
What to do when the spring feather grows worms? the control / maintenance of common diseases and insect pests of spring feather is very important.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When we plant spring feathers, if improper maintenance or environmental discomfort, may cause diseases and insect pests, it is great harm to plants, then what if spring feathers grow insects? Today, let's learn about the correct prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests in Chunyu.

When we plant spring feathers, if improper maintenance or environmental discomfort, may cause diseases and insect pests, it is great harm to plants, then what if spring feathers grow insects? Today we will learn about the correct prevention and control methods of common diseases and insect pests in Chunyu.

What if the spring feather grows worms?

Usually, if we are familiar with the breeding methods and precautions of Chunyu, it is rare to have long insects or diseases, and once there are diseases and insect pests, corresponding measures should be taken in time according to the diseases and insect pests. The insects that target Chunyu are mainly red spiders and shell insects; the diseases are leaf spot, anthracnose and so on.

1. Common insect pests in spring feathers

1. Red spider

The red spider can spread with the help of the wind. Once this pest is found on the spring feather, it should be removed in time, otherwise it may quickly crisis to other plants, and the cause of the red spider is generally low humidity and dry heat. Spray with 15 grams of laundry detergent, 20% sodium hydroxide 15 milliliters and 7.5 kilograms of water, and kill the red spider after 2 days.

Note: after killing the red spider, we need to place it to appear again, do not let the spring feather in the dry and hot environment for a long time, frequent watering and ventilation can place the appearance of the red spider.

2. Scale insects

Shell insects are the most common spring feather pests, which are more likely to appear than red spiders. Scientific studies have shown that the occurrence of shell insects may be caused by poor ventilation and insufficient light, so reasonable maintenance should be taken after the shell insects are removed.

Note: mix liquor and water at 1:2 to prepare the solution, then pour it on the surface of the basin soil, hand in once every half a month to control scale insects. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests in spring feathers, so that spiders have enough light and keep them in a ventilated environment.

2. Diseases of spring feathers

1. Leaf spot

Leaf spot is the most common disease of spring feather. it is characterized by round leaf spots on leaves, brown to brown in color, dark brown edges, yellow halos on the periphery, and spots of different sizes on the disease spots.

Prevention and control measures: it can be sprayed with 50% concentration of Duling bacteria diluted into 1000 times solution, or it can be controlled by wettable powder such as methyl topiramate and Dysen zinc.

2. Anthrax

Round or oval reddish-brown spots appear on the leaves, and then gradually expand, the edges will become purple-brown, the most hot spots will become black-brown, causing the leaves to dry up and fall off, and in serious cases, it will make the spring feather leaves yellowing, and even more than half of the leaves will die.

Prevention and control measures: cut off the diseased leaves, spray 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder, generally spray once in 7-10 days, about 3 times in a row can achieve good results. In addition, attention should be paid to fertilization and watering.

Conclusion: when planting spring feathers, the prevention and control of common diseases and insect pests of spring feathers must be understood. In fact, many diseases are caused by the environment and conservation, so in order to reduce the number of diseases and insect pests, we need to pay more attention to maintenance at ordinary times. and make the environment where Chunyu is clean and hygienic.

Propagation methods of potted spring feathers and control measures of main diseases and insect pests

How to grow spring feathers in potted plants? How do you breed? Spring feather is a common potted plant in the family courtyard, which is highly ornamental. Today, we will learn the cultivation techniques of potted spring feather reproduction and pest control with the editor of Huinong net.

I. Propagation methods

Sowing propagation, ramet propagation and cutting propagation can be used.

1. Sowing and reproduction

Sowing seeds in ① seedbed.

A. Seed treatment. Soaking the seeds for about 8 hours before sowing can germinate earlier and increase the germination rate. The optimum temperature for germination was 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ and germinated 7 ~ 10 days after sowing.

b. Get the seedbed ready. The seedbed should choose sandy loam with loose soil structure, low groundwater level, good drainage and rich in organic matter, and disinfect the soil. In order to avoid weeds in the future, chemical herbicides can be sprayed once.

c. Sow seeds. The sowing depth is about 2 ~ 3mm. After sowing, it is necessary to cover a layer of fine soil, spray enough water with a fine hole spray can, spray it once or twice a day, and begin to germinate after 1 week. When the seedlings grow 2 ~ 3 leaves, the thin mixed fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium can be applied once, and then once every 7 days.

② sowed seeds in shallow pots.

A. Sowing substrate. It can be prepared with sterilized loose sandy rotten leaf soil, or yellow mud, coconut bran and perlite filtered with a small sieve at the ratio of 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1.

b. Sow seeds in shallow pots. It is best to use on-demand, can also be sown, but to be uniform, do not sow too dense, too dense will be detrimental to the growth of seedlings.

c. Spray water to moisturize. After sowing, spray through the water with a sprayer, then cover with a newspaper or plastic film, keep it moist for a long time, and wait for the seeds to germinate before opening.

two。 Ramet propagation

The vigorous growth of perennial plants can produce tillers at the base, and when the buds grow and adventitious roots appear, they can be divided and potted separately. You can also choose a plant with longer internodes, remove all the leaves except the terminal bud and one leaf, then cut off the terminal bud with 1 or 2 aerial roots and put it on the pot directly. The rest of the plants were kept in a moist and semi-shaded place to keep the soil moist. The base of the petiole of the internode of spring feather has a strong ability of regeneration, and new buds will sprout soon after the terminal bud is cut off. The plants with the top cut in early spring germinated several buds in the axils of the internodes after 20 days, and the bud spots could grow only one week after the top was cut off in July. The newly germinated buds can be cut off from the same part of the root after 20 days. Generally, a large seedling can be divided into more than 5 seedlings. After putting on the pot, the seedlings are first placed in a shady place, and after a week, you can see a little sunshine, and gradually turn to normal maintenance.

3. Cuttage propagation

From March to June, the best cutting medium is coarse river sand or fresh yellow mud, and the river sand should be washed with clean water several times before use. The sturdy stems without diseases and insect pests were selected as cuttings. After the branches were cut, the sturdy parts were selected and cut into 2-3 long segments. Cut off all the leaves. To reduce water evaporation. When inserted into the sand bed, the temperature is controlled at about 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, it can take root in about 20 ~ 25 days, and the new buds can be transplanted into the pot at about 3 ~ 5cm.

Second, daily management methods

1. Upper basin management

After putting on the pot, the seedlings are first placed in a shady place, and after a week, you can see a little sunshine, and gradually turn to normal maintenance. Spring feathers grow fast, so it is necessary to adjust the management of water, fertilizer, light and temperature.

two。 Watering

Spring feathers have higher requirements for moisture, keep the soil moist in the growing season, do not wait for the soil to dry before watering, and often spray water on the leaf surface and the ground to maintain the high humidity of the surrounding environment, which is not only conducive to growth, but also makes the leaves fresh and bright. Full of vitality. In winter, the amount of water should be reduced and the basin soil should be kept wet and dry. Generally, the water should be watered once every 3-5 days, and the water temperature should not be too low, otherwise it is easy to suffer frost damage.

3. Fertilizer application

Spring feather likes fertilizer, and it is appropriate to apply mature thin liquid fertilizer or special fertilizer for foliage plants once a month during the growing period. 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can also be sprayed on the leaf surface, paying attention to less nitrogen fertilizer to prevent overgrowth. The Beginning of Autumn poured 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1-2 times before and after application to enhance cold resistance. After winter, the plant stops growing and topdressing should be stopped.

4. Temperature

The optimum temperature for spring feather growth is 15 ℃ ~ 28 ℃, in which the optimum temperature from March to September is 21 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, from October to February is 18 ℃ ~ 21 ℃, the dormant period is below 15 ℃, the overwintering temperature is 14 ℃ ~ 16 ℃, the winter room temperature is more than 8 ℃, the lowest can not be lower than 2 ℃. The larger plants can endure a low temperature of about 0 ℃ for a short time, and as long as the stems and roots are not frozen, they can quickly resume their growth the following spring.

5. Light

Chunyu prefers semi-overcast environment. In the growing season, direct sunlight should be avoided, and bright scattered light is better, such as the north side of the building and the shade of the trees. Sunshade nets can be built under conditions to maintain 50% ~ 70% light transmittance. The leaves are easy to burn or yellowing if the light is too strong, which affects the ornamental value. Indoor layout should be placed in a place with sufficient light, if it is in a dark environment for a long time, it is very disadvantageous to the growth of the plant.

III. Pest control

1. Disease

There are mainly leaf spot, gray leaf spot, gray mold, mosaic disease, anthrax, virus disease, soot disease, soft rot and so on.

① leaf spot. The disease spot is nearly round or irregular, light brown or grayish brown, the margin is raised, and the boundary between the healthy part is obvious. There are small black spots on the disease spot, and most of them are born on the vein, and only a few small black spots can be seen on the back of the leaf. Prevention and treatment: after the appearance of disease spot, spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x or 12% green EC 600x, 50% Baike wettable powder 800x, 50% chlorobromoisochlorouric acid (germicidal king) water soluble powder 1000 ~ 1200 times. Once a week, spray 2-3 times continuously and use alternately to prevent drug resistance.

② gray spot. The leaf spot is nearly round to irregular, grayish brown to grayish white, the disease part is easy to break and fall off, forming irregular perforation, and the edge of the spot often remains a circle of diseased tissue. There are small black grains on the spot surface, which is the sporangium of the fruiting body of the disease. Prevention and treatment methods: at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder solution, or 20% compound thiophanate 600-fold solution, or 40% flusilazole EC 8000 times, or 50% Shibaogong wettable powder 8000 times, or 69% Anke manganese zinc + 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder (1 ∶ 1) 1200 times, or 65% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times, sprayed once every 7-15 days. Spray 2 ~ 3 times continuously and use alternately to prevent drug resistance.

③ Botrytis cinerea. The disease spot on the leaf occurs at the leaf margin, nearly round to irregular, water-stained, light brown to brown, sometimes with rims. The disease spot on the stem has irregular long strip shape, showing brown, and the stem soft rot collapses when it is seriously damaged. Buds are infected to produce withered buds and deformities in varying degrees. Grey mold layer can be produced in all the affected parts.

Prevention and treatment: spray 500 times of 40% germicidal Dan wettable powder at the initial stage of the disease, once every 10 days, 3 ~ 4 times continuously.

④ mosaic disease. The appearance of yellow-green spots on the leaf surface is mosaic-like, the leaf surface is wrinkled or twisted, and the ornamental value is reduced. Prevention and treatment methods: at the initial stage of the disease, 7.5% Keduling water was sprayed with 900x solution or 32% Ningnanmycin 250x solution, 10% Baolifeng virus Rike, each drug was mixed with water for 10 ~ 15kg, once every 10 ~ 15 days, continuous prevention and treatment for 2 ~ 3 times. The nursery room should use gauze at the entrance and exit to prevent aphids from moving in and transmitting virus.

⑤ anthrax. The symptoms of the disease are similar to the initial symptoms of Botrytis cinerea, which mainly occur at the leaf crack and on the leaf surface. In the initial stage, the plaque expanded to form irregular large spots, brown, yellow halo outside the edge, obvious wheel pattern in the later stage of the disease, and the central tissue was light brown. There are small black grains in the upper whorl. Prevention and treatment methods: at the initial stage of the disease, 25% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, or 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 500 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times, once every 10 days, prevention and treatment 2 ~ 3 times.

⑥ virus disease. The leaf margin is wavy and curled, the leaf is twisted and uneven, some leaves are mottled with yellow and green, the leaf is thickened, the tip is small and hard. Prevention and treatment: 0.5% antitoxin No. 1 600 times solution, or 2% Ningnanmycin 200 ~ 300 times solution, 4% Blian biotin 200 ~ 300 times solution, spray 2 hours before sunset, once every 10 days, prevention and treatment 2 ~ 3 times.

⑦ soot disease. The disease occurs on the leaves damaged by scale insects and forms an irregular layer of dirty black coal powder on the diseased leaves. Prevention and control methods: spray 1000-1200 times of metacarpine emulsion, or 40% omethoate EC, or 50% malathion EC when the shellfish population density is high. The effect of spraying during the peak incubation period is good.

⑧ soft rot. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves wilted and drooped in sunny days, returned to normal in cloudy days or sooner or later, and the veins of the injured leaves turned dark brown. Prevention and treatment methods: before and at the beginning of the disease, 1000 times of the original powder of dioxone or 38% cuproloxil, or 50% benzoylammonium, or 77% copper hydroxide wettable powder can be sprayed every 7 ~ 10 days for 2 ~ 3 times, and the severe cases can be treated with root irrigation.

two。 Insect pest

There are mainly shell insects, red spiders and so on.

① scale. Often clustered on stems, leaves and flowers.

Control methods: according to the occurrence of shell insects, spray in the peak period of nymphs. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate, 1200 times of malathion, 255x of imidophos, 800x of 50% dichlorvos, or 2000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin. Spray once every 7 ~ 10 days for 2 ~ 3 times.

② red spider. The initial symptoms are leaf chlorosis, leaf margin rolling upward, resulting in withering and shedding, causing bud atrophy in the early stage and plant death in severe cases.

Prevention and control methods: it was found that the harm could be 1000 ~ 1200 times of triclofenac EC, 2000 times of 20% mifenjing wettable powder, 2000 times of 15% chlorpromazine EC and 4000 ~ 6000 times of mifen EC. Once a week, spray 3 ~ 4 times continuously, the effect is remarkable.

That's all about the planting method of spring feather potted plants today. Friends who have planted spring feathers at home can read and learn more.

Control methods of main diseases and insect pests of spring feather

Fewer diseases and insect pests. Common leaf spot disease and scale insect damage.

Leaf spot disease was sprayed with 1000 times of 50% carbendazim and shell insects were sprayed with 1000 times of 50% omethoate EC.