
Is clematis easy to grow insects? pest control of clematis / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Clematis is a kind of ornamental flower, which is also common in people's life nowadays. However, ornamental plants in the foot will also wilt if there are diseases and insect pests. About clematis easy to grow insects, clematis disease and pest control need to do, the following editor to take you to understand

Clematis is a kind of ornamental flower, which is also common in people's life nowadays. However, ornamental plants in the foot will also wilt if there are diseases and insect pests. About clematis easy to grow insects, clematis disease and pest control need to do, the following editor to take you to understand.

Is clematis easy to grow worms / improper maintenance is easy to grow insects

On the question of clematis easy to grow insects, in fact, it still depends on the maintenance process, if properly maintained, it is generally not easy to grow insects, on the contrary, if the maintenance method is not correct, it is easy to produce diseases and insect pests. There is a detailed explanation in the article on how to maintain the culture method of clematis, which is not introduced too much in this editor.

II. Disease and pest control of clematis

1. Red spider pest

Red spider is a common pest in the pest control of clematis. This pest is so small that it is difficult to detect with the naked eye and can only be judged by some symptoms. It mainly harms the leaves of plants, when there is this kind of insect pest, the leaves will show the phenomenon of yellowing and whitening, and will gradually spread to the whole body over time.

Prevention and control methods: the most direct way to prevent this pest is to use 1000 times of phenyledalin EC to spray, usually once every 7-10 days, about 2 times can basically completely eliminate this pest.

two。 Diamondback moth pest

The longest season of this pest is in summer, so we must pay attention to it at this time. Diamondback moth mainly harms the branches and leaves of plants, it will slowly eat plants, with the development of time will make the plant into a smooth rod, it can be said to do great harm.

Control methods: when this kind of pest occurs, it must be detected and dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise prolonged time will lead to the loss of nutrients and death of plants. To deal with it, we can use 1000 times of 50% malathion EC to spray and control the plant.

3. White silk disease

White silk disease mainly harms the rhizome of plants, when the disease occurs, there will be a lot of white hyphae in the rhizome, and then it will gradually spread, resulting in the phenomenon of dehydration of clematis, leading to the road of wilting and death.

Prevention and control methods: for this disease, we need root irrigation treatment, generally can use pentachloronitrobenzene 1000 times liquid to carry out, if found in time is basically cured.

4. Powder mildew disease

Powdery mildew is one of the main diseases of clematis, and it is possible to occur when the temperature is higher than 20 °C. therefore, maintenance must be done here, this disease mainly harms the branches of the plant, and there will be a lot of white powder on the branches when the disease occurs.

Control methods: to control this disease, we can choose to use methyl topiramate to spray the plant, generally spraying once in 7-10 days, and basically eliminate the disease after 2-3 times.

As for the question of whether clematis are easy to grow worms, I believe my friends have already understood it after reading the above. In fact, if you want to avoid plant diseases and insect pests, you must be careful in the process of maintenance. This is the end of the editor's introduction on clematis pest control. I hope I can help you all.

Key points of Clematis cultivation and Control of Diseases and insect pests

There are many varieties of clematis, and many new varieties of clematis are cultivated successfully every year, but some classic and highly adaptable varieties are still respected and loved by many clematis lovers. The following is to introduce the key points of clematis cultivation, pest control, application forms and so on.

1. Main points of nourishment

1.1 planting

Clematis roots are afraid of waterlogging but like a cool environment, so clematis planted in the ground or potted should keep their roots cool and dry. If the soil is planted and the garden soil is relatively sticky, it is suggested that soil improvement should be carried out, and humus soil, peat, perlite, coarse sand and other media can be used to improve soil drainage. In addition, be sure to cover the bottom of the planting hole with a layer of gravel to prevent the bottom of the root system from soaking in water for a long time. Potted clematis only need to go to the market to buy well-drained soil for planting. In order to make clematis grow strongly and bloom vigorously in the future, an appropriate amount of slow-release fertilizer can be applied during planting to ensure the supply of nutrients.

1.2 watering

Clematis planted on the ground need not be watered in other seasons except that clematis planted on the ground need to be watered in the morning and evening during the period of high temperature and little rain in summer. Potted clematis should abide by the watering principle of "dry and wet", that is, watering after the basin soil is dry, and watering should make the pot soil fully moist, so that the roots of clematis can grow healthily.

1.3 fertilization

In order for clematis to have a luxuriant flowering season, fertilization is an essential link. There are three important fertilization stages for planting clematis. First of all, in the initial planting, some slow-release fertilizers were mixed in the medium to provide nutrients for later growth and quickly grow into a robust plant. The second is to apply a thin layer of organic fertilizer to the roots of Clematis every year after the beginning of winter. Seaweed fertilizer or earthworm fertilizer can be selected to prepare for flowers in the coming year. The fertilizer in the third stage can be called "ritual fertilizer". After the end of flowering, slow-release fertilizer is applied on the soil surface to replenish a large amount of nutrients consumed by flowering in time.

1.4 pruning

The pruning of clematis is essential for plant shaping and promoting flowering. The main pruning methods of clematis can be divided into three categories. One is the non-pruning type, that is, it is allowed to grow, and the diseased branches and weak branches can be cleaned up after flowering every year. This pruning method is mainly aimed at a large class of clematis that bloom in early spring around March. The second type is light shear type, that is, clematis are retracted and cut to the range of 1m~1.5m from the ground at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This pruning method is mainly aimed at early flowering varieties with flowering period from April to May. The three types of pruning are heavy pruning. In late spring and early winter, all the branches of clematis are cut to the height of 0.3m~0.4m above the ground, so that clematis will pull out many strong branches during the growing season and keep the flowers within the best line of sight. This pruning type is suitable for late flowering clematis varieties with flowering period from May to June.

In addition, it should be noted that the pruning of clematis is not absolute, and some branches can be preserved and trimmed according to the desired shape, and finally create a unique shape of clematis.

two。 Pest control

2.1 leafminer

Clematis is strong in nature and rarely has serious diseases and insect pests in a large area. Leaf miner is a kind of pest that often occurs on the leaves of Clematis. The main symptom is a gray irregular curve on the leaf surface. This is due to the fact that the larvae of leaf miners eat mesophyll tissue in the leaves and form empty channels. Leaf miner will not cause great harm to the growth of clematis, but will have a certain impact on the ornamental value of clematis leaves. Once this symptom occurs, the damaged leaves can be cut off and burned in time. If the pest is serious, you can consider spraying insecticide.

2.2 Fusarium wilt

It happens occasionally on Clematis plants, but once it happens, it does great harm to the growth of Clematis and needs to be dealt with in time to avoid the spread of the disease. The symptom of Fusarium wilt is the drooping of leaves and branches, which is very similar to the wilting of plants due to lack of water, but it can not return to normal after watering. Once it is confirmed as Fusarium wilt, timely measures should be taken to look for the focus along the susceptible branch to the rhizome, which shows annular overflow and necrosis of the branch, and cut off the lower part of the branch in time until the pith of the branch is green. And burn off the diseased branches. Potted clematis should be replanted in pots and soil, while ground-planted clematis should replace all the soil in the 15cm around the rhizome and spray fungicides.

3. Application form

Clematis is very suitable for potted viewing on the balcony or directly planted in the open field, but because it is wound and climbed by stems or leaves, it should be provided with a climbing flower frame no matter where it is planted.

3.1 Pillar

The most common form of iron lotus flower rack, you can buy a finished flower rack, either iron or plastic, or make one yourself using the sturdy branches trimmed in the garden. However, it should be noted that with the growth of seedling age, the branches grow faster, so it is best to choose strong, load-bearing flower racks when purchasing or making their own flower racks, so as to avoid the trouble of flower rack collapse in the later stage.

3.2 Higaki style

If you want to decorate the wall with clematis, the wall-mounted flower rack is a better choice. Use a rectangular flower box as a container, insert a flat flower rack, and then place it on the wall. For some tall courtyard walls, if you want to achieve the effect of clematis covered with clematis, you can plant them directly and fix solid metal mesh or wire on the walls to help clematis climb. After 2 or 3 years of careful care, you can have a flower wall full of clematis.

3.3 sagging

This planting method is more suitable for evergreen clematis, such as' silver coin'(C. cartmanii Joe') and 'elf' (C.Pixie). Because this kind of clematis plant is relatively compact, slow growth, even if the branches are completely drooping can also be very good flowering, very suitable for planting in the hanging basin, arranged on the balcony. Other clematis varieties can also be made into hanging potted plants, but the branches will grow too long, resulting in entanglement, affecting the flowering effect and ornamental, so it is not suitable for long-term planting.

3.4 screen type

In public landscaping, we can try to combine the hanging planting methods to form a flower screen full of clematis. If you use this way of landscaping, try to avoid using clematis with small flowers such as' bell clematis'. Clematis with large flowers are more ornamental because of their eye-catching flowers.

3.5 ground cover

The most common way to watch clematis is to build supports and climb to watch, but it also has a certain creeping nature, which can also be used as ground cover plants. Planting clematis on sites with slopes and undulating terrain, without any support for its spread and growth, is also a creative and ornamental planting form, which is more suitable for application in private gardens or exquisite public landscaping. Except for bell clematis and clematis, other types of clematis are suitable for this application.

3.6 Corridor frame

Clematis is a kind of plant with strong climbing ability, which can be planted in the gallery or arch in landscaping or conditional private courtyard. About 2-3 years, with proper pruning, the gallery frame can be basically covered, forming a better landscape effect.

These are all the contents of clematis. If you are interested in clematis, come to Huinong to learn more.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Clematis clematis

It is said that clematis is a kind of plant that is easy to grow. It is said that it is easy to grow because clematis can grow well without much care. Many flower friends have feedback that clematis are difficult to maintain, and on the one hand, there are diseases and insect pests. So we succulent flower beds to introduce clematis pest control.

Pest control

Clematis has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. Serious damage to diseases and insect pests rarely occurs. The disease is caused by Fusarium wilt, which is likely to clear up on rainy days in summer. when the temperature rises sharply, the branches suddenly wither, and new techniques often sprout in autumn or the following spring. Others have powdery mildew (harmful leaves or flowers), virus diseases (yellow spots in leaves, flower deformities), etc., sprayed with 1000 times of acetic acid solution of 10% antibacterial agent. Pests are harmful to red spiders and stinging moths, which are sprayed with 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion EC.

Clematis white silk disease

1. Symptoms: Clematis white silk disease occurs at the root and stem base of the plant. Generally, the disease begins at the rhizome near the ground, and then spreads to the upper and underground parts. finally, the root system of the whole plant is surrounded by white hyphae, and the root base is rotten. The disease site first showed brown water stains, and then the cortex rotted, the plant showed symptoms of dehydration, and then slowly became scorched, such as being roasted by fire.

2. Prevention and control methods:

(1) treatment and control of diseased plants.

In the early stage of the disease, the mycelium revolves around the cortex of the root neck, and the plants are not invaded. Some of the roots may have been wound around the hyphae, and some of the fleshy roots may begin to rot. At this time, the plants can be re-cut, and then the roots can be rinsed in clean water. After slightly drying, soak the 1~2min in 1000-1500 times chlorothalonil solution, re-plant into a new clean cultivation medium, and then irrigate the roots with 1000 times pentachloronitrobenzene solution. The general prevention and treatment rate can reach 80%.

(2) Prevention and control of agricultural measures

① does a good job of matrix disinfection and sterilization. The organic fertilizer used in cultivation should be used after full ripening to avoid pathogenic bacteria in the culture medium due to the use of organic fertilizer. The new seedlings were put into the pot, and the cultivation substrate should be disinfected with 1000 times solution of methyl topiramate or chlorothalonil.

② should clean up the weeds in the cultivation site, arrange the cultivation density reasonably, improve the ventilation and light transmittance of the cultivation environment, and create a good field microclimate. Rain Water can effectively control the occurrence of diseases by draining water in time and reducing humidity.

③ should take good measures of fertilizer and water management, make rational use of fertilizer, pay attention to the combined use of NPK, cultivate strong seedlings and improve plant disease resistance; clematis are mainly potted, and the cultivation substrate has good air permeability and water permeability, and the mixed substrate of perlite, peat soil and loose scales can be used, and the proportion can be prepared at 1:3:1.

3. Chemical control

The prevention and control of Clematis white silk disease should be based on prevention, which is usually very serious when it is found. In the season of high temperature and high humidity, combined with fertilizer and water management, it can be treated with 1000 times of methyl topiramate or pentachloronitrobenzene or methyl fumarate EC every 10 days. if there is a disease, it can be sprayed continuously for 2 days, and the fungicide solution can be used to sterilize the surface near the diseased plant.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt is the most important disease of clematis, which can occur suddenly and shrink the whole plant, although the plant still has good roots. Spraying carbendazim or topiramate once every 2 weeks and repeating 2-3 times can effectively inhibit the occurrence of the disease.

Powder mildew

Powdery mildew is another disease harmful to Clematis clematis. It is easy to occur when the temperature is more than 20 ℃ and high humidity. Carbendazim and methyl topiramate can be used alternately every other week for 3 or 4 times.