
How to water and fertilize the orchid, once every 2-3 days / once every 10-15 days

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves are evergreen all the year round, gently like weeping willows on both sides, with yellow and white vertical stripes in the middle, looking beautiful and generous. In life, many people have golden orchids in their homes, but if they want to raise their beauty, they must pay attention to water and fertilizer. that

Golden heart spider orchid, a very beautiful foliage plant, its leaves evergreen, gently like weeping willows on both sides, the middle has yellow and white vertical stripes, looks beautiful and generous. In life, many people have golden heart in their homes, you can think of it as beautiful, and you must pay attention to water and fertilizer. So, how do you water and fertilize the golden-hearted spider lily? Today's editor will solve this problem for everyone.

1. How to water and fertilize the golden spider lily, time/times

As a fine product in the spider orchid, the cultivation method of golden heart spider orchid is not easy, especially on water and fertilizer, the control of quantity must be paid attention to. As for how to water and fertilize the golden-heart spider orchid, because watering and fertilizing is a technical activity, so at the right time, proper watering and fertilization is crucial. Specific requirements, we continue to look down.

(1)How to Water a Golden Heart

Golden-heart spider orchid likes moist environment, in the basin soil long-term moist conditions, it can grow better. Therefore, in order to keep the pot soil moist, flower friends must water frequently, but Jinxin spider plant bogey ponding, so the soil must be permeable to water. Next, let's take a look at the watering time of the golden heart spider lily.

1, spring and autumn watering, 2-3 days/time

The golden heart spider orchid likes warm environment, so the spring and autumn with suitable temperature is its growth period, at this time watering is generally 2-3 days once.

2. Summer watering, 1 day/time

Summer temperatures are high and water evaporates quickly, so the watering time for golden-heart spider plants should be shortened, preferably once a day. However, summer watering should pay attention to, watering should be sufficient, around noon and evening should also spray water on the branches and leaves, in case the leaves dry up.

3, winter watering, reduce watering

Winter temperature is low, water evaporation is slow, at this time to the golden heart spider watering time to extend, watering once a week can be. However, the specific situation also depends on the basin soil, in general, to keep the basin soil moist.

(2)How to apply fertilizer to golden spider lily

It is understood that golden-heart spider orchid is a relatively fertilizer-resistant foliage plant, in the first cultivation, must let fertilizer water sufficient; in the growth period can be every 10-15 days, compound fertilizer; if it is outdoor cultivation, can apply thin decomposed cake fertilizer water, human excrement and so on.

Note: once the lack of fertilizer, it is easy to coke head aging, resulting in yellow symptoms of golden heart spider leaves; too much fertilizer can not be applied, which will cause golden heart spider rotten roots, golden heart spider leaves withered and other symptoms.

In general, golden-heart spider orchid effect is very strong, but want to play its maximum effect, in watering and fertilization must pay attention to, it is best to follow the above requirements. As for the watering and fertilization methods of golden heart spider orchid, Xiaobian introduced this, hoping to bring help to everyone.

Chlorophytum comosum is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, a common flower and is now widely cultivated. Evergreen perennial herb with rhizomes underground, slender leaves, linear-lanceolate, yellow-white longitudinal stripes at center, clasping stems at base, bright green. The axils of leaves give birth to creeping branches, extending out of the clump, bending outward, and bearing small plants with aerial roots at the top. White, perianth 6, florescence spring summer. Flower language: "helpless and give people hope." Is a common office, home bonsai green plants. Golden heart spider orchid breeding methods and precautions Golden heart spider orchid introduction Golden heart spider orchid, Latin scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum, is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae spider orchid, common flowers, now widely planted Evergreen perennial herb with rhizomes underground, slender leaves, linear-lanceolate, yellow-white longitudinal stripes at center, clasping stems at base, bright green. The axils of leaves give birth to creeping branches, extending out of the clump, bending outward, and bearing small plants with aerial roots at the top. White, perianth 6, florescence spring summer. Flower language: "helpless and give people hope." Is a common office, home bonsai green plant. Golden heart spider orchid morphological characteristics golden heart spider orchid is evergreen perennial herbs, underground part has rhizomes, fleshy and short, transverse or oblique, leaves slender, linear lanceolate, the center with yellow and white longitudinal stripes, the base holds stems, bright green. The axils of leaves give birth to creeping branches, extending out of the clump, bending outward, and bearing small plants with aerial roots at the top. White, 6 petals. The florescence spring summer of golden-heart spider orchid. The ecological habits of golden heart spider orchid golden heart spider orchid like warm and humid, like half shade, avoid the sun in summer, the requirements for soil are relatively high, like loose, fertile, sandy soil. When the room temperature is 20℃, the stem and leaf grow rapidly, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5℃. Flowers bloom in spring and summer. Chlorophytum like warm and humid climate, suitable for long-term growth in humid, semi-shady environment. The cold tolerance of spider orchid is poor, and it does not like the hot growth environment. It should pay attention to shade in summer and heat preservation in winter. The cultivation technique of golden heart spider orchid is cultivated main point golden heart spider orchid sex likes warm, wet and half shade environment. It's less strict about the intensity of light. Its vigorous growth period is from March to September, and it can grow normally in winter as long as the temperature is not lower than 7℃. It grows better in regular wet conditions. Because it has fleshy roots, it can endure dryness for a period of time, so watering should pay attention to dry and wet, spring and autumn generally watering once every two to three days, summer generally watering once a day, winter plant growth is slow, appropriate reduction of water. Dry environment, low air humidity, often lead to leaf tip dry, affecting growth and viewing effects, so regular spraying, improve air humidity is more conducive to growth. Golden heart spider orchid in the growth period can be fertilized once a month, outdoor cultivation can be applied thin decomposed cake fertilizer water, human excrement; placed indoors, can apply some compound fertilizer. Generally every one to two years for a basin, basin soil available loose, fertile, well-drained sand. Change soil to change potted spider orchid in management, in order to seek lush stems and leaves, in March of each year should change soil, change pot 1 time. If the basin is deeper and the base month is sufficient, the basin can be changed once every two years. When turning over the pots, knock the plants out of the pots, cut off the withered roots and redundant roots, replace them with new culture soil rich in humus, and then apply livestock hoof slices or decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer. After planting, put in a warm place in the shade to slow down the seedlings. The optimum growth temperature of spider plant is about 25℃. After the plants recover and grow healthily, hang the flowerpot under the eaves or at an appropriate position indoors. The general height is not appropriate to meet, and pay attention to ventilation. Light appropriate golden-heart spider orchid happy half shade environment. Spring and autumn should avoid strong sunlight direct sun, summer sunlight is particularly strong, only see some oblique light in the morning and evening, during the day need to cover 50% of the sun a 70%, otherwise it will make the leaf tip dry, especially the mosaic varieties, more afraid of strong sunlight, Phnom Penh spider orchid in the weak light will grow more beautiful, yellow Phnom Penh more obvious, leaves more shiny. But winter should make it see more sunshine, in order to keep the leaves tender green. Family potted spider plants should be placed in front of the south window, otherwise the leaves will lose luster and even wither. Appropriate amount of fertilizer is more fertile leaf plants, if fertilizer and water shortage, easy to scorch head senescence, yellow leaves, loss of ornamental value. From late spring to early autumn, organic fertilizer solution can be applied once every 7 to 10 days, but for flower varieties such as Phnom Penh and Jinxin, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied less, so as to avoid flower color fading or even disappearing, affecting beauty. Can be properly applied bone meal, eggshell and other organic fertilizer retting system, to be fully fermented, take the right amount of diluent, every 10-15 days irrigation 1 time, can make flowers and leaves bright. Proper watering Jinxin spider orchid likes moist environment, always keep the pot soil moist, summer watering should be sufficient, around noon and evening should also spray water on the branches and leaves to prevent the leaves from drying up. Indoor often more dust, such as hanging orchid dust more, both affect its growth, but also damage the branches and leaves fresh, fresh, so often spray wash branches and leaves, keep branches and leaves bright and beautiful. Lower dead leaves, yellow leaves should be picked at any time, usually to maintain normal humidity, should not be dry or too wet. The propagation method of golden heart spider orchid is divided into plants. The old plants are separated before the greenhouse in spring in March, and can be planted separately, or the small plants on the stolons can be cut and cultivated, and they can also grow into large plants quickly. Golden-heart spider orchid is very fond of fertilizer, so in the cultivation process to be sufficient fertilizer, growth period every 10 days to apply topdressing, such as fertilizer and water shortage easy leaves yellow, leaf tip yellow, poor growth, in addition to winter can be grown outdoors, but also in ordinary room cultivation, pay attention to clean plants, keep clean, spring, autumn like half shade, summer avoid noon sun, winter to more sunlight, winter if the sun is insufficient leaves will yellow. The disease control of Chlorophytum chrysanthum is less, mainly physiological diseases, yellow leaf tip, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. Regular inspection, timely wipe out the leaves of scale insects, whiteflies and so on. Chlorophytum is not easy to occur diseases and insect pests, but if the pot soil ponding and poor ventilation, in addition to causing root rot, may also occur root rot, available carbendazim WP 500-800 times solution irrigation roots, once a week, 2-3 times can be used. The golden heart spider orchid likes warm and humid environment and is not cold-resistant. It is less cold-resistant than the general green leaf spider orchid. It is afraid of high temperature and strong light exposure, and is not resistant to drought, salinity and ponding. The suitable temperature for growth is 13-28℃, and the ambient temperature in winter should not be lower than 7℃. After frost, the lowest temperature in the morning may be close to 4℃, which will bring obvious chilling damage to the plants of Chlorophytum goldenatum. Although it could not be shown immediately at that time, after being moved indoors, due to insufficient light, dry air, high room temperature and poor ventilation, the chilling damaged plants must show green stripes on the leaves and brown edges. However, as long as the fleshy root system has not rotted and necrotic due to cold damage, etc., it will be moved to a bright place, control pot soil watering, increase foliar spray, turn over the pot before coming out of the room in the next spring, and trim off the withered and necrotic leaves. Strengthen fertilizer and water management, plants can quickly resume vigorous growth. Family potted spider orchid, in general, also often prone to leaf tip drying, leaves gradually lose luster and other phenomena. The distribution area of golden heart spider orchid golden heart spider orchid origin for South Africa, common flowers, widely planted. The medical information and health diet information of Jinxin Chlorophytum is for reference only and cannot be used as the basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Consult a healthcare professional for any health problems and follow medical advice for treatment of any ailments. Ultimate Flower Protection Mission: Love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not delay, do not give up hope, brave face, warm the silent world with love, care for the inner flower field attentively. The medicinal value of golden heart spider plant is very high, the whole grass can be used as medicine. It has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening lung, clearing away heat and phlegm, relieving cough and eliminating phlegm, and activating blood circulation. Can be used to treat fever, lung heat or lung yin deficiency, cough, hemoptysis and other diseases. In addition, it can also be decocted to treat pharyngitis and other oral diseases. Garden Use Landscape Use Chlorophytum chinense is an excellent indoor hanging foliage plant. It can be embedded in roadside crevices, or decorated on water stones or tree stumps. Comparison: Chlorophytum aurantium: The central part of leaf margin has yellow-white longitudinal stripes. Silver edge spider orchid: leaf margin green white. Phnom Penh spider orchid: leaf margin yellow white. The role of environmental protection value of the golden heart spider orchid has a good air purification effect, it can absorb carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde and benzene in the air and other harmful gases to the human body; in addition, the smell of spider orchid can also kill germs in the air. The flower language of the golden heart spider orchid was helpless, but there was still hope. The origin of the flower language "helpless but give hope," this comes from a legend. Once upon a time, there was an examiner who was jealous of talents. He paid special attention to talented people at ordinary times and made them especially difficult when it came to examinations. One year, he found out that a candidate named Lin Dexiang was very talented. After the exam, he collected all the papers surnamed Lin together. Sure enough, there was a man named Lin Dexiang who wrote very well. Compared with his godson's papers, it was a world of difference. After much thought, he decided to suppress Lin and let his godson go by the name of high school. Therefore, he began to mark Lin Dexiang's papers. At this time, someone came to report the emperor's visit in disguise. The examiner hurriedly hid the examination paper in the pot of lush orchids on the desk. The emperor was welcomed in, then stop official business, see the orchids on the desk, luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers contend for beauty, intentionally want. The examiner had no choice but to give it to the emperor. When the emperor returned to the palace, he was just about to watch the orchid carefully. Unexpectedly, the stems and leaves of the orchid were bent down, scattered and opened, revealing the examination paper. After reading the examination paper, the emperor thought that the examinee was an outstanding talent. After thinking carefully, he understood the mystery. He sent someone to call the examiner to the front of the palace, not only removed him from his official position, but also gave him the pot of flowers. The examiner was ashamed and angry, and soon died. Since then, the stems and leaves of this orchid have never straightened up, and gradually evolved into today's spider orchid; and its flower language "helpless, but still hopeful", also takes its meaning. How to deal with the withered leaves of golden-hearted spider lily, suitable light/proper watering/reasonable fertilization

As the most outstanding existence in the spider plant, the effect of the golden heart spider plant is very powerful, but the most impressive thing is its beautiful leaves, like a green waterfall, pouring down, just like a fairy descending to earth, very beautiful. So when the leaves of golden-heart spider plant wither, flower friends must be very anxious! In order to solve this problem, Xiaobian summarized 4 reasons and went to see them together.

1. The leaves of the golden spider wither, find out the reason

As a common potted plant, the cultivation method of Chlorophytum golden-heartum is not simple, and a little negligence, it will appear various problems, such as yellow leaves of Chlorophytum golden-heartum, withered leaves of Chlorophytum golden-heartum, etc., seriously affecting the ornamental nature of plants. What about the golden heart spider leaves withering? In general, it is reflected in light, watering, fertilization and humidity. We will look down on the details.

2. Causes and solutions of leaf withering of golden spider orchid

1, improper lighting

① Insufficient light: Golden heart spider orchid likes a semi-shady environment, and cannot grow in the process of light. Once in a dark environment for a long time, the golden-hearted spider plant will not get enough nutrients due to insufficient photosynthesis, resulting in leaf withering. Solution: very simple, supplementary light can be, but the light can not be too strong, astigmatism can be.

② The light is too strong: Jinxin spider plant avoids direct sunlight. Once it is placed in the sun in summer, its leaves will wither due to exposure. Solution: Move to the astigmatism (shading rate is best at 50%), slow down and water properly, and the leaves will return to health after a while.

2. Improper watering

① Insufficient watering: The growth of golden-hearted spider orchid cannot be separated from water. Once watered too little, the leaves will not absorb enough water for a long time, and will slowly wither. Solution: very simple, add water can, but not too much, keep the basin soil moist.

② Excessive watering: Although golden-hearted spider orchid likes wet environment, too much watering will lead to too wet pot soil, which will cause the appearance of rotten roots of golden-hearted spider orchid, and its external performance may be leaf withering. Solution: Stop watering, cut rotten roots after taking off pots, and replant them in different pots.

3. Improper fertilization

① Insufficient fertilization: The growth of golden-heart spider needs sufficient nutrients. Once too little fertilization leads to insufficient nutrients, its leaves will lack nutrition and wither. Solution: very simple, appropriate amount of fertilizer can be applied, in the growth period can be applied once every 20 days compound fertilizer, the main fertilizer do not splash on the leaves.

Excessive fertilization: In the growth process of golden heart spider orchid, sufficient fertilizer can make the leaves greener and more beautiful, but once excessive fertilization, it will cause burning roots, and the result is that the leaves cannot absorb water and nutrients and wither. The solution: irrigate to dilute fertilizer, remove pots and cut rotten roots in severe cases, and then replant.

4. Improper humidity

In addition to the above points, the leaf blight of golden heart spider plant may also be caused by humidity. It is understood that golden-heart spider orchid is very sensitive to air humidity, once the indoor humidity is relatively large or small, it will affect the growth of plants, leading to leaf wither phenomenon.

Solution: Summer and autumn season, indoor air is relatively dry, at this time should give the plant foliage and surrounding spray wet water, in order to increase the humidity of the air, to let the plant growth have vitality.