discovered, because the longer the time drags on, the greater the harm to the plant. For specific treatment methods, you can refer to the article "making a gentleman's pest control", which is introduced in detail.

Make a gentleman's breeding methods and matters needing attention

Make the cultivation method of a gentleman light and temperature

Make a gentleman naturally like a warm and humid growth environment, can be cold-resistant, like light, can also be resistant to semi-shade, but if the sun is sufficient, it will grow better. Breeding makes a gentleman, it is best to make the gentleman exposed to sufficient sunlight, can receive full sunlight or direct light for more than 4 hours every day, so that the flowers can bloom luxuriantly, and if the growth environment is too shady, it may cause the plants to grow too much and reduce flowering. In the process of breeding, to ensure that the gentleman growth environment has a suitable temperature, between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, in winter, we should pay attention to cold prevention.

Water and fertilizer management

Make a gentleman like a more humid growth environment, not resistant to drought, and avoid stagnant water. Keep the soil moist, but remember not to accumulate water in the basin. Make the gentleman need more fertilizer during the growth period. A sufficient amount of base fertilizer should be applied when planting, and topdressing should be carried out after that. In spring and summer, topdressing should be done once or twice, and sufficient nutrients should be given to the gentleman before flowering to satisfy the nutrition consumed by the gentleman. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to reduce the number of times to water and fertilize the gentleman.

Reproduction method

There are mainly four ways to make a gentleman reproduce. Sowing propagation, seedling transplanting, separate plant propagation, cutting propagation and striping propagation can also be used.

Make the matters needing attention in the breeding of a gentleman blossom.

In order to make the gentleman blossom better, before the flower bud is formed, it is necessary to stop the growth of the branches of the gentleman, appropriately reduce watering and fertilization, and slow down the growth rate of the gentleman, which will be conducive to flowering.


Pruning branches is for shaping and better flowering. In the process of growth, branches should be pruned frequently. If you make the branches of a gentleman grow messy or too dense, you can prune off the extra branches to avoid blocking the sun and grabbing nutrients. Pruning the branches and leaves of a gentleman in winter is beneficial to blossom again next year.

Make a gentleman's breeding methods and matters needing attention make a gentleman's picture

Make a gentleman's breeding methods and matters needing attention

Make gentleman (scientific name: Quisqualis indica, English name: Rangoon Creeper), also known as Liuqiuzi, Liuqiuzi, Shi Junzi, Shi Jungen, official Gentleman, Water Gentleman, Shuijun Leaf, four Gentlemen, Si Shu make Gentleman, sick Gui, ladle beggar, Gentleman Ren, Guo smash Man, du Ju Chenzi, Lang Mu Huo, Goat shit, Rangoon Vine, etc., in order to make the Gentleman family belongs to the gentleman plant. This species is a famous insect repellent at all times and all over the world. it has been used in the treatment of pediatric patients for at least 1600 years.

Distributed in China's Sichuan Province, Guangdong and Guangdong, Fujian Province, Taiwan, India, Myanmar to the Philippines and other places. Most of them grow in sunny bushes such as hillsides, roadsides and flat ground at an altitude of 1000Mu 2500m.

Morphological characteristics

Make a gentleman's flowers turn white at first and then turn red

The gentleman is a climbing vine, which is shrubby when young. The young parts are covered with brownish yellow pubescent. Leaves elliptic, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, opposite or subopposite, thinly papery, apex acuminate or sometimes caudate, base suborbicular, surface subglabrous, abaxially brownish yellow pilose, entire or slightly undulate, lateral veins 7 color 8 on each side, about 5rel 13 cm long and 2.56 cm wide. Petiole hairy, jointless, densely brownish yellow pilose when young, ca. 1 cm long, persistent petiole base gradually hardened into thorns after deciduous leaves. Flowers are subcorymbose spikes, terminal, with more than 10 flowers, bisexual; bracts ovate to linear-lanceolate, tomentose, caducous, ca. 5rel 8 mm; calyx green, calyx lobes triangular, apical 5 denticulate, hairy; calyx tube slender, sparse yellow pubescent, ca. 5rel 9 cm 5 petals, oblong or Obovate-oblong, top obtusely round, white at first and then red, about 1.2 ~ 2.4 cm long and 2 ~ 10 mm wide; 10 stamens, filaments arranged in 2 whorls, the upper whorl born above the stigma, protruding out of the crown, the next whorl born below the stigma, not protruding outside the crown; inferior ovary, fusiform, hairy, 5-angled, 1-loculed, 3 ovules Style weak, base attached to calyx tube, distal part separated, slightly extending out of crown; stigma slightly enlarged, slightly flattened on both sides. Fruit a drupe, bluish black or brown, ovate to fusiform, apex narrowly pointed, base obtusely rounded, with conspicuous rounded fruit pedicels, with 5 longitudinal ribs, occasionally 4-colored 9-angled, glabrous, leathery, apically dehiscent after maturity, dehiscing into 3 Mel 5-merous, ca. 2.5 qu 4 cm long, ca. 1.23.3 cm wide. Seed 1, Terete-fusiform, white, with many longitudinal wrinkles, about 2.5 cm long and 10 mm wide.

Make a gentleman's flowers turn white at first and then turn red

Medical use

The dried and ripe fruits of the gentleman are used in medicine, which is sweet, warm and non-toxic, and belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces in China. The name of traditional Chinese medicine is "Kaibao Materia Medica". It can kill insects and eliminate accumulation, invigorate the spleen, deworming, anti-skin fungi, etc., mainly for the treatment of worms, abdominal distension, diarrhea, infantile dysentery, milk stagnation and so on. Modern clinical application in the treatment of Ascaris lumbricoides, pinworms, tapeworms and external use in all kinds of skin fungal infections, Trichomonas vaginalis and so on.

Make the gentleman's leaves into medicine, taste pungent, sexual flat, belong to the spleen, stomach meridian, traditional Chinese medicine is classified as insect repellent. Traditional Chinese medicine is called make gentleman leaf, with insecticidal detoxification, regulating qi and invigorating the spleen and other effects, mainly for the treatment of infantile gangrenous accumulation, infantile accumulation, epigastric distension, sores and furuncle ulcers.

The root of a gentleman is used in medicine, which tastes pungent, bitter and flat, which is classified as spleen and lung meridian, and traditional Chinese medicine is classified as spleen-invigorating medicine and Xuan lung medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is called the root of a gentleman, which has the effects of reducing adverse cough, killing insects and invigorating the spleen, mainly for cough, dysentery, insect accumulation and so on.

Make a gentleman's flowers turn white at first and then turn red

The envoy of Lao Song Primary School in Taiwan, China

Identification of medicinal materials

This product is dry and mature fruit, harvested when the pericarp becomes purple-black in autumn, dried or dried after removing impurities; the surface is dark brown to purple-black, smooth and glossy, oval or oval, the cross section is mostly pentagonal star, the fruit shell is thick at the edges and corners, the middle is a quasi-circular cavity, the texture is hard, the seed coat is thin and easy to fall off; cotyledons yellow-white, 2, the cross section is cracked, oily; fragrant, slightly sweet. This variety is recorded in the 2005 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is designated as the legal original plant source of traditional Chinese medicine, mainly through characters as an index to control the quality of medicinal materials. The traditional experience is that it is better to be big, purple and black, shiny, full of benevolence, yellow and white.

Chemical composition

Seeds contain amino acids and their salts, fatty acids, triterpenes and sterols; pulp contains fats and hydrolyzable tannins; flowers and leaves contain flavonoids; kernels contain fatty acids, mainly unsaturated fatty acids, also contain saturated fatty acids. Among them, monosylline and potassium quercetin are the active ingredients for deworming.

Make the gentleman is a kind of shrub flowers, with medicinal value, the flowers are also very beautiful, can be raised for viewing flowers, can also be used as cut flowers.

Make the cultivation method of a gentleman light and temperature

Make a gentleman naturally like a warm and humid growth environment, can be cold-resistant, like light, can also be resistant to semi-shade, but if the sun is sufficient, it will grow better. Breeding makes a gentleman, it is best to make the gentleman exposed to sufficient sunlight, can receive full sunlight or direct light for more than 4 hours every day, so that the flowers can bloom luxuriantly, and if the growth environment is too shady, it may cause the plants to grow too much and reduce flowering. In the process of breeding, to ensure that the gentleman growth environment has a suitable temperature, between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, in winter, we should pay attention to cold prevention.

Water and fertilizer management

Make a gentleman like a more humid growth environment, not resistant to drought, and avoid stagnant water. Keep the soil moist, but remember not to accumulate water in the basin. Make the gentleman need more fertilizer during the growth period. A sufficient amount of base fertilizer should be applied when planting, and topdressing should be carried out after that. In spring and summer, topdressing should be done once or twice, and sufficient nutrients should be given to the gentleman before flowering to satisfy the nutrition consumed by the gentleman. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to reduce the number of times to water and fertilize the gentleman.

Reproduction method

There are mainly four ways to make a gentleman reproduce. Sowing propagation, seedling transplanting, separate plant propagation, cutting propagation and striping propagation can also be used.

Make the matters needing attention in the breeding of a gentleman blossom.

In order to make the gentleman blossom better, before the flower bud is formed, it is necessary to stop the growth of the branches of the gentleman, appropriately reduce watering and fertilization, and slow down the growth rate of the gentleman, which will be conducive to flowering.


Pruning branches is for shaping and better flowering. In the process of growth, branches should be pruned frequently. If you make the branches of a gentleman grow messy or too dense, you can prune off the extra branches to avoid blocking the sun and grabbing nutrients. Pruning the branches and leaves of a gentleman in winter is beneficial to blossom again next year.

The legend of making a gentleman

According to legend, the son of Liu Bei in the three Kingdoms suffered from a strange disease: sallow complexion and thin limbs. The whole body is weak, the stomach is swollen like a drum, a knock "bang" straight sound. Liu Chan often cries and makes noise. Eat things like loess and raw rice. One day, the sun is beautiful and the wind is calm. Liu Chan was going to play in the wild, so Liu Bei sent two soldiers to take him nearby to play. Unexpectedly, when it was getting dark and going home, Liu Chan suddenly vomited and diarrhea, holding his stomach in both hands and shouting pain. When Liu Bei asked the two soldiers about the situation, Liu Chan's pain became worse. The two soldiers saw Liu Chan crying and screaming, full and rolling. Too frightened to kneel on the ground and dare not get up. Liu Bei hurriedly asked them what Liu Chan had eaten outside, and one of the soldiers knelt down nervously and said, "…"... the little Childe saw a kind of wild fruit and cried to pick it. The little ones advised him not to stop, so they let him pick a few and play with them. Who knows,. " On hearing this, Liu Bei thought that Liu Chan was poisoned by eating wild fruit. Immediately told the two soldiers to go to the doctor.

Who knew that not long after the two soldiers went out, Liu Zen pulled down a lot of roundworms and egg flowers, and then stopped crying and was a little quieter. And yelled that he was hungry. Liu Chan drank half a bowl of gruel, pulled some roundworms, and then played alone. By the time the doctor arrived, Liu Chan had already fallen asleep quietly. In the future, Liu Chan's stomach became soft, and he should not eat things like loess and raw rice.

Liu Bei was excited as he watched his son get better and better. He thought to himself that it must be the kind of wild fruit that cured his son's strange disease. He eagerly ordered the two soldiers to take more than a dozen men to the wild to collect the unknown wild fruit. After harvest, it was dried, ground into powder and scattered among the people to cure strange diseases like Liu Chan. It really works. As a result, the people carried pigs and sheep, beat gongs and drums, and came to Liu Bei's army with a smile to express their thanks. Liu Bei took out a wild fruit shaped like an olive and asked everyone what it was called, but the people shook their heads and did not know. At this time, I saw a scholar-like man squeeze into the crowd. He said in a loud voice, "since the wild fruit does not know its name, and the first person to taste it is Liu Zhijun's son. You might as well call it a 'gentleman'!" As soon as they heard this, they clapped their hands again and again.

The second legend about making a gentleman

It is said that during the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a doctor named Guo Jiejun in Panzhou, who was proficient in medicine and was willing to help the poor people, deeply respected by his neighbors. One day, he went up the mountain to pick medicine and was attracted by a fruit on a mushroom-shaped plant. The shape of this fruit is very similar to Shanzhi, a traditional Chinese medicine, and somewhat like a traditional Chinese medicine, chebula chebula. He peeled off the shell of the fruit and tasted it and found that it tasted light but fragrant, so he picked some of it and took it home. As the harvested fruit was not yet dry, he was worried that the medicine would deteriorate and become moldy after a long time, so he fried the fruit in a pan. After a while, the pot overflowed with fragrance, and the greedy young grandson shouted for it. Guo Qianjun had no choice but to pick out four or five fried pieces for his grandson to eat. Who knows, the next morning, my grandson unexpectedly excreted several roundworms when he defecated. Guo Zaijun couldn't figure it out, so he took out more than ten fruits for his grandchildren to eat. Unexpectedly, less than an hour later, the grandson kept burping and vomiting, and Guo Qijun was busy with ginger, tangerine peel, licorice and other medicines to detoxify. A few days later, he halved the dose to his grandson, and this time he successfully excreted a few roundworms. From then on, Guo Qijun used this fruit to treat children who encountered insect accumulation and accumulation, and achieved more good results. In memory of the doctor, people gave the medicine a beautiful name, "the gentleman".