
What to do with the growing insects of evening primrose, pest control of beautiful evening primrose / 2 insect pests and 2 diseases

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Evening primrose is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many gardens and flower beds in our country. However, no matter how beautiful flowers encounter diseases and insect pests, there will still be phenomena such as yellowing and wilting, which will destroy its beauty as a whole. What about Evening Primrose with worms?

Evening primrose is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many gardens and flower beds in our country. However, no matter how beautiful flowers encounter diseases and insect pests, there will still be phenomena such as yellowing and wilting, which will destroy its beauty as a whole. On the evening primrose insect how to do, beautiful evening primrose pest control and how to do, the following editor to take you to understand.

1. What if the evening primrose grows worms?

On the evening primrose worms how to do, when there is such a problem, first of all we have to understand what is the emergence of diseases and insect pests, only the reason we are good targeted treatment, the treatment method is also relatively simple, the general choice of pharmaceutical care is the most direct choice.

II. Pest control of Evening Primrose

1. Aphid pest

Evening Primrose is a differentiated variety of evening primrose, and its diseases and insect pests are the same as those of evening primrose. Aphids are a kind of pest that exists in many plants. It mainly harms the leaves of plants. It will suck the sap of the leaves, resulting in the gradual loss of plant nutrients and direct death.

Control method: when this kind of pest occurs, the most direct method is to use medicament treatment. We can choose 1000 times of fenitrothion emulsion to spray the pests, which is usually sprayed once every 7 days, and these pests can be completely eliminated after 2-3 times.

two。 Tonglu beautiful golden turtle pest

In the pest control of the beautiful evening primrose, the golden turtle pest is a relatively common one, which mainly harms the seedlings of the evening primrose, gnawing on the seedlings, resulting in stunted development. if it is not treated in time, it will lead to the death of the seedlings.

Control methods: to control this pest, we can choose to use fried fragrant wheat bran and 90% crystal trichlorfon 30 times liquid to mix into poison bait to lure and kill copper green golden turtles, so as to play a role in prevention and control. There are also doubts that we should remember that after clearing this pest, we should remember to disinfect the evening primrose in time to avoid residual virus.

3. Spot blight disease

The main harm part of this disease is the leaves of evening primrose. In the initial stage, it will appear brown spots on the leaves, and the range will gradually expand with the passage of time. In the later stage, it will make the leaves withered and yellow.

Prevention and treatment: when you encounter this disease, you must deal with it as soon as possible. We can choose 65% Daimen zinc 400-500 times to spray the plant, usually once every half a month, generally 1-2 times after the basic elimination of this disease.

4. Rot disease

Rot is a disease in many plants, which is caused by bacteria or fungi. This disease mainly threatens the roots of plants, as the name implies, the occurrence of this disease will lead to plant shrinkage and decay.

Prevention and control methods: when this disease occurs, it must be prevented and treated at the initial stage, if it is too late, it may be difficult to cure it. In the initial discovery, we can use 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times solution to irrigate the plant, which can play a good control effect.

As for the question of how to do the long insects of evening primrose, after reading the above, I believe you have already understood that in fact, the most important thing in the process of plant culture is to be careful, as long as you take good care of rarely the phenomenon of diseases and insect pests. This is the end of the editor's introduction to the pest control of beautiful evening primrose. I hope this article can bring you some help.

Diseases and insect pests of evening primrose and their control methods

Diseases and Control methods of Evening Primrose

Rot is one of the diseases that plague evening primrose. After the disease, the roots of the plant gradually change color and rot, the leaves shrink and dry, and in serious cases, it will lead to the death of the whole plant.

Prevention and cure method

It can be irrigated with 1% lime water, 50% topiramate 1500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times.

Spot blight

Spot blight mainly harms the leaves of Evening Primrose. The pathogen is Evening Primrose, which belongs to the subphylum of semi-knowns and Cercospora. The pathogen overwintered with conidia and mycelium in the residual body, and the conidia were released for primary infection after water absorption by conidia in the following spring.

The disease transmission of spot blight mainly depends on raindrop splash and air circulation. Seeds carry bacteria to cause long-distance transmission, and the high temperature and humidity environment is the most prone to the disease, so the high temperature and rainy season from July to August every year is the peak period of the disease.

After the disease, there will be round, light brown spots on the leaves, about 2mm in diameter, with purplish red edges, brown in the middle, dense small black spots, and in severe cases, the leaves gradually wither and fall.

Prevention and cure method

In autumn, diseased leaves and seriously diseased plants are thoroughly removed and burned and discarded.

Soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim or 50% mancozeb 500 times solution for 30 minutes before sowing, and then sow them after drying.

At the initial stage of the disease, 50% mancozeb 500 times solution or 50% carbendazim 600 times solution and other agents were sprayed once, with an interval of 10 li for 15 days.

Insect pests of Evening Primrose and its Control methods

This kind of disease and insect will harm the plant seedlings in the larval stage, bite the branches and stems, and lead to the underdevelopment of the seedlings.

In the adult stage, it will affect the flowering of plants and affect the petals to a certain extent.

Prevention and cure method

Poison bait was made by mixing fried fragrant wheat bran with 90% crystal trichlorfon 30 times solution.

Mix the bait directly with 50% phoxim EC at 1:1 and trap.

The culture methods and matters needing attention of evening primrose, as well as its pest control

Evening primrose is a very special flower. Unlike other flowers, it blossoms at night. Its design is small and elegant, and it is very beautiful. When it blossoms, the flower is full of fragrance, but unfortunately it does not bloom during the day. Today, I would like to take you to learn about the breeding methods and pest control of evening primrose.

Culture method

1. Light

Evening primrose like light, suitable for cultivation in the courtyard ventilation bright place, can also be raised on the balcony, absorb sunlight every day.

two。 Fertilizer application

During the growth period, liquid fertilizer was applied twice a month. Nitrogen fertilizer was the main fertilizer in the growth period, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was used in the bud stage.

3. Watering

Evening primrose is more drought-tolerant, but not resistant to waterlogging, the soil surface should be watered when it is dry, and should be ploughed and weeded at the right time after each watering, in order to preserve soil moisture and ventilation, and promote plant growth.

4. Soil

Evening primrose for soil requirements are not strict, generally neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil can, good drainage, loose and fertile sandy soil growth situation is the best.

Matters needing attention

The main results are as follows: 1. If the evening primrose transplanted from other places, it is necessary to pick the heart after planting slow seedlings to promote its branches and plants to dwarf and increase the number of flowers.

2. During the flowering period of evening primrose, thin human urine or fermented liquid fertilizer of bean cake, rapeseed cake and color bone were mixed with 9 portions of water, once every 3 minutes and 4 days. Stop fertilizing the evening primrose half a month before it overwinters.

3. Evening primrose is generally suitable for sowing in October, transferring the seedlings indoors in winter and planting in spring. For biennial cultivation, the number of flowering is more than that of annual cultivation. Cutting is suitable for spring and summer, about a month to take root and sprout, about 85 days after survival on the pot, it can blossom.

Pest control

1. Rot disease

Rot is one of the diseases that plague evening primrose. After the disease, the roots of the plant gradually change color and rot, the leaves shrink and dry, and in serious cases, it will lead to the death of the whole plant.

Prevention and cure method

It can be irrigated with 1% lime water, 50% topiramate 1500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 1000 times.

two。 Spot blight

Spot blight mainly harms the leaves of Evening Primrose. The pathogen is Evening Primrose, which belongs to the subphylum of semi-knowns and Cercospora. The pathogen overwintered with conidia and mycelium in the residual body, and the conidia were released for primary infection after water absorption by conidia in the following spring. The high temperature and humidity environment is the most prone to the disease, so the high temperature and rainy season from July to August is the peak period of the disease. After the disease, there will be round, light brown spots on the leaves, about 2mm in diameter, with purplish red edges, brown in the middle, dense small black spots, and in severe cases, the leaves gradually wither and fall.

Prevention and cure method

In autumn, diseased leaves and seriously diseased plants are thoroughly removed and burned and discarded. Soak the seeds with 50% carbendazim or 50% mancozeb 500 times solution for 30 minutes before sowing, and then sow them after drying. At the initial stage of the disease, 50% mancozeb 500 times solution or 50% carbendazim 600 times solution and other agents were sprayed once, with an interval of 10 li for 15 days.

3. Copper green beautiful golden turtle

This kind of disease and insect will harm the plant seedlings in the larval stage, bite the branches and stems, and lead to the underdevelopment of the seedlings. In the adult stage, it will affect the flowering of plants and affect the petals to a certain extent.

Prevention and cure method

Poison bait was made by mixing fried fragrant wheat bran with 90% crystal trichlorfon 30 times solution. Mix the bait directly with 50% phoxim EC at 1:1 and trap.

The above is my arrangement of evening primrose culture methods, as well as pest control, hope to be helpful to the majority of flower friends, but also please continue to pay attention to succulent flower beds and learn more about flower conservation.